Twitter Erupts After James Woods Asks For Photo Evidence Obama Attended Columbia University

hmm....interesting ......

Perhaps he used Sotoro. Or perhaps he never went there.
I don't care if he went there or not, but it seems suspicious that no evidence has been produced, when it should be so easily accessible.

And by 'no evidence' you mean other than you know- Columbia confirming it over and over again. You idiots just keep confirming what idiots you are.


Brian Connolly, Columbia Spokesman

A spokesman for the university, Brian Connolly, confirmed that Mr. Obama spent two years at Columbia College and graduated in 1983 with a major in political science. He did not receive honors, Mr. Connolly said, though specific information on his grades is sealed. A program from the 1983 graduation ceremony lists him as a graduate.

Robert Hornsby, Columbia Spokesman

School spokesman Robert Hornsby told WND that federal law limits the release of information about a student, but he could confirm that “Barack Obama applied for and was granted admission to Columbia College as a transfer student in 1981. He enrolled for the fall term of that year as a political science major. With the conclusion of the spring semester of 1983, Obama completed the requirements for a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science and graduated with his class.”

Columbia University Directory



Columbia University Class of 1983 Graduation Program (added 6/19/2012)

“The image [to the left] –never before released–is from public records at Columbia University that prove that Obama did, in fact, graduate in 1983 from the Ivy League school. Contrary to some conspiracy theories, Obama was a student within the Faculty of Arts and Sciences–not the less selective, “nontraditional” Columbia University School of General Studies (which only merged with the Faculty of Arts and Sciences in 1990).” From

Some birthers have questioned why Obama is listed at the end. It’s alphabetical by last name. It also shows that he didn’t attend under the name “Barry Soetoro”, another claim.

Columbia College, Columbia University web site

Barack Obama ’83 became the first College alumnus to be elected President of the United States. On November 4, Obama defeated his Republican challenger, Sen. John McCain P’07, ending a marathon campaign that saw Obama rise from a first-term senator to the nation’s first African-American president.

Obama, who was profiled in Columbia College Today in January 2005 when he burst upon the national political scene, transferred to Columbia from Occidental prior to his junior year.

Columbia Spectator, Columbia College

The presidential race that captivated the country for months held a special resonance on campus, as Barack Obama, CC ’83, became not only the first black person to win the office, but also the first Columbia College alumnus to do so.
Glad we have American patriots such as James Woods who wants the truth exposed about Barack Hussein Soetoro Soebarka. Like our blessed Trumpenfuhrer, I've said it before and I will say it again, Obama needs to release his college admissions. In essence, that boy needs to show his papers.

Look what else they claim was found on the dark web Hmmm, things that make you hmm.

Breaking: Clinton-Abedin PedoGate Video Found On Dark Web

If it's authentic or not I haven't a clue but boy if it was and it could put Clinton behind bars oh glory day .

Fascinating- you don't care whether its authentic or not- you are just hoping that Clinton is a pedophile who is molesting children.

So you are hoping someone is molesting kids.

Nothing like asking libs to prove something to start them foaming at the mouth, huh?
Glad we have American patriots such as James Woods who wants the truth exposed about Barack Hussein Soetoro Soebarka. Like our blessed Trumpenfuhrer, I've said it before and I will say it again, Obama needs to release his college admissions. In essence, that boy needs to show his papers.
Wow, you guys are so predictable.

Things look bad for Trump so let's deflect to Obama or Clinton.
If Obama did go to Columbia, it certainly doesn't reflect well on Columbia.
Yeah, a President emerged from their program. So terrible.
You don't hear any schools bragging that Hitler went there, so maybe Columbia should take a lesson from that.

You don't hear any schools bragging that Trump or Hitler went there.

We've all known since HITLERY brought it to America's attention that BARACH was born in KENYA.

But Washington... ALL of them... repub and dem alike... decided to let the obvious go and let this little kenyan black boy be elected. He was the savior. The end all, be all of race problems in America. He was going to prove once and for all that America was NOT... RACIST.... and he DID. But then, whoops... then the problems started when we found out he was just another radical America hating black sons a bitch... going to "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM" America... pfft... sorry ass black ass wipe... he belongs in prison because EVERYONE knows he was NOT born in Hawaii. That is a MYTH. NO ONE, NO ONE... EVER... has laid eyes or hands on a BIRTH CERTIFICATE for him from Hawaii, and they STILL haven't. To ANYONE that claims he WAS born in Hawaii, you're a LIAR, and you KNOW IT, because there is NO WAY IN HELL you can PROVE IT, because there is NO, BIRTH, CERTIFICATE... NONE... ZERO... ZIP... and there never will be. He was born in KENYA just like his GRAND MOTHER SAID that was THERE when he was born. He is a FRAUD and belongs in PRISON, and we ALL know... even the DENIERS... even those MORONS that want to call people 'BIRHTERS'... pfft... THEY are the ones that look like IDIOTS... in FULL DENIAL... LYING...

Here ya go buddy... BE A HERO... SHOW ME A BIRTH CERTIFICATE FOR OBAMA... instead of your DUMBASS little BULL SHIT reply... SHOW ME... I'LL WAIT... REALLY... FIND IT... you pathetic moron...

Here is the link- right to the State of Hawaii's website

Vital Records | Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II
Glad we have American patriots such as James Woods who wants the truth exposed about Barack Hussein Soetoro Soebarka. Like our blessed Trumpenfuhrer, I've said it before and I will say it again, Obama needs to release his college admissions. In essence, that boy needs to show his papers.

Now, now, now, Steve, Barry, er, Barack successfully dodged the matter of his foreign national origin as well as his education and mismatched social security number for eight years despite LOOMING evidence to the contrary that he was a Kenyan plant !

And by 'dodged' you mean was the first President to ever show actual evidence to American voters that he was born in the United States.

And successfully dodged the matter of his education- exactly like every other President.

And the 'evidence' that he was a "Kenyan plant"?

Well he did have darker skin than your Dear Leader.
We've all known since HITLERY brought it to America's attention that BARACH was born in KENYA.

But Washington... ALL of them... repub and dem alike... decided to let the obvious go and let this little kenyan black boy be elected. He was the savior. The end all, be all of race problems in America. He was going to prove once and for all that America was NOT... RACIST.... and he DID. But then, whoops... then the problems started when we found out he was just another radical America hating black sons a bitch... going to "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM" America... pfft... sorry ass black ass wipe... he belongs in prison because EVERYONE knows he was NOT born in Hawaii. That is a MYTH. NO ONE, NO ONE... EVER... has laid eyes or hands on a BIRTH CERTIFICATE for him from Hawaii, and they STILL haven't. To ANYONE that claims he WAS born in Hawaii, you're a LIAR, and you KNOW IT, because there is NO WAY IN HELL you can PROVE IT, because there is NO, BIRTH, CERTIFICATE... NONE... ZERO... ZIP... and there never will be. He was born in KENYA just like his GRAND MOTHER SAID that was THERE when he was born. He is a FRAUD and belongs in PRISON, and we ALL know... even the DENIERS... even those MORONS that want to call people 'BIRHTERS'... pfft... THEY are the ones that look like IDIOTS... in FULL DENIAL... LYING...

Here ya go buddy... BE A HERO... SHOW ME A BIRTH CERTIFICATE FOR OBAMA... instead of your DUMBASS little BULL SHIT reply... SHOW ME... I'LL WAIT... REALLY... FIND IT... you pathetic moron...

Here is the link- right to the State of Hawaii's website

Vital Records | Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II
Government would never falsify any records would they?
Glad we have American patriots such as James Woods who wants the truth exposed about Barack Hussein Soetoro Soebarka. Like our blessed Trumpenfuhrer, I've said it before and I will say it again, Obama needs to release his college admissions. In essence, that boy needs to show his papers.

Is it a qualifying requirement for president that you attend Columbia University?
Irrelevant question!

Well, it would seem that an irrelevant question for an irrelevant thread would be rather appropriate, don't you think?

What difference does it make if you find out he went to Columbia or he didn't go to Columbia?

None, you can't stop him having been president, can you?
not anymore than people can stop trump from being president now.

yet, watch 'em go on both sides.
We've all known since HITLERY brought it to America's attention that BARACH was born in KENYA.

But Washington... ALL of them... repub and dem alike... decided to let the obvious go and let this little kenyan black boy be elected. He was the savior. The end all, be all of race problems in America. He was going to prove once and for all that America was NOT... RACIST.... and he DID. But then, whoops... then the problems started when we found out he was just another radical America hating black sons a bitch... going to "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM" America... pfft... sorry ass black ass wipe... he belongs in prison because EVERYONE knows he was NOT born in Hawaii. That is a MYTH. NO ONE, NO ONE... EVER... has laid eyes or hands on a BIRTH CERTIFICATE for him from Hawaii, and they STILL haven't. To ANYONE that claims he WAS born in Hawaii, you're a LIAR, and you KNOW IT, because there is NO WAY IN HELL you can PROVE IT, because there is NO, BIRTH, CERTIFICATE... NONE... ZERO... ZIP... and there never will be. He was born in KENYA just like his GRAND MOTHER SAID that was THERE when he was born. He is a FRAUD and belongs in PRISON, and we ALL know... even the DENIERS... even those MORONS that want to call people 'BIRHTERS'... pfft... THEY are the ones that look like IDIOTS... in FULL DENIAL... LYING...

Here ya go buddy... BE A HERO... SHOW ME A BIRTH CERTIFICATE FOR OBAMA... instead of your DUMBASS little BULL SHIT reply... SHOW ME... I'LL WAIT... REALLY... FIND IT... you pathetic moron...

THERE IS NO LEGAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE for Obama, none has ever been produced. The one that was attempted present was shown in Hawaii as being an altered Photoshop document with items copied and pasted to make it appear legit. The only other document is an alleged "Record of Live Birth" that was supposedly pulled from file (these can be produced easily and do not legally hold up as an official birth record)

The State of Hawaii says otherwise. But hey why would Birthers prefer to believe the State of Hawaii over convicted con-men?

Glad we have American patriots such as James Woods who wants the truth exposed about Barack Hussein Soetoro Soebarka. Like our blessed Trumpenfuhrer, I've said it before and I will say it again, Obama needs to release his college admissions. In essence, that boy needs to show his papers.

Is it a qualifying requirement for president that you attend Columbia University?
He claimed he went yet refuses to release any records proving it. We call that LYING.
You mean like Trump claimed he went to Fordham University- but refuses to release any records proving it.

Why are you calling Donald Trump a liar?

Nothing like asking libs to prove something to start them foaming at the mouth, huh?
Nothing like contards spreading lies and watching them foam at the mouths when their lies are exposed.
Care to point out what lies you are referring to?
Just a sampling of the Birther lies in this thread:
In essence, that boy needs to show his papers
The biggest fraud was his fake birth certificate and some idiots still fall for it

I don't care if he went there or not, but it seems suspicious that no evidence has been produced, when it should be so easily accessible

The one thBreaking: Clinton-Abedin PedoGate Video Found On Dark Webat gets me is that supposedly he enrolled at Occidental as a foreign student.

If he is exposed as ineligible to be president, his SC appointments will have to be removed. And obamacare will be voided.

because there is NO, BIRTH, CERTIFICATE... NONE... ZERO... ZIP... and there never will be. He was born in KENYA just like his GRAND MOTHER SAID that was THERE when he was born.

THERE IS NO LEGAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE for Obama, none has ever been produced.

All stupid Birther lies- it is like going back to Trump when he was the Birther King of Lies.


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We've all known since HITLERY brought it to America's attention that BARACH was born in KENYA.

But Washington... ALL of them... repub and dem alike... decided to let the obvious go and let this little kenyan black boy be elected. He was the savior. The end all, be all of race problems in America. He was going to prove once and for all that America was NOT... RACIST.... and he DID. But then, whoops... then the problems started when we found out he was just another radical America hating black sons a bitch... going to "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM" America... pfft... sorry ass black ass wipe... he belongs in prison because EVERYONE knows he was NOT born in Hawaii. That is a MYTH. NO ONE, NO ONE... EVER... has laid eyes or hands on a BIRTH CERTIFICATE for him from Hawaii, and they STILL haven't. To ANYONE that claims he WAS born in Hawaii, you're a LIAR, and you KNOW IT, because there is NO WAY IN HELL you can PROVE IT, because there is NO, BIRTH, CERTIFICATE... NONE... ZERO... ZIP... and there never will be. He was born in KENYA just like his GRAND MOTHER SAID that was THERE when he was born. He is a FRAUD and belongs in PRISON, and we ALL know... even the DENIERS... even those MORONS that want to call people 'BIRHTERS'... pfft... THEY are the ones that look like IDIOTS... in FULL DENIAL... LYING...

Here ya go buddy... BE A HERO... SHOW ME A BIRTH CERTIFICATE FOR OBAMA... instead of your DUMBASS little BULL SHIT reply... SHOW ME... I'LL WAIT... REALLY... FIND IT... you pathetic moron...

Here is the link- right to the State of Hawaii's website

Vital Records | Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II
Government would never falsify any records would they?

Birthers always believe convicted con-men but not the official record keepers.

The funny part about the Birther logic is just as in this thread they demand a copy of the official birth certificate.

But then refuse to accept anything as real from the agency that generates- and stores the birth certificates.

Or as the former Hawaiian Director of Health said so aptly 7 years ago:

Ex-Hawaii official denounces 'ludicrous' birther claims
No matter what state officials release on the issue, the "birthers" are going to question it, said Fukino. "They’re going to question the ink on which it was written or say it was fabricated," said Fukino. "The whole thing is silly."
We've all known since HITLERY brought it to America's attention that BARACH was born in KENYA.

But Washington... ALL of them... repub and dem alike... decided to let the obvious go and let this little kenyan black boy be elected. He was the savior. The end all, be all of race problems in America. He was going to prove once and for all that America was NOT... RACIST.... and he DID. But then, whoops... then the problems started when we found out he was just another radical America hating black sons a bitch... going to "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM" America... pfft... sorry ass black ass wipe... he belongs in prison because EVERYONE knows he was NOT born in Hawaii. That is a MYTH. NO ONE, NO ONE... EVER... has laid eyes or hands on a BIRTH CERTIFICATE for him from Hawaii, and they STILL haven't. To ANYONE that claims he WAS born in Hawaii, you're a LIAR, and you KNOW IT, because there is NO WAY IN HELL you can PROVE IT, because there is NO, BIRTH, CERTIFICATE... NONE... ZERO... ZIP... and there never will be. He was born in KENYA just like his GRAND MOTHER SAID that was THERE when he was born. He is a FRAUD and belongs in PRISON, and we ALL know... even the DENIERS... even those MORONS that want to call people 'BIRHTERS'... pfft... THEY are the ones that look like IDIOTS... in FULL DENIAL... LYING...

Here ya go buddy... BE A HERO... SHOW ME A BIRTH CERTIFICATE FOR OBAMA... instead of your DUMBASS little BULL SHIT reply... SHOW ME... I'LL WAIT... REALLY... FIND IT... you pathetic moron...

Here is the link- right to the State of Hawaii's website

Vital Records | Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II
Government would never falsify any records would they?

Birthers always believe convicted con-men but not the official record keepers.

The funny part about the Birther logic is just as in this thread they demand a copy of the official birth certificate.

But then refuse to accept anything as real from the agency that generates- and stores the birth certificates.

Or as the former Hawaiian Director of Health said so aptly 7 years ago:

Ex-Hawaii official denounces 'ludicrous' birther claims
No matter what state officials release on the issue, the "birthers" are going to question it, said Fukino. "They’re going to question the ink on which it was written or say it was fabricated," said Fukino. "The whole thing is silly."
But that was not what i asked was it?
They won't find any evidence of Soetero attending Columbia.... but it doesn't matter this will fall into the memory hole in a couple of days.
I tracked it down- supposedly it is what he said to Wayne Allyn Root.

Who has been rabidly anti-Obama ever since his Root's ticket lost in 2008.

Because of course Birthers are always truthful.....

And the professor is not on record confirming any of it.

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