Two Black Teens Burn Mentally-Ill White Man Alive And Kill Him – The Media Ignores Another Hate Crime on white crime is in the news everyday--not US news though ........need to join WLM it

I might subscribe to something like "all lives matter." But with a racial overtone built into the name, I imagine there'd be white racist in that organization. I don't like white racist anymore than black ones.

Two Black Teens Burn Mentally-Ill White Man Alive And Kill Him – The Media Ignores Another Hate Crime​

26 Jun 2021 ~~ By George Rowe
A disturbing story emerged back in March but crucial information about the story is still ignored by the MSM.
Two teens in Rochester, New York set a 53-year-old mentally ill man on fire, ultimately killing him.
The Rochester teenagers who were accused of setting the 53-year-old man on fire are now facing murder charges after the victim died from his injuries.
The boys — ages 14 and 16 — were initially arrested and charged with arson and assault on after allegedly pouring a flammable liquid on Steven Amenhauser and lighting him on fire in his home.
Those charges have now been upgraded after police said Amenhauser died.
In a rare instance, authorities have released the names of the juveniles allegedly behind the murder of 53-year-old Steven Amenhause that occurred on March 12th.
On March 12th, police say that 16-year-old Zayvion Perry and 14-year-old Adriel Riley Jr. had doused Amenhause with a flammable accelerant as he was sitting in a chair inside of his Lyell Avenue apartment and set him on fire.
Interestingly, unlike many past stories written in The New York Times and USA Today, the races of the involved parties were not mentioned. In 2021, that’s rare.
It turns out, the two teens are black and the now-deceased mentally ill man was white. I will ask a simple question: what if the roles were reversed? If two white teens randomly set a mentally ill black man on fire, killing him — it would unequivocally be deemed an act of racism.

Just look at the crime stats to see that White and Asian victims of Black violence far outnumber the other way around..
Unfortuantely our politicians, law enforcement authorities and Quisling Media work overtime to cover Black on White hate crimes while propagandizing the deaths of blacks while they perpetrate crimes and are killed by police in the process.
We saw this before when four Black men and a Black woman. tortured and ritualistically racially murdered Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom in Tennessee. Indeed Eric Boyd, Letalvis Cobbins, Lemaricus Davidson, George Thomas and Vanessa Lynn Coleman) were convicted of the heinous racist murders
This latest racial hate crime of a 53 year old man is just the continuation of racially motivated murders.
It’s absolutely imperative to call out ANTI WHITE hate crimes

White people kill and harm each other all the time. Focus on the greater numbers of white killers who kill other white people ?

White people kill and harm each other all the time. Focus on the greater numbers of white killers who kill other white people ?

No one has absolved white people from the crimes they commit.
Yet we find time after time the crime of hating whitey is covered up. Take for example the Christian-Newsom murders in Tennessee.
Something is very broken in our national media, and there is no place this is more evident than in the selective reporting of Black on White vs. White on Black crime.
Black-on-White hate crime & murder is ignored because these crimes don’t fit the biased media’s narrative. It’s lying by omission. White Americans are portrayed as racist oppressors. Blacks are their perennial victims. This is a lie but the lie occurs when the media fails to report the ongoing epidemic of black-on-white crime. This applies to all black-on-white crime. Some of these horrific crimes are reported in a cursory way locally but absolutely no national network news service report on them. The Obama administration, Democrats and the media have relentlessly fanned the flames of racial hatred, while engaging in systematic patterns of misinformation and blatant suppression of facts surrounding the perpetrators and victims of crime. As a result we’ve had Obama accelerating his “criminal justice reform” and releasing more criminals from jails and pardoning prisoners from the prisons, supposedly to make amends for the unjust “mass incarceration” of black men.
Another case that comes close is that of the Carr brothers of Wichita in 2000. A heinous case of random black on white crime that received little national attention. After killing 5 innocent people (a sixth miraculously survived a shot to the head) they were convicted and were both sentenced to death. I assumed had been executed by now but a quick search shows that they remain alive.

The Real Crime Problem Doesn't Make Much News | Manhattan Institute
Yet we find time after time the crime of hating whitey is covered up.

More white people are killed or harned by whites. Blacks killing or harming whites make up a tiny %.



Take for example the Christian-Newsom murders in Tennessee.

This weakens you're argument.

The fact that you had to go back to the Newsom murders which happened 2007 shows that.

You literally want white people to die at the hands of black men.

Nothing beefs up white rage and white anger better a good ol black folks raping and killin white tale ...right ?

Whites love pointing out black on black crime when black people get murdered by whites. But let a black person point out white on white crime when a white person is murdered by a black person ?


See it's not so funny now is it ?

How many whites have killed other whites since 2007 ? Tons whites kill each other all the times and you worry about blks killing whites 14 years ago ?

Show me any black person who dug into Channon Christian's or Christian Newson's past history to try and find dirt on them to prove that they deserved it ?

Show me any black person who rigged the jury so the killers will get a lesser sentence ?

You got some nerve boy.

Yes - A black person can come up to a white person and bash their skull with a rock or kill a white person because he doesn’t like white people but that is not racism, That is an individual acting as an individual and there is no system in place that will support their right to harm you.

He will go to jail. All the people who killed Channon Christian and Christian Newsome have kissed their lives away

The point of racism is being able to kill blk people AND walk free.

But the police can murder black people and get away with it because there is a system in place that allows them to do it. (the courts, the police, the judge, the prison systems).

Something is very broken in our national media, and there is no place this is more evident than in the selective reporting of Black on White vs. White on Black crime.

That does not exist. For one white people make sure they live as far from black people as possible. Black people know they will be severely punished for harming a white person.

Whites have a much better chance of walking thru “The Hood” and not being shot or stabbed, compared to a black person doing the same in a white neighborhood. Black people don’t bother whites who live in or pass thru the neighborhood, based on personal observation.

Blk ppl can't even come in white Neignourhoods for legitimate reasons never mind nefarious ones.

Whites call the police on blk ppl so much even the police themselves are sick of it.

Black-on-White hate crime & murder is ignored because these crimes don’t fit the biased media’s narrative. It’s lying by omission.

There are around 12-15,000 homicides each year in the states and only a few get national coverage.

George Floyd is the exception, not the rule. The year that Floyd was killed in 2020. There were around 363 blacks killed by whites in America, and the other 362 of them have names that are known to virtually no one but their families.*

Murders that do get national coverage are usually
  • Serial killer murders
  • Murders in a public place
  • Murders involving a hostage situation,
  • Murders involving a mass killing spree
  • Murders involving the violation of federal law
  • Murders that have some kind of political overtone.
White Americans are portrayed as racist oppressors.

But you still get the job, you still get the loan, you still get the car, you still get the house, your kids don't have to worry about being blown away by cops. You can travel anywhere in the world and know your race is not going to be a problem.

So how is all this oppression is really busting you white guys up - riht ?

Blacks are their perennial victims. This is a lie but the lie occurs when the media fails to report the ongoing epidemic of black-on-white crime. This applies to all black-on-white crime. Some of these horrific crimes are reported in a cursory way locally but absolutely no national network news service report on them.

there is no epidemic

The Obama administration, Democrats and the media have relentlessly fanned the flames of racial hatred, while engaging in systematic patterns of misinformation and blatant suppression of facts surrounding the perpetrators and victims of crime. As a result we’ve had Obama accelerating his “criminal justice reform” and releasing more criminals from jails and pardoning prisoners from the prisons, supposedly to make amends for the unjust “mass incarceration” of black men.

Most black men are in prison for non violent offences.

Sorry to burst your big scary savage black men running loose theory bubble

The mass incarceration of blk men is because of drug laws.

And we are not even talking the hard stuff but weed

That's why Michael Thompson, a Black man, has been in a Michigan prison for 24 yrs of a 42 - 60 yr sentence for WEED, which is now legal in the state.

But the FBI/DOJ are discussing not charging the white supremacist terrorists who broke into the US Capitol and tried to overthrow the government.


Only in America.

And even worse, most of the distributes and suppliers of the drugs aren’t black.

That is where the real money is.

The black criminals are nothing but bullet fodder and a source of income for those who gain jobs in the prisons.

The distributors live in communities divorced from the street level dealers. They are almost never caught. If a black dealer, goes down, there is always another to take their place.

For every white drug dealer they apprehend, 99% get away. Plus they are not stopped as much. Hence it would appear to the people that it is mostly blacks who are committing these crimes.

For every black criminal who is incarcerated, there is many more white ones walking free, or in rehab, as the notion here is that they don’t want to ‘destroy’ a promising young person’s life.

Because of the socioeconomic deprivations of these black criminals, they will be hard pressed to find good legal representation. And in most cases we are not even talking about the hard stuff, like heroin, crack or cocaine, but marijuana – weed.

And even after they do their time they do not get to start over clean.

1) Almost no one will hire you.
2) Most professional licences are out of the question too.
3) For the first five years you cannot get public housing – just when you need it most.
4) You will never again get food stamps. And on and on.

Your life is messed up forever.

So what becomes of them ? We already know : Within three years there is a 70% chance you will be back in prison.

And all this is explained away by guys like you that blacks are just low IQ savages who can't do no good, and then endless stats about 'black crime' is churned out to people who already have preconceived ideas about black people.

Which further encourages the police to target black men, lock up black men and even kill black men and cycle continues, year after year after year.

Another case that comes close is that of the Carr brothers of Wichita in 2000. A heinous case of random black on white crime that received little national attention. After killing 5 innocent people (a sixth miraculously survived a shot to the head) they were convicted and were both sentenced to death. I assumed had been executed by now but a quick search shows that they remain alive.

Exactly 21 years ago proves my point.
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YoursTruly well, blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa/etc----almost every day I see black on white crimes [ in non-US MSM ] --so --fk that shit.....WLM---it's not racist at all
In the court of public opinion maybe, but it would have to meet certain legal standards to be classified as a hate crime - very few actually are...and the court of public opinion is notoriously uninformed at times.

I actually already answered that question in the post above.
Obviously a bit of a ...., seriously!
Yet we find time after time the crime of hating whitey is covered up.

More white people are killed or harned by whites. Blacks killing or harming whites make up a tiny %.



Take for example the Christian-Newsom murders in Tennessee.

This weakens you're argument.

The fact that you had to go back to the Newsom murders which happened 2007 shows that.

You literally want white people to die at the hands of black men.

Nothing beefs up white rage and white anger better a good ol black folks raping and killin white tale ...right ?

Whites love pointing out black on black crime when black people get murdered by whites. But let a black person point out white on white crime when a white person is murdered by a black person ?


See it's not so funny now is it ?

How many whites have killed other whites since 2007 ? Tons whites kill each other all the times and you worry about blks killing whites 14 years ago ?

Show me any black person who dug into Channon Christian's or Christian Newson's past history to try and find dirt on them to prove that they deserved it ?

Show me any black person who rigged the jury so the killers will get a lesser sentence ?

You got some nerve boy.

Yes - A black person can come up to a white person and bash their skull with a rock or kill a white person because he doesn’t like white people but that is not racism, That is an individual acting as an individual and there is no system in place that will support their right to harm you.

He will go to jail. All the people who killed Channon Christian and Christian Newsome have kissed their lives away

The point of racism is being able to kill blk people AND walk free.

But the police can murder black people and get away with it because there is a system in place that allows them to do it. (the courts, the police, the judge, the prison systems).

Something is very broken in our national media, and there is no place this is more evident than in the selective reporting of Black on White vs. White on Black crime.

That does not exist. For one white people make sure they live as far from black people as possible. Black people know they will be severely punished for harming a white person.

Whites have a much better chance of walking thru “The Hood” and not being shot or stabbed, compared to a black person doing the same in a white neighborhood. Black people don’t bother whites who live in or pass thru the neighborhood, based on personal observation.

Blk ppl can't even come in white Neignourhoods for legitimate reasons never mind nefarious ones.

Whites call the police on blk ppl so much even the police themselves are sick of it.

Black-on-White hate crime & murder is ignored because these crimes don’t fit the biased media’s narrative. It’s lying by omission.

There are around 12-15,000 homicides each year in the states and only a few get national coverage.

George Floyd is the exception, not the rule. The year that Floyd was killed in 2020. There were around 363 blacks killed by whites in America, and the other 362 of them have names that are known to virtually no one but their families.*

Murders that do get national coverage are usually
  • Serial killer murders
  • Murders in a public place
  • Murders involving a hostage situation,
  • Murders involving a mass killing spree
  • Murders involving the violation of federal law
  • Murders that have some kind of political overtone.
White Americans are portrayed as racist oppressors.

But you still get the job, you still get the loan, you still get the car, you still get the house, your kids don't have to worry about being blown away by cops. You can travel anywhere in the world and know your race is not going to be a problem.

So how is all this oppression is really busting you white guys up - riht ?

Blacks are their perennial victims. This is a lie but the lie occurs when the media fails to report the ongoing epidemic of black-on-white crime. This applies to all black-on-white crime. Some of these horrific crimes are reported in a cursory way locally but absolutely no national network news service report on them.

there is no epidemic

The Obama administration, Democrats and the media have relentlessly fanned the flames of racial hatred, while engaging in systematic patterns of misinformation and blatant suppression of facts surrounding the perpetrators and victims of crime. As a result we’ve had Obama accelerating his “criminal justice reform” and releasing more criminals from jails and pardoning prisoners from the prisons, supposedly to make amends for the unjust “mass incarceration” of black men.

Most black men are in prison for non violent offences.

Sorry to burst your big scary savage black men running loose theory bubble

The mass incarceration of blk men is because of drug laws.

And we are not even talking the hard stuff but weed

That's why Michael Thompson, a Black man, has been in a Michigan prison for 24 yrs of a 42 - 60 yr sentence for WEED, which is now legal in the state.

But the FBI/DOJ are discussing not charging the white supremacist terrorists who broke into the US Capitol and tried to overthrow the government.


Only in America.

And even worse, most of the distributes and suppliers of the drugs aren’t black.

That is where the real money is.

The black criminals are nothing but bullet fodder and a source of income for those who gain jobs in the prisons.

The distributors live in communities divorced from the street level dealers. They are almost never caught. If a black dealer, goes down, there is always another to take their place.

For every white drug dealer they apprehend, 99% get away. Plus they are not stopped as much. Hence it would appear to the people that it is mostly blacks who are committing these crimes.

For every black criminal who is incarcerated, there is many more white ones walking free, or in rehab, as the notion here is that they don’t want to ‘destroy’ a promising young person’s life.

Because of the socioeconomic deprivations of these black criminals, they will be hard pressed to find good legal representation. And in most cases we are not even talking about the hard stuff, like heroin, crack or cocaine, but marijuana – weed.

And even after they do their time they do not get to start over clean.

1) Almost no one will hire you.
2) Most professional licences are out of the question too.
3) For the first five years you cannot get public housing – just when you need it most.
4) You will never again get food stamps. And on and on.

Your life is messed up forever.

So what becomes of them ? We already know : Within three years there is a 70% chance you will be back in prison.

And all this is explained away by guys like you that blacks are just low IQ savages who can't do no good, and then endless stats about 'black crime' is churned out to people who already have preconceived ideas about black people.

Which further encourages the police to target black men, lock up black men and even kill black men and cycle continues, year after year after year.

Another case that comes close is that of the Carr brothers of Wichita in 2000. A heinous case of random black on white crime that received little national attention. After killing 5 innocent people (a sixth miraculously survived a shot to the head) they were convicted and were both sentenced to death. I assumed had been executed by now but a quick search shows that they remain alive.

Exactly 21 years ago proves my point.


2015 Picture Collages, of Black on White Hate Crimes - Whites Murdered By Blacks In The US

*NOTE* Some images include the actual black suspects...


Two Black Teens Burn Mentally-Ill White Man Alive And Kill Him – The Media Ignores Another Hate Crime​

26 Jun 2021 ~~ By George Rowe
A disturbing story emerged back in March but crucial information about the story is still ignored by the MSM.
Two teens in Rochester, New York set a 53-year-old mentally ill man on fire, ultimately killing him.
The Rochester teenagers who were accused of setting the 53-year-old man on fire are now facing murder charges after the victim died from his injuries.
The boys — ages 14 and 16 — were initially arrested and charged with arson and assault on after allegedly pouring a flammable liquid on Steven Amenhauser and lighting him on fire in his home.
Those charges have now been upgraded after police said Amenhauser died.
In a rare instance, authorities have released the names of the juveniles allegedly behind the murder of 53-year-old Steven Amenhause that occurred on March 12th.
On March 12th, police say that 16-year-old Zayvion Perry and 14-year-old Adriel Riley Jr. had doused Amenhause with a flammable accelerant as he was sitting in a chair inside of his Lyell Avenue apartment and set him on fire.
Interestingly, unlike many past stories written in The New York Times and USA Today, the races of the involved parties were not mentioned. In 2021, that’s rare.
It turns out, the two teens are black and the now-deceased mentally ill man was white. I will ask a simple question: what if the roles were reversed? If two white teens randomly set a mentally ill black man on fire, killing him — it would unequivocally be deemed an act of racism.

Just look at the crime stats to see that White and Asian victims of Black violence far outnumber the other way around..
Unfortuantely our politicians, law enforcement authorities and Quisling Media work overtime to cover Black on White hate crimes while propagandizing t
It’s absolutely imperative to call out ANTI WHITE hate crimes

Two Black Teens Burn Mentally-Ill White Man Alive And Kill Him – The Media Ignores Another Hate Crime​

26 Jun 2021 ~~ By George Rowe
A disturbing story emerged back in March but crucial information about the story is still ignored by the MSM.
Two teens in Rochester, New York set a 53-year-old mentally ill man on fire, ultimately killing him.
The Rochester teenagers who were accused of setting the 53-year-old man on fire are now facing murder charges after the victim died from his injuries.
The boys — ages 14 and 16 — were initially arrested and charged with arson and assault on after allegedly pouring a flammable liquid on Steven Amenhauser and lighting him on fire in his home.
Those charges have now been upgraded after police said Amenhauser died.
In a rare instance, authorities have released the names of the juveniles allegedly behind the murder of 53-year-old Steven Amenhause that occurred on March 12th.
On March 12th, police say that 16-year-old Zayvion Perry and 14-year-old Adriel Riley Jr. had doused Amenhause with a flammable accelerant as he was sitting in a chair inside of his Lyell Avenue apartment and set him on fire.
Interestingly, unlike many past stories written in The New York Times and USA Today, the races of the involved parties were not mentioned. In 2021, that’s rare.
It turns out, the two teens are black and the now-deceased mentally ill man was white. I will ask a simple question: what if the roles were reversed? If two white teens randomly set a mentally ill black man on fire, killing him — it would unequivocally be deemed an act of racism.

Just look at the crime stats to see that White and Asian victims of Black violence far outnumber the other way around..
Unfortuantely our politicians, law enforcement authorities and Quisling Media work overtime to cover Black on White hate crimes while propagandizing the deaths of blacks while they perpetrate crimes and are killed by police in the process.
We saw this before when four Black men and a Black woman. tortured and ritualistically racially murdered Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom in Tennessee. Indeed Eric Boyd, Letalvis Cobbins, Lemaricus Davidson, George Thomas and Vanessa Lynn Coleman) were convicted of the heinous racist murders
This latest racial hate crime of a 53 year old man is just the continuation of racially motivated murders.
It’s absolutely imperative to call out ANTI WHITE hate crimes
But it is impossible to "call out" hate crimes committed by ethnicity X.

If you try, Big Tech will censor or ban you.

Every year a certain number of victims will become prey to those predators.

There is NO way to stop it.

The only thing you can do is to be super wary of suspicious-looking people. Try not to get near them whenever possible.

But sometimes bad luck plays the major role. And one becomes a victim.


But that's part of living in this country.
More white people are killed or harned by whites. Blacks killing or harming whites make up a tiny %.

What everyone seems to be missing is the fact that 99.99999% of all blacks killed by whites, or whites killed by blacks, aren't killed because of their color. This is the BS that groups like BLM, antifa, proud boys and the KKK are spewing. As well as the media. Which does nothing but keep racism alive in the minds of morons. Morons who can't understand that it's the race baiters and race hustlers who are pushing all the racism. And they do it for profits and power.

Those who buy into all this false narrative, just seem brain dead to me. And completely unattached to what's going on in most of America.

2015 Picture Collages, of Black on White Hate Crimes - Whites Murdered By Blacks In The US

*NOTE* Some images include the actual black suspects...

You people kill each other all the time. Focus on the white killers in your race.
All the prosecuted hate crimes vs the amount of white on black or black on white crimes. Very few are considered hate crimes. So what does that tell you?
It doesn't tell me this supposed fact:

What everyone seems to be missing is the fact that 99.99999% of all blacks killed by whites, or whites killed by blacks, aren't killed because of their color.

Sorry, that's just stupid.
It doesn't tell me this supposed fact:

What everyone seems to be missing is the fact that 99.99999% of all blacks killed by whites, or whites killed by blacks, aren't killed because of their color.

Sorry, that's just stupid.

Ok, so facts are stupid. And you can't research it to prove me wrong.

Does that make sense?
You people kill each other all the time. Focus on the white killers in your race.

"You people?" That's racist now a days isn't it? I can't keep up with all the things we're not allowed to say now a days. But I'm pretty sure that's a racist statement.
Ok, so facts are stupid. And you can't research it to prove me wrong.

Does that make sense?
You would have to have 1 hate crime murder of 10 million murders to reach 99,999999%. Even with the very generous black contribution, that's silly.

You're an ass. Now that is a fact.
"You people?" That's racist now a days isn't it? I can't keep up with all the things we're not allowed to say now a days. But I'm pretty sure that's a racist statement.

White people have a heart of stone when it comes to black people.

I have absolutely no empathy for anyone other than my own.

A story like Natalee Holloway back in the day, got big because at first, they thought she was made missing by two dark skinned, Middle Eastern dudes, before that Van Der Sloot kid got all the attention. Then, when it turned out the white kid was more involved than the others, the shock and awe campaign started. White killing white? SHOCKING..same thing with Laci and Scott Peterson.

Meanwhile LaToyia Figueroa, a blk killed by a blk...who cares? That what the media puts out.

Look at the the Boston bomber of 2013. He got a front cover of rolling stone !!


This white guy killed 3 and injured 250 civillians in the Boston bombing marathon in 2013. Many lost arms and legs and were blinded and wheel chair bound for life but Rolling Stone magazine presented Tsarnaev in a way to how rock stars are shown on magazine covers saying how popular and promising of student he was.

White people are always trying to humanize white killers.

Considering that black tragedies get little or no recognition, I'm not crying a bucket of tears when the media harps on some white tragedy that happened 15 years ago.

Cases like JonBenet Ramsey and Caylee Anthony were parroted across our TVs everyday. Yet there are countless of missing black children that don't get half the amount of coverage as white missing children.
"You people?" That's racist now a days isn't it? I can't keep up with all the things we're not allowed to say now a days. But I'm pretty sure that's a racist statement.

White people have a heart of stone when it comes to black people.

I have absolutely no empathy for anyone other than my own.

A story like Natalee Holloway back in the day, got big because at first, they thought she was made missing by two dark skinned, Middle Eastern dudes, before that Van Der Sloot kid got all the attention. Then, when it turned out the white kid was more involved than the others, the shock and awe campaign started. White killing white? SHOCKING..same thing with Laci and Scott Peterson.

Meanwhile LaToyia Figueroa, a blk killed by a blk...who cares? That what the media puts out.

Look at the the Boston bomber of 2013. He got a front cover of rolling stone !!


This white guy killed 3 and injured 250 civillians in the Boston bombing marathon in 2013. Many lost arms and legs and were blinded and wheel chair bound for life but Rolling Stone magazine presented Tsarnaev in a way to how rock stars are shown on magazine covers saying how popular and promising of student he was.

White people are always trying to humanize white killers.

Considering that black tragedies get little or no recognition, I'm not crying a bucket of tears when the media harps on some white tragedy that happened 15 years ago.

Cases like JonBenet Ramsey and Caylee Anthony were parroted across our TVs everyday. Yet there are countless of missing black children that don't get half the amount of coverage as white missing children.
If you thugs just killed each other no one would give a shit.

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