Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Keep dreaming....the last two sure things for you guys...manafort and was indicted for bank fraud, the other for lying to the FBI......neither one connected the dots to keep dreaming.......

Again, if you think that all that there was to it was that, you are dreaming.

Papadoloplous can draw a direct line between Trump and the Russians.
Exactly. As soon as Trump lied that Papadopoulos was only a volunteer and he hardly knew him within minutes this photo appeared on the web. BTW, this pic was from Trump’s own Instagram account. LolView attachment 162622

This photo proves nothing talk about desperation you are losing it.
You’re too stupid to understand what it does prove. That
was a national security meeting. SINCE when do VOLUNTEERS attend those?
There is no proof of obstruction.
There is no evidence that he obstructed.
The fact that they've found zero evidence isn't proof of obstruction BTW.
Firing the FBI director who is investigating your and/or your people is obstruction of justice.
. Didn't fire him for that. Comey couldn't investigate a local lemonade stand all due to his political corruption.

Didn't Trump say he fired Comey because of the Russian investigation?
He fired Comey because he was incompetent.
It doesn't matter if he mishandled the fake Russian investigation or any other investigation.
Comey rewarded him by admitting he leaked information about an FBI investigation to the press, a felony BTW.

"He fired Comey because he was incompetent."

Bullshit. Absolute Bullshit. LOL Nobody except bat blind Trumpettes believes that. No one.

Leaking information to the press is not incompetent?
Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Bob Brigham
24 Nov 2017 at 20:58 ET
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Former Watergate prosecutors Jill Wine-Banks and Nick Akerman joined MSNBC host Chris Hayes on Friday night to discuss the latest revelations about Michael Flynn potentially flipping and testifying against President Donald Trump.

Acknowledging her history, Hayes asked Wine-Banks whether there was enough evidence for an obstruction of justice charge against President Trump.

Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Wow, this nothingburger is piled high 10 feet high with every kind of meat you can think of. It is fucking juicy!!! Trump is fucking going down!

YOu impeach Trump and you will tear this country apart forever.

Is that really what you want?
Trump is tearing this country apart now: we need to get rid of him.

Trump is doing nothing radical or extreme.

Your hysteria, panic and hate mongering are what is tearing this nation apart.
You people are so full of shit it is just incredible.

Why don't you worry about Europe since you seem to love it so much?

Not a word that exists in the far left playbook. They believe in witch trials instead.

They always say Mewler has some secret stash of super top secret evidence.

That's a lie. What is said is that Mueller MAY have evidence, and that we wouldnt know it if he did. It is YOU who claims to know whether or not he does. As always, you are more guilty of the things of which you accuse everyone else.
Mueller will not reveal his evidence until Crooked Donnie testifies under oath

Donnie will not be testifying under oath. Mueller will reveal his evidence if he indicts.
Better to request Crooked Donnie testify and indict based on his lying

Not a word that exists in the far left playbook. They believe in witch trials instead.

They always say Mewler has some secret stash of super top secret evidence.

That's a lie. What is said is that Mueller MAY have evidence, and that we wouldnt know it if he did. It is YOU who claims to know whether or not he does. As always, you are more guilty of the things of which you accuse everyone else.
Mueller will not reveal his evidence until Crooked Donnie testifies under oath

Well I guess that is one explanation for why no evidence will ever appear
Why tip your hand too early?

This is the phase where they give him more rope
Keep dreaming....the last two sure things for you guys...manafort and was indicted for bank fraud, the other for lying to the FBI......neither one connected the dots to keep dreaming.......

Again, if you think that all that there was to it was that, you are dreaming.

Papadoloplous can draw a direct line between Trump and the Russians.
Exactly. As soon as Trump lied that Papadopoulos was only a volunteer and he hardly knew him within minutes this photo appeared on the web. BTW, this pic was from Trump’s own Instagram account. LolView attachment 162622

This photo proves nothing talk about desperation you are losing it.
You’re too stupid to understand what it does prove. That
was a national security meeting. SINCE when do VOLUNTEERS attend those?

It proves nothing pea brain other than the guy was present in some meeting. It does not contradict anything Trump has said. I attend meetings all the time with people I don't know, and still don't after the meeting.
Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Bob Brigham
24 Nov 2017 at 20:58 ET
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Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Wow, this nothingburger is piled high 10 feet high with every kind of meat you can think of. It is fucking juicy!!! Trump is fucking going down!

YOu impeach Trump and you will tear this country apart forever.

Is that really what you want?
Trump is tearing this country apart now: we need to get rid of him.

Trump is doing nothing radical or extreme.

Your hysteria, panic and hate mongering are what is tearing this nation apart.
You people are so full of shit it is just incredible.

Why don't you worry about Europe since you seem to love it so much?
If you actually were the knowledgeable traveler you claim to be, you would know that millions of Americans live overseas (9 million according to the State Department). We all have just as much right as other Americans to care about and be involved in the concerns of our country. See, there's another red flag that tells me you know very little about the broader world.
Former Watergate Prosecuters have no access to current evidence, their opinions must be weighed accordingly.

Keep dreaming....the last two sure things for you guys...manafort and was indicted for bank fraud, the other for lying to the FBI......neither one connected the dots to keep dreaming.......
And all 3 of his associates who have been indicted having close connections to Russia.

Who is the third person? You are so damn clueless!
That's a lie. What is said is that Mueller MAY have evidence, and that we wouldnt know it if he did. It is YOU who claims to know whether or not he does. As always, you are more guilty of the things of which you accuse everyone else.

Actually it's 100 % YOU who have to provide evidence that Trump has done anything wrong. Unless you stand for the banana-republic style leftist justice - believing in the court of public opinion over anything else.

So far you failed. The fact that he may have secret stash is not evidence, that's a hypothesis, if not full blown delusion.

I dont have to provide anything...what a bizarre thing to say. First, I did not say he was guilty. Second, I am neither the special counsel nor a prosecutor. What a bizarre post by you.

"I failed"..? Again , I'm not prosecuting Trump. Bizarre.

Yes, indeed you will have to provide evidence for Trump's guilt before you get to declare him guilty of anything. That's kind of how it works in the first world. Maybe a third world banana-republics would work better for you.

This is not a court, but a message board. You will have to convince us. A secret stash holding the evidence is not very convincing, sounding like a grand exercise in delusion.

I dont have to convince anyone. Are you delusional? My opinions have no bearing on anything but my vote. I would never waste my time trying to present evidence to cultists like you...that's pearls before swine...

Then what the fuck was even the point of your reply? Or even your attendance on a public forum? Now that you have admitted the fact, I will have to double down on it, yes indeed your opinions are worthless garbage. Do not bother posting any longer.

It must be difficult for you that I reject delusion and approve evidence. Yes I am that kind of cultist indeed. I can see you would have a problem with that as a lefty. Maybe if you joined the cult putting evidence before feels, your opinions too would have some serious value.

My point was seem to be the obly one misunderstanding it. Face hopped in swinging with both hands, and fell right on your face. You argued against things I never said, then made bizarre declarations like, "I have to convince you"...of things I did not claim.

If you would like to go back and re-read my posts, then respond directly to the ACTUAL content of them, be my guest.
YOu impeach Trump and you will tear this country apart forever.

Is that really what you want?
Trump is tearing this country apart now: we need to get rid of him.

Trump is doing nothing radical or extreme.

Your hysteria, panic and hate mongering are what is tearing this nation apart.
You people are so full of shit it is just incredible.

Why don't you worry about Europe since you seem to love it so much?
If you actually were the knowledgeable traveler you claim to be, you would know that millions of Americans live overseas (9 million according to the State Department). We all have just as much right as other Americans to care about and be involved in the concerns of our country. See, there's another red flag that tells me you know very little about the broader world.

Your opinion means nothing to me. Your weak insults show that you don't know me.

Make it 9 million and one and we will all be much happier.

Not a word that exists in the far left playbook. They believe in witch trials instead.

They always say Mewler has some secret stash of super top secret evidence.

That's a lie. What is said is that Mueller MAY have evidence, and that we wouldnt know it if he did. It is YOU who claims to know whether or not he does. As always, you are more guilty of the things of which you accuse everyone else.

Actually it's 100 % YOU who have to provide evidence that Trump has done anything wrong. Unless you stand for the banana-republic style leftist justice - believing in the court of public opinion over anything else.

So far you failed. The fact that he may have secret stash is not evidence, that's a hypothesis, if not full blown delusion.
It wasn`t the "court of public opinion" that put 2 of his goons under house arrest. Do you have any plans to deal with reality in the near future?

Goons? What position did either hold in the admin?

Keep dreaming....the last two sure things for you guys...manafort and was indicted for bank fraud, the other for lying to the FBI......neither one connected the dots to keep dreaming.......
And all 3 of his associates who have been indicted having close connections to Russia.

Who is the third person? You are so damn clueless!
Popodopoulis plead guilty. The point is 3 of his close political associates are either accused or guilty.
Actually it's 100 % YOU who have to provide evidence that Trump has done anything wrong. Unless you stand for the banana-republic style leftist justice - believing in the court of public opinion over anything else.

So far you failed. The fact that he may have secret stash is not evidence, that's a hypothesis, if not full blown delusion.

I dont have to provide anything...what a bizarre thing to say. First, I did not say he was guilty. Second, I am neither the special counsel nor a prosecutor. What a bizarre post by you.

"I failed"..? Again , I'm not prosecuting Trump. Bizarre.

Yes, indeed you will have to provide evidence for Trump's guilt before you get to declare him guilty of anything. That's kind of how it works in the first world. Maybe a third world banana-republics would work better for you.

This is not a court, but a message board. You will have to convince us. A secret stash holding the evidence is not very convincing, sounding like a grand exercise in delusion.

I dont have to convince anyone. Are you delusional? My opinions have no bearing on anything but my vote. I would never waste my time trying to present evidence to cultists like you...that's pearls before swine...

Then what the fuck was even the point of your reply? Or even your attendance on a public forum? Now that you have admitted the fact, I will have to double down on it, yes indeed your opinions are worthless garbage. Do not bother posting any longer.

It must be difficult for you that I reject delusion and approve evidence. Yes I am that kind of cultist indeed. I can see you would have a problem with that as a lefty. Maybe if you joined the cult putting evidence before feels, your opinions too would have some serious value.

My point was seem to be the obly one misunderstanding it. Face hopped in swinging with both hands, and fell right on your face. You argued against things I never said, then made bizarre declarations like, "I have to convince you"...of things I did not claim.

If you would like to go back and re-read my posts, then respond directly to the ACTUAL content of them, be my guest.

Eh, more worthless opinions, as you admitted.

It's completely up to the ones who say that Trump is guilty to provide evidence of this Mueller's super secret stash, and the contents of it. Since they are not doing that common sense people who do not find Trump guilty don't need to provide anything to establish his innocence.
Not a word that exists in the far left playbook. They believe in witch trials instead.

They always say Mewler has some secret stash of super top secret evidence.

That's a lie. What is said is that Mueller MAY have evidence, and that we wouldnt know it if he did. It is YOU who claims to know whether or not he does. As always, you are more guilty of the things of which you accuse everyone else.

Actually it's 100 % YOU who have to provide evidence that Trump has done anything wrong. Unless you stand for the banana-republic style leftist justice - believing in the court of public opinion over anything else.

So far you failed. The fact that he may have secret stash is not evidence, that's a hypothesis, if not full blown delusion.
It wasn`t the "court of public opinion" that put 2 of his goons under house arrest. Do you have any plans to deal with reality in the near future?

Goons? What position did either hold in the admin?
I stand corrected. Michael Flynn is the goon who held a position in the administration. The other goons held high positions in his campaign.

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