Two MARRIED MEN with 9 adopted kids go on trial for child molesting

Proving that the line between male homosexuality and pedophilia is very very thin. Within the homosexual community underage sexual encounters is not rare- nor is it frowned upon.

The argument over same sex adoptions should never be about anything other than asking the question: is it normal? Because the answer to that question is NO. Our children should not be the social guinea pigs for social agendas. They are best served by encouraging, as a society, a normal parenting structure! Even if that means a single parent household, where except for the absent parent, the sex of that absent parent is biologically "the norm"; so that their psychological adjustment is not at risk.
No, but it blows great big holes in the supposition, promoted by the progressive child hating left, that all homosexual couples are superior to hetero couples, and homosexuality is by definition and without exception *noble* and *brave*....and that homosexuality and pedophilia can't co-exist.

Nobody has ever said that. We have and continue to maintain that our children are at no disadvantage to the children of heterosexuals. This story does not change that FACT.

Lies are all they have left
No, but it blows great big holes in the supposition, promoted by the progressive child hating left, that all homosexual couples are superior to hetero couples, and homosexuality is by definition and without exception *noble* and *brave*....and that homosexuality and pedophilia can't co-exist.

So I guess every time some man beats up his wife that blows a great big hole in the supposition that there is something so special and superior about traditional one man one woman marriage that we need to preserve it as sacred and exclusively worthy of the term 'marriage' itself.
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Why don't you lefties target your attacks on the few individuals who you have a problem with in this thread. Trying to condemn an entire group is what you're railing against but are doing in your very own condemnation.

It's illogical
No, but it blows great big holes in the supposition, promoted by the progressive child hating left, that all homosexual couples are superior to hetero couples, and homosexuality is by definition and without exception *noble* and *brave*....and that homosexuality and pedophilia can't co-exist.

You gonna back that idiotic statement up or just ignore any challenges and continue to post bullshit?

Who has said that? Link?
Why don't you lefties target your attacks on the few individuals who you have a problem with in this thread. Trying to condemn an entire group is what you're railing against but are doing in your very own condemnation.

It's illogical

No, it's turning the OP's premise against him, and those who agree with him, by logically and accurately applying it to situations where none of them will accept it.
Why don't you lefties target your attacks on the few individuals who you have a problem with in this thread. Trying to condemn an entire group is what you're railing against but are doing in your very own condemnation.

It's illogical

No, it's turning the OP's premise against him, and those who agree with him, by logically and accurately applying it to situations where none of them will accept it.

The op is a known shitbag and racist troll. Why elevate him by dropping to his level?

The op is a known shitbag and racist troll. Why elevate him by dropping to his level?

HAHAHA. listen to the board laughingstock. How's your campaign to legalize drunk driving going?

And don't call me a racist. I oppose affirmative action, so i'm anti-racist.
Why don't you lefties target your attacks on the few individuals who you have a problem with in this thread. Trying to condemn an entire group is what you're railing against but are doing in your very own condemnation.

It's illogical

No, it's turning the OP's premise against him, and those who agree with him, by logically and accurately applying it to situations where none of them will accept it.

The op is a known shitbag and racist troll. Why elevate him by dropping to his level?

I do this for fun.
have there been cases where hetro adopters molested their kids?

Well let's see. There was a single case where a gunman killed 26 kids, and you leftist loons went after guns. So why not go after the root cause of this to ensure it doesn't happen again? Why? Because you loons are agenda driven HYPOCRITES.
I guess by the reasoning of the 'nuts in this thread, one guy blowing up an abortion clinic proves that the entire pro-life movement is evil?

Is that how it works for you 'nuts?

What a stupid argument. Every crime is "just one incident" so to you, none of them count!! Get help please.

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