Two Questions for All: First, can we agree that E Pluribus Unum is dead?

I used to think such declarations were loony cuckoo. After seeing what I have seen the last two years---all my faith is gone, and I'm far from alone. So yes, entirely possible. Also not only possible the likely: our govt has skyrocketed gas prices and crashed the economy to squirrel away from the shocking disaster that is the covid vaccines.
No sue, that's not what happened. The government cannot raise gas prices. The economy has not crashed. Inflation is a global problem created by the pandemic.
No mac they did not. You have ignored what has been done. For example, the right race baits with blatant dogwhistles, the left condemns it, then gets blamed for playing identity politics and you're stupid enough to accept that narrative. That's just one example.

What the left has not done is give the right what it dishes out.
The two tribes dish out very different things. All you have to do is pay attention to what they've been saying for decades: The PC/Identity Politics stuff (and everything it touches) pushed them over edge. It kept increasing and building over time, and they finally blew like a fuckin' volcano. This is the pushback I've been talking about since I've been on this board.

I know you're going to deny the PC/Identity Politics stuff, or dismiss it, or mock it, or downplay it. I'm just telling you that this is what got us here. The Left went too far with it, and now the Right (in its current warped condition) is going spectacularly over the top in response.
Interesting piece here: America Is Growing Apart, Possibly for Good

Go ahead and point the finger at the other tribe, but can we all at least agree that the phrase E Pluribus Unum no longer applies to America?

And second question, to the Republicans: You've often mentioned here that you'd like to geographically separate from those with whom you disagree. We appear to be seeing just that, as states divide themselves by intensity of religious belief and ideological dogma. Do you feel victorious about that? Vindicated?

Bonus question: Can we agree that America is no longer "exceptional"?
Down with the union !

You can build your cricket eating utopia of baby murdering equity without me
You're putting too much faith in that 'Atlantic' OPED. They're leftist. People can have different political stands and still get along you know, I call bullshit on that article.
It's the right thats trying to destroy democracy.
This one always cracks me up.

You think you and your tribe have all the answers, that people who disagree with you are stupid and "evil", literally, and then you bitch about others saying they think they're better. You are exactly what you hate, which is probably why you're so nasty and hateful.

This is why I don't bother. Boring. Dismissed.

Ha! My "tribe" is terrible and an incoherent mess on education. I called them to task big time after Uvalde, for calling teachers stupid insane groomers one week, and the very next week insisting we carry guns in classrooms, despite the fact that we are stupid insane groomers.

What is it I hate Mac? Since I am but a worm under your all-knowing eye.
Right Mac. Therein lies the problem. You think of people as samples to examine. You're better than all of us. And it shows. It comes through in this "third way" stuff--"all these lowly partisans bickering; I'm so much better". That's all I read from you on every issue. Pick a position and argue it rather than sniffing at the hoi polloi
I have to agree with you here Sue. Mac, there are not 2 wrong answers here. One side is right, the other is not. Now if you think sit there and take it is a good strategy, you are sorely mistaken.
An absolutely perfect example of my point.

On one side of the fence we see the hardcore Left and hardcore Right, incredibly similar in their behaviors. On the other side of the fence is the rest of America.
An absolutely perfect example of my point.

On one side of the fence we see the hardcore Left and hardcore Right, incredibly similar in their behaviors. On the other side of the fence is the rest of America.

All you did Mac was find two people arguing a position and cry out "SEE!!' That's cheap and easy. Pick an ISSUE and argue it.
No sue, that's not what happened. The government cannot raise gas prices. The economy has not crashed. Inflation is a global problem created by the pandemic.

You don't have to convince me. Maybe start with Hispanics. Good luck.
I started a thread and you're trying to derail it. Please stop. Thanks in advance.

Okay I will address your Bonus Question. I challenge you to address it without citing "both sides" or "third way".

We are in part no longer exceptional because at least two generations were taught to use internal emotions as their guide to life. So they won't go to work that day if they "don't feel safe"; if their "mental health" is in jeopardy, which does sound legitimate but by that they often mean they're just experiencing the stresses and strains of living.

In short: most people under a certain age have no resiliency. It's mostly not their fault. They were helicopter parented to death.
The two tribes dish out very different things. All you have to do is pay attention to what they've been saying for decades: The PC/Identity Politics stuff (and everything it touches) pushed them over edge. It kept increasing and building over time, and they finally blew like a fuckin' volcano. This is the pushback I've been talking about since I've been on this board.

I know you're going to deny the PC/Identity Politics stuff, or dismiss it, or mock it, or downplay it. I'm just telling you that this is what got us here. The Left went too far with it, and now the Right (in its current warped condition) is going spectacularly over the top in response.
Mac, PC is a made up term and identity politics in the modern era started with the Southern Strategy. You really have swallowed that right wing garbage whole. I've been telling you what got us here and it is not what you say. You explain how in the fuck targeting minorities for representation, and to vote is going too fucking far with PC and identity politics in the face of almost 60 years of white backlash.

Nobody has gone over the edge, this is how America has always been. The only thing that has happened is that the right feels they are losing what they believe they are entitled to due to their race. Trying to get all groups represented is neither PC or identity politics.
Mac, PC is a made up term and identity politics in the modern era started with the Southern Strategy. You really have swallowed that right wing garbage whole. I've been telling you what got us here and it is not what you say. You explain how in the fuck targeting minorities for representation, and to vote is going too fucking far with PC and identity politics in the face of almost 60 years of white backlash.

Nobody has gone over the edge, this is how America has always been. The only thing that has happened is that the right feels they are losing what they believe they are entitled to due to their race. Trying to get all groups represented is neither PC or identity politics.
As I predicted. I'm not trying to change your mind on anything.
Okay I will address your Bonus Question. I challenge you to address it without citing "both sides" or "third way".

We are in part no longer exceptional because at least two generations were taught to use internal emotions as their guide to life. So they won't go to work that day if they "don't feel safe"; if their "mental health" is in jeopardy, which does sound legitimate but by that they often mean they're just experiencing the stresses and strains of living.

In short: most people under a certain age have no resiliency. It's mostly not their fault. They were helicopter parented to death.
America was never exceptional Sue. We are here due to a national psychosis that has many Americans refusing to look at reality. A nation cannot be considered exceptional when it has held back parts of its population to favor one group.
The fact here is that E Pluribus Unum has never really existed. Something has to exist to die.
I've spent the last six years or so trying to come to terms with the fact that we're not quite what I assumed we were. From what I've seen, so has the rest of the world.

I remain hopeful, but I have to admit it's getting a little tougher.

I think people get told somethings at school that simply aren't true. Those who look will see quite clearly that they are lies when they get old enough to think for themselves.

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