Two Takeaways From Comey Hearing

i watched from beginning to end. He toasted her. He basically said anyone who worked for him would receive disciplinary action for similar actions. He said it wasn't fair to prosecute her because of her celebrity.

That is not what he said at all dope.
You guys are becoming sickos over this. Since when does anyone deserve that for just agreeing with the FBI and DOJ?
In all seriousness, I think that Hillary sold, via donations to her charity, US classified secrets to foreign governments and corporations.

I look forward to the day when she is put on trial for treason, then put up against the closest wall and executed.

Totally serious.
For the money? I'd be more likely to believe she sold favors via her charity, but that is almost impossible to prove, I hear--people have been trying to line up the ducks, and they can't.
They can line up that she broke the laws against gross negligence, but they cannot determine if their negligence was done with intent.

Meanwhile about 20 people are being prosecuted for doing the same thing she did and she did it on a far larger scale with 110 classified texts, and she will skate because she is Her Royal Highness Hillary Clinton of Royal House Clinton.
It`s about time for FOX to repay the taxpayers for all this nonsense including their Benghazi fantasies. They call the tune for this quickly dying party that`s an international embarrassment. How about some Fast and Furious inquiries now that this one is DEAD?
I find it amazing that after graduating from Law school, practicing law, being the First Lady of Arkansas, the First Lady of the United States, a United States Senator, and finally Secretary of State, Comey appears to have defended her by proclaiming that she is actually a very stupid woman hardly more than a backwoods barefoot housewife. Indeed, even someone employed in a government agency's typing pool is portrayed as being more intelligent than the Democrat Party's Presidential nominee.
And the libs want us to vote for this brain damaged baboon.
Seems we have some investigators that aren't up to snuff....or LACK BALLS!

It seems Hillary has two problems coming out of of FBI Director Comey's testimony today:
A.) Comey said Hillary was not technically sophisticated enough to handle secret and classified information. In other word Hillary claimed innocence by being dumb. Now she wants to be President?
B.) Comey said that Clinton's advisors admitted that the private server was established to shield information from Congress and that they destroyed information to hide it from Congress. This show intentional actions thus refuting the " Oooops oh stupid innocent me argument "
Any other thoughts on this from board?
It seems Hillary has two problems coming out of of FBI Director Comey's testimony today:
A.) Comey said Hillary was not technically sophisticated enough to handle secret and classified information. In other word Hillary claimed innocence by being dumb. Now she wants to be President?
B.) Comey said that Clinton's advisors admitted that the private server was established to shield information from Congress and that they destroyed information to hide it from Congress. This show intentional actions thus refuting the " Oooops oh stupid innocent me argument "
Any other thoughts on this from board?
So what? Her private e-mails are not Congress's business. They destroyed her private e-mails. Still not Congress's business.

Jesus, the level of ignorance in that statement is STAGGERING! When you are a Federal Official conducting official business,'re required by law to do so through official channels so that Congress can provide that you aren't doing corrupt or illegal things! The reason that Clinton put in those two private servers and then hid them from Congress was so that she could conduct official business without Congress knowing what she was doing. It was their still is!
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I find it amazing that after graduating from Law school, practicing law, being the First Lady of Arkansas, the First Lady of the United States, a United States Senator, and finally Secretary of State, Comey appears to have defended her by proclaiming that she is actually a very stupid woman hardly more than a backwoods barefoot housewife. Indeed, even someone employed in a government agency's typing pool is portrayed as being more intelligent than the Democrat Party's Presidential nominee.
And the libs want us to vote for this brain damaged baboon.
They can shit in one hand and want with the other, see which one fills up first.
Read Post 18 and then Post 19. Whatever Comey said (I was busy) people are reading into it whatever they want to believe.
i watched from beginning to end. He toasted her. He basically said anyone who worked for him would receive disciplinary action for similar actions. He said it wasn't fair to prosecute her because of her celebrity.

That is not what he said at all dope.
It is exactly what he said stupid.

No dope. He did not say she couldn't be prosecuted because of her celebrity.
He said it was not fair to prosecute her because of her celebrity stupid.
i watched from beginning to end. He toasted her. He basically said anyone who worked for him would receive disciplinary action for similar actions. He said it wasn't fair to prosecute her because of her celebrity.

That is not what he said at all dope.
It is exactly what he said stupid.

No dope. He did not say she couldn't be prosecuted because of her celebrity.

Correct. He said she wouldn't be prosecuted because she was too stupid to understand that what she was doing was wrong. In other words she is less qualified than my 10 year old daughter to be POTUS as my daughter actually UNDERSTANDS computer security and uses it properly.

Unlike your "hero".
i watched from beginning to end. He toasted her. He basically said anyone who worked for him would receive disciplinary action for similar actions. He said it wasn't fair to prosecute her because of her celebrity.

That is not what he said at all dope.
It is exactly what he said stupid.

No dope. He did not say she couldn't be prosecuted because of her celebrity.
He said it was not fair to prosecute her because of her celebrity stupid.

No dope, he didn't say that at all.
Try again.
Read Post 18 and then Post 19. Whatever Comey said (I was busy) people are reading into it whatever they want to believe.
i watched from beginning to end. He toasted her. He basically said anyone who worked for him would receive disciplinary action for similar actions. He said it wasn't fair to prosecute her because of her celebrity.

That is not what he said at all dope.
It is exactly what he said stupid.

No dope. He did not say she couldn't be prosecuted because of her celebrity.
He said it was not fair to prosecute her because of her celebrity stupid.

No dope, he didn't say that at all.
Try again.
yes stupid, he did.
An old woman that isn't computer or email savvy. How is it possible!

Where exactly are the 'intense' hearings for the State Department and every other government department to find out if they have since implemented stringent controls on email and other 'computer issues'. Nowhere. This is a f#$king Republican witch hunt from the beginning. I'm a lifelong independent and the Republican party is utterly dead to me. They are, and I'm speaking literally, a bunch of children who cry and throw things when they don't get their way. And they could not care less how much taxpayer money they spend doing it.

Conservative your political party is your only god now. You bow to it in prostration and obey all commands like sheeple. You belong to the Republican Politburo.
An old woman that isn't computer or email savvy. How is it possible!

Where exactly are the 'intense' hearings for the State Department and every other government department to find out if they have since implemented stringent controls on email and other 'computer issues'. Nowhere. This is a f#$king Republican witch hunt from the beginning. I'm a lifelong independent and the Republican party is utterly dead to me. They are, and I'm speaking literally, a bunch of children who cry and throw things when they don't get their way. And they could not care less how much taxpayer money they spend doing it.

Conservative your political party is your only god now. You bow to it in prostration and obey all commands like sheeple. You belong to the Republican Politburo.
Oh no! The old woman excuse.
i watched from beginning to end. He toasted her. He basically said anyone who worked for him would receive disciplinary action for similar actions. He said it wasn't fair to prosecute her because of her celebrity.

Here is the short clip from the hearing.


In short, FBI refuse to even discuss the email content or to name agencies involved to members of Congress, with the "national security" excuse, while Hillary was openly distributing those the same emails to her staff members.
An old woman that isn't computer or email savvy. How is it possible!

Where exactly are the 'intense' hearings for the State Department and every other government department to find out if they have since implemented stringent controls on email and other 'computer issues'. Nowhere. This is a f#$king Republican witch hunt from the beginning. I'm a lifelong independent and the Republican party is utterly dead to me. They are, and I'm speaking literally, a bunch of children who cry and throw things when they don't get their way. And they could not care less how much taxpayer money they spend doing it.

Conservative your political party is your only god now. You bow to it in prostration and obey all commands like sheeple. You belong to the Republican Politburo.
Oh no! The old woman excuse.
Funny because libs claimed very loudly that John McCain was unqualified for president because he was old and not computer savvy.

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