Twitter Bans Alex Jones Permanently

I've never read much of anything from Jones, only what I see posted in places like this, but remember this - First they came for the self-described infowarriors. But I was not a self-described infowarrior.

People who participate in coercion most often know very little of its function. And absolutely nothing of its consequence in the long run.

Twitter isn't the government. Its a private company. It has no obligation to host content that violates its terms of service. Especially when the videos Alex Jones amount to little more than Jones unloading personal insults. These are excerpts from the videos that apparently violated Twitter's terms of service.

– “You are incredibly shameful.”

– “You are literally an anti-American, anti-free speech coward.”

– “This is literally the equivalent of the Stasi.”

– “You hate America so much you make me sick.”

– “You must be an incredibly empty person.”

– “He’s even more evil-looking in person.”

– “Smiling like a possum that crawled out of the rear end of a dead cow.”

– “You look like a possum that got caught doing some really nasty stuff — in my opinion.”

– “I mean look at those eyes, folks. If you wanna see the eyes of a rat, seriously, look at the camera, look at those eyes. Look at that slobbering to the system, and the criminals at CNN and all their warmongering and death and all their fake news.”

– “You know what you are? You are LITERALLY a sociopath, and you think it’s funny, you know other people have emotions and care, so you played on that.”

– “You are the definition of a fop. You are the definition of a fraud. You’re a charlatan that goes around lying about people to destroy the First Amendment. You are a congenital liar.”

– “Listen man, everybody knows who you are. Look at you, you and Stelter get force fed by Twitter, and get like a hundred retweets, because CNN is a joke. CNN’s like government cheese. It literally is just force fed to everyone everywhere, everyone is sick of it. It’s force fed in public schools, force fed in bars, in hotels, making you sit there and watch it.”

– “You sit there on CNN with no viewers, no followers, everyone can’t stand you. And no matter – you can shut everyone down on earth, no one will like you. You understand that?”

– “You are a dishonorable liar, who would never even dare have me on your little tiny shows when you and Stelter call me a ‘virus.’ You are a virus to America and freedom. You are authoritarianism.”

– “You are the definition of dishonor. And one day in the Encyclopedia Britannica, the Encyclopedia Galactica, it will have your face next to ‘dishonor,’ and the word ‘rat.'”

– “You’re the equivalent of like the Hitler Youth, being part of the front lines to stop the advancement of the Allies.”

– “You got some damn evil eyes, son. That’s what wants to run your life, folks.”

Jones just unloading on this guy, insulting him and screaming in his face nonstop for like 10 minutes. Twitter has no obligation to host that kind of toxic garbage. Let Jones host it on his own website.

As 'freedom of speech' is freedom from government infringment. And Twitter isn't the government.
Twitter has permanently banned accounts for conservative radio host Alex Jones and InfoWars from the platform, the company said Thursday.

The accounts violated the company's abusive behavior policies, Twitter said in a series of tweets. The ban comes weeks after Jones was banned or suspended by other major tech companies like Apple, Facebook and YouTube.

Twitter had initially declined to take disciplinary action against Jones, saying the accounts had not violated community guidelines, but later suspended him for a period of seven days.

Twitter bans Alex Jones — permanently

I have to admit, I didn't see this coming.

Jones has been particularly.....unhinged, of late. His confrontation with Rubio was especially unbalanced.

His exchange today with the reporter from CNN was worse.

Do tell! Are you referring to his 'interview' with Oliver Darcy?

My mistake, it was yesterday:

Twitter has permanently banned accounts for conservative radio host Alex Jones and InfoWars from the platform, the company said Thursday.

The accounts violated the company's abusive behavior policies, Twitter said in a series of tweets. The ban comes weeks after Jones was banned or suspended by other major tech companies like Apple, Facebook and YouTube.

Twitter had initially declined to take disciplinary action against Jones, saying the accounts had not violated community guidelines, but later suspended him for a period of seven days.

Twitter bans Alex Jones — permanently

I have to admit, I didn't see this coming.

Jones has been particularly.....unhinged, of late. His confrontation with Rubio was especially unbalanced.

His exchange today with the reporter from CNN was worse.

Do tell! Are you referring to his 'interview' with Oliver Darcy?

My mistake, it was yesterday:


Yeah. Twitter has no obligation to host that kind of toxic garbage. It clearly violates their terms of service.

But Jones should be able to host it on his own website if he'd like. And is. Every quote I cited is from Infowars. They don't deny Jones' abuse. They revel in it.
You think testifying before congress makes you a non privately owned company?

They're coming to Congress because they want to be regulated. That was my point.

How does Twitter want to be regulated? 'Regulation' is about as vague a term as is possible in our language.

You're going to need to be far more specific for your point to have any relevance to this discussion.
Trump praises 9/11 truther's 'amazing' reputation
By Eric Bradner, CNN
Updated 5:28 PM ET, Wed December 2, 2015

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump is heaping praise on a radio host who has asserted that the U.S. government was involved in the Oklahoma City bombing and the September 11 terrorist attacks.

"Your reputation is amazing. I will not let you down," Trump told Alex Jones during a Wednesday afternoon appearance on the proprietor's show.
Jones shared the love, telling Trump that "my audience, 90% of them, they support you."

Donald Trump praises Alex Jones' 'amazing' reputation - CNNPolitics

alex jones was one of the first people trump thanked after he was installed.

says much about president cray cray....
Who told you that?

The question isn’t, ‘Should there be regulation or shouldn’t there be?’ It’s ‘How do you do it?’” - Zuckerberg

And, of course, Congress obliged him. He came to Congress, and Rep. Greg Walden was quick to put out a bill. Not surprisingly, it's entitled Potential Policy Proposals for Regulation of Social Media and Technology Firms

As I said. The government and the feds have a vested interest in controlling the narrative.

They want to be regulated. They end up penning there own regulation and the feds get what they want in return.
Wow.........................the president calls for NFL players to be fired for kneeling during the anthem, but that isn't seen as an attack on free speech. I mean, it's the president, who is the head of the government, who is trying to tell the NFL players what they can and can't do. have Twitter (a privately owned company, not government affiliated in any way), who because they have rules about what you can and cannot post, who have banned Alex Jones because of his bullying and language towards others.

The first one, you conservatives say is okay to do, because everyone is supposed to honor the flag and anthem. And, you say that kneeling is disrespectful to the people who have served in the military. Guess what? I swore an oath of enlistment 5 times, and it was to the Constitution of this country, not the flag or the anthem.

The second one? You holler that Jones' 1st Amendment rights are being violated. Guess what? They aren't. Twitter isn't the government, and they aren't banning him from other platforms, just theirs. Jones still has his website and his free speech isn't being violated.
The question isn’t, ‘Should there be regulation or shouldn’t there be?’ It’s ‘How do you do it?’” - Zuckerberg

And, of course, Congress obliged him. He came to Congress, and Rep. Greg Walden was quick to put out a bill. Not surprisingly, it's entitled Potential Policy Proposals for Regulation of Social Media and Technology Firms

As I said. The government and the feds have a vested interest in contolling the narrative.

Which has what to do with 'freedom of speech' exactly?

And the CEO of Twitter testified before Congress today. Can you cite him asking for the government to regulate Twitter?
Twitter has permanently banned accounts for conservative radio host Alex Jones and InfoWars from the platform, the company said Thursday.

The accounts violated the company's abusive behavior policies, Twitter said in a series of tweets. The ban comes weeks after Jones was banned or suspended by other major tech companies like Apple, Facebook and YouTube.

Twitter had initially declined to take disciplinary action against Jones, saying the accounts had not violated community guidelines, but later suspended him for a period of seven days.

Twitter bans Alex Jones — permanently

I have to admit, I didn't see this coming.

Jones has been particularly.....unhinged, of late. His confrontation with Rubio was especially unbalanced.

His exchange today with the reporter from CNN was worse.

Do tell! Are you referring to his 'interview' with Oliver Darcy?

My mistake, it was yesterday:

Read the comments by all the alt-right minions......:lol: This is what the Far Right has turned into.
Which has what to do with 'freedom of speech' exactly?

Well, in Zuck's case, he partners with A Four Person NATO-Funded Team which Advises Facebook On Flagging 'Propaganda'

That, of course, is headed by a former National Security Council advisor for the last four years of the Obama administration, Graham Brookie, who is also its founder. This is no irony.

It was predictable that he'd seek government regulation because the platform already serves as a government propaganda mouth piece.

This is what you're literally advocating for. It cannot and will not end well for liberty. Ever.

And the CEO of Twitter testified before Congress today. Can you cite him asking for the government to regulate Twitter?

Well, it's no irony that he's pulling a Zuck move. And no irony that as soon as he does, Jones gets banned.

It's the process that reflects what is going on. Not words.
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Who told you that?

The question isn’t, ‘Should there be regulation or shouldn’t there be?’ It’s ‘How do you do it?’” - Zuckerberg

And, of course, Congress obliged him. He came to Congress, and Rep. Greg Walden was quick to put out a bill. Not surprisingly, it's entitled Potential Policy Proposals for Regulation of Social Media and Technology Firms

As I said. The government and the feds have a vested interest in controlling the narrative.

They want to be regulated. They end up penning there own regulation and the feds get what they want in return.
It looks like you fell for some bias reporting or your reading comprehension was on the fritz. You may want to read this.

Don’t ask whether Facebook can be regulated. Ask which Facebook to regulate.

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