Two MARRIED MEN with 9 adopted kids go on trial for child molesting

This is what gay marriage is all about. Adopting kids and molesting
them. And democrats support this.

, APRIL 7, 2013, 11:16 AM

The case of a same-sex Connecticut couple accused of repeatedly raping
and abusing two of their nine adopted boys is headed for trial.

Married couple George Harasz and Douglas Wirth of Glastonbury were
supposed to be sentenced Friday in Hartford Superior Court under a
plea deal, but instead withdrew from their agreement with prosecutors.
The men had already pleaded no contest in January to one felony count
each of risk of injury to a minor — a reduction from even more serious
charges related to sexual assault.

But in a surprise turn, the couple’s attorneys pulled them out of the
plea in a bid to fully clear their names, according to CBS affiliate

But more allegations came to light Friday in the explosive case, and
prosecutors said they also want to go to trial. couple who may have committed this crime makes all same sex couples the same criminals?

Can I play that game too?

Game? Of course you can act like this horrendous act is a game, we'd expect nothing less from a creep like you.
This is what gay marriage is all about. Adopting kids and molesting
them. And democrats support this.

, APRIL 7, 2013, 11:16 AM

The case of a same-sex Connecticut couple accused of repeatedly raping
and abusing two of their nine adopted boys is headed for trial.

Married couple George Harasz and Douglas Wirth of Glastonbury were
supposed to be sentenced Friday in Hartford Superior Court under a
plea deal, but instead withdrew from their agreement with prosecutors.
The men had already pleaded no contest in January to one felony count
each of risk of injury to a minor — a reduction from even more serious
charges related to sexual assault.

But in a surprise turn, the couple’s attorneys pulled them out of the
plea in a bid to fully clear their names, according to CBS affiliate

But more allegations came to light Friday in the explosive case, and
prosecutors said they also want to go to trial.
Is there a pattern I wonder to these people adopting their same sex in children when adopting them ? I always wondered about this, because it seemed that in most adoptions of same sex couples, they would adopt the same sex as them, now why is this I always wondered, and if this is the case mostly with these people when they adopt, then why do they adopt the same sex as them when they adopt ? I saw this, and I figured that these kids would be all boys before getting to that point, as I then next read that 2of the 9 boys that were adopted by this couple were being molested.. WOW. Is there some sort of clear and present danger found within adoptions like this maybe ? So it seems that this is yet another sad commentary on America and it's falling down faster and faster with everyone of these types of reports coming out about such things happening now.
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This is what gay marriage is all about. Adopting kids and molesting
them. And democrats support this.

, APRIL 7, 2013, 11:16 AM

The case of a same-sex Connecticut couple accused of repeatedly raping
and abusing two of their nine adopted boys is headed for trial.

Married couple George Harasz and Douglas Wirth of Glastonbury were
supposed to be sentenced Friday in Hartford Superior Court under a
plea deal, but instead withdrew from their agreement with prosecutors.
The men had already pleaded no contest in January to one felony count
each of risk of injury to a minor — a reduction from even more serious
charges related to sexual assault.

But in a surprise turn, the couple’s attorneys pulled them out of the
plea in a bid to fully clear their names, according to CBS affiliate

But more allegations came to light Friday in the explosive case, and
prosecutors said they also want to go to trial.

Oh, yea, that's exactly what gay marriage is all about. At least that's how tards see it.

You play into the hands of the crazies. Please stop
Emma Charles thought that she and her family were living a normal life. But then she discovered that her husband had been sexually abusing their daughter Tamsin since the age of ten. Twelve years on, Emma recalls that devastating day and the traumatic events that followed

Read more: 'The day I found out my husband had abused our daughter' | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Abuse is abuse, but what should always be looked at is the developing patterns in everything, and this in order to some how get ahead of it all before becoming some kind of bad trend that is getting started.

I mean look at some of the trends that have gotten started ove the years, and have since gotten so big now, so I ask what did people do in all of it "have their heads in the sand, with their hands over their ears yelling La, la la la la la la la I don't see nor hear anything la la la la la la la la"..??

I just hope we don't have some sort of wider patterns to be found out in this tragic situation as well.
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Come on guys we all know Bod. Most importantly she's a great mom and a wonderful soul. What the hell. And best yet, she puts up with me.

I want her at the table when we discuss these issues. I trust her from years on boards.
Emma Charles thought that she and her family were living a normal life. But then she discovered that her husband had been sexually abusing their daughter Tamsin since the age of ten. Twelve years on, Emma recalls that devastating day and the traumatic events that followed

Read more: 'The day I found out my husband had abused our daughter' | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Abuse is abuse, but what should always be looked at is the developing patterns in everything, and this in order to some how get ahead of it all before becoming some kind of bad trend that is getting started.

I mean look at some of the trends that have gotten started ove the years, and have since gotten so big now, so I ask what did people do in all of it "have their heads in the sand, with their hands over their ears yelling La, la la la la la la la I don't see nor hear anything la la la la la la la la"..??

I just hope we don't have some sort of wider patterns to be found out in this tragic situation as well.

We're talking should really read the Daily Mail over the story of the husband/father who kept having children so he could get their welfare checks and then killed them in a fire.
This is what gay marriage is all about. Adopting kids and molesting
them. And democrats support this. couple who may have committed this crime makes all same sex couples the same criminals?

Can I play that game too?

Game? Of course you can act like this horrendous act is a game, we'd expect nothing less from a creep like you.

You're already playing the game, I see. Badly too.
Here's the's not that hetero couples never abuse's that the fucking whacko left has maintained that homosexuality is a noble thing in and of itself (but hetero marriage isn't) and insist that homo couples are BETTER than hetero ones.
Here's the's not that hetero couples never abuse's that the fucking whacko left has maintained that homosexuality is a noble thing in and of itself (but hetero marriage isn't) and insist that homo couples are BETTER than hetero ones.

Show us any posts where any of us declared gay couples perfect. I look forward to reading your linked posts.
This is really over the top, is this what it comes down to. Come on everyone, this type of behavior knows no one sex and is not about sex but about power.

It's a shame that it comes to this trash talk.
This is what gay marriage is all about. Adopting kids and molesting
them. And democrats support this.

, APRIL 7, 2013, 11:16 AM

The case of a same-sex Connecticut couple accused of repeatedly raping
and abusing two of their nine adopted boys is headed for trial.

Married couple George Harasz and Douglas Wirth of Glastonbury were
supposed to be sentenced Friday in Hartford Superior Court under a
plea deal, but instead withdrew from their agreement with prosecutors.
The men had already pleaded no contest in January to one felony count
each of risk of injury to a minor — a reduction from even more serious
charges related to sexual assault.

But in a surprise turn, the couple’s attorneys pulled them out of the
plea in a bid to fully clear their names, according to CBS affiliate

But more allegations came to light Friday in the explosive case, and
prosecutors said they also want to go to trial.

And in classic conservative fashion you’ve convicted them before their trial even starts.

Otherwise, this is a hasty generalization fallacy, and the premise of your OP fails accordingly. Opposite-sex couples have molested their adopted children as well, but we don’t hear you or others on the right calling for opposite-sex marriage to be banned.
This is what gay marriage is all about. Adopting kids and molesting
them. And democrats support this.

, APRIL 7, 2013, 11:16 AM

The case of a same-sex Connecticut couple accused of repeatedly raping
and abusing two of their nine adopted boys is headed for trial.

Married couple George Harasz and Douglas Wirth of Glastonbury were
supposed to be sentenced Friday in Hartford Superior Court under a
plea deal, but instead withdrew from their agreement with prosecutors.
The men had already pleaded no contest in January to one felony count
each of risk of injury to a minor — a reduction from even more serious
charges related to sexual assault.

But in a surprise turn, the couple’s attorneys pulled them out of the
plea in a bid to fully clear their names, according to CBS affiliate

But more allegations came to light Friday in the explosive case, and
prosecutors said they also want to go to trial.

And in classic conservative fashion you’ve convicted them before their trial even starts.

Otherwise, this is a hasty generalization fallacy, and the premise of your OP fails accordingly. Opposite-sex couples have molested their adopted children as well, but we don’t hear you or others on the right calling for opposite-sex marriage to be banned.

Again, both sides will do it, if it is to their advantage. However there is a lot more at stake, there are children that are effect and will be for the rest of their lives. That is where the focus should be, not politicizing it.
Oh come on. (I have not read all replies..just the first few). Are you guys seriously condemning ALL gays as pedophiles? Really? That's like saying a white dude that rapes makes ALL white men rapists!!!
...yeah, no.

In most cases, the perpetrator is male regardless of whether the victim is a boy or girl. Heterosexual and gay men are equally likely to sexually abuse children. A perception that most perpetrators are gay men is a myth and harmful stereotype.

SOURCE: Child sexual abuse: What parents should know


Abusers can be homosexual or heterosexual. Sexual abuse of
young boys is perpetrated more often by heterosexual males
rather than homosexual males.
Abuse myths, Childline, 2006
Emphasis mine.

SOURCE: Child Abuse Myths <-- PDF file.

So going by this, you and I are more likely to molest our kids than Gay Steve down the road. Suck on that lemon. That alone makes me want to puke.

But please, back up your statement with facts and sources.
Oh come on. (I have not read all replies..just the first few). Are you guys seriously condemning ALL gays as pedophiles? Really? That's like saying a white dude that rapes makes ALL white men rapists!!!

Yes, Gracie, they are. It's a very simplistic and puerile viewpoint. Most gay men are into "men", and view gay pedophiles as pariahs and reprehensible. The incidence of heterosexual pedophilia far outnumbers the incidences of gay pedophilia.
The proportions of heterosexual and homos... [J Sex Marital Ther. 1992] - PubMed - NCBI

Using phallometric test sensitivities to calculate the proportion of true pedophiles among various groups of sex offenders against children, and taking into consideration previously reported mean numbers of victims per offender group, the ratio of heterosexual to homosexual pedophiles was calculated to be approximately 11:1.
Oh come on. (I have not read all replies..just the first few). Are you guys seriously condemning ALL gays as pedophiles? Really? That's like saying a white dude that rapes makes ALL white men rapists!!!

Exactly, it is such a myth and it is disgusting.

Sad people try make gain off of a tragedy.
Emma Charles thought that she and her family were living a normal life. But then she discovered that her husband had been sexually abusing their daughter Tamsin since the age of ten. Twelve years on, Emma recalls that devastating day and the traumatic events that followed

Read more: 'The day I found out my husband had abused our daughter' | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Abuse is abuse, but what should always be looked at is the developing patterns in everything, and this in order to some how get ahead of it all before becoming some kind of bad trend that is getting started.

I mean look at some of the trends that have gotten started ove the years, and have since gotten so big now, so I ask what did people do in all of it "have their heads in the sand, with their hands over their ears yelling La, la la la la la la la I don't see nor hear anything la la la la la la la la"..??

I just hope we don't have some sort of wider patterns to be found out in this tragic situation as well.

We're talking should really read the Daily Mail over the story of the husband/father who kept having children so he could get their welfare checks and then killed them in a fire.
Well make another topic then, and I will be sure to join it to, but right now you are off topic or trying to derail this one..
This is what gay marriage is all about. Adopting kids and molesting
them. And democrats support this.

, APRIL 7, 2013, 11:16 AM

The case of a same-sex Connecticut couple accused of repeatedly raping
and abusing two of their nine adopted boys is headed for trial.

Married couple George Harasz and Douglas Wirth of Glastonbury were
supposed to be sentenced Friday in Hartford Superior Court under a
plea deal, but instead withdrew from their agreement with prosecutors.
The men had already pleaded no contest in January to one felony count
each of risk of injury to a minor — a reduction from even more serious
charges related to sexual assault.

But in a surprise turn, the couple’s attorneys pulled them out of the
plea in a bid to fully clear their names, according to CBS affiliate

But more allegations came to light Friday in the explosive case, and
prosecutors said they also want to go to trial.

Your link in the OP is now dead and when I googled "Two married men with 9 adopted kids", the only website to come up is your post on USMB.

So I guess the whole thing was just ShootSpeeder's typical bullshit.

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