Twitter continues to experience daily record increase in usage

Those advertisers will come back in dribs and drabs over the next few months as they see usage continue to rise. If I was a shareholder I'd be standing on them with both feet....Their job is to make me money, not be woke as that's been proven time and again to be a loser.

Hell, I don't "tweet" but I might join and pay my $8.00 just to piss-off the leftists. They are not going anywhere 'cause they can't help themselves.....They gotta have their hourly "T-Fix".
It's less about public image and more about a small minority of SJW crybabies harassing the companies to stop advertising on Twitter "or else"

The real issue is most corporations have a spine made of Jell-o when it comes to these threats, even though we rarely see what the "or else" actually is composed of.
Most corporations are interested in making money. Turns out sponsoring haters has a cost.
Who can explain this? While left wing bird cage liners and progressive blogs keep screaming that Twitter is losing it's most active users reality slaps them back with the facts. Twitter is gaining record membership day and day out... As people continue to flock to free speech the way they always have.

So what. BFD.
Man you are going to be so disappointed when they still end up banning white supremacy and right wing terrorist threats.
Why would we be disappointed about that? Threats arent covered by the 1st Amendment. :cuckoo:
Who can explain this? While left wing bird cage liners and progressive blogs keep screaming that Twitter is losing it's most active users reality slaps them back with the facts. Twitter is gaining record membership day and day out... As people continue to flock to free speech the way they always have.

/----/ Elon Musk cheers woke journalist migration from Twitter: ‘Judgy hall monitors stay on other platforms’
They are attracting the same trash that this forum attracts. And advertisers flee.
...and new advertisers will fill the gap. Once dems move on to their next tantrum, Twitter will be booming again, but these advertisers who left wont be allowed back. This is really fun for people on the right. We are LOVING this!!! :laugh:
Liberals tried for more than 30 years to take down the Maha Rushdie by boycotting advertisers.

Failed utterly and completely, as the Nobel Prize nominee continued to draw the hugest audiences in talk radio history until he passed into the arms of Jesus last year.

Corporations try to maintain a non-controversial image. They want to sell stuff to everyone. Do you actually think there is any company out there that wants their ads to appear anywhere near some jackass' latest antisemitic rant?

yet they seem to love buying in on SJW trope that most normal people find abhorrent.

It's because the SJW's whine more, but the non SJW's tend to speak with their pocketbooks. Many woke companies are experiencing losses in revenue.
Not sure what you're talking about.
I'm more interested in the business end. Twitter is positioned to become one of the biggest money making machines in the history of the world.
I couldn't care less about the politics on it. If you do then I feel truly sorry for you.

Damn! I'd love to hear that Musk decided to put Twitter back into public trading!

Negative. There are a multitude of ways for companies to advertise and they are not going to sully their public image at twitter should it become a right wing cesspool.
of course there are numerous ways…but they go where the people are

and there is zero evidence tweeter is a cesspool…you are only saying that because the new owner doesn’t partake in your demafasict agenda…which frankly was why it was bleeding advertisers and users
Who can explain this? While left wing bird cage liners and progressive blogs keep screaming that Twitter is losing it's most active users reality slaps them back with the facts. Twitter is gaining record membership day and day out... As people continue to flock to free speech the way they always have.

The leftwing loonies leaving Twitter is great news for freedom of speech.
yet they seem to love buying in on SJW trope that most normal people find abhorrent.

It's because the SJW's whine more, but the non SJW's tend to speak with their pocketbooks. Many woke companies are experiencing losses in revenue.
It will never be a wise business decision to sponsor hate in America. If you want there to be a white supremacist megaphone in this country it's going to have to be run at a loss.
It's less about public image and more about a small minority of SJW crybabies harassing the companies to stop advertising on Twitter "or else"

The real issue is most corporations have a spine made of Jell-o when it comes to these threats, even though we rarely see what the "or else" actually is composed of.

I see massive signs everywhere that the rank and file are completely over the practice of allowing the proggy pukes to get away with their whiny baby antics! It's a good time!

The actors who have made Hallmark channel their money through their "get woke" years, with their stupid tone-deaf Christmas movies, are leaving the sinking ship, and it's good to see.

People everywhere are just saying NO MORE!

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Who can explain this? While left wing bird cage liners and progressive blogs keep screaming that Twitter is losing it's most active users reality slaps them back with the facts. Twitter is gaining record membership day and day out... As people continue to flock to free speech the way they always have.

Maybe Elon can buy this shithole and give it back free speech also. About $12.50 should do it.
It will never be a wise business decision to sponsor hate in America. If you want there to be a white supremacist megaphone in this country it's going to have to be run at a loss.

Is being against affirmative action hate?

Is being a practicing Evangelical Christan hate?

You idiots consider anyone to the right of Mitt Romney a White supremacist, the term has lost all meaning.
Considering that SJW morons like you think opposing affirmative action is white supremacy, and Ann coulter speaking at a college is terrorism, I think you will be disappointed.
Beat me to it but I've just become too weary of the task of trying to sort out left wing definitions which extend to anything they want whenever they want.

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