Two New Yorkers who moved to my area saw explosions bring down World Trade Centers

I now know two New Yorkers who watched the World Trade Centers come down first hand and up close.

They moved to a new area because of what they saw.

They say what they saw was definately explosives that brought down the World Trade Center buildings.

They seen and heard the explosives as far down as 30 floors below from where the top floors coming down.

What in the world are you driving at, creative dreams? That the US itself blew up the Towers but blamed hapless Saudis for it? What the hell would have been the motive?
Possibly the Patriot Act and billions of dollars in War on Terror profits?

War is a Racket, after all.

how's that profit stuff working out for ya? :lol:
I now know two New Yorkers who watched the World Trade Centers come down first hand and up close.

They moved to a new area because of what they saw.

They say what they saw was definately explosives that brought down the World Trade Center buildings.

They seen and heard the explosives as far down as 30 floors below from where the top floors coming down.

What in the world are you driving at, creative dreams? That the US itself blew up the Towers but blamed hapless Saudis for it? What the hell would have been the motive?

Good question, considering the government pulled our troops out of Saudi Arabia and went to war with Iraq. None of the 9/11 hijackers were from Iraq.
exactly, if you were going to pull a false flag opp, it would not make sensae to place the blame for it on someone other than your target(AKA Saddam)
There's another explanation for those who can't consciously consider the possibility that their government allowed the 9E attacks to occur.

F-E-A-R of betrayal.

"These people are weak minded because they are so dependent on the US government for their self identity and security they will not take the chance of being faced with betrayal.

"It's much easier to simply call others crazy"

Thanks to CurveLight.
From the USMB thread "Never Forget Rachel Corrie"
Page 31 Post # 460

in my case you are wrong for two reasons.......

first, i did consider the possibility that the government was behind the attacks. i looked for evidence. i didnt find any. if you have evidence then please present it. otherwise, you are jsut a crazy nutjob that believes the government was behind the 9/11 attacks without any evidence to back that up. :cuckoo:

second, i dont depend on the US for my security. i dont even live in the USA the majority of the time. for instance in 2007 i was in the USA for exactly 4 days. so please tell me how denying a government conspiracy is supposed to make me feel safer somehow. :lol:
1213 Architectural and Engineering professionals and thousands of others including NYPD and NYFD first responders have signed a petition calling for a truly independent investigation.

There's no shortage of evidence for those unafraid to look.

Wherever they live.
There's another explanation for those who can't consciously consider the possibility that their government allowed the 9E attacks to occur.

F-E-A-R of betrayal.

"These people are weak minded because they are so dependent on the US government for their self identity and security they will not take the chance of being faced with betrayal.

"It's much easier to simply call others crazy"

Thanks to CurveLight.
From the USMB thread "Never Forget Rachel Corrie"
Page 31 Post # 460

in my case you are wrong for two reasons.......

first, i did consider the possibility that the government was behind the attacks. i looked for evidence. i didnt find any. if you have evidence then please present it. otherwise, you are jsut a crazy nutjob that believes the government was behind the 9/11 attacks without any evidence to back that up. :cuckoo:

second, i dont depend on the US for my security. i dont even live in the USA the majority of the time. for instance in 2007 i was in the USA for exactly 4 days. so please tell me how denying a government conspiracy is supposed to make me feel safer somehow. :lol:
1213 Architectural and Engineering professionals and thousands of others including NYPD and NYFD first responders have signed a petition calling for a truly independent investigation.

There's no shortage of evidence for those unafraid to look.

Wherever they live.

so where is it?:lol:
Follow the link.

Evidence & Resources
9/11: Blueprint for Truth — The Architecture of Destruction:

Buy the High-Resolution DVD (See Trailer)

You can also Watch The Entire Two Hour 2008 Edition Online


same old bullshit....

your 1200 number less than one half of one tenth of one percent of the total number of WORKING architects and engineers in the USA. your list is worldwide and includes people who arent architects or engineers, people who are retired and people that arent in the USA.

i would personally be embarrassed to try to present that as any type of evidence. it actually does much more to refute your claims than it does back them up!!! :lol:
How did two planes pulverize three skyscrapers?

wow, have you been given bad info!!!!!

you think 3 skyscrapers were PULVERIZED!!? :lol:
yeah, exactly
you can not have a serious discussion of the issues surrounding 9/11 with total morons that think like that
From the "morons"at AE 911

Over 100 first responders reported explosions and flashes.
Multi ton steel sections ejected laterally.
Mid air pulverization of 90,000 tons of concrete and metal decking.

Massive volume of expanding pyroclastic-like clouds.
1200 foot diameter debris field: no "pancaked" floors found.
Several tons of molten metal found under all 3 high rises.

Evidences of thermite incendiaries found by FEMA in steel samples.
Follow the link.

Evidence & Resources
9/11: Blueprint for Truth — The Architecture of Destruction:

Buy the High-Resolution DVD (See Trailer)

You can also Watch The Entire Two Hour 2008 Edition Online


same old bullshit....

your 1200 number less than one half of one tenth of one percent of the total number of WORKING architects and engineers in the USA. your list is worldwide and includes people who arent architects or engineers, people who are retired and people that arent in the USA.

i would personally be embarrassed to try to present that as any type of evidence. it actually does much more to refute your claims than it does back them up!!! :lol:
What percentage of working architects and engineers in the US have signed a petition supporting the government's Official Conspiracy Theory?
What percentage of working architects and engineers in the US have signed a petition supporting the government's Official Conspiracy Theory?

HAHAHAHahahaha!! you are a complete moron. you don't even know what the fucking meaning of the word "petition" is!! :lol:

Main Entry: 1pe·ti·tion
Pronunciation: \pə-ˈti-shən\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin petition-, petitio, from petere to seek, request — more at feather
Date: 14th century

1 : an earnest request : entreaty
2 a : a formal written request made to an official person or organized body (as a court) b : a document embodying such a formal written request
3 : something asked or requested

tell me please..... what exactly would someone that agrees with the official version of events sign a petition requesting!!!! :cuckoo:
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Possibly an entreaty for an official explanation for the tons of molten steel found at the base of all three towers?

Maybe an earnest request detailing how traces of thermite were found by FEMA in steel samples?

A formal written request for enlightenment concerning the mid-air pulverization of 90,000 tons of concrete...??
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Possibly an entreaty for an official explanation for the tons of molten steel found at the base of all three towers?

Maybe an earnest request detailing how traces of thermite were found by FEMA in steel samples?

A formal written request for enlightenment concerning the mid-air pulverization of 90,000 tons of concrete...??
what "molten steel"?
i have asked MULTIPLE times for PROOF of "molten steel" but NONE of you fucking troofer morons can produce any
Good god,he has never said planes never hit the towers.The only thing people like him,me,CD,Eots,Terral,Shorebreak,Douger and others have said is that the planes did not cause the collapse,that explosives that were planted in the towers in the months beforehand did. so you all want to keep the logic because the corporate controlled media and government said thats how it happened,they are telling the truth then,and all those high quality experts I mentioned earlier are delusional? okay,got ya,great logic there.:cuckoo:

Thats even dumber than the missile/remote control plane theories. Why go through the risk of being caught planting the hundreds of explosives required to pull it off just to make sure the towers fell? wouldnt slamming two planes into them achive the same thing?

see that just proves you havent done any research into this case like none of the 9/11 apologists here have because uh no,slamming the two planes into the towers would not achive the same thing.:cuckoo:In the reason being is because they OVERDESIGNED to take a hit from an airliner slamming into them.

They did take a hit stupid. Did the towers fall right when the jets slammed into them? No they didn't. If you did your "research" you would see that they didn't do any studies or analysis as to what the affects of a massive fire would be.

A car slams into another car and both drivers survive the impact to call 9/11. Both cars then burst into flames killing both drivers. Was it the impact that was the cause of death or was it the something that was the result of the impact (gas tank leak) that caused the explosion?
I know two New Yorkers who said that they saw planes take down the WTC.

Thats even dumber than the missile/remote control plane theories. Why go through the risk of being caught planting the hundreds of explosives required to pull it off just to make sure the towers fell? wouldnt slamming two planes into them achive the same thing?

see that just proves you havent done any research into this case like none of the 9/11 apologists here have because uh no,slamming the two planes into the towers would not achive the same thing.:cuckoo:In the reason being is because they OVERDESIGNED to take a hit from an airliner slamming into them.

They did take a hit stupid. Did the towers fall right when the jets slammed into them? No they didn't. If you did your "research" you would see that they didn't do any studies or analysis as to what the affects of a massive fire would be.

A car slams into another car and both drivers survive the impact to call 9/11. Both cars then burst into flames killing both drivers. Was it the impact that was the cause of death or was it the something that was the result of the impact (gas tank leak) that caused the explosion?

9/11 inside nutjob is a moron. One comes to this conclusion based on deduction. A moron believes that simply because a building was designed a certain way, there is no possible chance that the conclusions from the design could be wrong. A moron takes it as a complete certainty that design cannot possibly be flawed.
Possibly an entreaty for an official explanation for the tons of molten steel found at the base of all three towers?

Maybe an earnest request detailing how traces of thermite were found by FEMA in steel samples?

A formal written request for enlightenment concerning the mid-air pulverization of 90,000 tons of concrete...??
what "molten steel"?
i have asked MULTIPLE times for PROOF of "molten steel" but NONE of you fucking troofer morons can produce any
Here's a good place to start your search
Possibly an entreaty for an official explanation for the tons of molten steel found at the base of all three towers?

Maybe an earnest request detailing how traces of thermite were found by FEMA in steel samples?

A formal written request for enlightenment concerning the mid-air pulverization of 90,000 tons of concrete...??
what "molten steel"?
i have asked MULTIPLE times for PROOF of "molten steel" but NONE of you fucking troofer morons can produce any
Here's a good place to start your search
no, dipshit
dont give fucking search results
i want a direct link

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