Two American soldiers killed in Trump's Afghanistan War

The war started by George W. Bush and continued by Obama and now Trump continues to claim victims.
I thought isolationist Trump would end the war, but he's just another warmonger.
Two US soldiers are dead now.
Thanks, Cadet Bonespurs.

ILMAO @ Trump is a war-monger. Trump is a turn-gender too.
The war started by George W. Bush and continued by Obama and now Trump continues to claim victims.
I thought isolationist Trump would end the war, but he's just another warmonger.
Two US soldiers are dead now.
Thanks, Cadet Bonespurs.
The war was started by the Muslim pieces of shit who blew up the Twin Towers you fucking asshole. The war was voted on overwhelmingly by Democrats and Republicans alike. Go fuck yourself you ignorant piece of Filth
Did you know that Obama's Nobel Peace prize, had more US troops killed in the middle east than both George Bush's?

LOL Sure he did.

"Obama slashed the number of U.S. troops in war zones from 150,000 to 14,000, and stopped the flow of American soldiers coming home in body bags. He also used diplomacy, not war, to defuse a tense nuclear standoff with Iran.

But he vastly expanded the role of elite commando units and the use of new technology, including armed drones and cyber weapons.

“The whole concept of war has changed under Obama,” said Jon Alterman, Middle East specialist at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a nonprofit think tank in Washington.

Obama “got the country out of ‘war,’ at least as we used to see it,” Alterman said. “We’re now wrapped up in all these different conflicts, at a low level and with no end in sight.”

.....your link, it is pretty objective, imo.

He reluctantly approved a NATO air campaign in Libya initially aimed at preventing massacres of civilians by strongman Moammar Kadafi.

Determined to avoid the kind of nation building that pulled the U.S. into Iraq’s civil war, he withdrew after Kadafi was killed — only to see the oil-rich country collapse in conflict and become a magnet for terrorist groups.

The danger was clear after members of the Islamic militant group Ansar al Sharia stormed a U.S. diplomatic compound and nearby CIA base in Benghazi, in eastern Libya, in September 2012, killing U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

The messy aftermath in Libya made Obama realize the limitations of military power in achieving U.S. goals, and that shaped the rest of his presidency, said Benjamin Rhodes, his deputy national security advisor.

“It’s hard for people to remember, but when we came into office we were losing 100 people a month, spending $10 billion a month — an unsustainable allocation of resources and an incredible burden on our military,” Rhodes said.

Spending and casualties both have fallen sharply.
The war started by George W. Bush and continued by Obama and now Trump continues to claim victims.
I thought isolationist Trump would end the war, but he's just another warmonger.
Two US soldiers are dead now.
Thanks, Cadet Bonespurs.
Did you know that Obama's Nobel Peace prize, had more US troops killed in the middle east than both George Bush's? Of course not, because the lame stream media didnt want the 1/2 white faggot to look bad.

President Obama, who hoped to sow peace, instead led the nation in war

You are full of shit as normal.

Under Bush II alone more than 4700 troops lost their lives. Under Obama the number is just above 2300.

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Seems we're getting better at this military escapade thing.

Some 2300 deaths in 13 years in the Afghanistan fiasco vs 30,000 deaths in the Korean and some 50,000 in the Viet Nam.
The war started by George W. Bush and continued by Obama and now Trump continues to claim victims.
I thought isolationist Trump would end the war, but he's just another warmonger.
Two US soldiers are dead now.
Thanks, Cadet Bonespurs.

The fact that both Bush AND Obama thought we needed to be in Afghanistan speaks volumes. We can't be privy to every decision a President makes. But sounds like there is a serious national security concern behind the decision of Bush, Obama and Trump.
The war started by George W. Bush and continued by Obama and now Trump continues to claim victims.
I thought isolationist Trump would end the war, but he's just another warmonger.
Two US soldiers are dead now.
Thanks, Cadet Bonespurs.

At least you get to use their dead bodies to blast President Trump, so they clearly didn't die in vain. Ghoulish creature.
The war started by George W. Bush and continued by Obama and now Trump continues to claim victims.
I thought isolationist Trump would end the war, but he's just another warmonger.
Two US soldiers are dead now.
Thanks, Cadet Bonespurs.

At least you get to use their dead bodies to blast President Trump, so they clearly didn't die in vain. Ghoulish creature.

They didn't die in vain anyway.

Everyone just stop politicizing military deaths.
The war started by George W. Bush and continued by Obama and now Trump continues to claim victims.
I thought isolationist Trump would end the war, but he's just another warmonger.
Two US soldiers are dead now.
Thanks, Cadet Bonespurs.
It will always be W's failed, illegal war.
The war started by George W. Bush and continued by Obama and now Trump continues to claim victims.
I thought isolationist Trump would end the war, but he's just another warmonger.
Two US soldiers are dead now.
Thanks, Cadet Bonespurs.
It will always be W's failed, illegal war.

No it won't, jackass and because of YOU of all people say so makes it even more laughable.

RUN JONES RUN!!!!!!!!!!
The war started by George W. Bush and continued by Obama and now Trump continues to claim victims.
I thought isolationist Trump would end the war, but he's just another warmonger.
Two US soldiers are dead now.
Thanks, Cadet Bonespurs.

At least you get to use their dead bodies to blast President Trump, so they clearly didn't die in vain. Ghoulish creature.

They didn't die in vain anyway.

Everyone just stop politicizing military deaths.

Or all deaths, but I know that is simply a child-like dream and nothing more.
The war started by George W. Bush and continued by Obama and now Trump continues to claim victims.
I thought isolationist Trump would end the war, but he's just another warmonger.
Two US soldiers are dead now.
Thanks, Cadet Bonespurs.

At least you get to use their dead bodies to blast President Trump, so they clearly didn't die in vain. Ghoulish creature.

They didn't die in vain anyway.

Everyone just stop politicizing military deaths.

Or all deaths, but I know that is simply a child-like dream and nothing more.

Yeah, like school shootings, standing on the bodies of dead children for political points is disgusting
The war started by George W. Bush and continued by Obama and now Trump continues to claim victims.
I thought isolationist Trump would end the war, but he's just another warmonger.
Two US soldiers are dead now.
Thanks, Cadet Bonespurs.

At least you get to use their dead bodies to blast President Trump, so they clearly didn't die in vain. Ghoulish creature.

They didn't die in vain anyway.

Everyone just stop politicizing military deaths.

Or all deaths, but I know that is simply a child-like dream and nothing more.

Yeah, like school shootings, standing on the bodies of dead children for political points is disgusting

Ghouls gonna ghoul.
The war started by George W. Bush and continued by Obama and now Trump continues to claim victims.
I thought isolationist Trump would end the war, but he's just another warmonger.
Two US soldiers are dead now.
Thanks, Cadet Bonespurs.
The war was started by the Muslim pieces of shit who blew up the Twin Towers you fucking asshole. The war was voted on overwhelmingly by Democrats and Republicans alike. Go fuck yourself you ignorant piece of Filth
So you support Obama's war? Noted.
Aren't you from the United States? Why would we want the rest of the world to think this country is as fucked up as you are?

The mostly Saudi TERRORISTS pulled off 9/11. Osama was a Saudi too! Do you think the King of Saudi Arabia had Osama over for tea and crumpets on a weekly basis?
i thought he hung out in caves in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

That screaming noise you heard was my point flying over your head. Osama was a wanted man in Saudi Arabia years before 9/11!
you missed mine. that's ok. I was letting that stupid fk know that he wasn't visiting Saudi, he was where I stated. Had nothing to do with your point.

In that case. you should not quote my post, but the one you are responding towards.
well it was the focus of my point. it's how it works in here. and I called him out in it.

Then you should have the common sense to quote the person to which you were responding, dumbass!

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