Two More Carrier Groups Headed Toward N.Korea

Both the Chinese and Russians are very aware of how our Carrier Groups operate and maneuver since we've done joint-operations with both navies. They are shadowing us to appear to be involved for domestic consumption and in the Russians' case to provide NK with real-time intel. Not much we can do about it unless they come in too close and are dealt with accordingly. This isn't some cruise they will be able to harass with their stunts...we aren't in the mood to put up with any of that this time.

Yeah, we'll launch 60 missiles and miss a 10,000 foot runway..

Tomahawk missiles simply do not miss. You're embarrassing yourself
So we intentionally missed the runway many planes did we destroy?

59 tomahawk missiles = $117 Million bucks = NOTHING-ZILCH-NADA.
Now now...."tomahawk missiles simply do not miss". :rolleyes:

they do if you dont want to piss off Putin.
Well, one thing you have to give Trump is that the Crazy Fat Kid does not behave rationally. SK and the US both gave direct aid and a promise of non-intervention, but the NK continued it's nuclear program. And sadly, the NK military may not be totally irrational in thinking that if the peasants get any idea about how much better life is in China, let alone SK, they may have a revolution on their hands. So, perhaps SK viewed the 90's as an opportunity for a thaw, but NK didn't see that as such a good idea.

Chic was right about one thing in that when sanctions really cracked down on NK, the crazy fat kid's pappy starved 10% of the pop to death. NK doesn't have a lot of hard currecncy coming in and China and SK can stop most of that. If NK has people starving to death and the US is shooting down the crazy fat kid's missile tests......

I don't see why NK would initiate a war with SK. It always comes down to will the crazy fat kid be rational, and how can the NK military be assured they can keep living well by enslaving everyone else. Or is there an alternative.
And...tell us...why not targetting a runway? And I need to see some link to 20 planes being destroyed.

So get off your enormous disgusting ass and Google might create a brain cell but nothing is guaranteed.
Numbers are disputed, but the missile strike took out a chunk of their airplanes. But Russia can give them surplus planes. The US move was symbolic more than actually military. But, I believe the US is increasing the army presence too. But do we have some idea of what we want to accomplish?

Not a criticism of Trump. He responded to a chemical attack on civilians. And the military didn't cause collateral damage.
Rubes this is a disgrace ...Trump is now Openly Mocking all you all

Aircraft Carrier Wasn’t Sailing to Deter North Korea, as U.S. Suggested


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The Navy posted a photo of the U.S.S. Carl Vinson sailing Saturday in the Sundra Strait off the coast of Indonesia, 3,500 miles southwest of the Korean Peninsula. Credit MC2 Sean M. Castellano/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Rubes this is a disgrace ...Trump is now Openly Mocking all you all

Aircraft Carrier Wasn’t Sailing to Deter North Korea, as U.S. Suggested


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The Navy posted a photo of the U.S.S. Carl Vinson sailing Saturday in the Sundra Strait off the coast of Indonesia, 3,500 miles southwest of the Korean Peninsula. Credit MC2 Sean M. Castellano/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
It's obvious you don't understand military tactics and strategy.
Let's just hope that Trump has handed the reigns on this to smart, informed, pragmatic people, and is largely staying out of it.

That's the feeling I got when he described the MOAB strike. Fingers crossed.
Whatever, you're an idiot. He's the President, moron.

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