Twitter continues to experience daily record increase in usage

They are attracting the same trash that this forum attracts. And advertisers flee.

Awwwwwwwwwww, it's touching, BibleBoy, to see you so worried about the richest man in the world possibly losing a few bucks from the parasitic advertisers.

MTG is back on Twitter. She has tweeted about Alex Jones being right, and George Floyd's fentanyl overdose. And then I remembered why I am not on Twitter.
I don't follow Alex Jones and I do not use Infowars as a source because he is so extreme and so often wrong. But sometimes he is also right. It isn't wrong to say so when he is.

And the autopsy report did show that illegal drugs were the primary cause of George Floyd's death.

And given that MTG and others who share her views are a statistically insignificant percentage of the mega millions of Twitter users, they must really live in the heads of those who won't use Twitter because they are there. There are wonderful features on Twitter such as mute and block and report if you really can't handle somebody else's opinion about something.
Negative. There are a multitude of ways for companies to advertise and they are not going to sully their public image at twitter should it become a right wing cesspool.
FYI those right wing people you describe as a 'cesspool' buy a lot of products like cars and groceries and clothing and airline tickets and all sorts of things. I'm pretty sure those self righteous 'woke' companies don't turn down their money.
FYI those right wing people you describe as a 'cesspool' buy a lot of products like cars and groceries and clothing and airline tickets and all sorts of things. I'm pretty sure those self righteous 'woke' companies don't turn down their money.
The counter of that argument is Truth Social.
The counter of that argument is Truth Social.
Truth Social isn't all that much different from Twitter actually except that most of the leftwingers don't go there--at least that they'll admit--because it is Trump's forum.

It is interesting to note that Trump has 87.7 million followers on Twitter and 4.63 million followers on Truth Social. Because TS is populated with mostly MAGA Patriots it is mostly an echo chamber for those opinions and views which, while I support most of them, gets really boring really fast. For that reason I doubt TS will ever be a true competitor for Twitter that is far more interesting and vibrant because ALL points of view are allowed to be expressed

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