Two Words

I'm not sure where you're going. The way this game is played, you first take the two letters I gave you (F and L) and make two words that begin with those letters (such as Federal Law or Fully Loaded). Finally, you leave your own two letters (any combination you want) for the next person to form two words.

It's a fun game.

I'm not sure where you're going. The way this game is played, you first take the two letters I gave you (F and L) and make two words that begin with those letters (such as Federal Law or Fully Loaded). Finally, you leave your own two letters (any combination you want) for the next person to form two words.

It's a fun game.

I was referring to Frankenstein's Monster in the hut with a blind man. The blind man offered the monster a cigar and showed him how to light it. Fire Bad said the monster and after toking on the lit cigar said Tobacco Good.

edit: to play the game it has to start with F and end with L , Fire Line.
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I'll try again.

(Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary, over many a quaint and curious volume of) Forgotten Lore


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