Two illegals caught with enough Fentanyl to kill 4.7 million Americans.

“Academic studies have found that those on the political left are five times more likely to use marijuana and cocaine . . . Another survey found that Democrats were five times more likely to use marijuana than Republicans"

“A study published in the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse found that among heavy drug users, the ratio of Democrats to Republicans was more than 8-to-1.”

A NewsMax article from 2008?

Really, that is the best you can do?

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
“Academic studies have found that those on the political left are five times more likely to use marijuana and cocaine . . . Another survey found that Democrats were five times more likely to use marijuana than Republicans"

“A study published in the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse found that among heavy drug users, the ratio of Democrats to Republicans was more than 8-to-1.”
“Academic studies have found that those on the political left are five times more likely to use marijuana and cocaine . . . Another survey found that Democrats were five times more likely to use marijuana than Republicans"

“A study published in the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse found that among heavy drug users, the ratio of Democrats to Republicans was more than 8-to-1.”
Naturally Peter Schweizer newmaxs take the word of, figures, it bias as all hell.
Peter Schweizer is advertising a free book. Read all about it. Natually peter s. is bias.

The article referenced the study by the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. You're welcome to find the article if you want.
“Academic studies have found that those on the political left are five times more likely to use marijuana and cocaine . . . Another survey found that Democrats were five times more likely to use marijuana than Republicans"

“A study published in the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse found that among heavy drug users, the ratio of Democrats to Republicans was more than 8-to-1.”

Just over half the eligible people actually vote. I have to imagine most serious drug users and those abusing alcohol do not bother but for some, everything absolutely must revolve around their politics.
How do you know "most"?

You are making up shit again. That is why you have no credibility on this forum.
I surmise that republicans take as much shit as democrats. Look at Appalachia , the drugs that people do there, they vote republican all the time.
This incident is just another example as to why I have totally lost faith in the democrat party, the mainstream media, a corrupt justice system, a public education system that is distorting the minds of children. Back to the liberals ---- how dare you defend your support of a party and ideology that is nothing short of evil. Keep that border flowing, because those are precious illegal votes you can cash in on.

Drug traffickers arrested in California with 150,000 fentanyl pills released after just days in jail
It's part of a plan to reduce our population and weaken it. Why do you think Leftists were so pissed over Roe v Wade, and want open borders?

This incident is just another example as to why I have totally lost faith in the democrat party, the mainstream media, a corrupt justice system, a public education system that is distorting the minds of children. Back to the liberals ---- how dare you defend your support of a party and ideology that is nothing short of evil. Keep that border flowing, because those are precious illegal votes you can cash in on.

Drug traffickers arrested in California with 150,000 fentanyl pills released after just days in jail
Exactly! It is also an indication of how powerful Democrat controlled TV and Media are at distracting Americans from what really matters vs. what really matters to Democrats: Get Trump and get votes.
How is this on the "democrat party" when this took place in a bright red county that has voted Repub for the past 6 plus elections?
I do not care what county or state this took place in. Note that I said ----- This incident is just another example as to why I have totally lost faith in the democrat party, the mainstream media, a corrupt justice system, a public education system that is distorting the minds of children.

You are not blind are you? Have you seen what the DEMOCRAT PARTY has done to the southern border since Biden took office? Have you seen all of the major problems, crimes, et al. that come with letting a million illegals run free in our nation? Did you ever read in the news how much fentanyl they have confiscated or is coming across our border? Look at this picture below again. It kind of tells the story about fentanyl deaths and a corrupt political party who is to blame. What good is a media that supports your party's malevolence? I cannot believe how stupid the world is, especially secular humanists who bask in destructive leftist policies.
It's part of a plan to reduce our population and weaken it. Why do you think Leftists were so pissed over Roe v Wade, and want open borders? Replacement.
If what you say is true then who is truly behind this? Idiots like Schiff, Nadler, Biden or Pelosi are not that smart or keen or shrewd enough to devise long term goals or schemes to change the path of a nation. They are nothing more than egotistical pawns. So who wants to murder millions besides the devil himself controlling the minds of fools so filled with lustful pride they cannot help themselves.
If what you say is true then who is truly behind this? Idiots like Schiff, Nadler, Biden or Pelosi are not that smart or keen or shrewd enough to devise long term goals or schemes to change the path of a nation. They are nothing more than egotistical pawns. So who wants to murder millions besides the devil himself controlling the minds of fools so filled with lustful pride they cannot help themselves.
They are just puppets doing exactly what their financiers pay them to do. The World Economic forum, UN run people like Biden, Schiff and others.

And yes, The Devil is behind it. Look at the book of Daniel and Revelation to figure out what is coming next.
If people take street drugs, so be it.
typical…if you can’t kill people in the womb let them die on the street…i guess you expect the rest of us productive members of society should pay to feed them, and house them while they get high?
Most republicans also do street drugs.
We are talking about liberal courts in California releasing a dangerous drug dealer, can you not follow a simple story. We realize that you don't give a crap about people with mental illnesses but other of us do.

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