Two trends that must be terrifying for the Democrat party.

Okay, and who started these welfare programs as you call them, the Republicans? Did anybody give us the right to opt out of funding them? Thanks to socialists and liberals, we are stuck with these programs now and have no way out.

sure we have a way out. It's just white people don't want out of them. They just want to end welfare for the darkies.

Come on, I really want the GOP to argue they are going to end Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment insurance to pay for tax cuts for rich people.

Their healthcare likely comes from government and their pensions they can't collect on until they are much older than our UAW people. Need the link again that explains all this? The UAW is no different than our filthy government unions who do the same thing. Early retirement, healthcare coverage, and all this costs a ton of money.

Their healthcare likely comes from government and their pensions they can't collect on until they are much older than our UAW people. Need the link again that explains all this? The UAW is no different than our filthy government unions who do the same thing. Early retirement, healthcare coverage, and all this costs a ton of money.

GUy, I realize that you hate the thought that other workers were smarter than you and made sure they got a fair deal. Maybe you need to stop bending over for the One Percent and making excuses for them.

Funny how only union people dislike me, because most any other non-union place, I'm out of there in no time.

Union guys, your HUD neighbors, people you run into in the store, the lady you talked to about your health care... you have all these anecdotes about how people are mean to you and don't respect your white trashness.
sure we have a way out. It's just white people don't want out of them. They just want to end welfare for the darkies.

Come on, I really want the GOP to argue they are going to end Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment insurance to pay for tax cuts for rich people.

Who pays into a program their entire lives and then says "I don't want any of the benefits?" Do you pay into a life insurance policy and then write them a letter saying you don't want your heirs to have any of the money after you die? Do you pay into auto insurance your entire life and when you get into a serious accident, tell them you'll pay for it in cash?

Of course people want the benefits because they were FORCED to pay into them. Paying into benefits programs and not collecting the benefits when needed would be the stupidest thing anybody could do.

Union guys, your HUD neighbors, people you run into in the store, the lady you talked to about your health care... you have all these anecdotes about how people are mean to you and don't respect your white trashness.

It's something you on the left are divorced from, and it's called the truth. Hell, all you do is bitch how your employers treated you, but never once considered the possibility that it may have been you that was the problem and not them.
Two trends that must be terrifying for the Democrat party.

I would have guessed:

  1. the more they accuse Trump of lascivious incompetence, the higher his numbers only go up in the polls.
  2. the harder they try to pin crimes on the man to support impeachment, the more wrongdoing they only uncover about the Democrats.
Who pays into a program their entire lives and then says "I don't want any of the benefits?" Do you pay into a life insurance policy and then write them a letter saying you don't want your heirs to have any of the money after you die? Do you pay into auto insurance your entire life and when you get into a serious accident, tell them you'll pay for it in cash?

Um, guy, you wingnuts are perfectly okay with insurance companies cheating the other guy. Remember how you got on here hand said it was perfectly okay for Nataline to be killed by Cigna?

Of course people want the benefits because they were FORCED to pay into them. Paying into benefits programs and not collecting the benefits when needed would be the stupidest thing anybody could do.

The thing is, you get more out of these programs than you pay in if you live long enough, and most of us do now. Now if the GOP said, "You'll only get back exactly what you paid in, and not a penny more", just watch the howls of people when they lose their "White People Welfare".

It's something you on the left are divorced from, and it's called the truth. Hell, all you do is bitch how your employers treated you, but never once considered the possibility that it may have been you that was the problem and not them.

Nope, i know I wasn't the problem, because I never got a negative performance review, not once.
Um, guy, you wingnuts are perfectly okay with insurance companies cheating the other guy. Remember how you got on here hand said it was perfectly okay for Nataline to be killed by Cigna?

Insurance companies have no ability to kill anybody. And as I pointed out to you in a provided link, Cigna couldn't have stopped a transplant even if they wanted to. The hospital could have performed it anytime they desired. But it's the healthcare provider that wanted cash up front before they did anything. That's besides the fact (again) insurance doesn't cover anything you desire, they only cover what you paid them to cover.

The thing is, you get more out of these programs than you pay in if you live long enough, and most of us do now. Now if the GOP said, "You'll only get back exactly what you paid in, and not a penny more", just watch the howls of people when they lose their "White People Welfare".

Of course we would howl. Do you realize what you'd be worth today if that same money you and your employers contributed in SS were invested in a growth fund all of these years? You and I would both be millionaires today. We would have well more than enough to last us the rest of our lives, and probably could retire early to boot.

So no, you can't just say the government will give you all your money back that didn't earn squat in interest. That's a lifetime of money that just sat there.

Nope, i know I wasn't the problem, because I never got a negative performance review, not once.

Which doesn't mean squat. You didn't get along with your superiors by your own admission. You complained about not being union or making what you thought you should make. I the business world, you are a considered a troublemaker.
Insurance companies have no ability to kill anybody. And as I pointed out to you in a provided link, Cigna couldn't have stopped a transplant even if they wanted to. The hospital could have performed it anytime they desired. But it's the healthcare provider that wanted cash up front before they did anything. That's besides the fact (again) insurance doesn't cover anything you desire, they only cover what you paid them to cover.

Guy, I realize that you are so conditioned you have to make excuses... but transplanting a liver costs money, and Cigna refused to pay that money after taking Natalie's Dad's money.

When the poor steal, it's called Crime
When the rich steal, it's called "Capitalism".

Of course we would howl. Do you realize what you'd be worth today if that same money you and your employers contributed in SS were invested in a growth fund all of these years? t.

No, we would have lost our shirts in the 2001 Crash. Or the 2008 Crash. Or the 2019 Crash...


Which doesn't mean squat. You didn't get along with your superiors by your own admission. You complained about not being union or making what you thought you should make. I the business world, you are a considered a troublemaker.

Well, yeah, I guess it would be better off to bend over, spread your cheaks and take it in the ass, just like you do.

How's that working out for you again?
Guy, I realize that you are so conditioned you have to make excuses... but transplanting a liver costs money, and Cigna refused to pay that money after taking Natalie's Dad's money.

When the poor steal, it's called Crime
When the rich steal, it's called "Capitalism".

There was no theft here.

You remeind me of my cousin who (at the time) didn't live far from where I live. We live in the heights and therefore neither of us carried flood insurance. But her street experienced some large scale sewer problems and her basement got flooded out. When she filed a claim with her insurance company, they declined it because simply put, she didn't have coverage for floods.

Its the exact same thing with this case you constantly bring up. In spite of not being covered, they decided to cover it anyway because of the media pressure.

No, we would have lost our shirts in the 2001 Crash. Or the 2008 Crash. Or the 2019 Crash...

Why didn't I? Well......because I had a reputable investment service handling my affairs. In fact, I made out like a bandit in the 2008 crash. The same would have happened if all my SS money was in that account. I know I'd be worth multi-millions today, and I'm four years from early retirement.

Well, yeah, I guess it would be better off to bend over, spread your cheaks and take it in the ass, just like you do.

How's that working out for you again?

Thanks for providing support for my comment. You felt like your employers were bending you over. But your work problems were not your fault, your work problems were theirs in your mind.
You remeind me of my cousin who (at the time) didn't live far from where I live. We live in the heights and therefore neither of us carried flood insurance. But her street experienced some large scale sewer problems and her basement got flooded out. When she filed a claim with her insurance company, they declined it because simply put, she didn't have coverage for floods.

Its the exact same thing with this case you constantly bring up. In spite of not being covered, they decided to cover it anyway because of the media pressure.

Except that there was nothing specifically excluding the kind of operation she was trying to get. This was a wonderful case of an insurance company cheating someone AFTER they took their money.

Cigna killed Nataline Sarkisyan. They should all burn in hell.

Why didn't I? Well......because I had a reputable investment service handling my affairs.

Guy, you live in a slum, you have a crappy job and you can't get health insurance. Please don't try to tell me you are an investment genius.. nobody is buying it.

Thanks for providing support for my comment. You felt like your employers were bending you over. But your work problems were not your fault, your work problems were theirs in your mind.

No, my problem was most of these guys shouldn't have been running an ice cream stand, much lest a business. Pretty much one bad decision after another with these guys... which is why their companies went out of business...
Guy, you live in a slum, you have a crappy job and you can't get health insurance. Please don't try to tell me you are an investment genius.. nobody is buying it.

Reading comprehension problems this early in the morning? I never said I was an investment expert. I said the company that handles my investments are.

Except that there was nothing specifically excluding the kind of operation she was trying to get. This was a wonderful case of an insurance company cheating someone AFTER they took their money.

Cigna killed Nataline Sarkisyan. They should all burn in hell.

Yes there were exclusions. It was called experimental procedures. There was very little chance of that patient surviving. Even if she did, at the best, she only could have lasted a year or so. Even the family and hospital were aware of that. That's why they never went through with the procedure.
Reading comprehension problems this early in the morning? I never said I was an investment expert. I said the company that handles my investments are.

Again, nobody believes you have anything worth "investing" with your crappy job.

I'm sure you think you are the wealthiest guy in your trailer park, though.

Yes there were exclusions. It was called experimental procedures.

Except it wasn't "experimental". Liver transplants are proven treatment. NEXT!!!

There was very little chance of that patient surviving. Even if she did, at the best, she only could have lasted a year or so. Even the family and hospital were aware of that.

Again, by that logic, you could end almost all medical treatment, because WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE EVENTUALLY.


That's why they never went through with the procedure.

Nope, they wouldn't go through with it because CIGNA refused to pay for it.

So CIGNA kills a 17 year old girl, and your fine with it. That's how much you've spread your Butt-Cheeks for the One Percent.
Again, nobody believes you have anything worth "investing" with your crappy job.

I'm sure you think you are the wealthiest guy in your trailer park, though.

I must be doing something right because you lost everything you had in the market and I made out like a crook. But that's what you get for investing in high risk shit. No wonder you hate the 1%. You don't have what it takes to be one of them.

Except it wasn't "experimental". Liver transplants are proven treatment. NEXT!!!

Yes they are, for people that will survive the transplant and live a normal life. Since organs aren't hanging up in a butcher shop waiting to be used, we have to use those organs sparingly and for those who could best benefit. Putting one in a dying patient is not the best use for it.

Again, by that logic, you could end almost all medical treatment, because WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE EVENTUALLY.

No, but you just have to know when the game is over. You can stall God, but you can't change his mind when it's your time to go.

Nope, they wouldn't go through with it because CIGNA refused to pay for it.

So CIGNA kills a 17 year old girl, and your fine with it. That's how much you've spread your Butt-Cheeks for the One Percent.

Cigna didn't kill anybody. You leftists lie so much and then wonder why we never take you seriously.
I must be doing something right because you lost everything you had in the market and I made out like a crook.

Nobody really believes that buddy, but if it makes you feel better to say it, go ahead.

Yes they are, for people that will survive the transplant and live a normal life. Since organs aren't hanging up in a butcher shop waiting to be used, we have to use those organs sparingly and for those who could best benefit. Putting one in a dying patient is not the best use for it.

I don't know, putting it in a 17 year old girl who has a 60% chance of surviving is probably a better use than putting it in a 50 year old guy who drank his liver into cirrhosis while whining about "dem coloreds" in a bar.

No, but you just have to know when the game is over. You can stall God, but you can't change his mind when it's your time to go.

There is no God. And this was never about fate, it was about a greedy insurance company that decided the best way to increase profits was to try to cheat people after they paid for insurance.

Cigna didn't kill anybody. You leftists lie so much and then wonder why we never take you seriously.

Cigna killed Nataline Sarkisyan. Ed Hanaway got a Nine-Figure retirement bonus... and you are okay with this.

Kind of makes you an awful human being.
Nobody really believes that buddy, but if it makes you feel better to say it, go ahead.

You can think whatever you want. Most people didn't get wiped out in the market. There were people that panicked and dumped their investments, but that was on them.

I don't know, putting it in a 17 year old girl who has a 60% chance of surviving is probably a better use than putting it in a 50 year old guy who drank his liver into cirrhosis while whining about "dem coloreds" in a bar.

They usually don't give livers to those people either. And she had a 60% chance at surviving for six months.

There is no God. And this was never about fate, it was about a greedy insurance company that decided the best way to increase profits was to try to cheat people after they paid for insurance.

They didn't pay for that kind of coverage. Need the link again?

Cigna killed Nataline Sarkisyan. Ed Hanaway got a Nine-Figure retirement bonus... and you are okay with this.

Kind of makes you an awful human being.

Why would that make me an awful human being when one has noting to do with the other? Just because your wealth envy drives you nuts doesn't mean it drives everybody nuts.
They usually don't give livers to those people either. And she had a 60% chance at surviving for six months.

which the doctors considered good enough to go forward... Cigna killed her.

They didn't pay for that kind of coverage. Need the link again?

Yes, they did. Cigna cheated them. The guy was a mid-manager for Lexus. Cigna's position was that the Sarkisyan's didn't have status to sue because their contract was with Lexus, not them.

Why would that make me an awful human being when one has noting to do with the other? Just because your wealth envy drives you nuts doesn't mean it drives everybody nuts.

That you think it's okay for a big company to kill a teenage girl in the name of profit makes you an awful person. And kind of a dumb one, since the One Percent are screwing you just as bad. You can't even get insurance.
which the doctors considered good enough to go forward... Cigna killed her.

I'm sure they did. I'm also sure if you took your $400.00 car to a transmission place, and they wanted $1,500 to rebuild it, they would tell you it's a good deal and something you should move forward on.

Yes, they did. Cigna cheated them. The guy was a mid-manager for Lexus. Cigna's position was that the Sarkisyan's didn't have status to sue because their contract was with Lexus, not them.

And the Lexus contract didn't have experimental surgery coverage. If you become ill and have to go on expensive medication, you can't send your health insurance company the bill unless you have prescription coverage. Even then, some prescription plans will not cover certain medications or medications for certain illnesses.

I'm sure Lexus had big buck lawyers who looked into it. If they thought that Cigna was ripping them off by not covering experimental surgery of one of their employees, they would have taken the case to court. But the fact of the matter is that Cigna lived up to the contract they signed with the company.

That you think it's okay for a big company to kill a teenage girl in the name of profit makes you an awful person. And kind of a dumb one, since the One Percent are screwing you just as bad. You can't even get insurance.

All insurance companies do what they can to remain profitable, and keep their premium rates down for all their customers. If Cigna was putting organs in people with less than a year to live, guess what, I'm not signing on to that insurance company. I realize they would be wasting my premium dollars and probably be more expensive than a conservative institution.

That's besides the likelihood that whoever did get that liver (if there was even one really available) probably saved their life and they will live for many years to come. A much better choice for that liver than giving it to somebody who's only going to last a few months if that.
I'm sure they did. I'm also sure if you took your $400.00 car to a transmission place, and they wanted $1,500 to rebuild it, they would tell you it's a good deal and something you should move forward on.

Wow, you are comparing a little girl to a $400 car? Really, Ray?

I'm sure Lexus had big buck lawyers who looked into it. If they thought that Cigna was ripping them off by not covering experimental surgery of one of their employees, they would have taken the case to court. But the fact of the matter is that Cigna lived up to the contract they signed with the company.

To two big corporations decided to kill a man's daughter after taking his money and labor, and you think it's cool.

Do you do special excercises to be this awful of a human being? Just asking for a friend.
Wow, you are comparing a little girl to a $400 car? Really, Ray?

What I'm doing is pointing out that the faculty at the facility would have loved to do the transplant for their own gains and not the girl. That's why they didn't perform the surgery without money up front. If they did the surgery and she lived for a few months, great! If they did the surgery and she passed away as expected, they still got paid.

To two big corporations decided to kill a man's daughter after taking his money and labor, and you think it's cool.

Do you do special excercises to be this awful of a human being? Just asking for a friend.

Where did I ever use the word cool? What I said is that the insurance fulfilled their obligation of the healthcare contract which is all they legally had to do. You seem to believe that when somebody buys or gets insurance, it has to cover everything under the sun. It doesn't work that way; not in healthcare insurance, not in house insurance, not in renters insurance, not in car insurance. All insurance policies have limitations unless you get on some sort of Gold plan that does cover anything and everything.

If you have this expectation that insurance companies cover anything you want, then I suggest you read your policy carefully. That way if something like that happens to you, at least you'll understand why.
Blowback from rational Americans on the sanctuary city/state policies.

Blacks rising up against the left on social media platforms.

Both situations if allowed to continue growing would spell disaster for the Democrat party. Especially the blacks speaking out against the left. It is quite clear that without that voting block the left would cease to exist as effective opposition to the GOP.
When considering this the sudden rise of reparations talk amongst the left makes complete sense as a last ditch effort to keep the plantation operational.

Now I am not saying the elections are going to flip anytime soon but I do see the trends that dont bode well for the left gaining steam.

The real question is can the rational people on the left regain control of their party and stop this train before it completely derails? Are there enough Jim Webbs left in the party to bring it back to where it once was?
Blacks are going to join the GOP. The one party that still believes in slavery and misses the good old days.
Then you have the millions losing their healthcare after the first of the years.
Then you have farmers Trump has fuked over.
Then you have businesses on the east coast that have been fuked over.
Then you have the carrier failure.

I'm not so sure the midterms are going to be a cakewalk for Trump.
Blacks are going to join the GOP. The one party that still believes in slavery and misses the good old days.

Show me any evidence that the Republicans still believes in slavery; the party who fought against Democrats to stop it.

Then you have the millions losing their healthcare after the first of the years.

You didn't seem to care about the millions that lost it under Commie Care. But now you're concerned.

Then you have farmers Trump has fuked over.

How did Trump do that?

Then you have businesses on the east coast that have been fuked over.

Fucked over how? He lowered taxes on all companies across the US.

Then you have the carrier failure.

Many of the jobs at Carrier were saved by Trump. Just because he didn't save what he wanted doesn't mean he's a failure.

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