Two Questions for All: First, can we agree that E Pluribus Unum is dead?

What you are failing to take into account is how deeply the people who make this nation run have lost faith in all her institutions. The media. Govt, all branches: FBI, CDC, FDA, Dept of whatever. The military, for goodness sake. There is a small section of elites and their minions who still trust and the rest of us who do not.

That wasn't true in 2001, before or after.

I'm sure it wasn't true in 1967.

And it's unsustainable. You must know this.

The people who make this nation run have not lost anything. A small segment of zealots have worked since the Civil Rights Act to get into a position to end things like that and other rights that small group of zealots have decided to oppose.
Interesting piece here: America Is Growing Apart, Possibly for Good

Go ahead and point the finger at the other tribe, but can we all at least agree that the phrase E Pluribus Unum no longer applies to America?

And second question, to the Republicans: You've often mentioned here that you'd like to geographically separate from those with whom you disagree. We appear to be seeing just that, as states divide themselves by intensity of religious belief and ideological dogma. Do you feel victorious about that? Vindicated?

Bonus question: Can we agree that America is no longer "exceptional"?

And of course the writer of that MSN article has TDS...quelle surprise
The people who make this nation run have not lost anything. A small segment of zealots have worked since the Civil Rights Act to get into a position to end things like that and other rights that small group of zealots have decided to oppose.

Yeah yeah, racism, we know. I'm talking about working people. That's it. The working class.
And there you go with the idiocy. There is only one side trying to end democracy in this country.

No. We're not trying to "end" it; we can't cooperate with it. Because your form of democracy is "shut up and do what we say. But mostly, shut up."

That's not "democracy".

(And now comes your very demonstration of it: when you call me names and tell me to, shockingly, shut up)
And there you go with the idiocy. There is only one side trying to end democracy in this country.
Yes. And the other end played a role in animating and motivating that side, and refuses to admit it.

The two tribes are not "the same". But they sure as hell give the other tribe plenty of material to work with. They FEED off each other, and THAT'S the problem.
The dems openly hate everything about America. Then and now

JFK: Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

Big Mikey: for the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country
Yes. And the other end played a role in animating and motivating that side, and refuses to admit it.

The two tribes are not "the same". But they sure as hell give the other tribe plenty of material to work with. They FEED off each other, and THAT'S the problem.

So Mac's Magic Party would be The Magic Answer, and then a fourth party would come along crying "See? This is the problem with only three parties!!" and on and on and on

But Mac just cries about this all the time instead of discussing issues.
What you are failing to take into account is how deeply the people who make this nation run have lost faith in all her institutions. The media. Govt, all branches: FBI, CDC, FDA, Dept of whatever. The military, for goodness sake. There is a small section of elites and their minions who still trust and the rest of us who do not.

That wasn't true in 2001, before or after.

I'm sure it wasn't true in 1967.

And it's unsustainable. You must know this.
Yet is was government insiders who murdered JFK for wanting to End the Fed
So Mac's Magic Party would be The Magic Answer, and then a fourth party would come along crying "See? This is the problem with only three parties!!" and on and on and on

But Mac just cries about this all the time instead of discussing issues.
I'd much prefer to discuss issues. And my positions on the issues are unique and independent. But people like you misrepresent virtually everything I say (as you did above), and you're not worth the effort. I tried for YEARS here.

Grow up a bit and I'll consider it. Until then, you're nothing more than a little, wet, wormy thing, wiggling around in my mental Peach Tree, I mean, Petri Dish, for examination.

If you don't like that, too bad. YOU can just cry.
Yet is was government insiders who murdered JFK for wanting to End the Fed

I used to think such declarations were loony cuckoo. After seeing what I have seen the last two years---all my faith is gone, and I'm far from alone. So yes, entirely possible. Also not only possible the likely: our govt has skyrocketed gas prices and crashed the economy to squirrel away from the shocking disaster that is the covid vaccines.
Interesting piece here: America Is Growing Apart, Possibly for Good

Go ahead and point the finger at the other tribe, but can we all at least agree that the phrase E Pluribus Unum no longer applies to America?

And second question, to the Republicans: You've often mentioned here that you'd like to geographically separate from those with whom you disagree. We appear to be seeing just that, as states divide themselves by intensity of religious belief and ideological dogma. Do you feel victorious about that? Vindicated?

Bonus question: Can we agree that America is no longer "exceptional"?
You're putting too much faith in that 'Atlantic' OPED. They're leftist. People can have different political stands and still get along you know, I call bullshit on that article.
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I'd much prefer to discuss issues. And my positions on the issues are unique and independent. But people like you misrepresent virtually everything I say (as you did above), and you're not worth the effort. I tried for YEARS here.

Grow up a bit and I'll consider it. Until then, you're nothing more than a little, wet, wormy thing, wiggling around in my mental Peach Tree, I mean, Petri Dish, for examination.

If you don't like that, too bad. YOU can just cry.

Right Mac. Therein lies the problem. You think of people as samples to examine. You're better than all of us. And it shows. It comes through in this "third way" stuff--"all these lowly partisans bickering; I'm so much better". That's all I read from you on every issue. Pick a position and argue it rather than sniffing at the hoi polloi
Yes. And the other end played a role in animating and motivating that side, and refuses to admit it.

The two tribes are not "the same". But they sure as hell give the other tribe plenty of material to work with. They FEED off each other, and THAT'S the problem.
No mac they did not. You have ignored what has been done. For example, the right race baits with blatant dogwhistles, the left condemns it, then gets blamed for playing identity politics and you're stupid enough to accept that narrative. That's just one example.

What the left has not done is give the right what it dishes out.
Right Mac. Therein lies the problem. You think of people as samples to examine. You're better than all of us. And it shows. It comes through in this "third way" stuff--"all these lowly partisans bickering; I'm so much better". That's all I read from you on every issue. Pick a position and argue it rather than sniffing at the hoi polloi
This one always cracks me up.

You think you and your tribe have all the answers, that people who disagree with you are stupid and "evil", literally, and then you bitch about others saying they think they're better. You are exactly what you hate, which is probably why you're so nasty and hateful.

This is why I don't bother. Boring. Dismissed.
Right Mac. Therein lies the problem. You think of people as samples to examine. You're better than all of us. And it shows. It comes through in this "third way" stuff--"all these lowly partisans bickering; I'm so much better". That's all I read from you on every issue. Pick a position and argue it rather than sniffing at the hoi polloi
I have to agree with you here Sue. Mac, there are not 2 wrong answers here. One side is right, the other is not. Now if you think sit there and take it is a good strategy, you are sorely mistaken.

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