Two Decades Of Unprecedented Global Warming Has Left Arctic Ice Almost The Same As It


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
Two Decades Of Unprecedented Global Warming Has Left Arctic Ice Almost The Same As It Was 20 Years Ago


Damn, not only are you stupid, you cannot even judge area in a picture.

In 1993, the minimum ice extent was 4.5 million square kilometers, it stands at 3.7 million square kilometers right now. In 1992 the max extent of the ice was about 14.7 million square kilometers. In 2012, it was about 13.8 million square kilometers.

And you can see here that the anamoly at no time in 1993 approached what it is at present.

I'm curious. Did you get those two images from an article that told you there had been little change or did you just look at them and think there was little change? You needed to compare the magenta and red areas in the two images - you will see that it has decreased significantly.

That they have Greenland all bright white while the rest of Canada and northern Asia are dark and the actual Arctic ice pack is magenta... makes me think that either someone was trying to fool the viewer or that these images were actually intended to illustrate something else entirely.

So... where did they come from?

And considering the amount of hard data that's been posted about ice loss in the Arctic, what made you think that your claim could possibly be true or that anyone anywhere would believe you?
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I'm curious. Did you get those two images from an article that told you there had been little change or did you just look at them and think there was little change? You needed to compare the magenta and red areas in the two images - you will see that it has decreased significantly.

That they have Greenland all bright white while the rest of Canada and northern Asia are dark and the actual Arctic ice pack is magenta... makes me think that either someone was trying to fool the viewer or that these images were actually intended to illustrate something else entirely.

So... where did they come from?

And considering the amount of hard data that's been posted about ice loss in the Arctic, what made you think that your claim could possibly be true or that anyone anywhere would believe you?
Image source is here: Daily Arctic Sea Ice Maps

It's a site operated by: Polar Sea Ice Cap and Snow - Cryosphere Today

I doubt they're funded by Big Oil. :lol:

Note the caveats on the image generator: "Historic snow cover data not displayed on these images. Sea ice concentrations less than 30% are not displayed in these images. Snow cover data is displayed only for most recent dates."

And no, I don't expect to change anyone's mind. Your faith is simply too strong.
Check it out. The cranks are abandoning reality completely, and declaring that way less area and thinner is "almost the same".

Come on denialists. You're just phoning it in. At least put up a fight.

I'm curious. Did you get those two images from an article that told you there had been little change or did you just look at them and think there was little change? You needed to compare the magenta and red areas in the two images - you will see that it has decreased significantly.

That they have Greenland all bright white while the rest of Canada and northern Asia are dark and the actual Arctic ice pack is magenta... makes me think that either someone was trying to fool the viewer or that these images were actually intended to illustrate something else entirely.

So... where did they come from?

And considering the amount of hard data that's been posted about ice loss in the Arctic, what made you think that your claim could possibly be true or that anyone anywhere would believe you?
Image source is here: Daily Arctic Sea Ice Maps

It's a site operated by: Polar Sea Ice Cap and Snow - Cryosphere Today

I doubt they're funded by Big Oil. :lol:

Note the caveats on the image generator: "Historic snow cover data not displayed on these images. Sea ice concentrations less than 30% are not displayed in these images. Snow cover data is displayed only for most recent dates."

And no, I don't expect to change anyone's mind. Your faith is simply too strong.

So you looked at the pictures and decided the ice extents hadn't change much. Okay. Wishful thinking - or what was that name we had for it yesterday? Something- reasoning.

We've seen that the Arctic has been melting since we put up our first satellite. And with newer sensors - gravimeters - we've been able to measure the changing thickness of the ice and that made the picture even worse. The ice mass loss slope is a good deal steeper than the ice extents loss slope. Despite the fact that air temperatures in the Arctic have been climbing faster than anywhere else on Earth, the bulk of the ice melt has been due to warm water underneath. Balmaseda, Trenberth and Kallen's graph is not a good thing to see if you were concerned about Arctic ice cover. And then there's the positive feedback from replacing that glaringly white ice and snow with all that nice black water.

But don't you worry your pretty little head about it. It's all some sort of natural cycle and God won't let it hurt us. At least us Americans. Well... at least us Christian Americans... or, well, yeah, just us right-thinking, Republican, Christian Americans.

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I'm curious. Did you get those two images from an article that told you there had been little change or did you just look at them and think there was little change? You needed to compare the magenta and red areas in the two images - you will see that it has decreased significantly.

That they have Greenland all bright white while the rest of Canada and northern Asia are dark and the actual Arctic ice pack is magenta... makes me think that either someone was trying to fool the viewer or that these images were actually intended to illustrate something else entirely.

So... where did they come from?

And considering the amount of hard data that's been posted about ice loss in the Arctic, what made you think that your claim could possibly be true or that anyone anywhere would believe you?
Image source is here: Daily Arctic Sea Ice Maps

It's a site operated by: Polar Sea Ice Cap and Snow - Cryosphere Today

I doubt they're funded by Big Oil. :lol:

Note the caveats on the image generator: "Historic snow cover data not displayed on these images. Sea ice concentrations less than 30% are not displayed in these images. Snow cover data is displayed only for most recent dates."

And no, I don't expect to change anyone's mind. Your faith is simply too strong.

So you looked at the pictures and decided the ice extents hadn't change much. Okay. Wishful thinking - or what was that name we had for it yesterday? Something- reasoning.

We've seen that the Arctic has been melting since we put up our first satellite. And with newer sensors - gravimeters - we've been able to measure the changing thickness of the ice and that made the picture even worse. The ice mass loss slope is a good deal steeper than the ice extents loss slope. Despite the fact that air temperatures in the Arctic have been climbing faster than anywhere else on Earth, the bulk of the ice melt has been due to warm water underneath. Balmaseda, Trenberth and Kallen's graph is not a good thing to see if you were concerned about Arctic ice cover. And then there's the positive feedback from replacing that glaringly white ice and snow with all that nice black water.

But don't you worry your pretty little head about it. It's all some sort of natural cycle and God won't let it hurt us. At least us Americans. Well... at least us Christian Americans... or, well, yeah, just us right-thinking, Republican, Christian Americans.

North West Passage blocked with ice - yachts caught
The Northwest Passage after decades of so-called global warming has a dramatic 60% more Arctic ice this year than at the same time last year. The future dreams of dozens of adventurous sailors are now threatened. A scattering of yachts attempting the legendary Passage are caught by the ice, which has now become blocked at both ends and the transit season may be ending early. Douglas Pohl tells the story:

The Passage has become blocked with 5/10 concentrated drifting sea ice at both the eastern and at the western ends of Canada’s Arctic Archipelago. At least 22 yachts and other vessels are in the Arctic at the moment. Some who were less advanced have retreated and others have abandoned their vessels along the way. Still others are caught in the ice in an unfolding, unresolved drama.​
I believe you were saying some gibberish about a lack of ice...?
On threads like this, you always hope the OP will become and admit they are wrong.

Daveman obviously knows he is why not admit it, Dave?
On threads like this, you always hope the OP will become and admit they are wrong.

Daveman obviously knows he is why not admit it, Dave?

Based on past behavior, we know you'll never admit you're wrong.

I'm curious. Did you get those two images from an article that told you there had been little change or did you just look at them and think there was little change? You needed to compare the magenta and red areas in the two images - you will see that it has decreased significantly.

That they have Greenland all bright white while the rest of Canada and northern Asia are dark and the actual Arctic ice pack is magenta... makes me think that either someone was trying to fool the viewer or that these images were actually intended to illustrate something else entirely.

So... where did they come from?

And considering the amount of hard data that's been posted about ice loss in the Arctic, what made you think that your claim could possibly be true or that anyone anywhere would believe you?
Image source is here: Daily Arctic Sea Ice Maps

It's a site operated by: Polar Sea Ice Cap and Snow - Cryosphere Today

I doubt they're funded by Big Oil. :lol:

Note the caveats on the image generator: "Historic snow cover data not displayed on these images. Sea ice concentrations less than 30% are not displayed in these images. Snow cover data is displayed only for most recent dates."

And no, I don't expect to change anyone's mind. Your faith is simply too strong.

Cryosphere Today - Historic Sea Ice Minima
North West Passage blocked with ice - yachts caught
The Northwest Passage after decades of so-called global warming has a dramatic 60% more Arctic ice this year than at the same time last year. The future dreams of dozens of adventurous sailors are now threatened. A scattering of yachts attempting the legendary Passage are caught by the ice, which has now become blocked at both ends and the transit season may be ending early. Douglas Pohl tells the story:

The Passage has become blocked with 5/10 concentrated drifting sea ice at both the eastern and at the western ends of Canada’s Arctic Archipelago. At least 22 yachts and other vessels are in the Arctic at the moment. Some who were less advanced have retreated and others have abandoned their vessels along the way. Still others are caught in the ice in an unfolding, unresolved drama.​

No link...

HERE is why...

North West Passage blocked with ice ? yachts caught | Climate Depot is the website of Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow employee Marc Morano, a conservative global warming denier who previously served as environmental communications director for a vocal political denier of climate change, Republican Sen. James Inhofe.

Funding is being financed by the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, a nonprofit in Washington that advocates for free-market solutions to environmental issues. Public tax filings for 2003-7 (the last five years for which documents are available) show that the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the ExxonMobil Foundation and foundations associated with the billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife, a longtime financier of conservative causes, including being the primary source of money used to fund attacks against Bill Clinton during the Whitewater and Monica Lewinsky eras of his presidency. According to a report issued by the Union of Concerned Scientists, from 1998-2005, approximately 23% of the total ExxonMobil funding for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow was directed by ExxonMobil for climate change activities [p. 32].

Marc Morano
, who has no climate science expertise, runs the anti-climate-science website for the anti-regulation Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, which lists him as Director of Communications.
On threads like this, you always hope the OP will become and admit they are wrong.

Daveman obviously knows he is why not admit it, Dave?
It's always amusing when someone who can't think for himself tries to dictate what others think. :lol:

Have you tried to get in contact with those ice-locked sailors to tell them it's impossible that they're ice-bound?
North West Passage blocked with ice - yachts caught
The Northwest Passage after decades of so-called global warming has a dramatic 60% more Arctic ice this year than at the same time last year. The future dreams of dozens of adventurous sailors are now threatened. A scattering of yachts attempting the legendary Passage are caught by the ice, which has now become blocked at both ends and the transit season may be ending early. Douglas Pohl tells the story:

The Passage has become blocked with 5/10 concentrated drifting sea ice at both the eastern and at the western ends of Canada’s Arctic Archipelago. At least 22 yachts and other vessels are in the Arctic at the moment. Some who were less advanced have retreated and others have abandoned their vessels along the way. Still others are caught in the ice in an unfolding, unresolved drama.​

No link...

HERE is why...

North West Passage blocked with ice ? yachts caught | Climate Depot is the website of Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow employee Marc Morano, a conservative global warming denier who previously served as environmental communications director for a vocal political denier of climate change, Republican Sen. James Inhofe.

Funding is being financed by the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, a nonprofit in Washington that advocates for free-market solutions to environmental issues. Public tax filings for 2003-7 (the last five years for which documents are available) show that the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the ExxonMobil Foundation and foundations associated with the billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife, a longtime financier of conservative causes, including being the primary source of money used to fund attacks against Bill Clinton during the Whitewater and Monica Lewinsky eras of his presidency. According to a report issued by the Union of Concerned Scientists, from 1998-2005, approximately 23% of the total ExxonMobil funding for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow was directed by ExxonMobil for climate change activities [p. 32].

Marc Morano
, who has no climate science expertise, runs the anti-climate-science website for the anti-regulation Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, which lists him as Director of Communications.
Sorry; forgot the link.

Are you prepared to prove your contention that ClimateDepot made the whole thing up?

While it would be amusing to watch you sputter and fume, I'll just give you the link:—yachts-caught/113788

Ahhh, yes, Sail World -- obviously a cover for BIG OIL, cleverly hiding their tracks by using a website dedicated to boats that don't use oil.


Oh, and as far as your CMD link is concerned:
This history of far-left agitation has earned CMD grants from some of the largest left-leaning foundations including the Foundation to Promote Open Society, part of billionaire currency trader George Soros’s progressive philanthropic empire. The Foundation gave CMD $100,000 in 2010.

The left-leaning Tides Foundation has given CMD $160,000 since 2006, including funding a PR Watch “senior researcher” in 2009. The Schumann Center for Media and Democracy, another major left-wing foundation which has Lyndon B. Johnson’s former press secretary and PBS host Bill Moyers as its president, has given CMD $250,000 in 2005 and 2006.

In Stauber and Rampton’s day, CMD was directly supported by even more left-wing interests. The duo’s book projects earned grants totaling $47,000 from the Foundation for Deep Ecology, which calls for, among other things, reducing the human population. Despite this history of far-left advocacy and funding, media sources often mistakenly cite CMD’s SourceWatch as an independent watchdog.​
So, they're easily dismissable as partisan hacks.
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Rowing the Northwest Passage

June 6, 2013

No one has ever attempted to row the Northwest Passage in one season before, because no one could. It has always been blocked by summer sea ice. But the radical warming of the Arctic has changed that. This summer four adventurers hope to draw attention to the profound changes of the Canadian north by rowing the heart of the Northwest Passage, from the Inuvik on the Pacific Ocean to Pond Inlet on the Atlantic.

The summit’s scientific panel noted that the rapid melting of Arctic ice has surprised and shocked the scientific community. Last years’ low ice conditions weren’t predicted for another thirty years. Three of the panelists said the Arctic would be ice free in summer within ten to 20 years. One panelist said it would occur in the next three years.

“That’s scary,” Vallely said, “because if that’s the case, it’s pretty profound stuff.”

Scientists report that an ice free Arctic Ocean triggers numerous feedback loops that will put climate change beyond human control:

  • The Albedo Flip: white ice reflects heat and dark water absorbs it. Loss of summer sea ice will reduce the Albedo effect from 60% reflection of heat off the Earth’s surface to 10%.

  • From Permafrost to Permamelt: as permanently frozen Arctic land melts, it releases massive amounts of methane and carbon dioxide, both potent green house gases.

  • Melting methane hydrates: as the ocean warms, tremendous amounts of methane that are frozen at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean will bubble out of the ocean and into the atmosphere, a trigger for major extinction events in the past.

  • Dying forests: as the north warms, the entire western boreal forest dies faster than it can grow back. It has already shifted from a CO2 absorber to a CO2 emitter in recent years.

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