Two Climate Protesters Shot Dead


So shooting people in this context is reasonable? You're insane.

I don't care about what you think. There's your problem

I was taught at a very early age to stay out of streets.

Two loons ran into a likely person fed up. Could happen to you
I don't care about what you think. There's your problem

I was taught at a very early age to stay out of streets.

Two loons ran into a likely person fed up. Could happen to you
So the loons are the protesters and not the man that murdered two people. Got it.

So shooting people in this context is reasonable? You're insane.
Didn't say it was reasonable either...Your strawman arguments are weak, even for strawman arguments.

Point being is that the backlash is getting really ugly, and it's not as emotionally incontinent as the lame media hype has been making it.
Didn't say it was reasonable either...Your strawman arguments are weak, even for strawman arguments.

Point being is that the backlash is getting really ugly, and it's not as emotionally incontinent as the lame media hype has been making it.
The poster I was actually talking to (not you) said he should have just kneecapped them.
All about you, eh? You're still missing the point.

Keep your dumbass out of highways and disturbing people about your nonsense.

It's that simple, fckn dumbass
Protestors that block roads are losers. The guy that shot and killed two of them is an even bigger loser.
I can't really call this justified because it doesn't look like he was being threatened. Yet, I understand his lack of patience for it though.

I can't really call the lack of federal enforcement against the protesters justified. This should surprise no one.

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