Twitter falls into line on EU disinformation law

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Musk told that Europe will not allow a "wild west" culture to prevail. This will prsent problems for around half of twitters new users. The likes of Tate and trump should have remained on the naughty step.
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Europe doesn't like free speech? Europe is the same place that placed on a pedestal some kid from Switzerland or wherever she is from, who lectured the world and told us the world would! *Crickets*

THEY want to discuss disinformation?!?

It is the job of the education system to educate their citizens to be critical thinkers, so is government education failing their citizens? It seems that way, and it is convenient where climate change is concerned.
“Disinformation” is the red flag here because that can be anything that the euro’s say it is

Which is ripe for abuse by the politicians

Musk told that Europe sill not allow a "wild west" culture to prevail. This will prsent problems for around half of twitters new users. The likes of Tate and trump shuld have remained on the naughty step.

Europe has always had a problem with free speech. That's why America started Radio Free Europe to start with.

Musk told that Europe sill not allow a "wild west" culture to prevail. This will prsent problems for around half of twitters new users. The likes of Tate and trump shuld have remained on the naughty step.
We all know that politicians are the antithesis of truthiness and never lie, so yea, they must censor Twitter

Thread summary:

"Fascist propandists get upset because Europe has restrictions on spreading fascist propaganda. Film at 11."

Oh, have I told you Trump cult Nazis how hard you can all keep sucking it? We squashed you cockroaches once in WWII, and we're having fun squashing you again.

Now, run along. Especially you, Votto. Those Nazi wangs won't suck themselves, so your skills are needed.
Thread summary:
"Fascist propandists get upset because Europe has restrictions on spreading fascist propaganda. Film at 11."

Who gets to decide what is misinformation or propaganda? All this is is one more attempt by little commies trying to control the free speech of others. When you commies ran Twitter, the only people you ever censored were conservatives.
Who gets to decide what is misinformation or propaganda? All this is is one more attempt by little commies trying to control the free speech of others.
Says a fanatical pro-censorship authoritarian, projecting his own authoritarian leanings.

You can't tongue-bathe every right wing fascist censor, as you do, and then pretend you support free speech. You don't. Censoring sends a tingle up your fascist leg. You've made that very clear.

The right is on a mad censorship crusade now. They're giddy about sending librarians and teachers to jail now for having the wrong book or saying the wrong things. And that's right here in the USA. And the right loveloveslovesit.

And the left ... didn't censor a goddamned thing, anywhere. Twitter, a private company, kicked out Trump for blatantly violating ToS over and over. Only the most flagrantly dishonest fascist would try to pretend that was left-wing censorship. That's you.

And yes, we know why you lie. You think if you lie about the left censoring people, that will deflect attention away from you censoring people. It really is that obvious. Another fine example of the infallibility of the "Any accusation from the right is a confession" rule.
Says a fanatical pro-censorship authoritarian

You consider traditional American common sense family values going back 250 years "fanatical?" And I'm ANTI-censorship, dooshbag, if you are going to LIE, at least try to lie WELL.

Republicans are on no mission to censor anyone, dooshbag, they are just trying to gain control and shut down the left's efforts to defile America and corrupt children and turn this country into some sort of immoral freak sex show before it totally ruins this nation, you're just mad about it because it involves clamping down on all of the sick, immoral madness you are for.

And FYI, idiot, I'm not even a republican.

Your crap just ain't gonna wash so long as there are sane, decent, moral people left to stand against your insanity and depravity.
You consider traditional American common sense family values going back 250 years "fanatical?"
Cool, a "slavery was traditional, so it's good!" argument.

That's just one reason why most of America correctly classifies you as an immoral douche, and why you can only win at the ballot box by cheating.

and corrupt children

The old Nazis also used the "jews/liberals are attacking children!" big lie, so it's no surprise that you new Nazis are using it.

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