Two Climate Protesters Shot Dead

Many don’t like many things. But they don’t go block roads. Glad they got shot. Send a message.

The blackmouthedGater and crew will fit right in down there with less intelligent populations and GOVT. More simple life. Spending 10X to get great American inventions.//
People need to respect other people and not block innocent people from going to work or to school or to the hospital. It's stressful enough on the road without these assholes adding to the problem. But you could say this demonstration was a success since these two won't be adding any more CO2 to our atmosphere. MAGA
When protesters block roads and impede people from going to work, getting medical attention, or getting to a child, the protesters are no longer protesting they are infringing on rights of others.
Jesus you are fucking stupid.

This event took place in Panama where the people are protesting a new contract signed by the Govt giving a Canadian company rights to the largest copper mine in Latin America.
"Green technologies such as electric vehicles and wind turbines require metals for wiring, batteries and components including copper, lithium, cobalt, manganese, nickel and graphite. Solar panels will also call for metals such as tellurium and silicon for the solar cells that turn sunlight into electricity.

'We are expanding the amounts that we need of these materials, and there is still a question around whether we can get enough in time to implement the changes we've promised for the planet.'. . . "

.. . . . what do you want to bet, all these protesters carry smart phones? I'm willing to bet, all of them are raging hypocrites.

They probably organized the entire protest on the internet as well. :auiqs.jpg:

. . . in which case? This is NOT a "green," protest. . . or an "environmental," protest.. . . .

It is just a simple case of corporate sabotage. . more than likely funded by competing global interests, and being promoted by global capital that fundes competing industries.

Nothing to do with the climate or the environment. Just a way to stick it to competing industries.

. . . just using useful idiots.
.. . . . what do you want to bet, all these protesters carry smart phones? I'm willing to bet, all of them are raging hypocrites.

They probably organized the entire protest on the internet as well. :auiqs.jpg:


There is no hypocrisy, they were not protesting due to global warming.

There are two issues at play, the biggest being that the Panamanian Govt is letting outside companies exploit their natural resources and the people of the country are getting very little in return. They see it as a repeat of the Canal.

Then there are some that want the mine closed because it is a giant scar on the countryside.

Would you want this in your back yard....

. . . in which case? This is NOT a "green," protest. . . or an "environmental," protest.. . . .

ding ding ding....we have a winner folks! Finally someone figured it out! Holy fucking shit that took a long ass time.
There is no hypocrisy, they were not protesting due to global warming.

There are two issues at play, the biggest being that the Panamanian Govt is letting outside companies exploit their natural resources and the people of the country are getting very little in return. They see it as a repeat of the Canal.

Then there are some that want the mine closed because it is a giant scar on the countryside.

Would you want this in your back yard....

View attachment 856682
They are promoting the stealing of the peasants' wages to enrich the elites. Resources spent on real infrastructure and using common sense in building on barrier islands, flood zones and low-lying areas would go along way of improving things and would solve a lot of issues. Accessible fresh water can be improved for a high percentage of the population also along with electricity.
Yeah? So you don't approve of this man or his actions?

Of course not. But it is the expected result of the actions of these climate nutjobs.

You are going to see more and more violence coming down on them. I expect to see quite a few squished under vehicles soon.
Of course not. But it is the expected result of the actions of these climate nutjobs.

They were not there because of the climate.

They were protesting because the Panamanian Govt is letting outside companies exploit their natural resources and the people of the country are getting very little in return. They see it as a repeat of the Canal.

How it is that people in this country are so fucking uninformed?
what makes them loons?

Does the fact they do not want their country exploited by multi-national companies just so the Govt can take in a few million dollars make them loons?

They are loons because causing massive inconvenience to the average person does nothing but turn the average person against you.

This is well known.
you think there are a lot of EVs in Panama?

Are you really this fucking stupid....never mind, no need to answer

No, but you clearly are that stupid. The push for EV's is driving the mining expansion.

And lo and behold, who suffers so the rich can have their virtue signaling and brown people. As usual.
You never mentioned it so shut up.

I have mentioned like 10 times you fucking liar.

You braindead morons thought this took place in the US and that it was about climate change.

You should be embarrassed to be this fucking stupid an uninformed
They were not there because of the climate.

They were protesting because the Panamanian Govt is letting outside companies exploit their natural resources and the people of the country are getting very little in return. They see it as a repeat of the Canal.

How it is that people in this country are so fucking uninformed?

Yeah, so? They use the same stupid tactics. They are ultimately Marxist stooges, doing the behest of assholes like soros and schwab.

They are all part and parcel of the globalists push for control.

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