Two Men Arrested In Assault On Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick

The two men sprayed bear spray at officer Sicknick.

Authorities are still trying to find the person or people who are responsible for his death.

Wrong... I heard joy beyhar just this morning that he was bludgeoned to death... whom do I believe.?
True or want nobody to be held responsible for the cop dying. True...right? Of course it's true.

You're such a sleazy little Nazi.

From day one, I've said that the 1/6 Reichstag Fire perpetrators should face face just as stiff of penalties as the democrat Brown Shirts attacking the federal court house Oregon faced. That those who fought with cops during the Reichstag Fire should face the same justice that democrat Brown Shirts in Seattle faced when they attacked federal agents.

Equal justice, put them all in prison.

But YOU don't want that, you want to crucify the 1/6 protesters while the Brown Shirts walk free.
Then the individuals will be quietly released. It's what they have done so far.

Of the 400'sh charged so far I have no idea how many have been bailed out and are now in our free society. I do know several of the more prominent ones still sit behind bars.

Regardless, with all of the attention our society has paid to this January 6th attempt to destroy our government ....and the voiced intention to kill Pence & Pelosi......well, I kinda sorta think the long arm of the law and the long memory of the law is gonna be a significant factor in these two 'suspects' lives for a long time.

They are being charged with some serious merde'.
This ain't a parking ticket or a DUI. It is really grave juju.

From the OP's link:
"The affidavit cites one video that that shows Khater telling Tanios to hand him a bear spray canister near the Lower West Terrace of the Capitol at 2:14 p.m.

"Give me that bear sh**," Khater says.

"Hold on, hold on, not yet... it's still early," Tanios then replied.

Six minutes later, Khater is allegedly seen walking through the crowd up to a bike rack barrier being guarded by Officer Sicknick and two other officers -- he then sprayed them with the bear mace from roughly five to eight feet away, the affidavit alleges.

The affidavit includes screengrabs from police body camera video and surveillance footage showing the three officers pulling back from the barrier to find water to wash out their eyes, though Khater allegedly continued spraying in their direction before an officer engages him and starts pepper spraying him back.

The affidavit notes that all three officers including Sicknick "were incapacitated and unable to perform their duties for at least 20 minutes or longer while they recovered from the spray." One officer said the spray was "as strong as, if not stronger than, any version of the pepper spray they had been exposed to during their training as law enforcement officers."

Both men have been charged with three counts of assaulting federal officers, conspiracy to injure officers, civil disorder, obstruction of an official proceeding, physical violence on restricted grounds, violent entry and aiding and abetting. *
.............................................................................................. avatar emphasized that last paragraph above so that minimizers of the insurrection better understand that the feds ain't playing patty-cake with the perps. Just so you know.

So there is that.

*one reads that menu of charges and one could be forgiving that maybe a murder rap would've given them a better chance to get acquitted. I hope someone on the forum can inform us on what the penalties could be on each of those charges.

In the end, those two mokes are in deep merde'.

ps2....the discussions about 'bear spray' vs. 'pepper spray' and how the apologists for the insurrectionists attempt to claim that there is little difference between the two ----
.Well, ........well, the two jackass-patriots arrested seem to think it was a step up. The one knucklehead specifically asked for the "bear sh*t".....
"Give me that bear sh**," Khater says."

Then the individuals will be quietly released. It's what they have done so far.

Of the 400'sh charged so far I have no idea how many have been bailed out and are now in our free society. I do know several of the more prominent ones still sit behind bars.

Regardless, with all of the attention our society has paid to this January 6th attempt to destroy our government ....and the voiced intention to kill Pence & Pelosi......well, I kinda sorta think the long arm of the law and the long memory of the law is gonna be a significant factor in these two 'suspects' lives for a long time.

They are being charged with some serious merde'.
This ain't a parking ticket or a DUI. It is really grave juju.

From the OP's link:
"The affidavit cites one video that that shows Khater telling Tanios to hand him a bear spray canister near the Lower West Terrace of the Capitol at 2:14 p.m.

"Give me that bear sh**," Khater says.

"Hold on, hold on, not yet... it's still early," Tanios then replied.

Six minutes later, Khater is allegedly seen walking through the crowd up to a bike rack barrier being guarded by Officer Sicknick and two other officers -- he then sprayed them with the bear mace from roughly five to eight feet away, the affidavit alleges.

The affidavit includes screengrabs from police body camera video and surveillance footage showing the three officers pulling back from the barrier to find water to wash out their eyes, though Khater allegedly continued spraying in their direction before an officer engages him and starts pepper spraying him back.

The affidavit notes that all three officers including Sicknick "were incapacitated and unable to perform their duties for at least 20 minutes or longer while they recovered from the spray." One officer said the spray was "as strong as, if not stronger than, any version of the pepper spray they had been exposed to during their training as law enforcement officers."

Both men have been charged with three counts of assaulting federal officers, conspiracy to injure officers, civil disorder, obstruction of an official proceeding, physical violence on restricted grounds, violent entry and aiding and abetting. *
.............................................................................................. avatar emphasized that last paragraph above so that minimizers of the insurrection better understand that the feds ain't playing patty-cake with the perps. Just so you know.

So there is that.

*one reads that menu of charges and one could be forgiving that maybe a murder rap would've given them a better chance to get acquitted. I hope someone on the forum can inform us on what the penalties could be on each of those charges.

In the end, those two mokes are in deep merde'.

ps2....the discussions about 'bear spray' vs. 'pepper spray' and how the apologists for the insurrectionists attempt to claim that there is little difference between the two ----
.Well, ........well, the two jackass-patriots arrested seem to think it was a step up. The one knucklehead specifically asked for the "bear sh*t".....
"Give me that bear sh**," Khater says."

Herr Traitor, there is not "little difference" between "bear spray" and pepper spray, there is NO difference. Bear spray is a bit weaker solution, but otherwise identical to pepper spray intended for use on humans.

That poster's fetish with all things Hitler & Nazis seems, seems a bit over the top. Diplomatically speaking.

I, for one, suspect he has no comprehension about WWII, the Holocaust, the 417,000 dead American military, the 24 million (!) dead Soviet citizens, the 450,000 dead Brits, the 1 million dead Yugoslavians.
I really don't think he quite understands the horrors he seems to so cavalierly and blithely bandies about as if he is old enough, suffered enough, knows enough.....about Hitlerism and Nazism to use it in serious grown-up dialogue. He trivializes the horror, the cost, and the pain.

I don't know for sure, but I wouldn't be a bit surprised that the poster has read some GI Joe comics and now fancies he is a Wm. Shirer, a Speer, or a Kershaw.
In my humble opinion, and I mean no disrespect, but this fetish over Nazis and Hitler smacks of middle-school infatuation.

The two men sprayed bear spray at officer Sicknick.

Authorities are still trying to find the person or people who are responsible for his death.

Excellent news.
Start sharpening the needle.
They won't kill the guy responsible for the Boston Marathon bombing. What makes you think these people will even be convicted?

That poster's fetish with all things Hitler & Nazis seems, seems a bit over the top. Diplomatically speaking.

I, for one, suspect he has no comprehension about WWII, the Holocaust, the 417,000 dead American military, the 24 million (!) dead Soviet citizens, the 450,000 dead Brits, the 1 million dead Yugoslavians.
I really don't think he quite understands the horrors he seems to so cavalierly and blithely bandies about as if he is old enough, suffered enough, knows enough.....about Hitlerism and Nazism to use it in serious grown-up dialogue. He trivializes the horror, the cost, and the pain.

I don't know for sure, but I wouldn't be a bit surprised that the poster has read some GI Joe comics and now fancies he is a Wm. Shirer, a Speer, or a Kershaw.
In my humble opinion, and I mean no disrespect, but this fetish over Nazis and Hitler smacks of middle-school infatuation.


My grandparents fled Germany in 1928. As a child I would ask why the German people let the Nazis rise. Were people blind? Did they not see what was going on? My grandmother explained that there was comfort. That people feared losing their jobs, their homes, and the comforts of life so would not speak up. And a great many viewed the Nazis as a source of prosperity and pride. The loss of liberty and the violence on the streets was less important than a stable currency and heat in their homes.

Hitler used an old trope to consolidate power, a scapegoat. He chose the Jews, but it could be anyone, who it is doesn't matter, just as long as people can be focused on one group as the cause of all problems.

Around 2010, I observed that Obama was using the same trope, and not just Obama, but the party and the utterly corrupt press. Whites have been the safe group to lampoon and set as the butt of all jokes for decades. But this was different, uglier, meaner. By 2015 open hatred of whites was part of everyday life. The halls of education railed against the new Juden, the whites, Hollywood changed the tone and amped up the vitriolic anti-White crusade. And the party became openly hostile to anything white, culture and people.

The democrats had become the new Nazi party.

Never again means stopping you Nazis.
They won't kill the guy responsible for the Boston Marathon bombing. What makes you think these people will even be convicted?

The Reich will convict them, no question. These are enemies of the party. They will be convicted of assault on a police officer. They will NOT be charged with murder, because the Reich simply can't support such a charge.

Party members here want these men, and let's face it, anyone who voted for Trump, to be executed or lynched. If a Reich judge sentences them. an assault charge will be a life sentence, while those who used incendiary devices against federal officers in Portland will be released without charges.

The Nazis, the democrats, wage war against America, mostly against the rule of law and the foundations of equal justice.
Then the individuals will be quietly released. It's what they have done so far.

Of the 400'sh charged so far I have no idea how many have been bailed out and are now in our free society. I do know several of the more prominent ones still sit behind bars.

Regardless, with all of the attention our society has paid to this January 6th attempt to destroy our government ....and the voiced intention to kill Pence & Pelosi......well, I kinda sorta think the long arm of the law and the long memory of the law is gonna be a significant factor in these two 'suspects' lives for a long time.

They are being charged with some serious merde'.
This ain't a parking ticket or a DUI. It is really grave juju.

From the OP's link:
"The affidavit cites one video that that shows Khater telling Tanios to hand him a bear spray canister near the Lower West Terrace of the Capitol at 2:14 p.m.

"Give me that bear sh**," Khater says.

"Hold on, hold on, not yet... it's still early," Tanios then replied.

Six minutes later, Khater is allegedly seen walking through the crowd up to a bike rack barrier being guarded by Officer Sicknick and two other officers -- he then sprayed them with the bear mace from roughly five to eight feet away, the affidavit alleges.

The affidavit includes screengrabs from police body camera video and surveillance footage showing the three officers pulling back from the barrier to find water to wash out their eyes, though Khater allegedly continued spraying in their direction before an officer engages him and starts pepper spraying him back.

The affidavit notes that all three officers including Sicknick "were incapacitated and unable to perform their duties for at least 20 minutes or longer while they recovered from the spray." One officer said the spray was "as strong as, if not stronger than, any version of the pepper spray they had been exposed to during their training as law enforcement officers."

Both men have been charged with three counts of assaulting federal officers, conspiracy to injure officers, civil disorder, obstruction of an official proceeding, physical violence on restricted grounds, violent entry and aiding and abetting. *
.............................................................................................. avatar emphasized that last paragraph above so that minimizers of the insurrection better understand that the feds ain't playing patty-cake with the perps. Just so you know.

So there is that.

*one reads that menu of charges and one could be forgiving that maybe a murder rap would've given them a better chance to get acquitted. I hope someone on the forum can inform us on what the penalties could be on each of those charges.

In the end, those two mokes are in deep merde'.

ps2....the discussions about 'bear spray' vs. 'pepper spray' and how the apologists for the insurrectionists attempt to claim that there is little difference between the two ----
.Well, ........well, the two jackass-patriots arrested seem to think it was a step up. The one knucklehead specifically asked for the "bear sh*t".....
"Give me that bear sh**," Khater says."
Are you concerned about the rioters VP Sperm Breath bailed out in the summer? One of them murdered and another one raped innocent people? That bother you? Are you concerned about anything but the narrative?

Your posts are already completely predictable. Hack.
My grandparents fled Germany in 1928

What were they fleeing from?
Fleeing from a fledgling Nazi party...130,000 members only...with virtually no power, doesn't seem like a plausible reason.
Were they 'immigrating' to America for some other reason?

Party members here want these men, and let's face it, anyone who voted for Trump, to be executed or lynched.

First, poster "Uncensored" I assume no responsibility in puncturing your over-blown histrionics. I'm doing it this afternoon because -----well first, you are an easy mark. You set yourself up so readily. That's on you.

And second, I got some time before I do a little party hosting for my golf partners. That's in a couple of hours and I've already done all the prep. So, puncturing your silly stuff is an amusement till the guests arrive.

So, with that said, I read your shrill remarks above. The complaint? or whine? the 'executed & lynched' hand-wringing.

OK, you said it.

  • You said it as if it is an assertion.
  • A statement of fact., prove it.

Batter up, poster Uncensored.
Then the individuals will be quietly released. It's what they have done so far.

Of the 400'sh charged so far I have no idea how many have been bailed out and are now in our free society. I do know several of the more prominent ones still sit behind bars.

Regardless, with all of the attention our society has paid to this January 6th attempt to destroy our government ....and the voiced intention to kill Pence & Pelosi......well, I kinda sorta think the long arm of the law and the long memory of the law is gonna be a significant factor in these two 'suspects' lives for a long time.

They are being charged with some serious merde'.
This ain't a parking ticket or a DUI. It is really grave juju.

From the OP's link:
"The affidavit cites one video that that shows Khater telling Tanios to hand him a bear spray canister near the Lower West Terrace of the Capitol at 2:14 p.m.

"Give me that bear sh**," Khater says.

"Hold on, hold on, not yet... it's still early," Tanios then replied.

Six minutes later, Khater is allegedly seen walking through the crowd up to a bike rack barrier being guarded by Officer Sicknick and two other officers -- he then sprayed them with the bear mace from roughly five to eight feet away, the affidavit alleges.

The affidavit includes screengrabs from police body camera video and surveillance footage showing the three officers pulling back from the barrier to find water to wash out their eyes, though Khater allegedly continued spraying in their direction before an officer engages him and starts pepper spraying him back.

The affidavit notes that all three officers including Sicknick "were incapacitated and unable to perform their duties for at least 20 minutes or longer while they recovered from the spray." One officer said the spray was "as strong as, if not stronger than, any version of the pepper spray they had been exposed to during their training as law enforcement officers."

Both men have been charged with three counts of assaulting federal officers, conspiracy to injure officers, civil disorder, obstruction of an official proceeding, physical violence on restricted grounds, violent entry and aiding and abetting. *
.............................................................................................. avatar emphasized that last paragraph above so that minimizers of the insurrection better understand that the feds ain't playing patty-cake with the perps. Just so you know.

So there is that.

*one reads that menu of charges and one could be forgiving that maybe a murder rap would've given them a better chance to get acquitted. I hope someone on the forum can inform us on what the penalties could be on each of those charges.

In the end, those two mokes are in deep merde'.

ps2....the discussions about 'bear spray' vs. 'pepper spray' and how the apologists for the insurrectionists attempt to claim that there is little difference between the two ----
.Well, ........well, the two jackass-patriots arrested seem to think it was a step up. The one knucklehead specifically asked for the "bear sh*t".....
"Give me that bear sh**," Khater says."

The two men are charged with simple assault and a short string of misdemeanors that sound good. All those legal words have to mean something
Bear spray is quite a bit milder than pepper spray if only because you can't run around injuring bears. This is a manufactured teapot. There will be no murder charges. Assault is the best they got. There is no waiting on autopsy results. Officer Sicknick has long ago been cremated. The autopsy is what it is.

Part two of why there will be no murder charges. The defense would get what autopsy that was done. The defense has a right to rebut that evidence. In case you haven't noticed Officer Sicknick's autopsy is as confidential as the nuclear codes. The family hasn't been allowed to even see it. It hasn't even been leaked.

These two men will quietly be released out the back door like others.

My grandparents fled Germany in 1928

What were they fleeing from?
Fleeing from a fledgling Nazi party...130,000 members only...with virtually no power, doesn't seem like a plausible reason.
Were they 'immigrating' to America for some other reason?

You are quite the moron, aren't you?

Party members here want these men, and let's face it, anyone who voted for Trump, to be executed or lynched.

First, poster "Uncensored" I assume no responsibility in puncturing your over-blown histrionics. I'm doing it this afternoon because -----well first, you are an easy mark. You set yourself up so readily. That's on you.

And second, I got some time before I do a little party hosting for my golf partners. That's in a couple of hours and I've already done all the prep. So, puncturing your silly stuff is an amusement till the guests arrive.

So, with that said, I read your shrill remarks above. The complaint? or whine? the 'executed & lynched' hand-wringing.

OK, you said it.

  • You said it as if it is an assertion.
  • A statement of fact., prove it.

Batter up, poster Uncensored.

Then the individuals will be quietly released. It's what they have done so far.

Of the 400'sh charged so far I have no idea how many have been bailed out and are now in our free society. I do know several of the more prominent ones still sit behind bars.

Regardless, with all of the attention our society has paid to this January 6th attempt to destroy our government ....and the voiced intention to kill Pence & Pelosi......well, I kinda sorta think the long arm of the law and the long memory of the law is gonna be a significant factor in these two 'suspects' lives for a long time.

They are being charged with some serious merde'.
This ain't a parking ticket or a DUI. It is really grave juju.

From the OP's link:
"The affidavit cites one video that that shows Khater telling Tanios to hand him a bear spray canister near the Lower West Terrace of the Capitol at 2:14 p.m.

"Give me that bear sh**," Khater says.

"Hold on, hold on, not yet... it's still early," Tanios then replied.

Six minutes later, Khater is allegedly seen walking through the crowd up to a bike rack barrier being guarded by Officer Sicknick and two other officers -- he then sprayed them with the bear mace from roughly five to eight feet away, the affidavit alleges.

The affidavit includes screengrabs from police body camera video and surveillance footage showing the three officers pulling back from the barrier to find water to wash out their eyes, though Khater allegedly continued spraying in their direction before an officer engages him and starts pepper spraying him back.

The affidavit notes that all three officers including Sicknick "were incapacitated and unable to perform their duties for at least 20 minutes or longer while they recovered from the spray." One officer said the spray was "as strong as, if not stronger than, any version of the pepper spray they had been exposed to during their training as law enforcement officers."

Both men have been charged with three counts of assaulting federal officers, conspiracy to injure officers, civil disorder, obstruction of an official proceeding, physical violence on restricted grounds, violent entry and aiding and abetting. *
.............................................................................................. avatar emphasized that last paragraph above so that minimizers of the insurrection better understand that the feds ain't playing patty-cake with the perps. Just so you know.

So there is that.

*one reads that menu of charges and one could be forgiving that maybe a murder rap would've given them a better chance to get acquitted. I hope someone on the forum can inform us on what the penalties could be on each of those charges.

In the end, those two mokes are in deep merde'.

ps2....the discussions about 'bear spray' vs. 'pepper spray' and how the apologists for the insurrectionists attempt to claim that there is little difference between the two ----
.Well, ........well, the two jackass-patriots arrested seem to think it was a step up. The one knucklehead specifically asked for the "bear sh*t".....
"Give me that bear sh**," Khater says."
The two men are charged with simple assault and a short string of misdemeanors that sound good. All those legal words have to mean something
Bear spray is quite a bit milder than pepper spray if only because you can't run around injuring bears. This is a manufactured teapot. There will be no murder charges. Assault is the best they got. There is no waiting on autopsy results. Officer Sicknick has long ago been cremated. The autopsy is what it is.

Part two of why there will be no murder charges. The defense would get what autopsy that was done. The defense has a right to rebut that evidence. In case you haven't noticed Officer Sicknick's autopsy is as confidential as the nuclear codes. The family hasn't been allowed to even see it. It hasn't even been leaked.

These two men will quietly be released out the back door like others.

The OP is a drama squirrel.
My grandparents fled Germany in 1928

What were they fleeing from?
Fleeing from a fledgling Nazi party...130,000 members only...with virtually no power, doesn't seem like a plausible reason.
Were they 'immigrating' to America for some other reason?

You are quite the moron, aren't you?



SA men parade down a city street during a Nazi rally
Uniformed members of the SA parade down a city street in Duisburg during a Nazi rally, circa 1928.

Hitler emphasized propaganda to attract attention and interest. He used press and posters to create stirring slogans. He displayed eye-catching emblems and uniforms. The Party staged many meetings, parades, and rallies. In addition, it created auxiliary organizations to appeal to specific groups. For example, there were groups for youth, women, teachers, and doctors. The Party became particularly popular with German youth and university students.


First, poster "Uncensored" I assume no responsibility in puncturing your over-blown histrionics. I'm doing it this afternoon because -----well first, you are an easy mark. You set yourself up so readily. That's on you.

And second, I got some time before I do a little party hosting for my golf partners. That's in a couple of hours and I've already done all the prep. So, puncturing your silly stuff is an amusement till the guests arrive.

So, with that said, I read your shrill remarks above. The complaint? or whine? the 'executed & lynched' hand-wringing.

OK, you said it.

  • You said it as if it is an assertion.
  • A statement of fact., prove it.

Batter up, poster Uncensored.

Oh my, aren't we full of ourselves?

The reaction of the Nazi democrats in this thread (who are now on the level of the 1932 Nazis) is one that can only be described as blood lust.

Tell me (or don't, who really gives a fuck), do you support equal justice under the law? Should the penalties that these knuckleheads face be the same as those that were levied against the Brown Shirts in Portland who assaulted federal officers?

Or should these men face far harsher repercussions, as enemies of the Reich?


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The two men sprayed bear spray at officer Sicknick.

Authorities are still trying to find the person or people who are responsible for his death.

Good luck proving “bear spray” caused the officer’s death, beyond a reasonable doubt.

More leftwing gestapo crap.
Bear spray is a cause of death, but a self-ingested lethal dose of fentanyl and meth is death by police. What is wrong with this picture? How about Ashlii Babbitt--WHITE LIVES MATTER.
Will a certain group be as sad about this as they were when OBL was taken out?

Leftists cried on 9/11 ....

for the terrorists.

"Couldn't they have parachuted to safety and we could have hid them in our houses."

Sad really

Sad is correct, and stupid. Sad that any Americans would say some bullshit like that and stupid to think some Americans would believe bullshit like that. Hell we supported GW at over 90% back then.

For a few months, yes. Then you started the disinformation campaign that you were lied to

Americans still support Bushes mission of capturing or killing anyone involve with the 9-11 attacks.

He began to lose support when he started trying morph the grief and anger we all felt toward al Qaeda into anger at Iraq in what became a year long effort to convince the public of the necessity of invading and occupying Iraq, with the goal of removing Saddam from power. Bush still was able to garner huge bipartisan support for an AUMF against Iraq. It really wasn't until after Saddam was gone that thing got FUBAR. None of the accused WMD material or factories producing them was ever found. No mobile chemical factories. No Drone program. Just a Civil War caused by the vacuum of power GWB's invasion and occupation created.

Another rewrite of history.

If your standard was WMDs, there was no reason to turn against the war except political hackery. Stockpiles are irrelevant, it's the ability to make WMDs. He had that. And he even said he played it up thinking the threat of WMDs were a deterrent to invasion. And it worked. France, Germany and the UN all said he had them. They just thought they could get them with more time.

No, you and the Republicans did that cluster arm in arm. Then you lied your way out of it.

I opposed the war because it wasn't our problem. If Democrats had taken that and opposed it from the beginning, I'd support you on that point now. But you didn't. You were lying scum getting us into the war then lying scum after it blaming your own actions on others

Comprehension problems?

"He began to lose support when he started trying morph the grief and anger we all felt toward al Qaeda into anger at Iraq in what became a year long effort to convince the public of the necessity of invading and occupying Iraq, with the goal of removing Saddam from power."

This was at the end of 2001. They had barely begun the PR campaign to convince Dem lawmakers to go along with the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

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