Twitter and Facebook take down highly edited video posted by Donald

Donald J Trump is a despicable human.

Anyone with more than a second grade education understood the satire behind it. Is that why you're having a problem?

Most of Trump's base has the mentality of a second grader, grounded with rapt attention to a reality TV star who talks like a 4th grader.
Trump Speaks At Fourth-Grade Level, Lowest Of Last 15 U.S. Presidents, New Analysis Finds
1/8/18 at 12:41 PM EST
Which explains why his base loves him...they communicate well!
I've argued for a long time that I didn't know if Trump was a racist but he knew he had to appeal to racism to win.

What appeal to racism are you referring to?
Anyone with more than a second grade education understood the satire behind it. Is that why you're having a problem?

I understand satire perfectly. That ain't satire.

Oh, really? What is it? Enlighten us, oh wise one.
As an a side..have you noticed that all of your posts are questions? It's a troll-like tactic to confuse the issue, IMO.

there's a word for your tactic...

  • adjective Not straightforward or candid; insincere or calculating.
  • adjective Pretending to be unaware or unsophisticated; faux-naïf.
  • adjective Usage Problem Unaware or uninformed; naive.
from The Century Dictionary.
  • Not ingenuous; not open, frank, or candid; uncandid; insincere: as, a disingenuous person; a disingenuous answer.
from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.
  • adjective Not noble; unbecoming true honor or dignity; mean; unworthy.
  • adjective Not ingenuous; wanting in noble candor or frankness; not frank or open; uncandid; unworthily or meanly artful.
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
  • adjective Not noble; unbecoming true honor or dignity; mean; unworthy; fake or deceptive.
  • adjective Not ingenuous; not frank or open; uncandid; unworthily or meanly artful.
  • adjective Assuming a pose of naivete to make a point or for deception.
  • adjective not straightforward or candid; giving a false appearance of frankness
The Trump team think they can split the populace like they did in 2016. We are used to his constant lies and racism...

??? you have decided that the present BLM
violence and vandalism is facilitated, secretly,
by Trump?
As an a side..have you noticed that all of your posts are questions? It's a troll-like tactic to confuse the issue, IMO.

there's a word for your tactic...

I'm asking legitimate questions to your Straw Man arguments that so far none of you have been able to quantity when pressed on it.

Why is that?
It was a doctored video, that everyone knew was a doctored video, with the intent of giving an example of fake news.

But the left, has a difficult time figuring things like this out, so they punted with the usual "RACIST!!!!!" labels.
Anyone with more than a second grade education understood the satire behind it. Is that why you're having a problem?

I understand satire perfectly. That ain't satire.

Oh, really? What is it? Enlighten us, oh wise one.
As an a side..have you noticed that all of your posts are questions? It's a troll-like tactic to confuse the issue, IMO.

there's a word for your tactic...

  • adjective Not straightforward or candid; insincere or calculating.
  • adjective Pretending to be unaware or unsophisticated; faux-naïf.
  • adjective Usage Problem Unaware or uninformed; naive.
from The Century Dictionary.
  • Not ingenuous; not open, frank, or candid; uncandid; insincere: as, a disingenuous person; a disingenuous answer.
from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.
  • adjective Not noble; unbecoming true honor or dignity; mean; unworthy.
  • adjective Not ingenuous; wanting in noble candor or frankness; not frank or open; uncandid; unworthily or meanly artful.
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
  • adjective Not noble; unbecoming true honor or dignity; mean; unworthy; fake or deceptive.
  • adjective Not ingenuous; not frank or open; uncandid; unworthily or meanly artful.
  • adjective Assuming a pose of naivete to make a point or for deception.
  • adjective not straightforward or candid; giving a false appearance of frankness
can give us the aramaic for that one?
What appeal to racism are you referring to?

Is It really going to.matter to you what I say?

So you can't refer to any appeal to racism in the video?

Simply manipulating the video to say something out of context is an appeal.
Of course. Wish I could go. It'll be like bragging you marched with MLK someday.

Bragging that you attended an idiotic Trump rally immediately identifies you as an idiot. But most of us already know that. ;)

If that’s true, what does “bragging” about attending one of these events identity someone as?
(kinda fucked yourself on this one huh?)
It was a doctored video, that everyone knew was a doctored video, with the intent of giving an example of fake news.

But the left, has a difficult time figuring things like this out, so they punted with the usual "RACIST!!!!!" labels.
Got a link for that? Or is it just your take?
Anyone with more than a second grade education understood the satire behind it. Is that why you're having a problem?

I understand satire perfectly. That ain't satire.

Oh, really? What is it? Enlighten us, oh wise one.
As an a side..have you noticed that all of your posts are questions? It's a troll-like tactic to confuse the issue, IMO.

there's a word for your tactic...

  • adjective Not straightforward or candid; insincere or calculating.
  • adjective Pretending to be unaware or unsophisticated; faux-naïf.
  • adjective Usage Problem Unaware or uninformed; naive.
from The Century Dictionary.
  • Not ingenuous; not open, frank, or candid; uncandid; insincere: as, a disingenuous person; a disingenuous answer.
from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.
  • adjective Not noble; unbecoming true honor or dignity; mean; unworthy.
  • adjective Not ingenuous; wanting in noble candor or frankness; not frank or open; uncandid; unworthily or meanly artful.
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
  • adjective Not noble; unbecoming true honor or dignity; mean; unworthy; fake or deceptive.
  • adjective Not ingenuous; not frank or open; uncandid; unworthily or meanly artful.
  • adjective Assuming a pose of naivete to make a point or for deception.
  • adjective not straightforward or candid; giving a false appearance of frankness
can give us the aramaic for that one?
Ask your Rabbi!
Donald J Trump is a despicable human.

The now-removed clip is from a video that went viral last year which shows a Black child and a White child running to hug each other. The version posted to Trump's account made it first appear as if the Black child was running away from the White child.
Jukin Media, a company that represents creators of videos including the parent who owns this video, said in a statement provided to CNN Business Friday afternoon, "Neither the video owner nor Jukin Media gave the president permission to post the video, and after our review, we believe that his unauthorized usage of the content is a clear example of copyright infringement without valid fair use or other defense."​
Jukin said in its statement that it had submitted a takedown request to Twitter. Jukin did not confirm it had sent the takedown request to Facebook, but Andy Stone, a Facebook spokesperson, said "We received a copyright complaint from the rights holder of this video under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and have removed the post."​
Twitter also confirmed it removed the video following a copyright claim.​

It was a video to show how the media falsifies stories. It was a demonstration. At first you see an evil white kid chasing a black kid, but when you dont have the fake news edited version, if shows them hugging and running around together. Why are you mad at Trump for making that point?

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