Twitter suspensions raise alarm in and outside media circles

Anything the fake news media aka democrat party Super PACs have to say in regards to this is completely worthless. These fascists, and yes, the left is the real fascist movement, can't stand the idea of being held accountable for their threats and actions, and furthermore, they hate they idea of anyone with opposing views having the right to free speech. It's great seeing them cry like this, hopefully this is just the beginning of much more misery for them to come.

Where is the same fake news media in regards to the extreme bias of fascistbook, google etc. Crickets
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Kunstler nails it again.

" Even if NBC, CBS, CNN, The New York Times, The WashPo, and the rest of the Big News Media mafia ignore the Twitter Files story, the revolution at Twitter is going to shake their windows and rattle their walls. There will be free debate in 2023 on this social media platform. News and ideas will be set loose across the landscape, and, for the first time in years, reality will have a chance to compete with the bad faith narratives of a regime at war against its own people.

We’ll have to see how long this window remains open before the Intel Community tries to shut Twitter down, ramp up a campaign to defame it, or blow it up as a viable business. Or make a move to, shall we say, neutralize the person behind the revolution there. The more that free speech is actually permitted on Twitter, the more every other platform will look like a lame organ of propaganda, especially when it comes to issues that really matter such as the deadly consequences of the mRNA “vaccines,” the shady doings around recent US elections, the actual condition of the US economy, the perilous folly of “Joe Biden’s” war in Ukraine (and the family grifting operation that prompted it), and the evil machinations of the Intel Community itself."

It's weird no alarms were raised when Twitter banned righties

Well, they never actually admitted to banning anyone based on politics! It just so happened that everyone banned (who of course now couldn't even complain about it or protest because they were locked out of Twitter) just happened to be 99.9% right leaning or Trump supporting!

So a few idiots decided to test the limits of Musk's new methods to prove a point.

And what they did endangered his child and could only be taken as a direct threat against his family.

I'm totally OK with Elon Musk. I've liked him ever since he did that cameo on The Big Bang Theory helping out in a soup kitchen.
Kunstler nails it again.

" Even if NBC, CBS, CNN, The New York Times, The WashPo, and the rest of the Big News Media mafia ignore the Twitter Files story, the revolution at Twitter is going to shake their windows and rattle their walls. There will be free debate in 2023 on this social media platform. News and ideas will be set loose across the landscape, and, for the first time in years, reality will have a chance to compete with the bad faith narratives of a regime at war against its own people.

We’ll have to see how long this window remains open before the Intel Community tries to shut Twitter down, ramp up a campaign to defame it, or blow it up as a viable business. Or make a move to, shall we say, neutralize the person behind the revolution there. The more that free speech is actually permitted on Twitter, the more every other platform will look like a lame organ of propaganda, especially when it comes to issues that really matter such as the deadly consequences of the mRNA “vaccines,” the shady doings around recent US elections, the actual condition of the US economy, the perilous folly of “Joe Biden’s” war in Ukraine (and the family grifting operation that prompted it), and the evil machinations of the Intel Community itself."

Hopefully, people will quit watching the liar/compromised/leftist-leaning press. A few more every day are sidelining them in favor of fair and balanced stations that shows the people the correct story, not the way they hate this or that leader that never breaks his word, never says one thing, then follows up the next day with a 180-degree claim, shuffled and thrown in. And the cancellations of promises after the vote is done is the pits.
The hypocrisy of the exact same media corporations and journalists who spent years demanding more censorship from Big Tech turning into free speech champions

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