Two quick questions for "conservatives"

John Shaw

Gold Member
Jul 22, 2017
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

Is there a question in there some where or just more left wing bs talking points?
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

Like Custer, these old, white clueless guys are making a "last stand".....and the result will be exactly like Custer's.
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

Oh look, another kid with a keyboard and a troll attitude.
2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

Did you miss the primaries of the last election, kid. Try to pay attention.
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

"And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands."

For all those cons here and everywhere where this is true and it is mostly true, this one's for you...

And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

Where are you hearing that conservatives are "angry"? Are we the ones who are trying to overthrow a legal Presidential election? Are we the ones who are protesting, rioting on school campuses, breaking windows, starting fires, assaulting people with bike locks, committing attempted assassinations of elected officials on baseball fields, wearing pussy hats on our heads, and screaming at the sky?

Actually I'm pretty happy, especially since Hillary didn't win.
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

Like Custer, these old, white clueless guys are making a "last stand".....and the result will be exactly like Custer's.

You know what happened after Little Bighorn, right?
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

Like Custer, these old, white clueless guys are making a "last stand".....and the result will be exactly like Custer's.

How is it a "last stand" to win the House of Representatives, the Senate, The Supreme Court, the White House, and god knows how many governorships and other offices? And to win a thousand legislative and presidential decisions for foreign relations, trade bills, economic, immigration, budgetary, and taxation issues since? Whether we raise the purchase age for kids a few years or not until they are at least out of high school, who cares? Who cares what Walmart decides if they want to stop selling toys that look like Army weapons? Anyone who really WANTS an AR-15 or a toy will still be able to get one if they really want to somewhere else, or they will already have their hands on one of the millions already out there. And I DO hope you hold your breath waiting for the day when none can be bought or found in this country, because the day of THAT police state is NEVER COMING, farm boy! Nor has any of this to do with any ethnic group at all, so do please take your racist garbage views and shove them firmly up your ass. And keep twisting on them while you wait for that "last stand." If ever there has been a Custer move, go look in the mirror---- the Democrats rode into the last election JUST LIKE CUSTER full of bravado and ran squarely into Little Big Horn, and I AIN'T talking about Pocahontas.
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

Like Custer, these old, white clueless guys are making a "last stand".....and the result will be exactly like Custer's.
Unfortunately there are far too many young and frightened reactionaries who blindly adhere to failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma.

Conservatism is the bane of America.
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

Like Custer, these old, white clueless guys are making a "last stand".....and the result will be exactly like Custer's.

Repercussions for what happened to Custer were swift and severe.

Poor analogy
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

Like Custer, these old, white clueless guys are making a "last stand".....and the result will be exactly like Custer's.
these old, white clueless guys are making a "last stand"

And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

Like Custer, these old, white clueless guys are making a "last stand".....and the result will be exactly like Custer's.

Repercussions for what happened to Custer were swift and severe.

Poor analogy

Consider the source.
1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?
I'm against this position...............pure and simple...............unlike some I am not under a requirement to be FOR every decision Trump makes................and I'm not for this...................How's that for

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

You were
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

Like Custer, these old, white clueless guys are making a "last stand".....and the result will be exactly like Custer's.

You know what happened after Little Bighorn, right?

Magnificent gambling casinos? Tax-free cigarettes, cheap gasoline, and special status as a "protected minority"?

And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

Like Custer, these old, white clueless guys are making a "last stand".....and the result will be exactly like Custer's.

You know what happened after Little Bighorn, right?

Casinos? Tax-free cigarettes and special status as a "protected minority"?

Ah, no. That stuff came much later.
1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?
I'm against this position...............pure and simple...............unlike some I am not under a requirement to be FOR every decision Trump makes................and I'm not for this...................How's that for

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

You were

Much BETTER map, don't you think???

U.S. Map by population

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?
I'm against this position...............pure and simple...............unlike some I am not under a requirement to be FOR every decision Trump makes................and I'm not for this...................How's that for

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

You were

Much BETTER map, don't you think???

U.S. Map by population

View attachment 180145

How's my little totalitarian tonight?
What clueless, old, white and often bitter conservatives "forget" is that Texas and Florida will relatively soon turn "brownish".......and unless they change attitude, politically they're done !!!

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