Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

View attachment 162607
He is a billionaire living in new York. He's been audited
Hes not a billionaire which is yet another reason why he doesn’t want to release his tax returns. Disagree? Show me his tax returns.
Trump is in deep debt to Russia because he hasn’t been able to get any loans in America because he’s such a bad credit risk.

More delusion.

According to Forbes his net worth is over 4 billion. I believe them over you any day.
How would Forbes know what the crook is worth?
Do they have his tax returns?
Ya know who probably does?
Bob Mueller.

So no one but Mueller probably knows.

And of course you. You know somehow. We should trust you over Forbes?
I see you couldn’t answer my question how Forbes knows of the crook’s worth.
It’s all projection and they’re probably going on what the chronic liar releases.
Mark Cuban, a real billionaire, also has stated, trump is not a billionaire.

I don't care how Forbes calculated it. The fact is you don't know.
Avatar like all his other dubious lying brothers think Obama was the most corrupt president. Lol
Fact: Obama didn’t have even one indictment and of course no convictions of anyone in his administration in two full terms.
Fact: Reagan had 138 indictments and convictions
Fact: 2 of Trump’s finest has already been indicted and one pleaded guilty.

Corrupt administrations don't prosecute themselves.
Reagan had the most corrupt administration in history with the most indictments and convictions of any president. .

Try again and this time try looking @ The Nixon Administration.

You misspelled obama
What a full blown idiot you are. Not even one indictment in 8 long years for Obama whereas there were 138 indictments and convictions for Reagan’s crooks.

I'm shocked that the most corrupt administration didn't find evidence to indict itself. Shocking.

Never mind the fact that it Hillary lost the election as a direct resulted of just a few of those scandals that "didn't happen"

you mean the trump kleptocracy?

keep on lying sweetie. you're really pissing off Jesus

Don't need to lie. I'm not you.
View attachment 162607
Hes not a billionaire which is yet another reason why he doesn’t want to release his tax returns. Disagree? Show me his tax returns.
Trump is in deep debt to Russia because he hasn’t been able to get any loans in America because he’s such a bad credit risk.

More delusion.

According to Forbes his net worth is over 4 billion. I believe them over you any day.
How would Forbes know what the crook is worth?
Do they have his tax returns?
Ya know who probably does?
Bob Mueller.

So no one but Mueller probably knows.

And of course you. You know somehow. We should trust you over Forbes?
I see you couldn’t answer my question how Forbes knows of the crook’s worth.
It’s all projection and they’re probably going on what the chronic liar releases.
Mark Cuban, a real billionaire, also has stated, trump is not a billionaire.

I don't care how Forbes calculated it. The fact is you don't know.

I would seriously like to know how the unreasonable one arrived at the figure of less than 1 billion. We should totally take his word for it. Without a doubt he has done a more in depth analysis than Forbes, which you can partially read in the link I provided.
1. Obstruction
2. Money laundering
3. Accessory to a crime


Not a word that exists in the far left playbook. They believe in witch trials instead.

They always say Mewler has some secret stash of super top secret evidence.

That's a lie. What is said is that Mueller MAY have evidence, and that we wouldnt know it if he did. It is YOU who claims to know whether or not he does. As always, you are more guilty of the things of which you accuse everyone else.

Actually it's 100 % YOU who have to provide evidence that Trump has done anything wrong. Unless you stand for the banana-republic style leftist justice - believing in the court of public opinion over anything else.

So far you failed. The fact that he may have secret stash is not evidence, that's a hypothesis, if not full blown delusion.
It wasn`t the "court of public opinion" that put 2 of his goons under house arrest. Do you have any plans to deal with reality in the near future?
Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Bob Brigham
24 Nov 2017 at 20:58 ET
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Former Watergate prosecutors Jill Wine-Banks and Nick Akerman joined MSNBC host Chris Hayes on Friday night to discuss the latest revelations about Michael Flynn potentially flipping and testifying against President Donald Trump.

Acknowledging her history, Hayes asked Wine-Banks whether there was enough evidence for an obstruction of justice charge against President Trump.

Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Wow, this nothingburger is piled high 10 feet high with every kind of meat you can think of. It is fucking juicy!!! Trump is fucking going down!

How did that trial of Richard Nixon work out for you?

Oh, wait! There wasn't one! Oops!

Not a word that exists in the far left playbook. They believe in witch trials instead.

They always say Mewler has some secret stash of super top secret evidence.

That's a lie. What is said is that Mueller MAY have evidence, and that we wouldnt know it if he did. It is YOU who claims to know whether or not he does. As always, you are more guilty of the things of which you accuse everyone else.

Actually it's 100 % YOU who have to provide evidence that Trump has done anything wrong. Unless you stand for the banana-republic style leftist justice - believing in the court of public opinion over anything else.

So far you failed. The fact that he may have secret stash is not evidence, that's a hypothesis, if not full blown delusion.
It wasn`t the "court of public opinion" that put 2 of his goons under house arrest. Do you have any plans to deal with reality in the near future?

I have plenty of plans. About 7 years from now I will laugh at your butthurt as Trump finishes his presidency, having made America great again. Still having not provided any evidence, the butthurt must be intense then.

I am so confident in this vision I have already bought the champagne. As sure as sun rising on the morning.

Not a word that exists in the far left playbook. They believe in witch trials instead.

They always say Mewler has some secret stash of super top secret evidence.

That's a lie. What is said is that Mueller MAY have evidence, and that we wouldnt know it if he did. It is YOU who claims to know whether or not he does. As always, you are more guilty of the things of which you accuse everyone else.

Actually it's 100 % YOU who have to provide evidence that Trump has done anything wrong. Unless you stand for the banana-republic style leftist justice - believing in the court of public opinion over anything else.

So far you failed. The fact that he may have secret stash is not evidence, that's a hypothesis, if not full blown delusion.
It wasn`t the "court of public opinion" that put 2 of his goons under house arrest. Do you have any plans to deal with reality in the near future?

Goons? Trump did not even know Manafort at the time he supposedly committed these crimes.

The other is a kid who was stupid enough to lie about something to the FBI and he claims to be associated with Trump's campaign but apparently all he did was piss people off.
Keep dreaming....the last two sure things for you guys...manafort and was indicted for bank fraud, the other for lying to the FBI......neither one connected the dots to keep dreaming.......

Again, if you think that all that there was to it was that, you are dreaming.

Papadoloplous can draw a direct line between Trump and the Russians.
Exactly. As soon as Trump lied that Papadopoulos was only a volunteer and he hardly knew him within minutes this photo appeared on the web. BTW, this pic was from Trump’s own Instagram account. Lol
What law did he break?

obstruction of justice.

emoluments clause.

that's just a start...

You need to read the Constitution because the director of the FBI was fired by the acting attorney general., and even if it was at Trump's direction, there is nothing you can do about it!

I love the emoluments BS! It just shows ho desperate and stupid liberals are! Trump is not being paid by a foreign government. It would be hilarious if it were not so damn pitiful!
Keep dreaming....the last two sure things for you guys...manafort and was indicted for bank fraud, the other for lying to the FBI......neither one connected the dots to keep dreaming.......

Again, if you think that all that there was to it was that, you are dreaming.

Papadoloplous can draw a direct line between Trump and the Russians.
Exactly. As soon as Trump lied that Papadopoulos was only a volunteer and he hardly knew him within minutes this photo appeared on the web. BTW, this pic was from Trump’s own Instagram account. LolView attachment 162622

This photo proves nothing talk about desperation you are losing it.
Not a word that exists in the far left playbook. They believe in witch trials instead.

They always say Mewler has some secret stash of super top secret evidence.

That's a lie. What is said is that Mueller MAY have evidence, and that we wouldnt know it if he did. It is YOU who claims to know whether or not he does. As always, you are more guilty of the things of which you accuse everyone else.

Actually it's 100 % YOU who have to provide evidence that Trump has done anything wrong. Unless you stand for the banana-republic style leftist justice - believing in the court of public opinion over anything else.

So far you failed. The fact that he may have secret stash is not evidence, that's a hypothesis, if not full blown delusion.
It wasn`t the "court of public opinion" that put 2 of his goons under house arrest. Do you have any plans to deal with reality in the near future?

Goons? Trump did not even know Manafort at the time he supposedly committed these crimes.

The other is a kid who was stupid enough to lie about something to the FBI and he claims to be associated with Trump's campaign but apparently all he did was piss people off.
Trump hired the crook Manafort. Nice vetting eh?
“ I pick the best people.”
Carrying Trump’s water is the hardest job on the planet... but you continue to undertake this gruesome task.
What law did he break?

obstruction of justice.

emoluments clause.

that's just a start...

You need to read the Constitution because the director of the FBI was fired by the acting attorney general., and even if it was at Trump's direction, there is nothing you can do about it!

I love the emoluments BS! It just shows ho desperate and stupid liberals are! Trump is not being paid by a foreign government. It would be hilarious if it were not so damn pitiful!

They are delusional because they can't accept the fact that their stupid ideology was rejected. They were rejected and bitch slapped.

I hope they can recover, stop being losers, get a job... then they may be accepted again...
They always say Mewler has some secret stash of super top secret evidence.

That's a lie. What is said is that Mueller MAY have evidence, and that we wouldnt know it if he did. It is YOU who claims to know whether or not he does. As always, you are more guilty of the things of which you accuse everyone else.

Actually it's 100 % YOU who have to provide evidence that Trump has done anything wrong. Unless you stand for the banana-republic style leftist justice - believing in the court of public opinion over anything else.

So far you failed. The fact that he may have secret stash is not evidence, that's a hypothesis, if not full blown delusion.
It wasn`t the "court of public opinion" that put 2 of his goons under house arrest. Do you have any plans to deal with reality in the near future?

Goons? Trump did not even know Manafort at the time he supposedly committed these crimes.

The other is a kid who was stupid enough to lie about something to the FBI and he claims to be associated with Trump's campaign but apparently all he did was piss people off.
Trump hired the crook Manafort. Nice vetting eh?
“ I pick the best people.”
Carrying Trump’s water is the hardest job on the planet... but you continue to undertake this gruesome task.

No this was the GOP establishment pushing this guy, swing and a miss libwit.
What law did he break?

obstruction of justice.

emoluments clause.

that's just a start...
There is no proof of obstruction.
There is no evidence that he obstructed.
The fact that they've found zero evidence isn't proof of obstruction BTW.
Firing the FBI director who is investigating your and/or your people is obstruction of justice.

Nope. Wrong answer. Try again, little one!

Every member of the Executive Branch serves at the pleasure of the President. He could fire him for not brushing his teeth.
What law did he break?

obstruction of justice.

emoluments clause.

that's just a start...

You need to read the Constitution because the director of the FBI was fired by the acting attorney general., and even if it was at Trump's direction, there is nothing you can do about it!

I love the emoluments BS! It just shows ho desperate and stupid liberals are! Trump is not being paid by a foreign government. It would be hilarious if it were not so damn pitiful!

They are delusional because they can't accept the fact that their stupid ideology was rejected. They were rejected and bitch slapped.

I hope they can recover, stop being losers, get a job...

Liberals will never admit they have been rejected, they cannot fathom it happening so naturally it must be space aliens or the Russians or some convoluted reason why they lost to Trump.
What law did he break?

obstruction of justice.

emoluments clause.

that's just a start...
There is no proof of obstruction.
There is no evidence that he obstructed.
The fact that they've found zero evidence isn't proof of obstruction BTW.
Firing the FBI director who is investigating your and/or your people is obstruction of justice.
. Didn't fire him for that. Comey couldn't investigate a local lemonade stand all due to his political corruption.
The only fault you find with him is that he was fired by Trump who may end up being impeached for doing so. Otherwise, before that, the cons had no problem with him. He testified about negative things concerning how Trump treated him, so now he's your enemy. Before that, nothing.

Impeached for what? You have NOTHING!
What law did he break?

obstruction of justice.

emoluments clause.

that's just a start...

You need to read the Constitution because the director of the FBI was fired by the acting attorney general., and even if it was at Trump's direction, there is nothing you can do about it!

I love the emoluments BS! It just shows ho desperate and stupid liberals are! Trump is not being paid by a foreign government. It would be hilarious if it were not so damn pitiful!
You “love the emoluments bullshit? “
So violating the constitution is fine with you?
The crook enriching himself on the public dime is also fine with you.
I thought you were the law and order people..., until this crook came along
Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Bob Brigham
24 Nov 2017 at 20:58 ET
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Former Watergate prosecutors Jill Wine-Banks and Nick Akerman joined MSNBC host Chris Hayes on Friday night to discuss the latest revelations about Michael Flynn potentially flipping and testifying against President Donald Trump.

Acknowledging her history, Hayes asked Wine-Banks whether there was enough evidence for an obstruction of justice charge against President Trump.

Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Wow, this nothingburger is piled high 10 feet high with every kind of meat you can think of. It is fucking juicy!!! Trump is fucking going down!

YOu impeach Trump and you will tear this country apart forever.

Is that really what you want?
Trump is tearing this country apart now: we need to get rid of him.

How so? That's another piece of evidence you are missing.
Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Bob Brigham
24 Nov 2017 at 20:58 ET
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Former Watergate prosecutors Jill Wine-Banks and Nick Akerman joined MSNBC host Chris Hayes on Friday night to discuss the latest revelations about Michael Flynn potentially flipping and testifying against President Donald Trump.

Acknowledging her history, Hayes asked Wine-Banks whether there was enough evidence for an obstruction of justice charge against President Trump.

Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Wow, this nothingburger is piled high 10 feet high with every kind of meat you can think of. It is fucking juicy!!! Trump is fucking going down!

YOu impeach Trump and you will tear this country apart forever.

Is that really what you want?
Trump is tearing this country apart now: we need to get rid of him.

How so? That's another piece of evidence you are missing.

It's just projection so no evidence is needed. It's clear that Trump is tearing him apart by winning relentlessly. The butthurt is like not many have witnessed before.

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