Two quick questions for "conservatives"

And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

I can only speak for myself because I do not participate in the elections of corporate officers for this corporate entity that lamley disguises itself as a legitimate governmental body. I opted out of the UCC and gave up my status as a de-facto- employee of USA.INC i.e "U.S citizen" years ago when I learned the nature of the cage. It comes with a price and I forfeited all past contributions for future considerations just so I could get out from under the thumb. I sink or swim and I would rather sink than be under the thumb of this corporate entity that we call "government"....with that being said? I was THRILLED that Trump defeated the Hildebeast because commies hate those like myself that believe in the organic Constitution and Bill Of Rights instead of collectivism.

USA.INC can attempt to impose all the acts, statutes, codes and ordinances that it wants...but if I refuse to "contract" with it? There isn't much that they can do about it until/unless the commie agenda prevails...and even then? I will never acquiesce and millions like me feel the same way. Personally, I am fine with the raising of age restriction on the millenials to 21 as it pertains to the purchasing of a semi-automatic weapon....I mean after all, they are eating Tide pods, fer cryin' out loud. I believe that the last poll showed that almost 50 percent of the snowflake crowd believe in socialism...and communism is nothing but socialism "in a hurry". Home Depot and Lowes is having to make tutorial films for the millenials just to teach them how to use basic hand tools. The 18 year olds of today are weak, dumbed down and totally clueless compared to those even 20 years ago. Fabian socialism was being taught in the public school system as far back as the 50's but it didn't take hold because families were strong back then. The intentional break down of the family unit and the intentional dumbing down of the school aged with leftist indoctrination thrown in for good measure has brought us to this point. I don't worry much about it.....most are too ignorant to change a tire and the weight of taking responsibility for themselves would cause their frail shoulders to fall under the weight of it for them. They will learn the hard way that they were merely pawns for the very elites that they thought they were fighting against. Lenin referred to them as useful idiots.

As far as the "republican plan" goes? Who gives a shit...both parties are the same at the very top and both are bought and paid for by the owners of USA.INC. It is my hope that somehow Trump and the "white hats" won the election that was obviously rigged for Hildebeast in order to give us one last chance to right this ship and get us all out from under the thumb of the puppet me the eternal optimist if you will. Perhaps this is all a big charade but what I do know is that the very ones attacking Trump are the very same type that are enemies of mine. The deep state operatives of the shadow government makes the mafia seem honorable and noble by comparison and that isn't my opinion...that is a fact.

I got "red-pilled" six years ago and I can't "unlearn" the truth that I have researched and found proof for.... nor can I unsee what I have seen with my own eyes. You can stay stuck in the tribalistic "left versus right" paradigm but regardless whether you are "leftwing" or "rightwing", the body in the middle controls them both. BTW, did you know that the reason that birds shit indiscriminately is because they gave no sphincter control? It's an analogy that works in so many ways. Any questions?

Well you already goofed, because most if not all Millennials are already 21. It's Gen Z that's in high school now.

MY definition of millennials may differ from yours or anyone else's.....those born during and/after the year 2000 are millennials to ME. Now, is that all you have to say about my well written and thought out reply to your lame flame thread? Is that the best you have got?

I don't know that it's particularly well-written, considering your judgment call relies on the hasty generalization of an entire generation, which is, ultimately, an uninformed judgment call, since you picked out the wrong generation. The other half is this sort of shadow government conspiracy nonsense that doesn't really make a tremendous amount of sense. In any case, at least you tried to answer the questions. Not your fault if I'm not satisfied by the answers.

REALLY? You generalize anyone that isn't a leftard. Millennials, G-X, G-Y, G-Z......whatever category that you wish to pick and or place them in? If they believe that their way through this world is through the state and that collectivism is the answer? They deserve what will come their way. I know more than you and it galls you.....tough shit.
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

I can only speak for myself because I do not participate in the elections of corporate officers for this corporate entity that lamley disguises itself as a legitimate governmental body. I opted out of the UCC and gave up my status as a de-facto- employee of USA.INC i.e "U.S citizen" years ago when I learned the nature of the cage. It comes with a price and I forfeited all past contributions for future considerations just so I could get out from under the thumb. I sink or swim and I would rather sink than be under the thumb of this corporate entity that we call "government"....with that being said? I was THRILLED that Trump defeated the Hildebeast because commies hate those like myself that believe in the organic Constitution and Bill Of Rights instead of collectivism.

USA.INC can attempt to impose all the acts, statutes, codes and ordinances that it wants...but if I refuse to "contract" with it? There isn't much that they can do about it until/unless the commie agenda prevails...and even then? I will never acquiesce and millions like me feel the same way. Personally, I am fine with the raising of age restriction on the millenials to 21 as it pertains to the purchasing of a semi-automatic weapon....I mean after all, they are eating Tide pods, fer cryin' out loud. I believe that the last poll showed that almost 50 percent of the snowflake crowd believe in socialism...and communism is nothing but socialism "in a hurry". Home Depot and Lowes is having to make tutorial films for the millenials just to teach them how to use basic hand tools. The 18 year olds of today are weak, dumbed down and totally clueless compared to those even 20 years ago. Fabian socialism was being taught in the public school system as far back as the 50's but it didn't take hold because families were strong back then. The intentional break down of the family unit and the intentional dumbing down of the school aged with leftist indoctrination thrown in for good measure has brought us to this point. I don't worry much about it.....most are too ignorant to change a tire and the weight of taking responsibility for themselves would cause their frail shoulders to fall under the weight of it for them. They will learn the hard way that they were merely pawns for the very elites that they thought they were fighting against. Lenin referred to them as useful idiots.

As far as the "republican plan" goes? Who gives a shit...both parties are the same at the very top and both are bought and paid for by the owners of USA.INC. It is my hope that somehow Trump and the "white hats" won the election that was obviously rigged for Hildebeast in order to give us one last chance to right this ship and get us all out from under the thumb of the puppet me the eternal optimist if you will. Perhaps this is all a big charade but what I do know is that the very ones attacking Trump are the very same type that are enemies of mine. The deep state operatives of the shadow government makes the mafia seem honorable and noble by comparison and that isn't my opinion...that is a fact.

I got "red-pilled" six years ago and I can't "unlearn" the truth that I have researched and found proof for.... nor can I unsee what I have seen with my own eyes. You can stay stuck in the tribalistic "left versus right" paradigm but regardless whether you are "leftwing" or "rightwing", the body in the middle controls them both. BTW, did you know that the reason that birds shit indiscriminately is because they gave no sphincter control? It's an analogy that works in so many ways. Any questions?

Well you already goofed, because most if not all Millennials are already 21. It's Gen Z that's in high school now.

MY definition of millennials may differ from yours or anyone else's.....those born during and/after the year 2000 are millennials to ME. Now, is that all you have to say about my well written and thought out reply to your lame flame thread? Is that the best you have got?

I don't know that it's particularly well-written, considering your judgment call relies on the hasty generalization of an entire generation, which is, ultimately, an uninformed judgment call, since you picked out the wrong generation. The other half is this sort of shadow government conspiracy nonsense that doesn't really make a tremendous amount of sense. In any case, at least you tried to answer the questions. Not your fault if I'm not satisfied by the answers.

REALLY? You generalize anyone that isn't a leftard. Millennials, G-X, G-Y, G-Z......whatever category that you wish to pick and or place them in? If they believe that their way through this world is through the state and that collectivism is the answer? They deserve what will come their way. I know more than you and it galls you.....tough shit.

In all my days of being a Millennial, and of having many, many friends my age, I've never heard anyone say, "Ya know what? I can't wait to grow up and live in a commune". I've met one Polish Gen-X'er who wanted to live in a commune. That's it. So I'm not sure where you're going with this, but it 'shore ain't my experience. Not in Gen Y.
I can only speak for myself because I do not participate in the elections of corporate officers for this corporate entity that lamley disguises itself as a legitimate governmental body. I opted out of the UCC and gave up my status as a de-facto- employee of USA.INC i.e "U.S citizen" years ago when I learned the nature of the cage. It comes with a price and I forfeited all past contributions for future considerations just so I could get out from under the thumb. I sink or swim and I would rather sink than be under the thumb of this corporate entity that we call "government"....with that being said? I was THRILLED that Trump defeated the Hildebeast because commies hate those like myself that believe in the organic Constitution and Bill Of Rights instead of collectivism.

USA.INC can attempt to impose all the acts, statutes, codes and ordinances that it wants...but if I refuse to "contract" with it? There isn't much that they can do about it until/unless the commie agenda prevails...and even then? I will never acquiesce and millions like me feel the same way. Personally, I am fine with the raising of age restriction on the millenials to 21 as it pertains to the purchasing of a semi-automatic weapon....I mean after all, they are eating Tide pods, fer cryin' out loud. I believe that the last poll showed that almost 50 percent of the snowflake crowd believe in socialism...and communism is nothing but socialism "in a hurry". Home Depot and Lowes is having to make tutorial films for the millenials just to teach them how to use basic hand tools. The 18 year olds of today are weak, dumbed down and totally clueless compared to those even 20 years ago. Fabian socialism was being taught in the public school system as far back as the 50's but it didn't take hold because families were strong back then. The intentional break down of the family unit and the intentional dumbing down of the school aged with leftist indoctrination thrown in for good measure has brought us to this point. I don't worry much about it.....most are too ignorant to change a tire and the weight of taking responsibility for themselves would cause their frail shoulders to fall under the weight of it for them. They will learn the hard way that they were merely pawns for the very elites that they thought they were fighting against. Lenin referred to them as useful idiots.

As far as the "republican plan" goes? Who gives a shit...both parties are the same at the very top and both are bought and paid for by the owners of USA.INC. It is my hope that somehow Trump and the "white hats" won the election that was obviously rigged for Hildebeast in order to give us one last chance to right this ship and get us all out from under the thumb of the puppet me the eternal optimist if you will. Perhaps this is all a big charade but what I do know is that the very ones attacking Trump are the very same type that are enemies of mine. The deep state operatives of the shadow government makes the mafia seem honorable and noble by comparison and that isn't my opinion...that is a fact.

I got "red-pilled" six years ago and I can't "unlearn" the truth that I have researched and found proof for.... nor can I unsee what I have seen with my own eyes. You can stay stuck in the tribalistic "left versus right" paradigm but regardless whether you are "leftwing" or "rightwing", the body in the middle controls them both. BTW, did you know that the reason that birds shit indiscriminately is because they gave no sphincter control? It's an analogy that works in so many ways. Any questions?

Well you already goofed, because most if not all Millennials are already 21. It's Gen Z that's in high school now.

MY definition of millennials may differ from yours or anyone else's.....those born during and/after the year 2000 are millennials to ME. Now, is that all you have to say about my well written and thought out reply to your lame flame thread? Is that the best you have got?

I don't know that it's particularly well-written, considering your judgment call relies on the hasty generalization of an entire generation, which is, ultimately, an uninformed judgment call, since you picked out the wrong generation. The other half is this sort of shadow government conspiracy nonsense that doesn't really make a tremendous amount of sense. In any case, at least you tried to answer the questions. Not your fault if I'm not satisfied by the answers.

REALLY? You generalize anyone that isn't a leftard. Millennials, G-X, G-Y, G-Z......whatever category that you wish to pick and or place them in? If they believe that their way through this world is through the state and that collectivism is the answer? They deserve what will come their way. I know more than you and it galls you.....tough shit.

In all my days of being a Millennial, and of having many, many friends my age, I've never heard anyone say, "Ya know what? I can't wait to grow up and live in a commune". I've met one Polish Gen-X'er who wanted to live in a commune. That's it. So I'm not sure where you're going with this, but it 'shore ain't my experience. Not in Gen Y.

You don't have to live in a commune to be a commie/socialist.......but the younger generations believe in socialism and that the world owes them a giving. Why was Bernie Sanders such a hit with the college aged????? Coincidence?
Well you already goofed, because most if not all Millennials are already 21. It's Gen Z that's in high school now.

MY definition of millennials may differ from yours or anyone else's.....those born during and/after the year 2000 are millennials to ME. Now, is that all you have to say about my well written and thought out reply to your lame flame thread? Is that the best you have got?

I don't know that it's particularly well-written, considering your judgment call relies on the hasty generalization of an entire generation, which is, ultimately, an uninformed judgment call, since you picked out the wrong generation. The other half is this sort of shadow government conspiracy nonsense that doesn't really make a tremendous amount of sense. In any case, at least you tried to answer the questions. Not your fault if I'm not satisfied by the answers.

REALLY? You generalize anyone that isn't a leftard. Millennials, G-X, G-Y, G-Z......whatever category that you wish to pick and or place them in? If they believe that their way through this world is through the state and that collectivism is the answer? They deserve what will come their way. I know more than you and it galls you.....tough shit.

In all my days of being a Millennial, and of having many, many friends my age, I've never heard anyone say, "Ya know what? I can't wait to grow up and live in a commune". I've met one Polish Gen-X'er who wanted to live in a commune. That's it. So I'm not sure where you're going with this, but it 'shore ain't my experience. Not in Gen Y.

You don't have to live in a commune to be a commie/socialist.......but the younger generations believe in socialism and that the world owes them a giving. Why was Bernie Sanders such a hit with the college aged????? Coincidence?

Because we don't want to get gutted and saddled with massive debt for 10+ years just so we can go to school? Yes, there are ways to get through without debt, but school is like 5x more expensive than it was for our parents, and there aren't enough scholarships for everyone. And yes, these days even being a receptionist requires a bachelor's degree, so unless you plan on working in the trades (which is also much more difficult than it once was) then you'd goddamn better have at least a bachelor's.

Our parents played the game of life on easy, then switched to hard mode, handed us the controller, and call us losers because we're having a tougher time of getting through the early and midgame levels. Hmm, I wonder why that is ...

Actually, when my parents were first looking for work was when it started getting ridiculous. They had it harder than the real boomers, but not as hard as me and the kids younger than me have had it.
Two quick questions for the OP....

How do weapons grade stupid leftist bed wetters that should have been aborted survive to adulthood in spite of natural selection?

Did Darwin miscalculate something or was putting child resistant lids on household chemicals detrimental to the gene pool?

The reason I do not oppose abortion is because of the severe over abundance of leftist parasites.

Two quick questions for the OP....

How do weapons grade stupid leftist bed wetters that should have been aborted survive to adulthood in spite of natural selection?

Did Darwin miscalculate something or was putting child resistant lids on household chemicals detrimental to the gene pool?

The reason I do not oppose abortion is because of the severe over abundance of leftist parasites.

You made it to adulthood, presumably, did you not?

This tells me that almost anyone can do it.

Hope that answers your question.
MY definition of millennials may differ from yours or anyone else's.....those born during and/after the year 2000 are millennials to ME. Now, is that all you have to say about my well written and thought out reply to your lame flame thread? Is that the best you have got?

I don't know that it's particularly well-written, considering your judgment call relies on the hasty generalization of an entire generation, which is, ultimately, an uninformed judgment call, since you picked out the wrong generation. The other half is this sort of shadow government conspiracy nonsense that doesn't really make a tremendous amount of sense. In any case, at least you tried to answer the questions. Not your fault if I'm not satisfied by the answers.

REALLY? You generalize anyone that isn't a leftard. Millennials, G-X, G-Y, G-Z......whatever category that you wish to pick and or place them in? If they believe that their way through this world is through the state and that collectivism is the answer? They deserve what will come their way. I know more than you and it galls you.....tough shit.

In all my days of being a Millennial, and of having many, many friends my age, I've never heard anyone say, "Ya know what? I can't wait to grow up and live in a commune". I've met one Polish Gen-X'er who wanted to live in a commune. That's it. So I'm not sure where you're going with this, but it 'shore ain't my experience. Not in Gen Y.

You don't have to live in a commune to be a commie/socialist.......but the younger generations believe in socialism and that the world owes them a giving. Why was Bernie Sanders such a hit with the college aged????? Coincidence?

Because we don't want to get gutted and saddled with massive debt for 10+ years just so we can go to school? Yes, there are ways to get through without debt, but school is like 5x more expensive than it was for our parents, and there aren't enough scholarships for everyone. And yes, these days even being a receptionist requires a bachelor's degree, so unless you plan on working in the trades (which is also much more difficult than it once was) then you'd goddamn better have at least a bachelor's.

Our parents played the game of life on easy, then switched to hard mode, handed us the controller, and call us losers because we're having a tougher time of getting through the early and midgame levels. Hmm, I wonder why that is ...

Actually, when my parents were first looking for work was when it started getting ridiculous. They had it harder than the real boomers, but not as hard as me and the kids younger than me have had it.

Your problem is that you don't KNOW why things are like they are and why we don't have an honest monetary system. I didn't either until six years ago but I became a VERY fast study. My generation and the one before it let you all down BIG time because we became lazy and apathetic. Most trusted the school system to help raise and even be a babysitter at times just so we could chase a life in the suburbs and getting up to our eyeballs in debt never realizing the trap. I am doing all I can to try and educate people about how the system works so that they can benefit from the heavy lifting I have done from those that have benefited me because of the heavy lifting that they did. What has been done to us is worse than you could even fathom. I have a hard time digesting it myself as I break through barrier after barrier. The things that I do now, isn't for me because I have accomplished most of the goals I set for myself and adjusted them according to reality. I never got to play WR for the Dallas Cowboys (that was definitely one that had to be adjusted LOL!) but I made the most out of the talents that could be realized. I owe the ones that will come after me and it's my way of trying to pay penance.
I don't know that it's particularly well-written, considering your judgment call relies on the hasty generalization of an entire generation, which is, ultimately, an uninformed judgment call, since you picked out the wrong generation. The other half is this sort of shadow government conspiracy nonsense that doesn't really make a tremendous amount of sense. In any case, at least you tried to answer the questions. Not your fault if I'm not satisfied by the answers.

REALLY? You generalize anyone that isn't a leftard. Millennials, G-X, G-Y, G-Z......whatever category that you wish to pick and or place them in? If they believe that their way through this world is through the state and that collectivism is the answer? They deserve what will come their way. I know more than you and it galls you.....tough shit.

In all my days of being a Millennial, and of having many, many friends my age, I've never heard anyone say, "Ya know what? I can't wait to grow up and live in a commune". I've met one Polish Gen-X'er who wanted to live in a commune. That's it. So I'm not sure where you're going with this, but it 'shore ain't my experience. Not in Gen Y.

You don't have to live in a commune to be a commie/socialist.......but the younger generations believe in socialism and that the world owes them a giving. Why was Bernie Sanders such a hit with the college aged????? Coincidence?

Because we don't want to get gutted and saddled with massive debt for 10+ years just so we can go to school? Yes, there are ways to get through without debt, but school is like 5x more expensive than it was for our parents, and there aren't enough scholarships for everyone. And yes, these days even being a receptionist requires a bachelor's degree, so unless you plan on working in the trades (which is also much more difficult than it once was) then you'd goddamn better have at least a bachelor's.

Our parents played the game of life on easy, then switched to hard mode, handed us the controller, and call us losers because we're having a tougher time of getting through the early and midgame levels. Hmm, I wonder why that is ...

Actually, when my parents were first looking for work was when it started getting ridiculous. They had it harder than the real boomers, but not as hard as me and the kids younger than me have had it.

Your problem is that you don't KNOW why things are like they are and why we don't have an honest monetary system. I didn't either until six years ago but I became a VERY fast study. My generation and the one before it let you all down BIG time because we became lazy and apathetic. Most trusted the school system to help raise and even be a babysitter at times just so we could chase a life in the suburbs and getting up to our eyeballs in debt never realizing the trap. I am doing all I can to try and educate people about how the system works so that they can benefit from the heavy lifting I have done from those that have benefited me because of the heavy lifting that they did. What has been done to us is worse than you could even fathom. I have a hard time digesting it myself as I break through barrier after barrier. The things that I do now, isn't for me because I have accomplished most of the goals I set for myself and adjusted them according to reality. I never got to play WR for the Dallas Cowboys (that was definitely one that had to be adjusted LOL!) but I made the most out of the talents that could be realized. I owe the ones that will come after me and it's my way of trying to pay penance.

Well I have said repeatedly that I could get behind candidates who actually prioritize education reform, but where are they? Never even hear about education in the media. No one wants to talk about it. No one wants to talk about the outrageous costs for college, or the fact that our high schools are dismally poor in quality compared to even some poverty-stricken African countries. The only time education comes up is when cons want to bash students for their (admittedly retarded) political activism. It should be the no.1 or no.2 most important item on the agenda, possibly just after healthcare, yet you barely ever even hear of it, and Trump installs an amateur like DeVos. Is that really the best he could find?

Oh, and if you think things are fucked up now, just wait 10 years when Millennial women are missing the boat on having kids because they couldn't find a man as successful as they are (hypergamy is alive, well, and likely always will be) . We already can barely participate in the economy because of all our debt.

I myself will be paying (minimum $1,200 in loans for at least 10 more years. Likely longer than that. I do so responsibly every month (I signed the loans and I could've done some things smarter/better to avoid taking them out in the first place), and have for years, but I don't blame all the young folks who wanted Bernie in order to avoid the financial hardship I have to deal with. Not that I think he could've actually pulled it off anyway.
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

Like Custer, these old, white clueless guys are making a "last stand".....and the result will be exactly like Custer's.

Few of us old, white guys will still be around when you losers manage to turn America into your socialist utopia. We will be looking down and laughing at you, your tarpaper shacks, and the misery you have brought upon yourselves. Enjoy.
MY definition of millennials may differ from yours or anyone else's.....those born during and/after the year 2000 are millennials to ME. Now, is that all you have to say about my well written and thought out reply to your lame flame thread? Is that the best you have got?

I don't know that it's particularly well-written, considering your judgment call relies on the hasty generalization of an entire generation, which is, ultimately, an uninformed judgment call, since you picked out the wrong generation. The other half is this sort of shadow government conspiracy nonsense that doesn't really make a tremendous amount of sense. In any case, at least you tried to answer the questions. Not your fault if I'm not satisfied by the answers.

REALLY? You generalize anyone that isn't a leftard. Millennials, G-X, G-Y, G-Z......whatever category that you wish to pick and or place them in? If they believe that their way through this world is through the state and that collectivism is the answer? They deserve what will come their way. I know more than you and it galls you.....tough shit.

In all my days of being a Millennial, and of having many, many friends my age, I've never heard anyone say, "Ya know what? I can't wait to grow up and live in a commune". I've met one Polish Gen-X'er who wanted to live in a commune. That's it. So I'm not sure where you're going with this, but it 'shore ain't my experience. Not in Gen Y.

You don't have to live in a commune to be a commie/socialist.......but the younger generations believe in socialism and that the world owes them a giving. Why was Bernie Sanders such a hit with the college aged????? Coincidence?

Because we don't want to get gutted and saddled with massive debt for 10+ years just so we can go to school? Yes, there are ways to get through without debt, but school is like 5x more expensive than it was for our parents, and there aren't enough scholarships for everyone. And yes, these days even being a receptionist requires a bachelor's degree, so unless you plan on working in the trades (which is also much more difficult than it once was) then you'd goddamn better have at least a bachelor's.

Our parents played the game of life on easy, then switched to hard mode, handed us the controller, and call us losers because we're having a tougher time of getting through the early and midgame levels. Hmm, I wonder why that is ...

Actually, when my parents were first looking for work was when it started getting ridiculous. They had it harder than the real boomers, but not as hard as me and the kids younger than me have had it.

Few get to play life on easy. The vast majority start out with nothing and work up to something. Your problem, and the problem with many just like you, is that you believe life should be handed to you without much sacrifice on your part. Life hasn't worked that way for any generation, and that includes the baby boomers.

If you look closely, you can easily find the correlation between high college costs and the government intrusion into student grants and student loans. You asked for it, now live with it.

I left home at 17, with a high school education and $5 in my pocket. I couldn't afford college, and actually believed college was for smart people. Boy, was I dumb about that. I made it, and so can you.
I don't know that it's particularly well-written, considering your judgment call relies on the hasty generalization of an entire generation, which is, ultimately, an uninformed judgment call, since you picked out the wrong generation. The other half is this sort of shadow government conspiracy nonsense that doesn't really make a tremendous amount of sense. In any case, at least you tried to answer the questions. Not your fault if I'm not satisfied by the answers.

REALLY? You generalize anyone that isn't a leftard. Millennials, G-X, G-Y, G-Z......whatever category that you wish to pick and or place them in? If they believe that their way through this world is through the state and that collectivism is the answer? They deserve what will come their way. I know more than you and it galls you.....tough shit.

In all my days of being a Millennial, and of having many, many friends my age, I've never heard anyone say, "Ya know what? I can't wait to grow up and live in a commune". I've met one Polish Gen-X'er who wanted to live in a commune. That's it. So I'm not sure where you're going with this, but it 'shore ain't my experience. Not in Gen Y.

You don't have to live in a commune to be a commie/socialist.......but the younger generations believe in socialism and that the world owes them a giving. Why was Bernie Sanders such a hit with the college aged????? Coincidence?

Because we don't want to get gutted and saddled with massive debt for 10+ years just so we can go to school? Yes, there are ways to get through without debt, but school is like 5x more expensive than it was for our parents, and there aren't enough scholarships for everyone. And yes, these days even being a receptionist requires a bachelor's degree, so unless you plan on working in the trades (which is also much more difficult than it once was) then you'd goddamn better have at least a bachelor's.

Our parents played the game of life on easy, then switched to hard mode, handed us the controller, and call us losers because we're having a tougher time of getting through the early and midgame levels. Hmm, I wonder why that is ...

Actually, when my parents were first looking for work was when it started getting ridiculous. They had it harder than the real boomers, but not as hard as me and the kids younger than me have had it.

Few get to play life on easy. The vast majority start out with nothing and work up to something. Your problem, and the problem with many just like you, is that you believe life should be handed to you without much sacrifice on your part. Life hasn't worked that way for any generation, and that includes the baby boomers.

If you look closely, you can easily find the correlation between high college costs and the government intrusion into student grants and student loans. You asked for it, now live with it.

I left home at 17, with a high school education and $5 in my pocket. I couldn't afford college, and actually believed college was for smart people. Boy, was I dumb about that. I made it, and so can you.

We asked for it? What the fuck are you talking about? We were kids!

Holy shit, you guys are nuts.

Also I SPECIFICALLY said I DON'T expect anything to be handed to me. This is a prime example of why it's impossible to take these boards seriously; you guys don't fucking know how to read.
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

Democrats want Biden over Clinton, Sanders, McAuliffe in 2020

Funny how it's also the Democrats who are trotting out the old white folk to run.

Don't give a shit what democrats do. They're barely even a real party.

And yet you parrot them as if they are speaking gospel.
Once again the bigoted left calls out the race card characterizing the good people who voted for Trump as angry old (mostly white) guys. We just saw a freaking year of angry old (mostly white) hypocrite Hollywood celebs threaten the President of the United States with everything from assault to arson to murder and dismemberment. An angry (mostly white) mob rioted on inauguration day and a (mostly white) left wing democrat Sanders supporter opened fire on a Republican freaking baseball team last spring. President Trump is trying to do the right thing for American workers with tariffs and the economy is booming while angry (mostly white) hypocrite lefties enjoy their 401k's making money and still whine about the unfairness of it all.
1. You are conflating the hardline gun rights folks with all conservatives. Many, many conservatives understand that Trump's proposed measures will not even remotely constitute "taking away our gun rights" or "doing away with due process." The hardliners' reaction is rather embarrassing and silly, and it makes all conservatives look bad.

2. First off, many of the FL students deserve to be criticized for their conduct at the CNN townhall and for mindlessly lashing out at an organization that had nothing to do with the shooting. Many people recognize that many of the students' reactions have been based on misguided emotion, not fact and reason. Where is the student outrage at the sheriff's department that failed to follow up on the clear red-flag tips about Cruz, at the deputy at the school who refused to do his duty and confront the shooter, at the Dem politicians who pushed the PROMISE program and thus enabled Nikolas Cruz to escape arrest numerous times and to thereby pass his background check and buy a rifle? Why have very, very few of the students voiced any outrage at these people?

May I remind you that 33 of 50 states have REPUBLICAN governors, and you can't gerry-mander the election of a governor--it's straight popular vote in each state. That means that a majority of voters in 33 states have elected a Republican as their governor.

So I think the premise of your question is flawed. The GOP still has every prospect of a bright future.
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

Do you understand that when people get older, they become wiser and more republican?

Doesn't seem like you do, because the old have ALWAYS been more republican. They have children to take care of, can't just wave a wand and have resources appear from other people's wallets - the leftist fantasy.

I wonder what's the left's plan given that conservatives are making more children, while the leftists are aborting theirs. In the old days there was no contraception so the leftists had to procreate because their ultra high sex drive - not so today. The only saving grace is immigration, as non-whites vote for them but then, this won't be good for race relations. Let's recall, political beliefs are very highly genetic or at the very least run in the families.
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And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

Do you understand that when people get older, they become wiser and more republican?

Doesn't seem like you do, because the old have ALWAYS been more republican.

That was before Trump.
1. You are conflating the hardline gun rights folks with all conservatives. Many, many conservatives understand that Trump's proposed measures will not even remotely constitute "taking away our gun rights" or "doing away with due process." The hardliners' reaction is rather embarrassing and silly, and it makes all conservatives look bad.

2. First off, many of the FL students deserve to be criticized for their conduct at the CNN townhall and for mindlessly lashing out at an organization that had nothing to do with the shooting. Many people recognize that many of the students' reactions have been based on misguided emotion, not fact and reason. Where is the student outrage at the sheriff's department that failed to follow up on the clear red-flag tips about Cruz, at the deputy at the school who refused to do his duty and confront the shooter, at the Dem politicians who pushed the PROMISE program and thus enabled Nikolas Cruz to escape arrest numerous times and to thereby pass his background check and buy a rifle? Why have very, very few of the students voiced any outrage at these people?

May I remind you that 33 of 50 states have REPUBLICAN governors, and you can't gerry-mander the election of a governor--it's straight popular vote in each state. That means that a majority of voters in 33 states have elected a Republican as their governor.

So I think the premise of your question is flawed. The GOP still has every prospect of a bright future.

Solid post. With regard to the republican's future with young voters, it may very much depend on what they do with guns, and also, with what they ultimately do with Trump. Because in the eyes of the young, Trump just makes the republicans seem like cowards, hypocrites, and corrupt fools.

But I suppose one of you 60 year old guys is soon going to come and tell me I'm wrong, even though I'm in that cohort and have my finger on the pulse in a way y'all never could.

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