Twitter continues to experience daily record increase in usage

They have been losing money, long before Musk even came into the picture. That's the reason he's eliminated so many employees and made so many internal changes right off the bat.
Precisely the whole idea behind the acquisition was not to pursue a political dream but a business venture. Twitter has the potential to become the largest money making machine in the history of the world if it's managed properly.
There may be others but as we are discussing why right wingers get dumped off social media you should be blaming the people who make you look bad. Make no mistake, your worst fringe assholes crave a wider audience.
You need to relax.
I have been on USMB for a very long time now and have never had so much as a warning, much less censure. I have had some threads moved in a way I questioned, but that's no big deal and isn't my prerogative to dictate those decisions, but I have never felt limited in any way what I could or could not say here even from the most extreme leftists.

I'm feeling much the same way on Twitter now.
Yeah....I agree.
I have been on USMB for a very long time now and have never had so much as a warning, much less censure. I have had some threads moved in a way I questioned, but that's no big deal and isn't my prerogative to dictate those decisions, but I have never felt limited in any way what I could or could not say here even from the most extreme leftists.

I'm feeling much the same way on Twitter now.
Consider yourself lucky.
I'm not on Twitter either, but it's amazing to see so many long time Twitter users so loudly complaining about seeing someone's tweets when there's a feature on twitter called "ignore". The thing is, you go the person's profile, you click to ignore them, and then you don't have to see the tweets and get offended and triggered.. it's a mind-blowing concept. If only the leftist activists could figure it out, they'd probably gain some sleep and a few years to their life.
It fits the profile of control freakism which by the way fits the profile of progressivism.
Precisely the whole idea behind the acquisition was not to pursue a political dream but a business venture. Twitter has the potential to become the largest money making machine in the history of the world if it's managed properly.
Quit saying that. It's ridiculous. For a lot of people Twitter was not even worth 8 dollars.
Kathy Griffith is also back on Twitter remember the one who was holding the wax replica of President Trump's bloody head?
What do you have to say about that?
I kind of thought she had died. Turns out it was just her career.
It is subject to the decision of the mods.
As it should be. That's what they are for. To enforce what few rules there are and keep USMB from becoming a hell hole. Personally I think the rules here are way more lax than they are on most of these message boards, and the mods far more even handed.
It will never be a wise business decision to sponsor hate in America. If you want there to be a white supremacist megaphone in this country it's going to have to be run at a loss.
Could you be any more brainwashed? Your posts read like a propaganda parrot for useful idiots.
This is a free country, You can be a Nazi, white hood wearing scumbag all you want. No one has any duty to allow your racist bullshit on their board though. For some reason the right keeps forgetting that social media are businesses and have no requirement to allow anyone or anything on their platform.
Actually the only racist bullshit I've seen on Twitter came from the left. And that was allowed.
Twitter was obviously of paramount importance to leftist dingbats. Just look at the butthurt and pettiness on this very thread. Losing a popular platform that censored your political adversaries is like the Soviet communist party losing Pravda.
I think the rules here are way more lax than they are on most of these message boards, and the mods far more even handed.
This may be true but there are quite a few folks that don't understand the rules.

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