Twitter Erupts After James Woods Asks For Photo Evidence Obama Attended Columbia University

Too late. He was President for 8 years and nothing is going to change that now.



trump cigar.jpg
hmm....interesting ......

Perhaps he used Sotoro. Or perhaps he never went there.
I don't care if he went there or not, but it seems suspicious that no evidence has been produced, when it should be so easily accessible.

From 1990, and I quote:

Obama Named New Law Review President | News | The Harvard Crimson

Public Sector Work

Obama, 28, came to the Law School last year after having graduated from Columbia College and directed a Chicago counseling program for the disadvantaged for several years.

Obama said yesterday he plans to continue working in the public sector when he graduates from law school, but is unsure what form that work would take. He said he will consider anything from running for elected office to setting up community service programs.

Editors at the nation's other top law reviews said they were not sure if their publications had ever had a Black president, but Robert Shapiro, editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal, said that the journal had a Black president in 1987.

New presidents are elected on the basis of their work for the review that year by all of the senior editors except the outgoing president, in an all-day, all-night process that most involved in yesterday's selection called grueling. completely idiotic PC as Harvard is...I would be embarrassed to have a degree from that place.
hmm....interesting ......

Perhaps he used Sotoro. Or perhaps he never went there.
I don't care if he went there or not, but it seems suspicious that no evidence has been produced, when it should be so easily accessible.

From 1990, and I quote:

Obama Named New Law Review President | News | The Harvard Crimson

Public Sector Work

Obama, 28, came to the Law School last year after having graduated from Columbia College and directed a Chicago counseling program for the disadvantaged for several years.

Obama said yesterday he plans to continue working in the public sector when he graduates from law school, but is unsure what form that work would take. He said he will consider anything from running for elected office to setting up community service programs.

Editors at the nation's other top law reviews said they were not sure if their publications had ever had a Black president, but Robert Shapiro, editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal, said that the journal had a Black president in 1987.

New presidents are elected on the basis of their work for the review that year by all of the senior editors except the outgoing president, in an all-day, all-night process that most involved in yesterday's selection called grueling. completely idiotic PC as Harvard is...I would be embarrassed to have a degree from that place.

Nobody with an Ivy League education will EVER be embarrassed to say so. That's ridiculous.

But I guess we'll have to take your word for it, because there's no way you would ever be admitted.
hmm....interesting ......

Perhaps he used Sotoro. Or perhaps he never went there.
I don't care if he went there or not, but it seems suspicious that no evidence has been produced, when it should be so easily accessible.

From 1990, and I quote:

Obama Named New Law Review President | News | The Harvard Crimson

Public Sector Work

Obama, 28, came to the Law School last year after having graduated from Columbia College and directed a Chicago counseling program for the disadvantaged for several years.

Obama said yesterday he plans to continue working in the public sector when he graduates from law school, but is unsure what form that work would take. He said he will consider anything from running for elected office to setting up community service programs.

Editors at the nation's other top law reviews said they were not sure if their publications had ever had a Black president, but Robert Shapiro, editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal, said that the journal had a Black president in 1987.

New presidents are elected on the basis of their work for the review that year by all of the senior editors except the outgoing president, in an all-day, all-night process that most involved in yesterday's selection called grueling. completely idiotic PC as Harvard is...I would be embarrassed to have a degree from that place.

Nobody with an Ivy League education will EVER be embarrassed to say so. That's ridiculous.

But I guess we'll have to take your word for it, because there's no way you would ever be admitted.
Harvard is a laughingstock in the real world.
hmm....interesting ......

Perhaps he used Sotoro. Or perhaps he never went there.
I don't care if he went there or not, but it seems suspicious that no evidence has been produced, when it should be so easily accessible.

From 1990, and I quote:

Obama Named New Law Review President | News | The Harvard Crimson

Public Sector Work

Obama, 28, came to the Law School last year after having graduated from Columbia College and directed a Chicago counseling program for the disadvantaged for several years.

Obama said yesterday he plans to continue working in the public sector when he graduates from law school, but is unsure what form that work would take. He said he will consider anything from running for elected office to setting up community service programs.

Editors at the nation's other top law reviews said they were not sure if their publications had ever had a Black president, but Robert Shapiro, editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal, said that the journal had a Black president in 1987.

New presidents are elected on the basis of their work for the review that year by all of the senior editors except the outgoing president, in an all-day, all-night process that most involved in yesterday's selection called grueling. completely idiotic PC as Harvard is...I would be embarrassed to have a degree from that place.

Nobody with an Ivy League education will EVER be embarrassed to say so. That's ridiculous.

But I guess we'll have to take your word for it, because there's no way you would ever be admitted.
Oh...liberal elite snobbery...oh I’m so hurt...looking at the three college degrees hanging on my wall. Degrees that mean something and that I earned. Not because daddy was an alum or that I was a minority...but actually earned. GI Bill is great if your a poor kid and not born with a silver spoon in your throat. have to put your ass on the line for your country.
Why is it important if Barry Hussein attended Columbia? I wonder who paid his tuition to Harvard and whether he (Barry Sotoro Hussein Obama) declared himself to be a (legal) alien born outside the U.S. to get a better deal in tuition.
And by 'dodged' you mean was the first President to ever show actual evidence to American voters that he was born in the United States.

Don't lie to me. Show me a copy of Obama's original birth certificate. You can't. No legally standing birth certificate was ever produced. His own wife told a college audience in 2006-2007 that he had been a foreign exchange student. His own grandmother maintained he was Kenyan born till the day she died. Look up Obama's SS number and answer me why it's from a state he never even lived in?
Stop lying. I already posted it.
So the original of this Birth certificate

All BULLSHIT. Like I said, you got nothing. Your "timeline" of who did what;" WORTHLESS. Your green form. WORTHLESS. Your photocopy too low res that it can't even be blown up to be legible. WORTHLESS. A certificate of Live Birth don't mean jack in a court of law. They are easy to get, easy to make and easy to forge. Every one of those shown documents has been debunked as worthless. You want to see my original legal birth certificate signed by the doctor who delivered me, I can produce it in 5 seconds.
Great... post it ... then prove to the forum it’s authentic.

Glad we have American patriots such as James Woods who wants the truth exposed about Barack Hussein Soetoro Soebarka. Like our blessed Trumpenfuhrer, I've said it before and I will say it again, Obama needs to release his college admissions. In essence, that boy needs to show his papers.

You mean this James Woods:

Romance on a Razor's Edge

Woods has all the credibility of a cockroach.
That’s because he also has the brain of one.
And by 'dodged' you mean was the first President to ever show actual evidence to American voters that he was born in the United States.
Show me a copy of Obama's original birth certificate. You can't. No legally standing birth certificate was ever produced.

Let us get something straight- nothing you see on the internet is ever a 'legally standing birth certificate'- at most it is an image of a legally standing birth certificate'.

And Barack Obama is the first President to ever show Americans both images of his legally standing birth certificate- and also to show Americans(in this case reporters) legal certified copies of his original birth certificate.

So lets start out with the statement from the State of Hawaii's Director of Health:
View attachment 188436

View attachment 188437
Note this specific comment:
In June 2008, President Obama released his Certification of Live Birth.....Both documents are legally sufficient evidence of birth in the State of Hawaii

So the original of this Birth certificate- the image of which we all saw online- is confirmed by the State of Hawaii- to be legally valid and proof of his birth in Hawaii

But because of an idiot Birther named Donald Trump- President Obama requested a certified copy of his original birth certificate from Hawaii- also referenced in the letter from Hawaii above.

So in 2012- President Obama held a press conference where he showed reporters the certified copies of his original birth certificate- so the reporters saw his legally certified birth certificate- with the raised seal and everything- and afterwards posted an image of the birth certificate online.

And so did one of the reporter- Savannah Guthrie took snaps with her phone of the certified original she handled


So what do we have?
A) The State of Hawaii stating that both the COLB and the 2012 original are legal documents.
B) That in 2008 Barack Obama was the first Presidential candidate to ever show the American voters legal evidence of where he was born.
C) Birthers lying again.
Mike Zullo, Sheriff Joe Arpaio's prestigious patriotic leading investigator utilizing the full resources of the Maricopa Sheriff's Office confirmed that Savannah Guthrie held a copy of a birth certificate made in PDF. He confirmed that the long form birth certificate released on April 27, 2011 by the White House was a 100% computer generated forgery that never existed in paper form. Two independent computer forensic labs hired by the Maricopa Sheriff's Office, one overseas, did an attestation of the birth document and the results were a created forgery. Just like corrupt FBI agents were in on the fix to create a false dossier and FISA warrant, corrupt Hawaii Dept Health official Chiyome Fukino and Alvin Onaka were in on the fix to create a false birth record in their systems to make his birth record look legit. Hawaii Health registrar Loretta Fuddy paid the price with death.
Sheriff Arpaio was caught lying.

So naturally, you believe him.

Oh wait- you are an idiotic Birther

IDIOTIC BIRTHER: Term used by the Left covering their tracks when asked to produce actual court qualified evidence Barry Soetoro alias Barack Hussein Obama is a natural born American citizen, because amazingly, THEY NEVER CAN. And you can't just slough me off, I know the actual guy who appeared in court having examined all the supplied documents to give expert witness that the best of them had been photoshopped from other documents to alter it to make it appear legitimate.


Barry Obama is NOT a natural born American citizen, he never has been, was never qualified to hold office as President, Nancy Pelosi ran her tail off to fudge that fact to get him on all 50 states polls so he could run, and all of his EOs and actions as POTUS are illegal, null and void. The biggest cover-up in the history of the country followed only by Hillary Clinton's exploits to sell first national secrets to the Chinese in the 90s then to other foreign countries during her stint as Sec. of State. And they got burned because she was supposed to pay them back after she got to be POTUS and Trump's winning lost them all their rewards! MAJOR embarrassment to Washington which was totally behind the Hillary campaign.
No, the term, “idiotic birther,” refers to the undisputed fact that birthers are idiots.
I've said all along Barack Obama is the biggest fraud ever foisted on the American people. He was the perfect conman with the perfect audience. Gullible Liberals with stars in their eyes.

And that fraud did an amazing job. Now you have a REAL fraud in the White House, a pathological liar that is proven and certifiable (unlike your whack job conspiracy theories, actually provable) and you will follow this fool off a cliff if he tells you to.

Perhaps he used Sotoro. Or perhaps he never went there.
I don't care if he went there or not, but it seems suspicious that no evidence has been produced, when it should be so easily accessible.

From 1990, and I quote:

Obama Named New Law Review President | News | The Harvard Crimson

Public Sector Work

Obama, 28, came to the Law School last year after having graduated from Columbia College and directed a Chicago counseling program for the disadvantaged for several years.

Obama said yesterday he plans to continue working in the public sector when he graduates from law school, but is unsure what form that work would take. He said he will consider anything from running for elected office to setting up community service programs.

Editors at the nation's other top law reviews said they were not sure if their publications had ever had a Black president, but Robert Shapiro, editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal, said that the journal had a Black president in 1987.

New presidents are elected on the basis of their work for the review that year by all of the senior editors except the outgoing president, in an all-day, all-night process that most involved in yesterday's selection called grueling. completely idiotic PC as Harvard is...I would be embarrassed to have a degree from that place.

Nobody with an Ivy League education will EVER be embarrassed to say so. That's ridiculous.

But I guess we'll have to take your word for it, because there's no way you would ever be admitted.
Harvard is a laughingstock in the real world.
Why is it important if Barry Hussein attended Columbia? I wonder who paid his tuition to Harvard and whether he (Barry Sotoro Hussein Obama) declared himself to be a (legal) alien born outside the U.S. to get a better deal in tuition.
Aww, you poor thing. You’re going to go to your grave never learning the answers to those burning questions. Sucks to be you.
I thought 15 women from Colombia all said they saw him, and then they all said they were touched by George W. WOW. I really thought the dems would have done a better job on paying people for a back story. He isn't Kenyan, but his daddy is Frank Marshall Davis. It is kind of scary that the deep state elected their own special scum bag.

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