Two quick questions for "conservatives"

What clueless, old, white and often bitter conservatives "forget" is that Texas and Florida will relatively soon turn "brownish".......and unless they change attitude, politically they're done !!!

Doesn't matter. You should have learned by now that the popular vote doesn't win elections.
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

Is there a question in there some where or just more left wing bs talking points?

Dear eagle7_31
The two questions were
1. why aren't conservatives protesting Trump on gun laws as loudly as they protest Obama Clinton and Democrats
2. what does the GOP represent and what is their game plan for sustaining and growing their membership

My answers to John Shaw

1. I see and hear MORE objection from conservatives on the gun regulations, than I ever got from liberals on the ACA mandates that penalized free choice and gave control of health care to govt and corporatized insurance. Even my best colleagues fighting for universal care, would barely say that the ACA was BS. They knew it at best, but would not publicly denounce it because it was still a political tactic to compel change.

Of the conservatives yelling, yes, they are vocal and denouncing the FL reps and anyone else they see as a step in the wrong direction.

Just because your media doesn't emphasize this so much, but focuses on the liberal Democrats to give them credit and spotlight doesn't mean the opposition isn't there.

In general I'd say there is a difference though. When Democrats push for gun control, they don't respect the 2nd Amendment as a Constitutional belief held sacred by proponents on the right, but see it as an attack on the enemy. So this is perceived as an attack on the Constitution. When George Bush gave huge handouts to Katrina evacuees, that was not seen as govt welfare to Blacks, as it would have been if Obama had done that. If Bush had been in office when Bin Laden was caught, killed and dumped at sea, that would have cause a global uproar, but Obama got away with it quietly because he is seen as a Black Muslim sympathizer so it wasn't a white racist act of dominance.

I agree with you on that point, that it is perceived differently depending who is in office endorsing it.

But as for the gun policy itself, yes, there are plenty of conservatives yelling mutiny over this. And just because you don't hear them in the media doesn't mean that objection isn't being made and heard loudly.

2. What the Conservatives have stood for and need to stick with is Constitutional principles.
Where I see the parties going: the Conservatives in focusing on limited federal govt will be better at organizing leadership and resources around the military and veterans, to reform the VA and also business structures to create sustainable jobs for Veterans to teach, enforce and promote Constitutional education and governance and reduce crime, violence and abuses by deterrence, education and training.

When all citizens take and enforce the same Constitutional oath of duty as military and police then we won't have this epidemic of crime abuse and violations. Respect for the law is essential and the Republicans have more of the Christians and Constitutionalists teaching this as strong tradition.

With Democrats and Greens, I see more grassroots reorganizing and rebuilding of local communities and governing structures by district. The Republicans will probably produce better leaders on the executive/military level that requires armed defense and respect for laws as deterrence. The Democrats will keep attracting more minority/women leaders who can coordinate input and resources for social reforms that require local level participation and investment directly in solutions on that level.

We need both an internal system of working on social and domestic programs, and a strong external system of govt that focuses on national security and defense, without these functions interfering with each other.

So I see the Democrats and Greens working on localized social issues and solutions by district and party, while the Republicans focus on national issues of defense and military. These do not have to compete with each other, but work in tandem to cover all bases.
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

Like Custer, these old, white clueless guys are making a "last stand".....and the result will be exactly like Custer's.
Unfortunately there are far too many young and frightened reactionaries who blindly adhere to failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma.

Conservatism is the bane of America.

I see it the other way C_Clayton_Jones
the more educated and experienced people
get, they become more conservative in wanting
to defend the work it takes to build and contribute
vs. the "liberal" mentality of wanting govt to provide for people whether
they worked and contributed or not.

the people should be trained to provide for themselves, so all know the work it takes to have privileges and the amount of work it really takes (not skewed by depending on govt assistance to subsidize the cost and create the false perception
that it is owed, or it is easy to support a family of four on one job. there has to be social responsibility so people learn why you don't have sex and kids if you can't afford to support them. people aren't learning from the consequences of their actions if they rely on govt to fill the gaps without requirements on behavior that govt isn't designed to enforce.)
and only need govt for public safety and national security, not micromanaging social programs
as liberals believe in using govt as the central authority.

The conservatives I know see liberals as the bane,
because this approach teaches bad habits of depending on manmade govt which is arbitrary
and can be corrupted, changed, or abused
and cannot be depended on.

C_Clayton_Jones we LOSE our ability to
hold govt accountable and tell govt what to do

If a couple decides for themselves what the budget
is for their joint spending on household and children,
then agree on separate private accounts that they
each pay for themselves and can use as they choose,
they don't end up losing control of their estate by
'handing over the bank accounts' to the decison of
any third party, whether a lawyer or a relative,
to make decisions FOR them. They decide directly
and invest their own salaries into their separate
personal accounts, while agreeing how much to pay into the joint account and what that is going to pay for.

If they can't trust each other, and the joint account keeps getting abused to pay for things outside the budget or agreement, they go back to paying SEPARATE accounts and splitting costs from there.

The liberals want to use govt to be the central account and expect all the people to be protected and represented under that. But then you want to EXCLUDE conservatives from having a say in how their taxes through govt are expended.

So you become like the spouse who wants the other spouse to keep paying into the same account, but you want to control the whole account and dictate by your liberal approaches and cut out the other partner paying into the same account.

So that's why conservatives libertarians and Constitutionalists like me argue to SEPARATE funding accounts. Don't put all our tax money into the same fund then ARGUE afterwards what to spend it on or not.

Give taxpayers a choice what to fund or defund with our money we can choose to invest where we want, depending on what we believe in or don't believe in.

And the advantage of being divided by party CCJones
is that we are already organized into national collective pools, where liberals can already invest in platforms and leadership we elect democratically by party and precinct and state. And so can the Conservatives.

We can set up separate accounts and programs by party, so everyone can exercise equal representation and pay for the beliefs we support without imposing on any others!

So we are not each other's enemies after all.
Fear that we cannot get our way without trouncing on each other is the enemy that is crippling all sides.
We overcome that fear, we invest in our own solutions, and we quit fighting to push one agenda over another through govt, and everyone wins.
Last edited:
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

1. Yes, we should nail his feet to the floor and then stretch him up by a hoist!

2. Yeah! Sooner those old conservative geezers die off, the liberals will have the country they've always la liberal!
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

Well ya'll must have missed my thread bashing Trump for even uttering the words, "Take their guns before due process".
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

Well ya'll must have missed my thread bashing Trump for even uttering the words, "Take their guns before due process".

I guess I did. Not surprised to find most are attacking me rather than trying to answer the questions. Are they trollish questions? Sure, but they're still relevant, particularly the second one. Unless y'all are hoping to live forever. Or maybe you just don't care about tomorrow.
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.



Take a lap ...
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

Like Custer, these old, white clueless guys are making a "last stand".....and the result will be exactly like Custer's.

Repercussions for what happened to Custer were swift and severe.

Poor analogy

and using Native Americans as examples is not a good idea

when pushing gun control

sort of like using the Jews in Nazi Germany

or blacks here during slavery or after slavery with the black codes
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

1. Simple case of Trump talking out of his ass. That and perhaps a splash of out of context. Could also be a case he cowered under the pressure of liberals and a country in decay, which brings me back to Trump talking out of his ass again.

2. Fuck-off, you're simple racist dumbass punk. I only read as far as the first sentence.
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

Democrats want Biden over Clinton, Sanders, McAuliffe in 2020

Funny how it's also the Democrats who are trotting out the old white folk to run.
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

1. Simple case of Trump talking out of his ass. That and perhaps a splash of out of context. Could also be a case he cowered under the pressure of liberals and a country in decay, which brings me back to Trump talking out of his ass again.

2. Fuck-off, you're simple racist dumbass punk. I only read as far as the first sentence.

Snowflake alert.
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

Democrats want Biden over Clinton, Sanders, McAuliffe in 2020

Funny how it's also the Democrats who are trotting out the old white folk to run.

Don't give a shit what democrats do. They're barely even a real party.
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

I can only speak for myself because I do not participate in the elections of corporate officers for this corporate entity that lamley disguises itself as a legitimate governmental body. I opted out of the UCC and gave up my status as a de-facto- employee of USA.INC i.e "U.S citizen" years ago when I learned the nature of the cage. It comes with a price and I forfeited all past contributions for future considerations just so I could get out from under the thumb. I sink or swim and I would rather sink than be under the thumb of this corporate entity that we call "government"....with that being said? I was THRILLED that Trump defeated the Hildebeast because commies hate those like myself that believe in the organic Constitution and Bill Of Rights instead of collectivism.

USA.INC can attempt to impose all the acts, statutes, codes and ordinances that it wants...but if I refuse to "contract" with it? There isn't much that they can do about it until/unless the commie agenda prevails...and even then? I will never acquiesce and millions like me feel the same way. Personally, I am fine with the raising of age restriction on the millenials to 21 as it pertains to the purchasing of a semi-automatic weapon....I mean after all, they are eating Tide pods, fer cryin' out loud. I believe that the last poll showed that almost 50 percent of the snowflake crowd believe in socialism...and communism is nothing but socialism "in a hurry". Home Depot and Lowes is having to make tutorial films for the millenials just to teach them how to use basic hand tools. The 18 year olds of today are weak, dumbed down and totally clueless compared to those even 20 years ago. Fabian socialism was being taught in the public school system as far back as the 50's but it didn't take hold because families were strong back then. The intentional break down of the family unit and the intentional dumbing down of the school aged with leftist indoctrination thrown in for good measure has brought us to this point. I don't worry much about it.....most are too ignorant to change a tire and the weight of taking responsibility for themselves would cause their frail shoulders to fall under the weight of it for them. They will learn the hard way that they were merely pawns for the very elites that they thought they were fighting against. Lenin referred to them as useful idiots.

As far as the "republican plan" goes? Who gives a shit...both parties are the same at the very top and both are bought and paid for by the owners of USA.INC. It is my hope that somehow Trump and the "white hats" won the election that was obviously rigged for Hildebeast in order to give us one last chance to right this ship and get us all out from under the thumb of the puppet me the eternal optimist if you will. Perhaps this is all a big charade but what I do know is that the very ones attacking Trump are the very same type that are enemies of mine. The deep state operatives of the shadow government makes the mafia seem honorable and noble by comparison and that isn't my opinion...that is a fact.

I got "red-pilled" six years ago and I can't "unlearn" the truth that I have researched and found proof for.... nor can I unsee what I have seen with my own eyes. You can stay stuck in the tribalistic "left versus right" paradigm but regardless whether you are "leftwing" or "rightwing", the body in the middle controls them both. BTW, did you know that the reason that birds shit indiscriminately is because they gave no sphincter control? It's an analogy that works in so many ways. Any questions?
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

I can only speak for myself because I do not participate in the elections of corporate officers for this corporate entity that lamley disguises itself as a legitimate governmental body. I opted out of the UCC and gave up my status as a de-facto- employee of USA.INC i.e "U.S citizen" years ago when I learned the nature of the cage. It comes with a price and I forfeited all past contributions for future considerations just so I could get out from under the thumb. I sink or swim and I would rather sink than be under the thumb of this corporate entity that we call "government"....with that being said? I was THRILLED that Trump defeated the Hildebeast because commies hate those like myself that believe in the organic Constitution and Bill Of Rights instead of collectivism.

USA.INC can attempt to impose all the acts, statutes, codes and ordinances that it wants...but if I refuse to "contract" with it? There isn't much that they can do about it until/unless the commie agenda prevails...and even then? I will never acquiesce and millions like me feel the same way. Personally, I am fine with the raising of age restriction on the millenials to 21 as it pertains to the purchasing of a semi-automatic weapon....I mean after all, they are eating Tide pods, fer cryin' out loud. I believe that the last poll showed that almost 50 percent of the snowflake crowd believe in socialism...and communism is nothing but socialism "in a hurry". Home Depot and Lowes is having to make tutorial films for the millenials just to teach them how to use basic hand tools. The 18 year olds of today are weak, dumbed down and totally clueless compared to those even 20 years ago. Fabian socialism was being taught in the public school system as far back as the 50's but it didn't take hold because families were strong back then. The intentional break down of the family unit and the intentional dumbing down of the school aged with leftist indoctrination thrown in for good measure has brought us to this point. I don't worry much about it.....most are too ignorant to change a tire and the weight of taking responsibility for themselves would cause their frail shoulders to fall under the weight of it for them. They will learn the hard way that they were merely pawns for the very elites that they thought they were fighting against. Lenin referred to them as useful idiots.

As far as the "republican plan" goes? Who gives a shit...both parties are the same at the very top and both are bought and paid for by the owners of USA.INC. It is my hope that somehow Trump and the "white hats" won the election that was obviously rigged for Hildebeast in order to give us one last chance to right this ship and get us all out from under the thumb of the puppet me the eternal optimist if you will. Perhaps this is all a big charade but what I do know is that the very ones attacking Trump are the very same type that are enemies of mine. The deep state operatives of the shadow government makes the mafia seem honorable and noble by comparison and that isn't my opinion...that is a fact.

I got "red-pilled" six years ago and I can't "unlearn" the truth that I have researched and found proof for.... nor can I unsee what I have seen with my own eyes. You can stay stuck in the tribalistic "left versus right" paradigm but regardless whether you are "leftwing" or "rightwing", the body in the middle controls them both. BTW, did you know that the reason that birds shit indiscriminately is because they gave no sphincter control? It's an analogy that works in so many ways. Any questions?

Well you already goofed, because most if not all Millennials are already 21. It's Gen Z that's in high school now.
And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

I can only speak for myself because I do not participate in the elections of corporate officers for this corporate entity that lamley disguises itself as a legitimate governmental body. I opted out of the UCC and gave up my status as a de-facto- employee of USA.INC i.e "U.S citizen" years ago when I learned the nature of the cage. It comes with a price and I forfeited all past contributions for future considerations just so I could get out from under the thumb. I sink or swim and I would rather sink than be under the thumb of this corporate entity that we call "government"....with that being said? I was THRILLED that Trump defeated the Hildebeast because commies hate those like myself that believe in the organic Constitution and Bill Of Rights instead of collectivism.

USA.INC can attempt to impose all the acts, statutes, codes and ordinances that it wants...but if I refuse to "contract" with it? There isn't much that they can do about it until/unless the commie agenda prevails...and even then? I will never acquiesce and millions like me feel the same way. Personally, I am fine with the raising of age restriction on the millenials to 21 as it pertains to the purchasing of a semi-automatic weapon....I mean after all, they are eating Tide pods, fer cryin' out loud. I believe that the last poll showed that almost 50 percent of the snowflake crowd believe in socialism...and communism is nothing but socialism "in a hurry". Home Depot and Lowes is having to make tutorial films for the millenials just to teach them how to use basic hand tools. The 18 year olds of today are weak, dumbed down and totally clueless compared to those even 20 years ago. Fabian socialism was being taught in the public school system as far back as the 50's but it didn't take hold because families were strong back then. The intentional break down of the family unit and the intentional dumbing down of the school aged with leftist indoctrination thrown in for good measure has brought us to this point. I don't worry much about it.....most are too ignorant to change a tire and the weight of taking responsibility for themselves would cause their frail shoulders to fall under the weight of it for them. They will learn the hard way that they were merely pawns for the very elites that they thought they were fighting against. Lenin referred to them as useful idiots.

As far as the "republican plan" goes? Who gives a shit...both parties are the same at the very top and both are bought and paid for by the owners of USA.INC. It is my hope that somehow Trump and the "white hats" won the election that was obviously rigged for Hildebeast in order to give us one last chance to right this ship and get us all out from under the thumb of the puppet me the eternal optimist if you will. Perhaps this is all a big charade but what I do know is that the very ones attacking Trump are the very same type that are enemies of mine. The deep state operatives of the shadow government makes the mafia seem honorable and noble by comparison and that isn't my opinion...that is a fact.

I got "red-pilled" six years ago and I can't "unlearn" the truth that I have researched and found proof for.... nor can I unsee what I have seen with my own eyes. You can stay stuck in the tribalistic "left versus right" paradigm but regardless whether you are "leftwing" or "rightwing", the body in the middle controls them both. BTW, did you know that the reason that birds shit indiscriminately is because they gave no sphincter control? It's an analogy that works in so many ways. Any questions?

Well you already goofed, because most if not all Millennials are already 21. It's Gen Z that's in high school now.

MY definition of millennials may differ from yours or anyone else's.....those born during and/after the year 2000 are millennials to ME. Now, is that all you have to say about my well written and thought out reply to your lame flame thread? Is that the best you have got?
Given this thread, stupidity is clearly a prerequisite for being conservative.

Clayton, if stupidity could be converted to energy? Yours alone could provide enough electricity for a small city for a year. You suck at debate, you suck at swing your little cyber purse and never connect. You ALWAYS avoid debating me.....if you were so fucking smart and so secure in what you THINK you know? You wouldn't tuck tail and run away like the pussy that you are when I confront you.

And I use quotes because I think most of you actually aren't even really conservatives, but, rather, pissed off old guys with an excess of time on your hands.

1. Okay, we've seen Trump coming out with a push for gun reform, with as strong a stance as many on the democratic side ... yet, crickets coming from the right. Why is it none of y'all have a problem with the president on this? Isn't he threatening to "take away your second amendment", or whatever bullshit y'all heard about Obama from Alex Jones?

2. What exactly is the republican plan for the future? They have the angry old (mostly white) guy vote for now, and a lot of the angry old guy's wife vote, which is still a strong enough base to win elections ... but the key word, "old", tells us that that base is going to be shrinking. Have they been making an effort to appeal to young voters? Nope; young people hate the republican party. Now, I don't agree with a lot of the bullshit I see taking place on college campuses, but republicans don't even try to listen or understand; they attack the kids scornfully. It seems tremendously short-sighted, to me. How are you going to win elections in the future when you're spending all your social capital right now on attacking future voters.

I can only speak for myself because I do not participate in the elections of corporate officers for this corporate entity that lamley disguises itself as a legitimate governmental body. I opted out of the UCC and gave up my status as a de-facto- employee of USA.INC i.e "U.S citizen" years ago when I learned the nature of the cage. It comes with a price and I forfeited all past contributions for future considerations just so I could get out from under the thumb. I sink or swim and I would rather sink than be under the thumb of this corporate entity that we call "government"....with that being said? I was THRILLED that Trump defeated the Hildebeast because commies hate those like myself that believe in the organic Constitution and Bill Of Rights instead of collectivism.

USA.INC can attempt to impose all the acts, statutes, codes and ordinances that it wants...but if I refuse to "contract" with it? There isn't much that they can do about it until/unless the commie agenda prevails...and even then? I will never acquiesce and millions like me feel the same way. Personally, I am fine with the raising of age restriction on the millenials to 21 as it pertains to the purchasing of a semi-automatic weapon....I mean after all, they are eating Tide pods, fer cryin' out loud. I believe that the last poll showed that almost 50 percent of the snowflake crowd believe in socialism...and communism is nothing but socialism "in a hurry". Home Depot and Lowes is having to make tutorial films for the millenials just to teach them how to use basic hand tools. The 18 year olds of today are weak, dumbed down and totally clueless compared to those even 20 years ago. Fabian socialism was being taught in the public school system as far back as the 50's but it didn't take hold because families were strong back then. The intentional break down of the family unit and the intentional dumbing down of the school aged with leftist indoctrination thrown in for good measure has brought us to this point. I don't worry much about it.....most are too ignorant to change a tire and the weight of taking responsibility for themselves would cause their frail shoulders to fall under the weight of it for them. They will learn the hard way that they were merely pawns for the very elites that they thought they were fighting against. Lenin referred to them as useful idiots.

As far as the "republican plan" goes? Who gives a shit...both parties are the same at the very top and both are bought and paid for by the owners of USA.INC. It is my hope that somehow Trump and the "white hats" won the election that was obviously rigged for Hildebeast in order to give us one last chance to right this ship and get us all out from under the thumb of the puppet me the eternal optimist if you will. Perhaps this is all a big charade but what I do know is that the very ones attacking Trump are the very same type that are enemies of mine. The deep state operatives of the shadow government makes the mafia seem honorable and noble by comparison and that isn't my opinion...that is a fact.

I got "red-pilled" six years ago and I can't "unlearn" the truth that I have researched and found proof for.... nor can I unsee what I have seen with my own eyes. You can stay stuck in the tribalistic "left versus right" paradigm but regardless whether you are "leftwing" or "rightwing", the body in the middle controls them both. BTW, did you know that the reason that birds shit indiscriminately is because they gave no sphincter control? It's an analogy that works in so many ways. Any questions?

Well you already goofed, because most if not all Millennials are already 21. It's Gen Z that's in high school now.

MY definition of millennials may differ from yours or anyone else's.....those born during and/after the year 2000 are millennials to ME. Now, is that all you have to say about my well written and thought out reply to your lame flame thread? Is that the best you have got?

I don't know that it's particularly well-written, considering your judgment call relies on the hasty generalization of an entire generation, which is, ultimately, an uninformed judgment call, since you picked out the wrong generation. The other half is this sort of shadow government conspiracy nonsense that doesn't really make a tremendous amount of sense. In any case, at least you tried to answer the questions. Not your fault if I'm not satisfied by the answers.

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