Twitter Erupts After James Woods Asks For Photo Evidence Obama Attended Columbia University

I've said all along Barack Obama is the biggest fraud ever foisted on the American people. He was the perfect conman with the perfect audience. Gullible Liberals with stars in their eyes.

Yes, stars.

But also a firm believe that chocolate ice cream is served at body temperature.
Glad we have American patriots such as James Woods who wants the truth exposed about Barack Hussein Soetoro Soebarka. Like our blessed Trumpenfuhrer, I've said it before and I will say it again, Obama needs to release his college admissions. In essence, that boy needs to show his papers.
Oh look.... photographic evidence that Obama went to Columbia...

I guess this means James Woods is a conservative since he’s apparently as dumb as the rightards who post here.


Well you're no Sherlock Holmes or even Scooby Doo. Those are all highlights of his ADMINISTRATION, not his time at Columbia. And your point was???

I don't have a will to fight this stupid battle. But I DO find it interesting that the tribe on defense here has NOTHING to stop this "urban rumor" dead in its tracks. Even I had pictures in Alumni material and campus news and lived a clandestine head down life in College.

Whaddya think “CC’83” means?

As new administration unfolds, we bid farewell to two terms with Barack Obama CC’83.

Because I pity you, I’ll even give you a clue... why do ya think he’s on their alumni page?

10. When the two Columbia College alumni who were both holding the office of president — Barack Obama CC’83, President of the United States, and Toomas Hendrik Ilves CC’76, president of the Republic of Estonia

Weak.. They acknowledge he's an alumni.. Even I got more coverage in my 6 years at Florida. Why no pix? And ONE ROOMMATE who knew him? I'm STILL in touch with about dozen friends made in college.

I'm asking you PLEASE --- make this stop.. Slam the door hard on this. And you got nothing.. Isn't that a bit suspicious? We had cameras back then.. We had a lot campus affiliations. Why is this so difficult??
Who cares? There he is, CC’83, shown to be an alumni on Columbia’s website.

Only the dumbest of the dumbest maintain he didn’t attend Columbia.
We've all known since HITLERY brought it to America's attention that BARACH was born in KENYA.

But Washington... ALL of them... repub and dem alike... decided to let the obvious go and let this little kenyan black boy be elected. He was the savior. The end all, be all of race problems in America. He was going to prove once and for all that America was NOT... RACIST.... and he DID. But then, whoops... then the problems started when we found out he was just another radical America hating black sons a bitch... going to "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM" America... pfft... sorry ass black ass wipe... he belongs in prison because EVERYONE knows he was NOT born in Hawaii. That is a MYTH. NO ONE, NO ONE... EVER... has laid eyes or hands on a BIRTH CERTIFICATE for him from Hawaii, and they STILL haven't. To ANYONE that claims he WAS born in Hawaii, you're a LIAR, and you KNOW IT, because there is NO WAY IN HELL you can PROVE IT, because there is NO, BIRTH, CERTIFICATE... NONE... ZERO... ZIP... and there never will be. He was born in KENYA just like his GRAND MOTHER SAID that was THERE when he was born. He is a FRAUD and belongs in PRISON, and we ALL know... even the DENIERS... even those MORONS that want to call people 'BIRHTERS'... pfft... THEY are the ones that look like IDIOTS... in FULL DENIAL... LYING...

We've all known since HITLERY brought it to America's attention that BARACH was born in KENYA.

But Washington... ALL of them... repub and dem alike... decided to let the obvious go and let this little kenyan black boy be elected. He was the savior. The end all, be all of race problems in America. He was going to prove once and for all that America was NOT... RACIST.... and he DID. But then, whoops... then the problems started when we found out he was just another radical America hating black sons a bitch... going to "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM" America... pfft... sorry ass black ass wipe... he belongs in prison because EVERYONE knows he was NOT born in Hawaii. That is a MYTH. NO ONE, NO ONE... EVER... has laid eyes or hands on a BIRTH CERTIFICATE for him from Hawaii, and they STILL haven't. To ANYONE that claims he WAS born in Hawaii, you're a LIAR, and you KNOW IT, because there is NO WAY IN HELL you can PROVE IT, because there is NO, BIRTH, CERTIFICATE... NONE... ZERO... ZIP... and there never will be. He was born in KENYA just like his GRAND MOTHER SAID that was THERE when he was born. He is a FRAUD and belongs in PRISON, and we ALL know... even the DENIERS... even those MORONS that want to call people 'BIRHTERS'... pfft... THEY are the ones that look like IDIOTS... in FULL DENIAL... LYING...

hmm....interesting ......

Perhaps he used Sotoro. Or perhaps he never went there.
I don't care if he went there or not, but it seems suspicious that no evidence has been produced, when it should be so easily accessible.

From 1990, and I quote:

Obama Named New Law Review President | News | The Harvard Crimson

Public Sector Work

Obama, 28, came to the Law School last year after having graduated from Columbia College and directed a Chicago counseling program for the disadvantaged for several years.

Obama said yesterday he plans to continue working in the public sector when he graduates from law school, but is unsure what form that work would take. He said he will consider anything from running for elected office to setting up community service programs.

Editors at the nation's other top law reviews said they were not sure if their publications had ever had a Black president, but Robert Shapiro, editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal, said that the journal had a Black president in 1987.

New presidents are elected on the basis of their work for the review that year by all of the senior editors except the outgoing president, in an all-day, all-night process that most involved in yesterday's selection called grueling.
And James Woods is a complete embarrassment to the human race. I am, of course, assuming that he is human. He is rather reptilian in appearance.
We've all known since HITLERY brought it to America's attention that BARACH was born in KENYA.

But Washington... ALL of them... repub and dem alike... decided to let the obvious go and let this little kenyan black boy be elected. He was the savior. The end all, be all of race problems in America. He was going to prove once and for all that America was NOT... RACIST.... and he DID. But then, whoops... then the problems started when we found out he was just another radical America hating black sons a bitch... going to "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM" America... pfft... sorry ass black ass wipe... he belongs in prison because EVERYONE knows he was NOT born in Hawaii. That is a MYTH. NO ONE, NO ONE... EVER... has laid eyes or hands on a BIRTH CERTIFICATE for him from Hawaii, and they STILL haven't. To ANYONE that claims he WAS born in Hawaii, you're a LIAR, and you KNOW IT, because there is NO WAY IN HELL you can PROVE IT, because there is NO, BIRTH, CERTIFICATE... NONE... ZERO... ZIP... and there never will be. He was born in KENYA just like his GRAND MOTHER SAID that was THERE when he was born. He is a FRAUD and belongs in PRISON, and we ALL know... even the DENIERS... even those MORONS that want to call people 'BIRHTERS'... pfft... THEY are the ones that look like IDIOTS... in FULL DENIAL... LYING...

Here ya go buddy... BE A HERO... SHOW ME A BIRTH CERTIFICATE FOR OBAMA... instead of your DUMBASS little BULL SHIT reply... SHOW ME... I'LL WAIT... REALLY... FIND IT... you pathetic moron...
Glad we have American patriots such as James Woods who wants the truth exposed about Barack Hussein Soetoro Soebarka. Like our blessed Trumpenfuhrer, I've said it before and I will say it again, Obama needs to release his college admissions. In essence, that boy needs to show his papers.

Now, now, now, Steve, Barry, er, Barack successfully dodged the matter of his foreign national origin as well as his education and mismatched social security number for eight years despite LOOMING evidence to the contrary that he was a Kenyan plant put into western government to advance Islamic interests over those of America, and if that WASN'T his goal well, then by god, he did about as good of a job as one could have hoped for if he had been!

But now it is time to forget that we had an illegal president for eight years who was an enemy combatant bent on thwarting western colonialism, time to forget we had a treasonous, russian and Chinese sympathizer, spy and sell out as secretary of state who almost became president who'd sell her own family and country to make a buck in her lust for power, and time now to focus on continuing this fiction that a successful entrepreneur elected president suddenly turned Russian Puppet, KKK Supremacist bigot and idiot drooling moron overnight the moment he became president! That way, we can forget all about and drop talking about the first two matters!
Glad we have American patriots such as James Woods who wants the truth exposed about Barack Hussein Soetoro Soebarka. Like our blessed Trumpenfuhrer, I've said it before and I will say it again, Obama needs to release his college admissions. In essence, that boy needs to show his papers.
Wow, you guys are so predictable.

Things look bad for Trump so let's deflect to Obama or Clinton.

TRANSLATION: What better way to deflect from Obama and Hillary and keep them off the front page than by making Trump look bad?
We've all known since HITLERY brought it to America's attention that BARACH was born in KENYA.

But Washington... ALL of them... repub and dem alike... decided to let the obvious go and let this little kenyan black boy be elected. He was the savior. The end all, be all of race problems in America. He was going to prove once and for all that America was NOT... RACIST.... and he DID. But then, whoops... then the problems started when we found out he was just another radical America hating black sons a bitch... going to "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM" America... pfft... sorry ass black ass wipe... he belongs in prison because EVERYONE knows he was NOT born in Hawaii. That is a MYTH. NO ONE, NO ONE... EVER... has laid eyes or hands on a BIRTH CERTIFICATE for him from Hawaii, and they STILL haven't. To ANYONE that claims he WAS born in Hawaii, you're a LIAR, and you KNOW IT, because there is NO WAY IN HELL you can PROVE IT, because there is NO, BIRTH, CERTIFICATE... NONE... ZERO... ZIP... and there never will be. He was born in KENYA just like his GRAND MOTHER SAID that was THERE when he was born. He is a FRAUD and belongs in PRISON, and we ALL know... even the DENIERS... even those MORONS that want to call people 'BIRHTERS'... pfft... THEY are the ones that look like IDIOTS... in FULL DENIAL... LYING...

Here ya go buddy... BE A HERO... SHOW ME A BIRTH CERTIFICATE FOR OBAMA... instead of your DUMBASS little BULL SHIT reply... SHOW ME... I'LL WAIT... REALLY... FIND IT... you pathetic moron...

THERE IS NO LEGAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE for Obama, none has ever been produced. The one that was attempted present was shown in Hawaii as being an altered Photoshop document with items copied and pasted to make it appear legit. The only other document is an alleged "Record of Live Birth" that was supposedly pulled from file (these can be produced easily and do not legally hold up as an official birth record) and read by a hospital staff and attested as to its content. If Barry Obama were a legit natural born American citizen, then Washington would have simply produced and released his actual birth certificate long ago to eliminate the doubt. The law needs to be changed that before a person can even run for the office, you need to produce the original birth certificate to show you meet the constitutional terms of the office. If you need to do this for an $8.50 an hour job at a burger joint, you certainly should need to do this to be president.
Glad we have American patriots such as James Woods who wants the truth exposed about Barack Hussein Soetoro Soebarka. Like our blessed Trumpenfuhrer, I've said it before and I will say it again, Obama needs to release his college admissions. In essence, that boy needs to show his papers.

Is it a qualifying requirement for president that you attend Columbia University?
He claimed he went yet refuses to release any records proving it. We call that LYING.
Courtesy of our modern communications technology, every two-bit conspiracy-type theory gets national play. Even if President Obama's records had not been produced, which they have, who cares now that he is no longer the sitting POTUS? And just who is James Woods anyway, that he is such a "patriot" or genius? In any event, the word "patriot" has been so often misused in attempts to cover up wrong-doing that the use of it is now suspect. It shouldn't be, but it is.

Lets's see trump's transcripts, tax returns, and documents pertaining to past and present lawsuits against him. He is the one now occupying the Oval Office.
hmm....interesting ......

You people are just as dumb as shit. There’s simply no other explanation.

From the Columbia Spectator, Columbia University’s newspaper since 1877...

President Barack Obama, CC ’83, returned to the steps of his alma mater in May to speak at Barnard’s commencement, but controversy tempered many students’ excitement.
That story is from 2012
hmm....interesting ......

You people are just as dumb as shit. There’s simply no other explanation.

From the Columbia Spectator, Columbia University’s newspaper since 1877...

President Barack Obama, CC ’83, returned to the steps of his alma mater in May to speak at Barnard’s commencement, but controversy tempered many students’ excitement.
That story is from 2012

I can't stop laughing!!!!
We've all known since HITLERY brought it to America's attention that BARACH was born in KENYA.

But Washington... ALL of them... repub and dem alike... decided to let the obvious go and let this little kenyan black boy be elected. He was the savior. The end all, be all of race problems in America. He was going to prove once and for all that America was NOT... RACIST.... and he DID. But then, whoops... then the problems started when we found out he was just another radical America hating black sons a bitch... going to "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM" America... pfft... sorry ass black ass wipe... he belongs in prison because EVERYONE knows he was NOT born in Hawaii. That is a MYTH. NO ONE, NO ONE... EVER... has laid eyes or hands on a BIRTH CERTIFICATE for him from Hawaii, and they STILL haven't. To ANYONE that claims he WAS born in Hawaii, you're a LIAR, and you KNOW IT, because there is NO WAY IN HELL you can PROVE IT, because there is NO, BIRTH, CERTIFICATE... NONE... ZERO... ZIP... and there never will be. He was born in KENYA just like his GRAND MOTHER SAID that was THERE when he was born. He is a FRAUD and belongs in PRISON, and we ALL know... even the DENIERS... even those MORONS that want to call people 'BIRHTERS'... pfft... THEY are the ones that look like IDIOTS... in FULL DENIAL... LYING...

Here ya go buddy... BE A HERO... SHOW ME A BIRTH CERTIFICATE FOR OBAMA... instead of your DUMBASS little BULL SHIT reply... SHOW ME... I'LL WAIT... REALLY... FIND IT... you pathetic moron...

We've all known since HITLERY brought it to America's attention that BARACH was born in KENYA.

But Washington... ALL of them... repub and dem alike... decided to let the obvious go and let this little kenyan black boy be elected. He was the savior. The end all, be all of race problems in America. He was going to prove once and for all that America was NOT... RACIST.... and he DID. But then, whoops... then the problems started when we found out he was just another radical America hating black sons a bitch... going to "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM" America... pfft... sorry ass black ass wipe... he belongs in prison because EVERYONE knows he was NOT born in Hawaii. That is a MYTH. NO ONE, NO ONE... EVER... has laid eyes or hands on a BIRTH CERTIFICATE for him from Hawaii, and they STILL haven't. To ANYONE that claims he WAS born in Hawaii, you're a LIAR, and you KNOW IT, because there is NO WAY IN HELL you can PROVE IT, because there is NO, BIRTH, CERTIFICATE... NONE... ZERO... ZIP... and there never will be. He was born in KENYA just like his GRAND MOTHER SAID that was THERE when he was born. He is a FRAUD and belongs in PRISON, and we ALL know... even the DENIERS... even those MORONS that want to call people 'BIRHTERS'... pfft... THEY are the ones that look like IDIOTS... in FULL DENIAL... LYING...

Here ya go buddy... BE A HERO... SHOW ME A BIRTH CERTIFICATE FOR OBAMA... instead of your DUMBASS little BULL SHIT reply... SHOW ME... I'LL WAIT... REALLY... FIND IT... you pathetic moron...

THERE IS NO LEGAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE for Obama, none has ever been produced. The one that was attempted present was shown in Hawaii as being an altered Photoshop document with items copied and pasted to make it appear legit. The only other document is an alleged "Record of Live Birth" that was supposedly pulled from file (these can be produced easily and do not legally hold up as an official birth record) and read by a hospital staff and attested as to its content. If Barry Obama were a legit natural born American citizen, then Washington would have simply produced and released his actual birth certificate long ago to eliminate the doubt. The law needs to be changed that before a person can even run for the office, you need to produce the original birth certificate to show you meet the constitutional terms of the office. If you need to do this for an $8.50 an hour job at a burger joint, you certainly should need to do this to be president.

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