Twitter Erupts After James Woods Asks For Photo Evidence Obama Attended Columbia University

Glad we have American patriots such as James Woods who wants the truth exposed about Barack Hussein Soetoro Soebarka. Like our blessed Trumpenfuhrer, I've said it before and I will say it again, Obama needs to release his college admissions. In essence, that boy needs to show his papers.

Is it a qualifying requirement for president that you attend Columbia University?
He claimed he went yet refuses to release any records proving it. We call that LYING.

Trump will won’t release his either...

Questions linger about Trump's academic record at Wharton - Philly

I guess this means Trump is really an illegal alien who was born in Germany and when never actually attended Wharton, huh?
It’s too late to prevent him from being president.

If he is exposed as ineligible to be president, his SC appointments will have to be removed. And obamacare will be voided.

Are you willing to apply the same to Trump?

You mean Trump is a foreign born illegal plant as well?
Well he does refuse to release his college transcripts.... and according to you rightwing nut yahoo, when a president won’t release their college transcripts, it’s evidence they weren’t born in the U.S.
It’s a bit late now to find out he didn’t go, dontcha think?
Really... so if I rob a bank... and a couple years go by and nobody catches me, I can just get away with it?
Not the point. We cannot unelect Obama from 2008 to 2016 because he lied about his resume now, assuming that it is proven.
They won't find any evidence of Soetero attending Columbia.... but it doesn't matter this will fall into the memory hole in a couple of days.
Why not? It's not like this is the first time we've heard this and that after 10 years the evidence hasn't gotten any better, as a matter of fact it's the SOS rehashed.
hmm....interesting ......

Perhaps he used Sotoro. Or perhaps he never went there.
I don't care if he went there or not, but it seems suspicious that no evidence has been produced, when it should be so easily accessible.

From 1990, and I quote:

Obama Named New Law Review President | News | The Harvard Crimson

Public Sector Work

Obama, 28, came to the Law School last year after having graduated from Columbia College and directed a Chicago counseling program for the disadvantaged for several years.

Obama said yesterday he plans to continue working in the public sector when he graduates from law school, but is unsure what form that work would take. He said he will consider anything from running for elected office to setting up community service programs.

Editors at the nation's other top law reviews said they were not sure if their publications had ever had a Black president, but Robert Shapiro, editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal, said that the journal had a Black president in 1987.

New presidents are elected on the basis of their work for the review that year by all of the senior editors except the outgoing president, in an all-day, all-night process that most involved in yesterday's selection called grueling.
Glad we have American patriots such as James Woods who wants the truth exposed about Barack Hussein Soetoro Soebarka. Like our blessed Trumpenfuhrer, I've said it before and I will say it again, Obama needs to release his college admissions. In essence, that boy needs to show his papers.
Wow, you guys are so predictable.

Things look bad for Trump so let's deflect to Obama or Clinton.
You want to talk about Trump rather than the thread topic?
Why not? The thread topic is just a distraction anyway.
Glad we have American patriots such as James Woods who wants the truth exposed about Barack Hussein Soetoro Soebarka. Like our blessed Trumpenfuhrer, I've said it before and I will say it again, Obama needs to release his college admissions. In essence, that boy needs to show his papers.
Wow, you guys are so predictable.

Things look bad for Trump so let's deflect to Obama or Clinton.
If Obama did go to Columbia, it certainly doesn't reflect well on Columbia.
Yeah, a President emerged from their program. So terrible.
You don't hear any schools bragging that Hitler went there, so maybe Columbia should take a lesson from that.
Interesting point. I've not heard any school claim Trump either. Or maybe he just bought his diploma?

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