Twitter continues to experience daily record increase in usage

That's because my opinions have no bearing on how Twitter designs it's moderation structure. You seem to think letting the haters have a safe place is a smart business decision when that has never been the case anywhere.

If you throw around accusations and assumptions of hate, you should be able to define it. Doubly so with a specific concept such as white supremacy.

But I doubt you have the intellectual capacity and/or fortitude to do so.
So Nazism is allowed now? Does the KKK have accounts? If you let those people get a toe in the door they always destroy any platform they are allowed on.

Yet anti-fa and BLM are on them, and they haven't seem to have destroyed twitter.
Free speech is a good thing. You would probably prefer to live under a dictatorship which would allow only certain kinds of speech.

In fact letting those morons spout their idiocy works against them, not for them.

The only think propping up neo-nazis and KKK types is the left's use of them as comparative tools to anyone to the right of Mitt Romney.
I'm wondering what he's got up his sleeve to integrate Twitter into other services. Why do I just know that somehow every Tesla is going to come equipped with a built-in Twitter app;?? Or that somehow he's going to integrate Twitter into his satellite internet service??.... I mean you can almost smell the money from here!
I don't know. I am actually seeing fewer really hateful false memes and dishonestly insulting tweets from both sides and am seeing a lot more tweets from leftists with their silly accusations and one line pronouncements of doom for MAGAs so I presume they are seeing more tweets from Patriots as well. For the most part it is a much more free, civil, and interesting place.

And it is a huge relief when people are allowed to discuss formerly forbidden topics like where COVID originated, different expert opinions on COVID treatments that are different from WHO and the CDC, Hunters laptop, pro 2nd Amendment, questions re the election(s) etc. without certain censure or suspension. But Musk has us all on notice that just anything won't be allowed so I am pretty sure the valid rules to keep it reasonably clean and less dangerous will remain in place plus perhaps a few more that are needed.

No noticeable glitches in the platform either. With a market of billions out there, I don't think those 'woke' advertisers will absence themselves from that for long.
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This place isn't as bad as some of the places I've been on. There are some boards out there that will ban you just for spelling out the word Republican. Here they just put your posts in badlands.
I have been on USMB for a very long time now and have never had so much as a warning, much less censure. I have had some threads moved in a way I questioned, but that's no big deal and isn't my prerogative to dictate those decisions, but I have never felt limited in any way what I could or could not say here even from the most extreme leftists.

I'm feeling much the same way on Twitter now.
Free speech is a good thing. You would probably prefer to live under a dictatorship which would allow only certain kinds of speech.
This is a free country, You can be a Nazi, white hood wearing scumbag all you want. No one has any duty to allow your racist bullshit on their board though. For some reason the right keeps forgetting that social media are businesses and have no requirement to allow anyone or anything on their platform.
Clueless. They are going to be losing money, if they are not already.
So will the advertisers who leave because of their ideologies. There's a lot of cleaning up to do at Twitter, a lot of censorship coding to get rid of, a lot of activist employees to snuff out.. it'll probably be a tough initial job.
You can be a Nazi, white hood wearing scumbag all you want. No one has any duty to allow your racist bullshit on their board though. For some reason the right keeps forgetting that social media are businesses and have no requirement to allow anyone or anything on their platform.
I'm not a Nazi or a KKK member but conservative voices should be heard. You obviously only want WOKE content on these platforms.
MTG is back on Twitter. She has tweeted about Alex Jones being right, and George Floyd's fentanyl overdose. And then I remembered why I am not on Twitter.
I'm not on Twitter either, but it's amazing to see so many long time Twitter users so loudly complaining about seeing someone's tweets when there's a feature on twitter called "ignore". The thing is, you go the person's profile, you click to ignore them, and then you don't have to see the tweets and get offended and triggered.. it's a mind-blowing concept. If only the leftist activists could figure it out, they'd probably gain some sleep and a few years to their life.
I'm not a Nazi or a KKK member but conservative voices should be heard. You obviously only want WOKE content on these platforms.
The problem for you is that the Nazis and the other assorted haters think you are on their side. On this at least I think they are correct.
The problem for you is that the Nazis and the other assorted haters think you are on their side. On this at least I think they are correct.
Haters? Do you honestly believe only rightwing groups are haters?
trash like you?

Funny how the deviant Left always hate and oppose anything that succeeds, despite themselves. Kinda puts a real crick in their views that nothing succeeds without THEM because THEY are the center of the universe!
I'm not on Twitter either, but it's amazing to see so many long time Twitter users so loudly complaining about seeing someone's tweets when there's a feature on twitter called "ignore". The thing is, you go the person's profile, you click to ignore them, and then you don't have to see the tweets and get offended and triggered.. it's a mind-blowing concept. If only the leftist activists could figure it out, they'd probably gain some sleep and a few years to their life.
Not me. I generally have most social forums on ignore. ;)
MTG is back on Twitter. She has tweeted about Alex Jones being right, and George Floyd's fentanyl overdose. And then I remembered why I am not on Twitter.

You poor baby! Jones' conspiracy theory is no worse than the Left's errant hate-filled claims about all things MAGA, and the autopsy report on Floyd does indeed show that drugs and not mechanical damage or obstruction of the throat and neck lead to his dying. You ought to try reading it, it was posted HERE.
Haters? Do you honestly believe only rightwing groups are haters?
There may be others but as we are discussing why right wingers get dumped off social media you should be blaming the people who make you look bad. Make no mistake, your worst fringe assholes crave a wider audience.
So Nazism is allowed now? Does the KKK have accounts? If you let those people get a toe in the door they always destroy any platform they are allowed on.
Well so far I don't see anyone calling for the lynching of black people on Twitter. Why don't you make a phony account and start spamming the boards without kind of speech just like thousands of other liberals are doing?
Clueless. They are going to be losing money, if they are not already.

They have been losing money, long before Musk even came into the picture. That's the reason he's eliminated so many employees and made so many internal changes right off the bat.
MTG is back on Twitter. She has tweeted about Alex Jones being right, and George Floyd's fentanyl overdose. And then I remembered why I am not on Twitter.
Kathy Griffith is also back on Twitter remember the one who was holding the wax replica of President Trump's bloody head?
What do you have to say about that?

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