Two Police Officers Shot In The Head in Compton, California

do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
Whatyou don’t get is, police are legally entitled to be wrong if they have reasonable suspicion of a criminal act that turns out not to be a crime later. A legal arrest can be made with no charges later. It happens legally. Law enforcement would be impossible over wise.

In the case of the driver getting stopped for a broken tail light there was no case where a reasonable suspicion falls on a passenger.
None of these losers had ID? Comeon now------------that is a clear sign that they are all up to no good.....along with biting the officer I mean.

Right, "Show me your papers".
Unless you are driving, you don't have to produce ID, but you do have to identify yourself by providing your name and I believe your address upon request. Failure to do so will get you "detained" in jail until your identity can be determined. It's not likely the cops will break any speed records identifying someone who is making their life harder than it has to be.

I'm not really interested in what you "believe".
I know for a fact that you have to provide your name, I'm not sure about the address, that's why I put it that way.

Why do you believe all charges were dropped? What good would telling his name even done?
The story said all charges were dropped at the request of the arresting officers. Identifying himself would have allowed the officers to exclude him as a suspect in the domestic violence case they were responding to.

People are getting tired of getting stopped simply because of their color even though they do not meet the description.

Bakersfield woman, mistaken for male suspect, files excessive force claim against police

How is it that we continue to employ someone unable to tell the difference between a bald 30 year old 5'10 160 lb man with a goatee and a 5'2 120lb female?
You just made this up didn't you ???

Unable to read the link?
You'd believe anything I think, because you are just that naive in life.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
Whatyou don’t get is, police are legally entitled to be wrong if they have reasonable suspicion of a criminal act that turns out not to be a crime later. A legal arrest can be made with no charges later. It happens legally. Law enforcement would be impossible over wise.

In the case of the driver getting stopped for a broken tail light there was no case where a reasonable suspicion falls on a passenger.
None of these losers had ID? Comeon now------------that is a clear sign that they are all up to no good.....along with biting the officer I mean.

Right, "Show me your papers".
Unless you are driving, you don't have to produce ID, but you do have to identify yourself by providing your name and I believe your address upon request. Failure to do so will get you "detained" in jail until your identity can be determined. It's not likely the cops will break any speed records identifying someone who is making their life harder than it has to be.
That's not accurate.
You are not obligated to ID yourself unless you are suspected of criminal activity.

And the cops are public servants, they are there to make my life easier, I am under no obligation to make shit easier for them. If they have a problem with that , they are free to fuck off and get a different career.

Well why else would 99.9 % of cops stop you if it wasn't for them suspecting you of a violation or worse criminal activity ??????
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

If that's true, that is horrible news. But just so you know.

Yes. He actually uttered those words. A lot of people are going to regret that. Have you not paid attention to what's been going on in Afghanistan for the last 20 years?

Of course there has to be retribution.
I support that. In fact, I think we should kill the criminals.

You would be begging for Trump to replace me, if I got into office. I'd have the military in the streets, with orders to shoot to kill.

Those police were shot because police are murdering unarmed people and getting away with it. Right wing psychosis doesn't allow you to understand that.

Those two Sheriff's Deputies were fourteen months out of the academy, of which, unless LASO has changed their policy in the last decade, twelve months were served in the jail acting as jailers. They haven't had time to shoot anyone. Get off your racist hobbyhorse and join the real world.

Get off your racist hobby horse and stop ...

Lol!! You said "wacist", like a retarded child. Because you are a retarded child.
That woman got shot in the jaw. They released the radio chatter. You couldn't understand her when she keyed the mic and tried to talk because he shot a chunk of her jaw off.
That video of the officer and mother of a six year old child with blood from her jaw all over her while she was giving life support to the young officer made me cry.

She was so brave, and the shot of her arms that received when the assassin emptied his multiple shots made me wonder how she could carry on with the amount of blood she lost. She in my book deserves asilver star for her duty when severely wounded, putting all she had into getting emergency help and trying to keep him alive with a tournaquet while ignoring pain. I am praying a prayer for both of them as it is my vesper hour.

Bless all of you for your concern for our dear police who are in hsrd times right now.
Stop supporting police crime.

What crime did the cops commit sitting in their car together? The only crime I saw was, of course, committed by the black.
Don't even try it. Those 2 police are where they are because people like you all over America have supported crooked murdering cops in every department it happens in. Nearly 40 years ago the brutality of the CPD was chronicled:

And nothing has changed. Why do I say this? Because a couple of years ago a lifelong Compton resident said this:

And because of what cops have been doing, because turds like you cheer for each murder, 2 innocent peaceful cops got shot. The days of whites bullying us are over. It's been over for the last 55 years. So if you want to continue with your little fucked up white attitude, start to understand that either you change or this goes until hell freezes over. Your choice white man, tennis shoes or ice skates son.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
Whatyou don’t get is, police are legally entitled to be wrong if they have reasonable suspicion of a criminal act that turns out not to be a crime later. A legal arrest can be made with no charges later. It happens legally. Law enforcement would be impossible over wise.

In the case of the driver getting stopped for a broken tail light there was no case where a reasonable suspicion falls on a passenger.
None of these losers had ID? Comeon now------------that is a clear sign that they are all up to no good.....along with biting the officer I mean.

Right, "Show me your papers".
Unless you are driving, you don't have to produce ID, but you do have to identify yourself by providing your name and I believe your address upon request. Failure to do so will get you "detained" in jail until your identity can be determined. It's not likely the cops will break any speed records identifying someone who is making their life harder than it has to be.

I'm not really interested in what you "believe".
I know for a fact that you have to provide your name, I'm not sure about the address, that's why I put it that way.

Why do you believe all charges were dropped? What good would telling his name even done?
The story said all charges were dropped at the request of the arresting officers. Identifying himself would have allowed the officers to exclude him as a suspect in the domestic violence case they were responding to.

People are getting tired of getting stopped simply because of their color even though they do not meet the description.

Bakersfield woman, mistaken for male suspect, files excessive force claim against police

How is it that we continue to employ someone unable to tell the difference between a bald 30 year old 5'10 160 lb man with a goatee and a 5'2 120lb female?
You just made this up didn't you ???

Unable to read the link?
You'd believe anything I think, because you are just that naive in life.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
Whatyou don’t get is, police are legally entitled to be wrong if they have reasonable suspicion of a criminal act that turns out not to be a crime later. A legal arrest can be made with no charges later. It happens legally. Law enforcement would be impossible over wise.

In the case of the driver getting stopped for a broken tail light there was no case where a reasonable suspicion falls on a passenger.
None of these losers had ID? Comeon now------------that is a clear sign that they are all up to no good.....along with biting the officer I mean.

Right, "Show me your papers".
Unless you are driving, you don't have to produce ID, but you do have to identify yourself by providing your name and I believe your address upon request. Failure to do so will get you "detained" in jail until your identity can be determined. It's not likely the cops will break any speed records identifying someone who is making their life harder than it has to be.
That's not accurate.
You are not obligated to ID yourself unless you are suspected of criminal activity.

And the cops are public servants, they are there to make my life easier, I am under no obligation to make shit easier for them. If they have a problem with that , they are free to fuck off and get a different career.

Well why else would 99.9 % of cops stop you if it wasn't for them suspecting you of a violation or worse criminal activity ??????

Well, the last time I got stopped, and got a ticket, it was April 30th of this year. End of the month, quota is due and traffic ticket revenue was down due to the lockdown. I had seen at least 4 other road pirates pulling people over that morning, so I was watching my speed..... and it didn't matter.
They got to make that money if they want to get ahead.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.
The police are given a wide latitude for detainment. If a subject is uncooperative, it can easily turn into an arrest That is legal regardless of what you think. You don’t know the arrest is illegal, cause you don’t know what they know. If we want to play games...we’ll lose more often then not. An experienced cop doesn’t make mistakes that allow a civilian to easily determine the legality of an arrest, let alone a stop.
Not by the law, they aren't.
If the cop does not have specific articulable facts in evidence, (not suspected) that would lead a reasonable person (not another cop) to believe a crime is being, has been, or is about to be committed, the cop has no right to stop or detain anyone. They can ask all the questions they want, but they are entitled to no answers, and the person can remain silent and simply walk away at any time. If they pulled you over and refuse to tell you why you were stopped, you are under no legal obligation to provide ID, or answer any questions.

Cops screw themselves, piss off everybody, and often cost their cities hundreds of thousands of dollars in settlement money, when they decide to stray outside of these boundaries.
Ego is a bitchkitty that'll scratch...... hard.
If you are pulled over WHILE DRIVING, you are required to produce a driver's license.
Not unless there was a crime committed or a traffic violation.
Ok, so why is it a problem showing ID to the law in the form of a driver's license if pulled over ? You complied by pulling over, even though you knew you hadn't committed any crime or violation, but showing your driver's license is all of a sudden a problem in the situation ??? Maybe they are looking for an escaped convict, checking trunks, floor boards etc to make sure the murdering convict doesn't get far or maybe they are checking for a child kidnapping in an Amber Alert situation etc. No comprende eh ??? Screw you eh ???? Me like you hate bad cops, but I will produce ID if they ask me too. Nothing to hide during my travels in a vehicle, including my ID.
That woman got shot in the jaw. They released the radio chatter. You couldn't understand her when she keyed the mic and tried to talk because he shot a chunk of her jaw off.
That video of the officer and mother of a six year old child with blood from her jaw all over her while she was giving life support to the young officer made me cry.

She was so brave, and the shot of her arms that received when the assassin emptied his multiple shots made me wonder how she could carry on with the amount of blood she lost. She in my book deserves asilver star for her duty when severely wounded, putting all she had into getting emergency help and trying to keep him alive with a tournaquet while ignoring pain. I am praying a prayer for both of them as it is my vesper hour.

Bless all of you for your concern for our dear police who are in hsrd times right now.
Stop supporting police crime.

What crime did the cops commit sitting in their car together? The only crime I saw was, of course, committed by the black.
Don't even try it. Those 2 police are where they are because people like you all over America have supported crooked murdering cops in every department it happens in. Nearly 40 years ago the brutality of the CPD was chronicled:

And nothing has changed. Why do I say this? Because a couple of years ago a lifelong Compton resident said this:

And because of what cops have been doing, because turds like you cheer for each murder, 2 innocent peaceful cops got shot. The days of whites bullying us are over. It's been over for the last 55 years. So if you want to continue with your little fucked up white attitude, start to understand that either you change or this goes until hell freezes over. Your choice white man, tennis shoes or ice skates son.

You talk a lot of shit.

I don't think you have the balls to back up any of your racist bravado.
That woman got shot in the jaw. They released the radio chatter. You couldn't understand her when she keyed the mic and tried to talk because he shot a chunk of her jaw off.
That video of the officer and mother of a six year old child with blood from her jaw all over her while she was giving life support to the young officer made me cry.

She was so brave, and the shot of her arms that received when the assassin emptied his multiple shots made me wonder how she could carry on with the amount of blood she lost. She in my book deserves asilver star for her duty when severely wounded, putting all she had into getting emergency help and trying to keep him alive with a tournaquet while ignoring pain. I am praying a prayer for both of them as it is my vesper hour.

Bless all of you for your concern for our dear police who are in hsrd times right now.
Stop supporting police crime.

What crime did the cops commit sitting in their car together? The only crime I saw was, of course, committed by the black.
Don't even try it. Those 2 police are where they are because people like you all over America have supported crooked murdering cops in every department it happens in. Nearly 40 years ago the brutality of the CPD was chronicled:

And nothing has changed. Why do I say this? Because a couple of years ago a lifelong Compton resident said this:

And because of what cops have been doing, because turds like you cheer for each murder, 2 innocent peaceful cops got shot. The days of whites bullying us are over. It's been over for the last 55 years. So if you want to continue with your little fucked up white attitude, start to understand that either you change or this goes until hell freezes over. Your choice white man, tennis shoes or ice skates son.

What's that "N" stand for?

And your wace baiting makes you sound like a retarded child.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.
The police are given a wide latitude for detainment. If a subject is uncooperative, it can easily turn into an arrest That is legal regardless of what you think. You don’t know the arrest is illegal, cause you don’t know what they know. If we want to play games...we’ll lose more often then not. An experienced cop doesn’t make mistakes that allow a civilian to easily determine the legality of an arrest, let alone a stop.
Not by the law, they aren't.
If the cop does not have specific articulable facts in evidence, (not suspected) that would lead a reasonable person (not another cop) to believe a crime is being, has been, or is about to be committed, the cop has no right to stop or detain anyone. They can ask all the questions they want, but they are entitled to no answers, and the person can remain silent and simply walk away at any time. If they pulled you over and refuse to tell you why you were stopped, you are under no legal obligation to provide ID, or answer any questions.

Cops screw themselves, piss off everybody, and often cost their cities hundreds of thousands of dollars in settlement money, when they decide to stray outside of these boundaries.
Ego is a bitchkitty that'll scratch...... hard.
If you are pulled over WHILE DRIVING, you are required to produce a driver's license.
Not unless there was a crime committed or a traffic violation.
Ok, so why is it a problem showing ID to the law in the form of a driver's license if pulled over ? You complied by pulling over, even though you knew you hadn't committed any crime or violation, but showing your driver's license is all of a sudden a problem in the situation ??? Maybe they are looking for an escaped convict, checking trunks, floor boards etc to make sure the murdering convict doesn't get far or maybe they are checking for a child kidnapping in an Amber Alert situation etc. No comprende eh ??? Screw you eh ???? Me like you hate bad cops, but I will produce ID if they ask me too. Nothing to hide during my travels in a vehicle, including my ID.

Has someone condemned you for showing your I.D.?
Actually it’s our own drug industry and prescription drugs. Most addicts started out with this group of people.

You forgot to include the reliable source and working link you are citing. Might you include that information?
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
Whatyou don’t get is, police are legally entitled to be wrong if they have reasonable suspicion of a criminal act that turns out not to be a crime later. A legal arrest can be made with no charges later. It happens legally. Law enforcement would be impossible over wise.

In the case of the driver getting stopped for a broken tail light there was no case where a reasonable suspicion falls on a passenger.
None of these losers had ID? Comeon now------------that is a clear sign that they are all up to no good.....along with biting the officer I mean.

Right, "Show me your papers".
Unless you are driving, you don't have to produce ID, but you do have to identify yourself by providing your name and I believe your address upon request. Failure to do so will get you "detained" in jail until your identity can be determined. It's not likely the cops will break any speed records identifying someone who is making their life harder than it has to be.

I'm not really interested in what you "believe".
I know for a fact that you have to provide your name, I'm not sure about the address, that's why I put it that way.

Why do you believe all charges were dropped? What good would telling his name even done?
The story said all charges were dropped at the request of the arresting officers. Identifying himself would have allowed the officers to exclude him as a suspect in the domestic violence case they were responding to.

People are getting tired of getting stopped simply because of their color even though they do not meet the description.

Bakersfield woman, mistaken for male suspect, files excessive force claim against police

How is it that we continue to employ someone unable to tell the difference between a bald 30 year old 5'10 160 lb man with a goatee and a 5'2 120lb female?
You just made this up didn't you ???

Unable to read the link?
You'd believe anything I think, because you are just that naive in life.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
Whatyou don’t get is, police are legally entitled to be wrong if they have reasonable suspicion of a criminal act that turns out not to be a crime later. A legal arrest can be made with no charges later. It happens legally. Law enforcement would be impossible over wise.

In the case of the driver getting stopped for a broken tail light there was no case where a reasonable suspicion falls on a passenger.
None of these losers had ID? Comeon now------------that is a clear sign that they are all up to no good.....along with biting the officer I mean.

Right, "Show me your papers".
Unless you are driving, you don't have to produce ID, but you do have to identify yourself by providing your name and I believe your address upon request. Failure to do so will get you "detained" in jail until your identity can be determined. It's not likely the cops will break any speed records identifying someone who is making their life harder than it has to be.
That's not accurate.
You are not obligated to ID yourself unless you are suspected of criminal activity.

And the cops are public servants, they are there to make my life easier, I am under no obligation to make shit easier for them. If they have a problem with that , they are free to fuck off and get a different career.

Well why else would 99.9 % of cops stop you if it wasn't for them suspecting you of a violation or worse criminal activity ??????

Well, the last time I got stopped, and got a ticket, it was April 30th of this year. End of the month, quota is due and traffic ticket revenue was down due to the lockdown. I had seen at least 4 other road pirates pulling people over that morning, so I was watching my speed..... and it didn't matter.
They got to make that money if they want to get ahead.

Probably goes back to their command and the politicians behind it all. Cops would rather pass us on by than be bothered by us, but they are following orders.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.
The police are given a wide latitude for detainment. If a subject is uncooperative, it can easily turn into an arrest That is legal regardless of what you think. You don’t know the arrest is illegal, cause you don’t know what they know. If we want to play games...we’ll lose more often then not. An experienced cop doesn’t make mistakes that allow a civilian to easily determine the legality of an arrest, let alone a stop.
Not by the law, they aren't.
If the cop does not have specific articulable facts in evidence, (not suspected) that would lead a reasonable person (not another cop) to believe a crime is being, has been, or is about to be committed, the cop has no right to stop or detain anyone. They can ask all the questions they want, but they are entitled to no answers, and the person can remain silent and simply walk away at any time. If they pulled you over and refuse to tell you why you were stopped, you are under no legal obligation to provide ID, or answer any questions.

Cops screw themselves, piss off everybody, and often cost their cities hundreds of thousands of dollars in settlement money, when they decide to stray outside of these boundaries.
Ego is a bitchkitty that'll scratch...... hard.
If you are pulled over WHILE DRIVING, you are required to produce a driver's license.
Not unless there was a crime committed or a traffic violation.
Ok, so why is it a problem showing ID to the law in the form of a driver's license if pulled over ? You complied by pulling over, even though you knew you hadn't committed any crime or violation, but showing your driver's license is all of a sudden a problem in the situation ??? Maybe they are looking for an escaped convict, checking trunks, floor boards etc to make sure the murdering convict doesn't get far or maybe they are checking for a child kidnapping in an Amber Alert situation etc. No comprende eh ??? Screw you eh ???? Me like you hate bad cops, but I will produce ID if they ask me too. Nothing to hide during my travels in a vehicle, including my ID.

Has someone condemned you for showing your I.D.?
Huh ??
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.
The police are given a wide latitude for detainment. If a subject is uncooperative, it can easily turn into an arrest That is legal regardless of what you think. You don’t know the arrest is illegal, cause you don’t know what they know. If we want to play games...we’ll lose more often then not. An experienced cop doesn’t make mistakes that allow a civilian to easily determine the legality of an arrest, let alone a stop.
Not by the law, they aren't.
If the cop does not have specific articulable facts in evidence, (not suspected) that would lead a reasonable person (not another cop) to believe a crime is being, has been, or is about to be committed, the cop has no right to stop or detain anyone. They can ask all the questions they want, but they are entitled to no answers, and the person can remain silent and simply walk away at any time. If they pulled you over and refuse to tell you why you were stopped, you are under no legal obligation to provide ID, or answer any questions.

Cops screw themselves, piss off everybody, and often cost their cities hundreds of thousands of dollars in settlement money, when they decide to stray outside of these boundaries.
Ego is a bitchkitty that'll scratch...... hard.
If you are pulled over WHILE DRIVING, you are required to produce a driver's license.
Not unless there was a crime committed or a traffic violation.
Ok, so why is it a problem showing ID to the law in the form of a driver's license if pulled over ? You complied by pulling over, even though you knew you hadn't committed any crime or violation, but showing your driver's license is all of a sudden a problem in the situation ??? Maybe they are looking for an escaped convict, checking trunks, floor boards etc to make sure the murdering convict doesn't get far or maybe they are checking for a child kidnapping in an Amber Alert situation etc. No comprende eh ??? Screw you eh ???? Me like you hate bad cops, but I will produce ID if they ask me too. Nothing to hide during my travels in a vehicle, including my ID.
Depends on the situation, the cop's attitude, and my own mood at the time.
I may comply even if I'm not legally obligated to, I may tell the guy to go pound sand.... it's going to depend on a lot of different things including how he or she approaches me.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.
The police are given a wide latitude for detainment. If a subject is uncooperative, it can easily turn into an arrest That is legal regardless of what you think. You don’t know the arrest is illegal, cause you don’t know what they know. If we want to play games...we’ll lose more often then not. An experienced cop doesn’t make mistakes that allow a civilian to easily determine the legality of an arrest, let alone a stop.
Not by the law, they aren't.
If the cop does not have specific articulable facts in evidence, (not suspected) that would lead a reasonable person (not another cop) to believe a crime is being, has been, or is about to be committed, the cop has no right to stop or detain anyone. They can ask all the questions they want, but they are entitled to no answers, and the person can remain silent and simply walk away at any time. If they pulled you over and refuse to tell you why you were stopped, you are under no legal obligation to provide ID, or answer any questions.

Cops screw themselves, piss off everybody, and often cost their cities hundreds of thousands of dollars in settlement money, when they decide to stray outside of these boundaries.
Ego is a bitchkitty that'll scratch...... hard.
If you are pulled over WHILE DRIVING, you are required to produce a driver's license.
Not unless there was a crime committed or a traffic violation.
Ok, so why is it a problem showing ID to the law in the form of a driver's license if pulled over ? You complied by pulling over, even though you knew you hadn't committed any crime or violation, but showing your driver's license is all of a sudden a problem in the situation ??? Maybe they are looking for an escaped convict, checking trunks, floor boards etc to make sure the murdering convict doesn't get far or maybe they are checking for a child kidnapping in an Amber Alert situation etc. No comprende eh ??? Screw you eh ???? Me like you hate bad cops, but I will produce ID if they ask me too. Nothing to hide during my travels in a vehicle, including my ID.

Has someone condemned you for showing your I.D.?
Huh ??

It was a simple question.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.
The police are given a wide latitude for detainment. If a subject is uncooperative, it can easily turn into an arrest That is legal regardless of what you think. You don’t know the arrest is illegal, cause you don’t know what they know. If we want to play games...we’ll lose more often then not. An experienced cop doesn’t make mistakes that allow a civilian to easily determine the legality of an arrest, let alone a stop.
Not by the law, they aren't.
If the cop does not have specific articulable facts in evidence, (not suspected) that would lead a reasonable person (not another cop) to believe a crime is being, has been, or is about to be committed, the cop has no right to stop or detain anyone. They can ask all the questions they want, but they are entitled to no answers, and the person can remain silent and simply walk away at any time. If they pulled you over and refuse to tell you why you were stopped, you are under no legal obligation to provide ID, or answer any questions.

Cops screw themselves, piss off everybody, and often cost their cities hundreds of thousands of dollars in settlement money, when they decide to stray outside of these boundaries.
Ego is a bitchkitty that'll scratch...... hard.
If you are pulled over WHILE DRIVING, you are required to produce a driver's license.
Not unless there was a crime committed or a traffic violation.
Ok, so why is it a problem showing ID to the law in the form of a driver's license if pulled over ? You complied by pulling over, even though you knew you hadn't committed any crime or violation, but showing your driver's license is all of a sudden a problem in the situation ??? Maybe they are looking for an escaped convict, checking trunks, floor boards etc to make sure the murdering convict doesn't get far or maybe they are checking for a child kidnapping in an Amber Alert situation etc. No comprende eh ??? Screw you eh ???? Me like you hate bad cops, but I will produce ID if they ask me too. Nothing to hide during my travels in a vehicle, including my ID.
Depends on the situation, the cop's attitude, and my own mood at the time.
I may comply even if I'm not legally obligated to, I may tell the guy to go pound sand.... it's going to depend on a lot of different things including how he or she approaches me.
Fair enough.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.
The police are given a wide latitude for detainment. If a subject is uncooperative, it can easily turn into an arrest That is legal regardless of what you think. You don’t know the arrest is illegal, cause you don’t know what they know. If we want to play games...we’ll lose more often then not. An experienced cop doesn’t make mistakes that allow a civilian to easily determine the legality of an arrest, let alone a stop.
Not by the law, they aren't.
If the cop does not have specific articulable facts in evidence, (not suspected) that would lead a reasonable person (not another cop) to believe a crime is being, has been, or is about to be committed, the cop has no right to stop or detain anyone. They can ask all the questions they want, but they are entitled to no answers, and the person can remain silent and simply walk away at any time. If they pulled you over and refuse to tell you why you were stopped, you are under no legal obligation to provide ID, or answer any questions.

Cops screw themselves, piss off everybody, and often cost their cities hundreds of thousands of dollars in settlement money, when they decide to stray outside of these boundaries.
Ego is a bitchkitty that'll scratch...... hard.
If you are pulled over WHILE DRIVING, you are required to produce a driver's license.
Not unless there was a crime committed or a traffic violation.
Ok, so why is it a problem showing ID to the law in the form of a driver's license if pulled over ? You complied by pulling over, even though you knew you hadn't committed any crime or violation, but showing your driver's license is all of a sudden a problem in the situation ??? Maybe they are looking for an escaped convict, checking trunks, floor boards etc to make sure the murdering convict doesn't get far or maybe they are checking for a child kidnapping in an Amber Alert situation etc. No comprende eh ??? Screw you eh ???? Me like you hate bad cops, but I will produce ID if they ask me too. Nothing to hide during my travels in a vehicle, including my ID.

Has someone condemned you for showing your I.D.?
Huh ??

It was a simple question.
It was a dumb question, now catch up.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.
The police are given a wide latitude for detainment. If a subject is uncooperative, it can easily turn into an arrest That is legal regardless of what you think. You don’t know the arrest is illegal, cause you don’t know what they know. If we want to play games...we’ll lose more often then not. An experienced cop doesn’t make mistakes that allow a civilian to easily determine the legality of an arrest, let alone a stop.
Not by the law, they aren't.
If the cop does not have specific articulable facts in evidence, (not suspected) that would lead a reasonable person (not another cop) to believe a crime is being, has been, or is about to be committed, the cop has no right to stop or detain anyone. They can ask all the questions they want, but they are entitled to no answers, and the person can remain silent and simply walk away at any time. If they pulled you over and refuse to tell you why you were stopped, you are under no legal obligation to provide ID, or answer any questions.

Cops screw themselves, piss off everybody, and often cost their cities hundreds of thousands of dollars in settlement money, when they decide to stray outside of these boundaries.
Ego is a bitchkitty that'll scratch...... hard.
If you are pulled over WHILE DRIVING, you are required to produce a driver's license.
Not unless there was a crime committed or a traffic violation.
Ok, so why is it a problem showing ID to the law in the form of a driver's license if pulled over ? You complied by pulling over, even though you knew you hadn't committed any crime or violation, but showing your driver's license is all of a sudden a problem in the situation ??? Maybe they are looking for an escaped convict, checking trunks, floor boards etc to make sure the murdering convict doesn't get far or maybe they are checking for a child kidnapping in an Amber Alert situation etc. No comprende eh ??? Screw you eh ???? Me like you hate bad cops, but I will produce ID if they ask me too. Nothing to hide during my travels in a vehicle, including my ID.

Has someone condemned you for showing your I.D.?
Huh ??

It was a simple question.
It was a dumb question, now catch up.

You are upset that people are willing to stand up for their civil rights simply because you will not. I'm fully caught up.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.
The police are given a wide latitude for detainment. If a subject is uncooperative, it can easily turn into an arrest That is legal regardless of what you think. You don’t know the arrest is illegal, cause you don’t know what they know. If we want to play games...we’ll lose more often then not. An experienced cop doesn’t make mistakes that allow a civilian to easily determine the legality of an arrest, let alone a stop.
Not by the law, they aren't.
If the cop does not have specific articulable facts in evidence, (not suspected) that would lead a reasonable person (not another cop) to believe a crime is being, has been, or is about to be committed, the cop has no right to stop or detain anyone. They can ask all the questions they want, but they are entitled to no answers, and the person can remain silent and simply walk away at any time. If they pulled you over and refuse to tell you why you were stopped, you are under no legal obligation to provide ID, or answer any questions.

Cops screw themselves, piss off everybody, and often cost their cities hundreds of thousands of dollars in settlement money, when they decide to stray outside of these boundaries.
Ego is a bitchkitty that'll scratch...... hard.
If you are pulled over WHILE DRIVING, you are required to produce a driver's license.
Not unless there was a crime committed or a traffic violation.
Ok, so why is it a problem showing ID to the law in the form of a driver's license if pulled over ? You complied by pulling over, even though you knew you hadn't committed any crime or violation, but showing your driver's license is all of a sudden a problem in the situation ??? Maybe they are looking for an escaped convict, checking trunks, floor boards etc to make sure the murdering convict doesn't get far or maybe they are checking for a child kidnapping in an Amber Alert situation etc. No comprende eh ??? Screw you eh ???? Me like you hate bad cops, but I will produce ID if they ask me too. Nothing to hide during my travels in a vehicle, including my ID.

Has someone condemned you for showing your I.D.?
Huh ??

It was a simple question.
It was a dumb question, now catch up.

You are upset that people are willing to stand up for their civil rights simply because you will not. I'm fully caught up.
Fuck people, we are all mostly in agreement on something for a change..... how about we just leave it at that?

do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.
The police are given a wide latitude for detainment. If a subject is uncooperative, it can easily turn into an arrest That is legal regardless of what you think. You don’t know the arrest is illegal, cause you don’t know what they know. If we want to play games...we’ll lose more often then not. An experienced cop doesn’t make mistakes that allow a civilian to easily determine the legality of an arrest, let alone a stop.
Not by the law, they aren't.
If the cop does not have specific articulable facts in evidence, (not suspected) that would lead a reasonable person (not another cop) to believe a crime is being, has been, or is about to be committed, the cop has no right to stop or detain anyone. They can ask all the questions they want, but they are entitled to no answers, and the person can remain silent and simply walk away at any time. If they pulled you over and refuse to tell you why you were stopped, you are under no legal obligation to provide ID, or answer any questions.

Cops screw themselves, piss off everybody, and often cost their cities hundreds of thousands of dollars in settlement money, when they decide to stray outside of these boundaries.
Ego is a bitchkitty that'll scratch...... hard.
If you are pulled over WHILE DRIVING, you are required to produce a driver's license.
Not unless there was a crime committed or a traffic violation.
Ok, so why is it a problem showing ID to the law in the form of a driver's license if pulled over ? You complied by pulling over, even though you knew you hadn't committed any crime or violation, but showing your driver's license is all of a sudden a problem in the situation ??? Maybe they are looking for an escaped convict, checking trunks, floor boards etc to make sure the murdering convict doesn't get far or maybe they are checking for a child kidnapping in an Amber Alert situation etc. No comprende eh ??? Screw you eh ???? Me like you hate bad cops, but I will produce ID if they ask me too. Nothing to hide during my travels in a vehicle, including my ID.

Has someone condemned you for showing your I.D.?
Huh ??

It was a simple question.
It was a dumb question, now catch up.

You are upset that people are willing to stand up for their civil rights simply because you will not. I'm fully caught up.
Yeah we know about your ideas of standing up for something, and civil rights are usually twisted into a pretzel when ever you attempt to apply it into your situation or your idea of what it stands for.
Again that's not how the drug trade works. Whites control the wholesale shipping and distribution of drugs. Whites are selling drugs to whites in the suburbs and rural areas. Blacks are selling drugs to blacks. Please stop repeating such inaccuracy. I understand your overall point but blacks are not supplying drugs to whites. According to the UCR, whites made up 71 percent of those violating drug laws. Table 43

Are you sure that's the source you want to cite? It shows that blacks commit drug crimes at twice the rate of whites. Murder at four times the rate, rape four times the rate. The only area where blacks commit their percentage of violations consistent with their population is alcohol.

Do you agree that you have to acknowledge a problem before you can seek a solution?
Again that's not how the drug trade works. Whites control the wholesale shipping and distribution of drugs. Whites are selling drugs to whites in the suburbs and rural areas. Blacks are selling drugs to blacks. Please stop repeating such inaccuracy. I understand your overall point but blacks are not supplying drugs to whites. According to the UCR, whites made up 71 percent of those violating drug laws. Table 43

Are you sure that's the source you want to cite? It shows that blacks commit drug crimes at twice the rate of whites. Murder at four times the rate, rape four times the rate. The only area where blacks commit their percentage of violations consistent with their population is alcohol.

Do you agree that you have to acknowledge a problem before you can seek a solution?

I'm just curious about something. I don't know. When Trump is found guilty of fraud does that figure in to crime stats?

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