Two Black Teens Burn Mentally-Ill White Man Alive And Kill Him – The Media Ignores Another Hate Crime


All killed by Black terrorists....






If you thugs just killed each other no one would give a shit.
The past and present and future of blk ppl and concern me the most and in that history whites have been the main evil. I don't care for white people the way you do and I'm sure you feel the same about blacks.
White people have a heart of stone when it comes to black people.

I have absolutely no empathy for anyone other than my own.

A story like Natalee Holloway back in the day, got big because at first, they thought she was made missing by two dark skinned, Middle Eastern dudes, before that Van Der Sloot kid got all the attention. Then, when it turned out the white kid was more involved than the others, the shock and awe campaign started. White killing white? SHOCKING..same thing with Laci and Scott Peterson.

Meanwhile LaToyia Figueroa, a blk killed by a blk...who cares? That what the media puts out.

Look at the the Boston bomber of 2013. He got a front cover of rolling stone !!


This white guy killed 3 and injured 250 civillians in the Boston bombing marathon in 2013. Many lost arms and legs and were blinded and wheel chair bound for life but Rolling Stone magazine presented Tsarnaev in a way to how rock stars are shown on magazine covers saying how popular and promising of student he was.

White people are always trying to humanize white killers.

Considering that black tragedies get little or no recognition, I'm not crying a bucket of tears when the media harps on some white tragedy that happened 15 years ago.

Cases like JonBenet Ramsey and Caylee Anthony were parroted across our TVs everyday. Yet there are countless of missing black children that don't get half the amount of coverage as white missing children.

LMAO.. You're blaming the media from what, 20 years ago? Remember when the black man was murdering all the little black kids in Atlanta? If the media was sooo racist, do you think it would've been national news? Or that violent thug, George Floyd.
The media would make a huge story out of a toad frog, if it sold enough advertisements.
If you wanna go down this road, remember, there are more black people committing homicides in this country. So you really don't have much of a leg to stand on with this stupid argument.
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You would have to have 1 hate crime murder of 10 million murders to reach 99,999999%. Even with the very generous black contribution, that's silly.

You're an ass. Now that is a fact.

I said 99.<<decimal 999999%
Not 99,999999%
"You people?" That's racist now a days isn't it? I can't keep up with all the things we're not allowed to say now a days. But I'm pretty sure that's a racist statement.

White people have a heart of stone when it comes to black people.

I have absolutely no empathy for anyone other than my own.

A story like Natalee Holloway back in the day, got big because at first, they thought she was made missing by two dark skinned, Middle Eastern dudes, before that Van Der Sloot kid got all the attention. Then, when it turned out the white kid was more involved than the others, the shock and awe campaign started. White killing white? SHOCKING..same thing with Laci and Scott Peterson.

Meanwhile LaToyia Figueroa, a blk killed by a blk...who cares? That what the media puts out.

Look at the the Boston bomber of 2013. He got a front cover of rolling stone !!


This white guy killed 3 and injured 250 civillians in the Boston bombing marathon in 2013. Many lost arms and legs and were blinded and wheel chair bound for life but Rolling Stone magazine presented Tsarnaev in a way to how rock stars are shown on magazine covers saying how popular and promising of student he was.

White people are always trying to humanize white killers.

Considering that black tragedies get little or no recognition, I'm not crying a bucket of tears when the media harps on some white tragedy that happened 15 years ago.

Cases like JonBenet Ramsey and Caylee Anthony were parroted across our TVs everyday. Yet there

are countless of missing black children that don't get half the amount of coverage as white missing children.
Which whites stood behind and defended the perps?
BTW, Paul Essien , It just so happens, there's bad blacks, bad whites, bad middle easterners, bad Asians and just about every human on earth, regardless of their race, religion or gender, there are bad. The one common denominator is the fact that they're human.
Being bad is a human trait. Not a race trait.
You cannot not reach that percentage without 1 million murders. Are you black?

Oh I get it now. You think that number is an exact one. As inaccurate as that number might be,
1. It's close to the exact number than your number
2. The point is the same. That hate crimes are not even close to being the major reason why so many blacks kill whites. Or why so many whites kill blacks.

I think you know this. Which is why your so focused on the exact percentage number. And not the point.
Oh I get it now. You think that number is an exact one. As inaccurate as that number might be,
1. It's close to the exact number than your number
2. The point is the same. That hate crimes are not even close to being the major reason why so many blacks kill whites. Or why so many whites kill blacks.

I think you know this. Which is why your so focused on the exact percentage number. And not the point.
I've had it with you. You're a dingbat. That's a fact and unlike yours, that fact wasn't pulled out of my ass
I really don't care what color they are. Any time a group of teens burns a mentally challenged person to death, the burners must die. We can't afford to have animals like this running free.
Its only a hate crime if libs choose to call a hate crime

and they will seldom if ever admit that blacks are guilty of racism

the lesson here is lib media bias

every time a black person is the victim of violence by a white person the woke media is quick to point that out

indeed they practically shout it from the rooftops

but in this case where blacks are doing bad its just “oh well, move along. Nothing to see here folks”
The past and present and future of blk ppl and concern me the most and in that history whites have been the main evil. I don't care for white people the way you do and I'm sure you feel the same about blacks.

I don't give a white na na na na na na na na
Why are you asking me to prove a negative? It's up to people to prove it IS a hate crime.

I'd have to look back at it, but off the top of my head - simply because one race commits a crime on a person of another race, it isn't automatically a hate crime. The bar for hate crimes is actually pretty high (and should be) - most accusations of "hate crime" end up not being charged as a hate crime. If the races were reversed - based on the info in the article - it still wouldn't be a hate crime. There has to be some evidence that the victim was picked because of his ethnicity/race/religion etc and attacked because of it. Was there?

Regardless of race though, disabled and mentally ill people are far more often victims of crime than other people. I don't know if the legal designation of hate crime includes disability.

The fact that the offenders are only 14 and 16 and would do this is pretty horrific and doesn't bode well for their future. None of it has to do with race.
It's just another of the "death from a thousand cuts" that the black community at large will suffer. The black subculture is destroying everything that responsible blacks are trying to build. :(
It's just another of the "death from a thousand cuts" that the black community at large will suffer. The black subculture is destroying everything that responsible blacks are trying to build. :(
Agreed and I know many of those responsible black people who are distressed and doing what they can to make things better for their neighborhoods. Every culture has a criminal subculture that makes it hard on decent folks.

Two Black Teens Burn Mentally-Ill White Man Alive And Kill Him – The Media Ignores Another Hate Crime​

26 Jun 2021 ~~ By George Rowe
A disturbing story emerged back in March but crucial information about the story is still ignored by the MSM.
Two teens in Rochester, New York set a 53-year-old mentally ill man on fire, ultimately killing him.
The Rochester teenagers who were accused of setting the 53-year-old man on fire are now facing murder charges after the victim died from his injuries.
The boys — ages 14 and 16 — were initially arrested and charged with arson and assault on after allegedly pouring a flammable liquid on Steven Amenhauser and lighting him on fire in his home.
Those charges have now been upgraded after police said Amenhauser died.
In a rare instance, authorities have released the names of the juveniles allegedly behind the murder of 53-year-old Steven Amenhause that occurred on March 12th.
On March 12th, police say that 16-year-old Zayvion Perry and 14-year-old Adriel Riley Jr. had doused Amenhause with a flammable accelerant as he was sitting in a chair inside of his Lyell Avenue apartment and set him on fire.
Interestingly, unlike many past stories written in The New York Times and USA Today, the races of the involved parties were not mentioned. In 2021, that’s rare.
It turns out, the two teens are black and the now-deceased mentally ill man was white. I will ask a simple question: what if the roles were reversed? If two white teens randomly set a mentally ill black man on fire, killing him — it would unequivocally be deemed an act of racism.

Just look at the crime stats to see that White and Asian victims of Black violence far outnumber the other way around..
Unfortuantely our politicians, law enforcement authorities and Quisling Media work overtime to cover Black on White hate crimes while propagandizing the deaths of blacks while they perpetrate crimes and are killed by police in the process.
We saw this before when four Black men and a Black woman. tortured and ritualistically racially murdered Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom in Tennessee. Indeed Eric Boyd, Letalvis Cobbins, Lemaricus Davidson, George Thomas and Vanessa Lynn Coleman) were convicted of the heinous racist murders
This latest racial hate crime of a 53 year old man is just the continuation of racially motivated murders.
It’s absolutely imperative to call out ANTI WHITE hate crimes
As with every story of this nature, we will never know anything except what is told to us by reporters. We will not know what happened that lead up to this act. Was there some personal relationship we don't hear about? Some past interactions or perhaps constant name calling, threatening or belittling? Some financial component? I know a young man who got shot when he refused to pay the contractors for their work. Was it just plain meanness? Are the 14 and 16 year olds also mentally ill? Were they preying on someone who couldn't fight back because they had just been brutalized by an abusive father? Were they robbing him for drug money? There are so many causes, but this, like every other crime is a single incident and does not necessarily say anything about racism or hatred. It does, however, say that we as a society have many problems that need addressing.

Two Black Teens Burn Mentally-Ill White Man Alive And Kill Him – The Media Ignores Another Hate Crime​

26 Jun 2021 ~~ By George Rowe
A disturbing story emerged back in March but crucial information about the story is still ignored by the MSM.
Two teens in Rochester, New York set a 53-year-old mentally ill man on fire, ultimately killing him.
The Rochester teenagers who were accused of setting the 53-year-old man on fire are now facing murder charges after the victim died from his injuries.
The boys — ages 14 and 16 — were initially arrested and charged with arson and assault on after allegedly pouring a flammable liquid on Steven Amenhauser and lighting him on fire in his home.
Those charges have now been upgraded after police said Amenhauser died.
In a rare instance, authorities have released the names of the juveniles allegedly behind the murder of 53-year-old Steven Amenhause that occurred on March 12th.
On March 12th, police say that 16-year-old Zayvion Perry and 14-year-old Adriel Riley Jr. had doused Amenhause with a flammable accelerant as he was sitting in a chair inside of his Lyell Avenue apartment and set him on fire.
Interestingly, unlike many past stories written in The New York Times and USA Today, the races of the involved parties were not mentioned. In 2021, that’s rare.
It turns out, the two teens are black and the now-deceased mentally ill man was white. I will ask a simple question: what if the roles were reversed? If two white teens randomly set a mentally ill black man on fire, killing him — it would unequivocally be deemed an act of racism.

Just look at the crime stats to see that White and Asian victims of Black violence far outnumber the other way around..
Unfortuantely our politicians, law enforcement authorities and Quisling Media work overtime to cover Black on White hate crimes while propagandizing the deaths of blacks while they perpetrate crimes and are killed by police in the process.
We saw this before when four Black men and a Black woman. tortured and ritualistically racially murdered Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom in Tennessee. Indeed Eric Boyd, Letalvis Cobbins, Lemaricus Davidson, George Thomas and Vanessa Lynn Coleman) were convicted of the heinous racist murders
This latest racial hate crime of a 53 year old man is just the continuation of racially motivated murders.
It’s absolutely imperative to call out ANTI WHITE hate crimes

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