Two ironic things about Trump

Did you know there is a 1950s TV villain named 'Trump' who tries to con people into building a wall?

It's True

Did you know that 'trump' means 'fart' in British slang?
It's true, a colloquialism, and a bit childish, kinda like the 45th President.

Oh, the irony of it all.
More Irony.
Schumer translates as "Good For Nothing Bum" True.


Schumer is a Middle Low German word meaning "good-for-nothing" or "vagabond".
Suppose The Donald has encouraged and even manipulated this present position .
A final move in the Art of War . Then draw the piano wire tight .

It has always been my fall back imagined scenario -- let the world first implode before guiding it back toward stability .Be the hero who picked up the wounded and broken.

This strategy is distinctly possible and I certainly do not discount it .With assumed posthumous sainthood .
Did you know there is a 1950s TV villain named 'Trump' who tries to con people into building a wall?

It's True

Did you know that 'trump' means 'fart' in British slang?
It's true, a colloquialism, and a bit childish, kinda like the 45th President.

Oh, the irony of it all.

Yes, "trump" can mean "fart", essentially it's what elephants do... but it's not that common.
More Irony.
Schumer translates as "Good For Nothing Bum" True.


Schumer is a Middle Low German word meaning "good-for-nothing" or "vagabond".

You forgot one detail: Schumer was never the President of the United States.

And for all the grime you can find on Dems, you'll never find as much as we have on Trump, the grimiest of them all, who, in point of fact, was elected by Republicans.

Yes, "trump" can mean "fart", essentially it's what elephants do... but it's not that common.
Not really . Elephants always Trumpet .

However , crude and vulgar Sheeple accuse others of Trumpeting ( shortened to Trump by people you would not mix with ) when their air expulsion reaches a cetain nosise threshold .
So I am told, because I have never malfunctioned in this way in my pure life .

As noted by my old Dutch pal Dostra Namus​

What Is The Meaning Of Rumpole?​

Your immense ambition makes you want to be the best. A competitive type who usually gives everything they have in order to win.

Strong self confidence about your abilities makes this possible. Such qualities help Rumpole tackle all difficulties and solve problems in a leading forward thinking manner.

People around you will invariably notice your leadership traits and submit to your authority. It all comes down to your confidence that shines like a bright light. Everybody loves shiny things.
Taking on new responsibilities has never been a burden to you. Instead you seek out new challenges to show your talents.

Courageous in making hard decisions and ready to act fast when needed. Always up to date with competition. Having the courage to show your talents is not natural for many. Mental strength is one of your greatest weapons.

Even in face of defeats you never waver and simply move on towards achieving the set goals. Their strength develops particularly good when working alone or working in a team where they are the leader.

Like all humans you wish for support from friends(as well as employees). Be careful of trying to do everything yourself. Sometimes it is best to accept help when it is offered.


[ bahy-dn ]SHOW IPA

Root: slack-jawed faggot, Dark Ages

to shower with your teenage daughter, to molest children
see also (archaic): to shit one's pants in public
Did you know there is a 1950s TV villain named 'Trump' who tries to con people into building a wall?

It's True

Did you know that 'trump' means 'fart' in British slang?
It's true, a colloquialism, and a bit childish, kinda like the 45th President.

Oh, the irony of it all.

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