Two doctors clearly state why masks just don't work


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2014
Oh the left doesn't want to hear this, because they want easy solution to a complex problem. But masks don't work.

"Dr. Jerome Adams, the Surgeon General tweeted, “Seriously people – STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing the general public from catching Coronavirus”

Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 minutes, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask”.

In April, the New England Journal of Medicine wrote: “we know that wearing a mask outside of health care facilities offers little, if any protection from infection”.

What changed? Well, it wasn’t the science.

Because in 2019, if we saw a father struggling to muzzle a terrified, crying 2-year old child on a plane with a cloth, we would report them to authorities for possible child abuse. In 2021, we kick the whole family off the plane unless the father is successful in his efforts.

Because it is increasingly apparent that the basis for the mask mandate is not medical, but political.

Because fear and panic should not prevail over actual evidence, even when many powerful institutions have expended so much political capital promoting the wrong policy.

We wish masks worked.

We wished we didn’t have to fight about them.

But they don’t.

And we do. "

Really sad the world we live in. Just shut up and wear the damn mask, right? This is a damn good read and worth reading.
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A societal panacea.
A crowd control measure.
We were told initially not to touch our face, but now we are asked to place a virtual petri-dish of germs on over our mouths.
They didn't want people buying and hoarding masks while there was a shortage.

Less of a shortage now. That is what changed.

So they were telling us a lie that actually put us all at risk? That's actually your justification for shrugging it off?

Maybe YOU are too stupid to be told the truth and allowed to make informed decisions about your life. But please don't kid yourself that you're representative of anyone but other genetic throwbacks like yourself.
Oh the left doesn't want to hear this, because they want easy solution to a complex problem. But masks don't work.

"Dr. Jerome Adams, the Surgeon General tweeted, “Seriously people – STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing the general public from catching Coronavirus”

Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 minutes, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask”.

In April, the New England Journal of Medicine wrote: “we know that wearing a mask outside of health care facilities offers little, if any protection from infection”.

What changed? Well, it wasn’t the science.

Because in 2019, if we saw a father struggling to muzzle a terrified, crying 2-year old child on a plane with a cloth, we would report them to authorities for possible child abuse. In 2021, we kick the whole family off the plane unless the father is successful in his efforts.

Because it is increasingly apparent that the basis for the mask mandate is not medical, but political.

Because fear and panic should not prevail over actual evidence, even when many powerful institutions have expended so much political capital promoting the wrong policy.

We wish masks worked.

We wished we didn’t have to fight about them.

But they don’t.

And we do. "

Really sad the world we live in. Just shut up and wear the damn mask, right? This is a damn good read and worth reading.
You're quoting from a year ago. You should realize much has been learned about this virus since then. Doctors wear masks in hospitals. Why would they do that if they did nothing? Direct answer please
Maybe YOU are too stupid to be told the truth and allowed to make informed decisions about your life. But please don't kid yourself that you're representative of anyone but other genetic throwbacks like yourself.

Your bitterness and hatefulness are rampant among Leftists. You always pretend to be SO SMART and SO SUPERIOR that you seem to believe your own arrogant pretensions.
You just earned a spot on my Ignore List.

This is from doctors, not Leftists like you and Gruesome Newsom:

A single Sars-Cov-2 virus is about 0.1 micron

The vast majority of particles, 80 – 90%, in exhaled breath are smaller than a micron, and pass through masks like dust through a screen. Masks have almost no chance of catching most of the particles we exhale.

“Surgical masks should not be used for respiratory protection.” – “Filtration Performance of FDA-Cleared Surgical Masks, 2009 paper

“Measures such as physical distancing by 6 feet would not be helpful in an indoor setting, provide a false sense of security, and lead to exposures and outbreaks.” – International Journal of Infectious Diseases, November 2020

The four most important words in medicine are “First, do no harm.” Disruptions, social distancing, closure of schools, businesses, government agencies, travel, and life as we know it have done profound harm, psychologically, emotionally, financially, legally, and medically.

“We did not find evidence that surgical-type face masks are effective in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza transmission.” – Emerging Infectious Diseases, a Centers for Disease Control Journal


Researchers in Vietnam found healthcare workers who wore cloth masks were more likely to develop infections than those who wore surgical masks as well as a third control group who were not required to wear masks at all.


Mask wearing “did not reduce, at conventional levels of statistical significance, the incidence of Sars-Cov-2 infection.” – Danish study, covering approximately 5,000 people, November 18, 2020

“My mask protects you,” goes one virtue signaling mantra – No it does not. “An epidemic is not driven by asymptomatic carriers,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci at a January press conference

Asymptomatic transmission “is very rare.” Maria Van Kerkhove, senior World Health Organization scientist, June 8, 2020

"Do we need to shelter in place? Our answer is emphatically "NO."
"Do we need businesses to be shut down? Emphatically "NO"."
"I don't want to hide in my home and develop a weak immune system."
"My colleagues are telling me, 'You know, I'm being pressured to put Covid on the death certificates I prepare."
"This is not about science and it is not about Covid. When they use the word 'safe' that's about controlling you."
"When I talk to my doctors who work in the hospitals, same opinion." - Dr. Dan Erickson, ER Physician and owner of Accelerated Urgent Care (May 20, 2020)

Four studies showed that “between 0% and 2.2% of people with asymptomatic infection infected anyone else.” – World Health Organization, July 2020

“The widespread use of masks by healthy people is not yet supported by high quality or direct scientific evidence.” World Health Organization, June 5, 2020

“I want to make it be a symbol for people to see that that’s the kind of thing you should be doing.” – May 27, 2020

Virtue signaling politics, not medicine, not science.
Oh the left doesn't want to hear this, because they want easy solution to a complex problem. But masks don't work.

"Dr. Jerome Adams, the Surgeon General tweeted, “Seriously people – STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing the general public from catching Coronavirus”

Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 minutes, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask”.

In April, the New England Journal of Medicine wrote: “we know that wearing a mask outside of health care facilities offers little, if any protection from infection”.

What changed? Well, it wasn’t the science.

Because in 2019, if we saw a father struggling to muzzle a terrified, crying 2-year old child on a plane with a cloth, we would report them to authorities for possible child abuse. In 2021, we kick the whole family off the plane unless the father is successful in his efforts.

Because it is increasingly apparent that the basis for the mask mandate is not medical, but political.

Because fear and panic should not prevail over actual evidence, even when many powerful institutions have expended so much political capital promoting the wrong policy.

We wish masks worked.

We wished we didn’t have to fight about them.

But they don’t.

And we do. "

Really sad the world we live in. Just shut up and wear the damn mask, right? This is a damn good read and worth reading.
You're quoting from a year ago. You should realize much has been learned about this virus since then. Doctors wear masks in hospitals. Why would they do that if they did nothing? Direct answer please
Doctors wear masks in surgical theaters with negative atmospheric pressurization, and their life span less than 30 minutes.

Wearing a non-medical face diaper in public is less than useless to stop the transmission of anything....It's sole purpose is to make servile little proles like you obey your betters.
Oh the left doesn't want to hear this, because they want easy solution to a complex problem. But masks don't work.

"Dr. Jerome Adams, the Surgeon General tweeted, “Seriously people – STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing the general public from catching Coronavirus”

Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 minutes, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask”.

In April, the New England Journal of Medicine wrote: “we know that wearing a mask outside of health care facilities offers little, if any protection from infection”.

What changed? Well, it wasn’t the science.

Because in 2019, if we saw a father struggling to muzzle a terrified, crying 2-year old child on a plane with a cloth, we would report them to authorities for possible child abuse. In 2021, we kick the whole family off the plane unless the father is successful in his efforts.

Because it is increasingly apparent that the basis for the mask mandate is not medical, but political.

Because fear and panic should not prevail over actual evidence, even when many powerful institutions have expended so much political capital promoting the wrong policy.

We wish masks worked.

We wished we didn’t have to fight about them.

But they don’t.

And we do. "

Really sad the world we live in. Just shut up and wear the damn mask, right? This is a damn good read and worth reading.
You're quoting from a year ago. You should realize much has been learned about this virus since then. Doctors wear masks in hospitals. Why would they do that if they did nothing? Direct answer please
Doctors wear masks in surgical theaters with negative atmospheric pressurization, and their life span less than 30 minutes.

Wearing a non-medical face diaper in public is less than useless to stop the transmission of anything....It's sole purpose is to make servile little proles like you obey your betters.
For somebody who tries so hard to sound smart you say some pretty stupid things. Go take a walk around a hospital. Doctors and nurses wear masks all of the time.
Oh the left doesn't want to hear this, because they want easy solution to a complex problem. But masks don't work.

"Dr. Jerome Adams, the Surgeon General tweeted, “Seriously people – STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing the general public from catching Coronavirus”

Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 minutes, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask”.

In April, the New England Journal of Medicine wrote: “we know that wearing a mask outside of health care facilities offers little, if any protection from infection”.

What changed? Well, it wasn’t the science.

Because in 2019, if we saw a father struggling to muzzle a terrified, crying 2-year old child on a plane with a cloth, we would report them to authorities for possible child abuse. In 2021, we kick the whole family off the plane unless the father is successful in his efforts.

Because it is increasingly apparent that the basis for the mask mandate is not medical, but political.

Because fear and panic should not prevail over actual evidence, even when many powerful institutions have expended so much political capital promoting the wrong policy.

We wish masks worked.

We wished we didn’t have to fight about them.

But they don’t.

And we do. "

Really sad the world we live in. Just shut up and wear the damn mask, right? This is a damn good read and worth reading.
You're quoting from a year ago. You should realize much has been learned about this virus since then. Doctors wear masks in hospitals. Why would they do that if they did nothing? Direct answer please
Doctors wear masks in surgical theaters with negative atmospheric pressurization, and their life span less than 30 minutes.

Wearing a non-medical face diaper in public is less than useless to stop the transmission of anything....It's sole purpose is to make servile little proles like you obey your betters.
For somebody who tries so hard to sound smart you say some pretty stupid things. Go take a walk around a hospital. Doctors and nurses wear masks all of the time.
I've walked around plenty of hospitals and done EMT clinicals in Denver General....Masks aren't anywhere as ubiquitous as you believe them to be...And their useful lifespans are measured in minutes.

But guess what, bandanas are universally considered approved "face coverings" and they are 100% useless.

The role of the mask in public is to make you obey, mere peasant.
Oh the left doesn't want to hear this, because they want easy solution to a complex problem. But masks don't work.

"Dr. Jerome Adams, the Surgeon General tweeted, “Seriously people – STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing the general public from catching Coronavirus”

Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 minutes, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask”.

In April, the New England Journal of Medicine wrote: “we know that wearing a mask outside of health care facilities offers little, if any protection from infection”.

What changed? Well, it wasn’t the science.

Because in 2019, if we saw a father struggling to muzzle a terrified, crying 2-year old child on a plane with a cloth, we would report them to authorities for possible child abuse. In 2021, we kick the whole family off the plane unless the father is successful in his efforts.

Because it is increasingly apparent that the basis for the mask mandate is not medical, but political.

Because fear and panic should not prevail over actual evidence, even when many powerful institutions have expended so much political capital promoting the wrong policy.

We wish masks worked.

We wished we didn’t have to fight about them.

But they don’t.

And we do. "

Really sad the world we live in. Just shut up and wear the damn mask, right? This is a damn good read and worth reading.
You're quoting from a year ago. You should realize much has been learned about this virus since then. Doctors wear masks in hospitals. Why would they do that if they did nothing? Direct answer please
Doctors wear masks in surgical theaters with negative atmospheric pressurization, and their life span less than 30 minutes.

Wearing a non-medical face diaper in public is less than useless to stop the transmission of anything....It's sole purpose is to make servile little proles like you obey your betters.
For somebody who tries so hard to sound smart you say some pretty stupid things. Go take a walk around a hospital. Doctors and nurses wear masks all of the time.
I've walked around plenty of hospitals and done EMT clinicals in Denver General....Masks aren't anywhere as ubiquitous as you believe them to be...And their useful lifespans are measured in minutes.

But guess what, bandanas are universally considered approved "face coverings" and they are 100% useless.

The role of the mask in public is to make you obey, mere peasant.
Whatever you say man. Logic be damned
Oh the left doesn't want to hear this, because they want easy solution to a complex problem. But masks don't work.

"Dr. Jerome Adams, the Surgeon General tweeted, “Seriously people – STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing the general public from catching Coronavirus”

Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 minutes, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask”.

In April, the New England Journal of Medicine wrote: “we know that wearing a mask outside of health care facilities offers little, if any protection from infection”.

What changed? Well, it wasn’t the science.

Because in 2019, if we saw a father struggling to muzzle a terrified, crying 2-year old child on a plane with a cloth, we would report them to authorities for possible child abuse. In 2021, we kick the whole family off the plane unless the father is successful in his efforts.

Because it is increasingly apparent that the basis for the mask mandate is not medical, but political.

Because fear and panic should not prevail over actual evidence, even when many powerful institutions have expended so much political capital promoting the wrong policy.

We wish masks worked.

We wished we didn’t have to fight about them.

But they don’t.

And we do. "

Really sad the world we live in. Just shut up and wear the damn mask, right? This is a damn good read and worth reading.
You're quoting from a year ago. You should realize much has been learned about this virus since then. Doctors wear masks in hospitals. Why would they do that if they did nothing? Direct answer please
Doctors wear masks in surgical theaters with negative atmospheric pressurization, and their life span less than 30 minutes.

Wearing a non-medical face diaper in public is less than useless to stop the transmission of anything....It's sole purpose is to make servile little proles like you obey your betters.
For somebody who tries so hard to sound smart you say some pretty stupid things. Go take a walk around a hospital. Doctors and nurses wear masks all of the time.
I've walked around plenty of hospitals and done EMT clinicals in Denver General....Masks aren't anywhere as ubiquitous as you believe them to be...And their useful lifespans are measured in minutes.

But guess what, bandanas are universally considered approved "face coverings" and they are 100% useless.

The role of the mask in public is to make you obey, mere peasant.
Whatever you say man. Logic be damned
There is no logic or clinical proof that they're effective, ignoramus.

I at least have some minimal medical exposure and experience, while you have zilch....So piss off, you servile little peon.
Oh the left doesn't want to hear this, because they want easy solution to a complex problem. But masks don't work.

"Dr. Jerome Adams, the Surgeon General tweeted, “Seriously people – STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing the general public from catching Coronavirus”

Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 minutes, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask”.

In April, the New England Journal of Medicine wrote: “we know that wearing a mask outside of health care facilities offers little, if any protection from infection”.

What changed? Well, it wasn’t the science.

Because in 2019, if we saw a father struggling to muzzle a terrified, crying 2-year old child on a plane with a cloth, we would report them to authorities for possible child abuse. In 2021, we kick the whole family off the plane unless the father is successful in his efforts.

Because it is increasingly apparent that the basis for the mask mandate is not medical, but political.

Because fear and panic should not prevail over actual evidence, even when many powerful institutions have expended so much political capital promoting the wrong policy.

We wish masks worked.

We wished we didn’t have to fight about them.

But they don’t.

And we do. "

Really sad the world we live in. Just shut up and wear the damn mask, right? This is a damn good read and worth reading.
You're quoting from a year ago. You should realize much has been learned about this virus since then. Doctors wear masks in hospitals. Why would they do that if they did nothing? Direct answer please
Doctors wear masks in surgical theaters with negative atmospheric pressurization, and their life span less than 30 minutes.

Wearing a non-medical face diaper in public is less than useless to stop the transmission of anything....It's sole purpose is to make servile little proles like you obey your betters.
For somebody who tries so hard to sound smart you say some pretty stupid things. Go take a walk around a hospital. Doctors and nurses wear masks all of the time.
I've walked around plenty of hospitals and done EMT clinicals in Denver General....Masks aren't anywhere as ubiquitous as you believe them to be...And their useful lifespans are measured in minutes.

But guess what, bandanas are universally considered approved "face coverings" and they are 100% useless.

The role of the mask in public is to make you obey, mere peasant.
Whatever you say man. Logic be damned
There is no logic or clinical proof that they're effective, ignoramus.

I at least have some minimal medical exposure and experience, while you have zilch....So piss off, you servile little peon.
Here is some proof that you can see first hand. Go stand in front of a mirror and sneeze. The put on a mask and sneeze. Tell me which one produces a cleaner mirror
Oh the left doesn't want to hear this, because they want easy solution to a complex problem. But masks don't work.

"Dr. Jerome Adams, the Surgeon General tweeted, “Seriously people – STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing the general public from catching Coronavirus”

Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 minutes, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask”.

In April, the New England Journal of Medicine wrote: “we know that wearing a mask outside of health care facilities offers little, if any protection from infection”.

What changed? Well, it wasn’t the science.

Because in 2019, if we saw a father struggling to muzzle a terrified, crying 2-year old child on a plane with a cloth, we would report them to authorities for possible child abuse. In 2021, we kick the whole family off the plane unless the father is successful in his efforts.

Because it is increasingly apparent that the basis for the mask mandate is not medical, but political.

Because fear and panic should not prevail over actual evidence, even when many powerful institutions have expended so much political capital promoting the wrong policy.

We wish masks worked.

We wished we didn’t have to fight about them.

But they don’t.

And we do. "

Really sad the world we live in. Just shut up and wear the damn mask, right? This is a damn good read and worth reading.
You're quoting from a year ago. You should realize much has been learned about this virus since then. Doctors wear masks in hospitals. Why would they do that if they did nothing? Direct answer please

Direct answer? Read the fucking article, it talks about just what you said. If masks work, why does Florida and California have roughly the same rate of infection per capita, and Florida is a no-mask state and Cali is mandatory masks?

No, NOTHING has been learned. Science is science. We knew about infectious diseases long before Covid. Covid is just another illness carried through the air. They're all the same. A cloth mask does nothing and doctors are agreeing with me.

Doctors wear masks in hospitals because they wear them once, and its a surgical mask. Not a cloth mask sold in Wal Mart. They are also in SURGERY, not in public. They NEVER REUSE THE MASK and NEVER LET ANYONE ELSE TOUCH IT.

The difference btw surgical masks and these paper and cloth ones you see in Wal Mart is the difference btw a Pinto and a Ferrari. Yea they might both be vehicles but that's pretty much where the similarities end.
Oh the left doesn't want to hear this, because they want easy solution to a complex problem. But masks don't work.

"Dr. Jerome Adams, the Surgeon General tweeted, “Seriously people – STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing the general public from catching Coronavirus”

Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 minutes, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask”.

In April, the New England Journal of Medicine wrote: “we know that wearing a mask outside of health care facilities offers little, if any protection from infection”.

What changed? Well, it wasn’t the science.

Because in 2019, if we saw a father struggling to muzzle a terrified, crying 2-year old child on a plane with a cloth, we would report them to authorities for possible child abuse. In 2021, we kick the whole family off the plane unless the father is successful in his efforts.

Because it is increasingly apparent that the basis for the mask mandate is not medical, but political.

Because fear and panic should not prevail over actual evidence, even when many powerful institutions have expended so much political capital promoting the wrong policy.

We wish masks worked.

We wished we didn’t have to fight about them.

But they don’t.

And we do. "

Really sad the world we live in. Just shut up and wear the damn mask, right? This is a damn good read and worth reading.
You're quoting from a year ago. You should realize much has been learned about this virus since then. Doctors wear masks in hospitals. Why would they do that if they did nothing? Direct answer please
Doctors wear masks in surgical theaters with negative atmospheric pressurization, and their life span less than 30 minutes.

Wearing a non-medical face diaper in public is less than useless to stop the transmission of anything....It's sole purpose is to make servile little proles like you obey your betters.
For somebody who tries so hard to sound smart you say some pretty stupid things. Go take a walk around a hospital. Doctors and nurses wear masks all of the time.
I've walked around plenty of hospitals and done EMT clinicals in Denver General....Masks aren't anywhere as ubiquitous as you believe them to be...And their useful lifespans are measured in minutes.

But guess what, bandanas are universally considered approved "face coverings" and they are 100% useless.

The role of the mask in public is to make you obey, mere peasant.
Methinks the 'powers that be' had to offer us something Odd one......lest we just keep rioting over TP.......

Oh the left doesn't want to hear this, because they want easy solution to a complex problem. But masks don't work.

"Dr. Jerome Adams, the Surgeon General tweeted, “Seriously people – STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing the general public from catching Coronavirus”

Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 minutes, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask”.

In April, the New England Journal of Medicine wrote: “we know that wearing a mask outside of health care facilities offers little, if any protection from infection”.

What changed? Well, it wasn’t the science.

Because in 2019, if we saw a father struggling to muzzle a terrified, crying 2-year old child on a plane with a cloth, we would report them to authorities for possible child abuse. In 2021, we kick the whole family off the plane unless the father is successful in his efforts.

Because it is increasingly apparent that the basis for the mask mandate is not medical, but political.

Because fear and panic should not prevail over actual evidence, even when many powerful institutions have expended so much political capital promoting the wrong policy.

We wish masks worked.

We wished we didn’t have to fight about them.

But they don’t.

And we do. "

Really sad the world we live in. Just shut up and wear the damn mask, right? This is a damn good read and worth reading.
You're quoting from a year ago. You should realize much has been learned about this virus since then. Doctors wear masks in hospitals. Why would they do that if they did nothing? Direct answer please

Direct answer? Read the fucking article, it talks about just what you said.

No, NOTHING has been learned. Science is science. We knew about infectious diseases long before Covid. Covid is just another illness carried through the air. They're all the same. A cloth mask does nothing and doctors are agreeing with me.

Doctors wear masks in hospitals because they wear them once, and its a surgical mask. Not a cloth mask sold in Wal Mart. They are also in SURGERY, not in public. They NEVER REUSE THE MASK and NEVER LET ANYONE ELSE TOUCH IT.

The difference btw surgical masks and these paper and cloth ones you see in Wal Mart is the difference btw a Pinto and a Ferrari. Yea they might both be vehicles but that's pretty much where the similarities end.
I agree big difference between a N95 with face shield and a bandana. One would obviously be more protected with the N95 and shield. Would you like to increase the requirements to that?
Oh the left doesn't want to hear this, because they want easy solution to a complex problem. But masks don't work.

"Dr. Jerome Adams, the Surgeon General tweeted, “Seriously people – STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing the general public from catching Coronavirus”

Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 minutes, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask”.

In April, the New England Journal of Medicine wrote: “we know that wearing a mask outside of health care facilities offers little, if any protection from infection”.

What changed? Well, it wasn’t the science.

Because in 2019, if we saw a father struggling to muzzle a terrified, crying 2-year old child on a plane with a cloth, we would report them to authorities for possible child abuse. In 2021, we kick the whole family off the plane unless the father is successful in his efforts.

Because it is increasingly apparent that the basis for the mask mandate is not medical, but political.

Because fear and panic should not prevail over actual evidence, even when many powerful institutions have expended so much political capital promoting the wrong policy.

We wish masks worked.

We wished we didn’t have to fight about them.

But they don’t.

And we do. "

Really sad the world we live in. Just shut up and wear the damn mask, right? This is a damn good read and worth reading.
You're quoting from a year ago. You should realize much has been learned about this virus since then. Doctors wear masks in hospitals. Why would they do that if they did nothing? Direct answer please
Doctors wear masks in surgical theaters with negative atmospheric pressurization, and their life span less than 30 minutes.

Wearing a non-medical face diaper in public is less than useless to stop the transmission of anything....It's sole purpose is to make servile little proles like you obey your betters.
For somebody who tries so hard to sound smart you say some pretty stupid things. Go take a walk around a hospital. Doctors and nurses wear masks all of the time.
I've walked around plenty of hospitals and done EMT clinicals in Denver General....Masks aren't anywhere as ubiquitous as you believe them to be...And their useful lifespans are measured in minutes.

But guess what, bandanas are universally considered approved "face coverings" and they are 100% useless.

The role of the mask in public is to make you obey, mere peasant.
Whatever you say man. Logic be damned
There is no logic or clinical proof that they're effective, ignoramus.

I at least have some minimal medical exposure and experience, while you have zilch....So piss off, you servile little peon.
Here is some proof that you can see first hand. Go stand in front of a mirror and sneeze. The put on a mask and sneeze. Tell me which one produces a cleaner mirror

Put the mirror behind your ear and sneeze with a mask on. The mask redirects the particulates behind you, it doesn't stop them.
Oh the left doesn't want to hear this, because they want easy solution to a complex problem. But masks don't work.

"Dr. Jerome Adams, the Surgeon General tweeted, “Seriously people – STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing the general public from catching Coronavirus”

Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 minutes, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask”.

In April, the New England Journal of Medicine wrote: “we know that wearing a mask outside of health care facilities offers little, if any protection from infection”.

What changed? Well, it wasn’t the science.

Because in 2019, if we saw a father struggling to muzzle a terrified, crying 2-year old child on a plane with a cloth, we would report them to authorities for possible child abuse. In 2021, we kick the whole family off the plane unless the father is successful in his efforts.

Because it is increasingly apparent that the basis for the mask mandate is not medical, but political.

Because fear and panic should not prevail over actual evidence, even when many powerful institutions have expended so much political capital promoting the wrong policy.

We wish masks worked.

We wished we didn’t have to fight about them.

But they don’t.

And we do. "

Really sad the world we live in. Just shut up and wear the damn mask, right? This is a damn good read and worth reading.
You're quoting from a year ago. You should realize much has been learned about this virus since then. Doctors wear masks in hospitals. Why would they do that if they did nothing? Direct answer please
Doctors wear masks in surgical theaters with negative atmospheric pressurization, and their life span less than 30 minutes.

Wearing a non-medical face diaper in public is less than useless to stop the transmission of anything....It's sole purpose is to make servile little proles like you obey your betters.
For somebody who tries so hard to sound smart you say some pretty stupid things. Go take a walk around a hospital. Doctors and nurses wear masks all of the time.
I've walked around plenty of hospitals and done EMT clinicals in Denver General....Masks aren't anywhere as ubiquitous as you believe them to be...And their useful lifespans are measured in minutes.

But guess what, bandanas are universally considered approved "face coverings" and they are 100% useless.

The role of the mask in public is to make you obey, mere peasant.
Whatever you say man. Logic be damned
There is no logic or clinical proof that they're effective, ignoramus.

I at least have some minimal medical exposure and experience, while you have zilch....So piss off, you servile little peon.
Here is some proof that you can see first hand. Go stand in front of a mirror and sneeze. The put on a mask and sneeze. Tell me which one produces a cleaner mirror

Put the mirror behind your ear and sneeze with a mask on. The mask redirects the particulates behind you, it doesn't stop them.
That’s a great idea. Try it out and tell me if the mirror is cleaner with mask, face any direction you want... versus no mask
Maybe YOU are too stupid to be told the truth and allowed to make informed decisions about your life. But please don't kid yourself that you're representative of anyone but other genetic throwbacks like yourself.

Your bitterness and hatefulness are rampant among Leftists. You always pretend to be SO SMART and SO SUPERIOR that you seem to believe your own arrogant pretensions.
You just earned a spot on my Ignore List.

This is from doctors, not Leftists like you and Gruesome Newsom:

A single Sars-Cov-2 virus is about 0.1 micron

The vast majority of particles, 80 – 90%, in exhaled breath are smaller than a micron, and pass through masks like dust through a screen. Masks have almost no chance of catching most of the particles we exhale.

“Surgical masks should not be used for respiratory protection.” – “Filtration Performance of FDA-Cleared Surgical Masks, 2009 paper

“Measures such as physical distancing by 6 feet would not be helpful in an indoor setting, provide a false sense of security, and lead to exposures and outbreaks.” – International Journal of Infectious Diseases, November 2020

The four most important words in medicine are “First, do no harm.” Disruptions, social distancing, closure of schools, businesses, government agencies, travel, and life as we know it have done profound harm, psychologically, emotionally, financially, legally, and medically.

“We did not find evidence that surgical-type face masks are effective in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza transmission.” – Emerging Infectious Diseases, a Centers for Disease Control Journal


Researchers in Vietnam found healthcare workers who wore cloth masks were more likely to develop infections than those who wore surgical masks as well as a third control group who were not required to wear masks at all.


Mask wearing “did not reduce, at conventional levels of statistical significance, the incidence of Sars-Cov-2 infection.” – Danish study, covering approximately 5,000 people, November 18, 2020

“My mask protects you,” goes one virtue signaling mantra – No it does not. “An epidemic is not driven by asymptomatic carriers,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci at a January press conference

Asymptomatic transmission “is very rare.” Maria Van Kerkhove, senior World Health Organization scientist, June 8, 2020

"Do we need to shelter in place? Our answer is emphatically "NO."
"Do we need businesses to be shut down? Emphatically "NO"."
"I don't want to hide in my home and develop a weak immune system."
"My colleagues are telling me, 'You know, I'm being pressured to put Covid on the death certificates I prepare."
"This is not about science and it is not about Covid. When they use the word 'safe' that's about controlling you."
"When I talk to my doctors who work in the hospitals, same opinion." - Dr. Dan Erickson, ER Physician and owner of Accelerated Urgent Care (May 20, 2020)

Four studies showed that “between 0% and 2.2% of people with asymptomatic infection infected anyone else.” – World Health Organization, July 2020

“The widespread use of masks by healthy people is not yet supported by high quality or direct scientific evidence.” World Health Organization, June 5, 2020

“I want to make it be a symbol for people to see that that’s the kind of thing you should be doing.” – May 27, 2020

Virtue signaling politics, not medicine, not science.

Who in the actual fuck are you talking to and calling a "leftist", asshole? That's MY post you're allegedly responding to, and if you're fucktarded enough to think I'M a leftist in any way, shape, or form, then there's a good reason why I act like I'm superior: BECAUSE I AM.

Feel free to ignore me. It's obvious that I will miss nothing whatsoever.
Oh the left doesn't want to hear this, because they want easy solution to a complex problem. But masks don't work.

"Dr. Jerome Adams, the Surgeon General tweeted, “Seriously people – STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing the general public from catching Coronavirus”

Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 minutes, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask”.

In April, the New England Journal of Medicine wrote: “we know that wearing a mask outside of health care facilities offers little, if any protection from infection”.

What changed? Well, it wasn’t the science.

Because in 2019, if we saw a father struggling to muzzle a terrified, crying 2-year old child on a plane with a cloth, we would report them to authorities for possible child abuse. In 2021, we kick the whole family off the plane unless the father is successful in his efforts.

Because it is increasingly apparent that the basis for the mask mandate is not medical, but political.

Because fear and panic should not prevail over actual evidence, even when many powerful institutions have expended so much political capital promoting the wrong policy.

We wish masks worked.

We wished we didn’t have to fight about them.

But they don’t.

And we do. "

Really sad the world we live in. Just shut up and wear the damn mask, right? This is a damn good read and worth reading.
You're quoting from a year ago. You should realize much has been learned about this virus since then. Doctors wear masks in hospitals. Why would they do that if they did nothing? Direct answer please

Direct answer? Read the fucking article, it talks about just what you said.

No, NOTHING has been learned. Science is science. We knew about infectious diseases long before Covid. Covid is just another illness carried through the air. They're all the same. A cloth mask does nothing and doctors are agreeing with me.

Doctors wear masks in hospitals because they wear them once, and its a surgical mask. Not a cloth mask sold in Wal Mafrt. They are also in SURGERY, not in public. They NEVER REUSE THE MASK and NEVER LET ANYONE ELSE TOUCH IT.

The difference btw surgical masks and these paper and cloth ones you see in Wal Mart is the difference btw a Pinto and a Ferrari. Yea they might both be vehicles but that's pretty much where the similarities end.
I agree big difference between a N95 with face shield and a bandana. One would obviously be more protected with the N95 and shield. Would you like to increase the requirements to that?

No, I want the REQUIREMENT to wear a face diaper in public to be lifted as it's a violation of my rights. I do NOT have to wear a fucking mask on my face. It's ridiculous. These things don't work, California is a PRIME EXAMPLE of masks NOT WORKING.

Care to answer my question? I answered yours. If masks work, why do Cali and Florida have roughly the same infection rate per capita (florida actually being a tiny bit less) when one state is mandatory masks and the other is no mask requirements?
Oh the left doesn't want to hear this, because they want easy solution to a complex problem. But masks don't work.

"Dr. Jerome Adams, the Surgeon General tweeted, “Seriously people – STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing the general public from catching Coronavirus”

Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 minutes, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask”.

In April, the New England Journal of Medicine wrote: “we know that wearing a mask outside of health care facilities offers little, if any protection from infection”.

What changed? Well, it wasn’t the science.

Because in 2019, if we saw a father struggling to muzzle a terrified, crying 2-year old child on a plane with a cloth, we would report them to authorities for possible child abuse. In 2021, we kick the whole family off the plane unless the father is successful in his efforts.

Because it is increasingly apparent that the basis for the mask mandate is not medical, but political.

Because fear and panic should not prevail over actual evidence, even when many powerful institutions have expended so much political capital promoting the wrong policy.

We wish masks worked.

We wished we didn’t have to fight about them.

But they don’t.

And we do. "

Really sad the world we live in. Just shut up and wear the damn mask, right? This is a damn good read and worth reading.
You're quoting from a year ago. You should realize much has been learned about this virus since then. Doctors wear masks in hospitals. Why would they do that if they did nothing? Direct answer please

Direct answer? Read the fucking article, it talks about just what you said.

No, NOTHING has been learned. Science is science. We knew about infectious diseases long before Covid. Covid is just another illness carried through the air. They're all the same. A cloth mask does nothing and doctors are agreeing with me.

Doctors wear masks in hospitals because they wear them once, and its a surgical mask. Not a cloth mask sold in Wal Mafrt. They are also in SURGERY, not in public. They NEVER REUSE THE MASK and NEVER LET ANYONE ELSE TOUCH IT.

The difference btw surgical masks and these paper and cloth ones you see in Wal Mart is the difference btw a Pinto and a Ferrari. Yea they might both be vehicles but that's pretty much where the similarities end.
I agree big difference between a N95 with face shield and a bandana. One would obviously be more protected with the N95 and shield. Would you like to increase the requirements to that?

No, I want the REQUIREMENT to wear a face diaper in public to be lifted as it's a violation of my rights. I do NOT have to wear a fucking mask on my face. It's ridiculous. These things don't work, California is a PRIME EXAMPLE of masks NOT WORKING.

Care to answer my question? I answered yours. If masks work, why do Cali and Florida have roughly the same infection rate per capita (florida actually being a tiny bit less) when one state is mandatory masks and the other is no mask requirements?
Because of population density and tourism

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