Two MARRIED MEN with 9 adopted kids go on trial for child molesting

I wonder what the ratio is of heterosexual couples that adopt multiple children and have been found to be molesting the children.

My guess?

The exact same ratio of homosexual couples.

As sad as this story is, the fact that the couple is gay has absolutely no relevance.

About a month ago, a couple (heterosexual) in NYC we hit by a car and died. Part of the story was the unborn child...for it was near full term and it survivied the mothers death...although it died the next day.

However....the news? They continually referred to them as a "Hasidic couple" for they were ultra orthodox. Not just once. Everytime the story was told, the couple was referred to as "a Hasidic Couple".

WHy mention their religion?

As in this...why mention their sexual orientation?
WHy mention their religion?

As in this...why mention their sexual orientation?

In a word: Sensationalism.
"Hey, look at this GAY couple molesting kids!" is about as attention grabbing as, say,

"GUN OWNER shoots FIVE PEOPLE!" or "CATHOLIC PRIESTS molest children!"
WHy mention their religion?

As in this...why mention their sexual orientation?

In a word: Sensationalism.
"Hey, look at this GAY couple molesting kids!" is about as attention grabbing as, say,

"GUN OWNER shoots FIVE PEOPLE!" or "CATHOLIC PRIESTS molest children!"

"Hasidic Jews mowed down" is more sensational than "couple and unborn child die in horrific accident"?
Oh come on. (I have not read all replies..just the first few). Are you guys seriously condemning ALL gays as pedophiles? Really? That's like saying a white dude that rapes makes ALL white men rapists!!!

Kinda like the liberals label all tea party members as racist, or anyone who disagrees with Obama racist? Anyway two men adopting only boys, 9 of them, not one girl? Who couldn't see that coming?
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Oh come on. (I have not read all replies..just the first few). Are you guys seriously condemning ALL gays as pedophiles? Really? That's like saying a white dude that rapes makes ALL white men rapists!!!

Kinda like the liberals label all tea party members as racist, or anyone who disagrees with Obama racist? Anyway two men adopting only boys, 9 of them, not one girl? Who couldn't are that coming?

I am a liberal and I don't label all tea party members as racist or anyone who disagrees with the President as a racist.

You were saying?
Pedophiles should not be allowed to adopt children, but it is not a fact that pedophile = homosexual male. It is not a fact. The evidence, research and data do not back up that assumption.

No one said otherwise. Everyone agrees there are male heterosexual peds. But the priest scandal showed that pervert men are almost always child molesters. THINK.
I wonder what the ratio is of heterosexual couples that adopt multiple children and have been found to be molesting the children.

My guess?

The exact same ratio of homosexual couples.

Hey loonybird. Nobody cares about your guess. Give us some facts.
This is what gay marriage is all about. Adopting kids and molesting
them. And democrats support this.
Reminds me of the joke about the poisonous snake and the man dying of his bite and the snake says, "Don't blame me! When I lied to you about how I would not be not biting you if you let me run free, you full well knew I was a snake."

Our organizer socialized services have lost their frickin' brains by farming innocent children out to child molesters, but we knew what they were when we paid for them through Democrats in Congress telling us to let them run free with our money.

So, gays are compared with poisonous snakes now.....:doubt:

And evidently that's ALL gays......:cuckoo:
Pedophiles should not be allowed to adopt children, but it is not a fact that pedophile = homosexual male. It is not a fact. The evidence, research and data do not back up that assumption.

No one said otherwise. Everyone agrees there are male heterosexual peds. But the priest scandal showed that pervert men are almost always child molesters. THINK.

And they molest little boys almost exclusively.
Pedophiles should not be allowed to adopt children, but it is not a fact that pedophile = homosexual male. It is not a fact. The evidence, research and data do not back up that assumption.

No one said otherwise. Everyone agrees there are male heterosexual peds. But the priest scandal showed that pervert men are almost always child molesters. THINK.

So... many incidents of Catholic priests molesting children do you believe would be necessary to justify condemning the Catholic church, in its entirety, as an institution?

One incident? That seems to have been enough for you to condemn same sex marriage (even though same sex marriage wasn't even involved in the case you cited).



One hundred?

Give us a ballpark estimate.
Pedophiles should not be allowed to adopt children, but it is not a fact that pedophile = homosexual male. It is not a fact. The evidence, research and data do not back up that assumption.

No one said otherwise. Everyone agrees there are male heterosexual peds. But the priest scandal showed that pervert men are almost always child molesters. THINK.

And they molest little boys almost exclusively.

Not Just Boys: Catholic Church Abuse of Women + Girls
It seem as you all are scarred that your child might end up with pedophile/gay foster parents when you refuse to turn in your guns.
How about you just stop worrying about it, and give up your guns and your children can stay home with you.
When confiscation time comes, don't fuck around, give up the guns, they are going to be taken away regardless how you look at it, but what you CAN DO is prevent you child from being involved in a Manajatwa with the new unarmed foster parents.
So don't be stupid and make this more difficult than it needs to be, JUST GIVE UP THE FUCKIN GUNS !!!
Manajatwa people ................... manaja-FUCKING-twa.
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Pedohpiles target little boys.

Homosexual apologists admit that some homosexuals sexually molest children, but they deny that homosexuals are more likely to commit such offenses. After all, they argue, the majority of child molestation cases are heterosexual in nature. While this is correct in terms of absolute numbers, this argument ignores the fact that homosexuals comprise only a very small percentage of the population."
Family Research Council
"...although heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals by a ratio of at least 20 to 1, homosexual pedophiles commit about one-third of the total number of child sex offenses."

Family Research Council

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