Tx Gov Greg Abbott to pardon wrongly convicted Daniel Perry…Jose Garza, Soros backed DA withheld exculpatory evidence

That is another thing. The fact the left does not care at all that Biden is on the take from China, Russia, and Ukraine at a minimum….yet they wanted Trump thrown out of office for made up bullshit. Just amazing.
Dems are FAKE. They really don't give a shit about most of what they blather on about. It's all a show to achieve their true goals. There's no lie they won't tell and no faux rage they won't use to push the agenda. Tax increases are unpopular, no problem invent global warming and claim the earth is dying. :cuckoo:
Watch, no one from the left will condemn the DA for intentionally withholding exculpatory evidence…because they love it. They are human trash.
well...these posters and the dem supporters and voters ARE americans and i believe they think their beliefs make the country stronger....but their elites know better. Democrat voters/supporters are blinded by a lying media and a dishonest corrupt power mad democrat elite...so i'm inclined to think they're(democrat supporters/voters) just...... ignorant of what is going on and ignorant of the potential for great damagenot just to the country but to themselves.
Sorry, you got a basis for appeal, and that's about it and even that would have to be ruled on by a judge.

The affidavit is not where that evidence would be shown, dumbass. An affidavit is a STATEMENT. It is not a presentation of evidence.

Quit being a dumbass.
Unfortunately, Abbott has no independent power to act and needs the Board to recommend action.

The Governor has the authority to grant clemency upon the written recommendation of a majority of the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles (Board). Clemency includes full pardons after conviction ...

Good thing Abbot appointed all those on the board. I see this making it to his desk quicker than normal
So what exculpatory evidence was withheld?

You have no idea?
Is politico right wing hate speech?

"Soros backed Caravans" was the excuse for attacking the Tree of Life Synagogue. "Soros backed prosecutor" is Trump's attack on Alvin Bragg. "Soros backed" is Republican hate speech. Don't try to pretend otherwise.

Notice how the progressives decided what they needed, and Soros donated money to help them do it. He also donates a lot of money to Planned Parenthood. The phrase "Soros backed" is an anti-semitic trope implying a Jewish lead cabal to take over the New World 0rder.

"'Soros is vilified because he is effective,' said Stephen K. Bannon, Mr. Trump’s former campaign strategist and White House adviser, who is now trying to promote a coordinated nationalist movement across Europe and in the United States that explicitly aspires to mirro0r and counteract the influence Mr. Soros has built on the left."

"Soros backed Caravans" was the excuse for attacking the Tree of Life Synagogue. "Soros backed prosecutor" is Trump's attack on Alvin Bragg. "Soros backed" is Republican hate speech. Don't try to pretend otherwise.

Notice how the progressives decided what they needed, and Soros donated money to help them do it. He also donates a lot of money to Planned Parenthood. The phrase "Soros backed" is an anti-semitic trope implying a Jewish lead cabal to take over the New World 0rder.

"'Soros is vilified because he is effective,' said Stephen K. Bannon, Mr. Trump’s former campaign strategist and White House adviser, who is now trying to promote a coordinated nationalist movement across Europe and in the United States that explicitly aspires to mirro0r and counteract the influence Mr. Soros has built on the left."

So Politico is now anti Semitic? This is their own report
False. Why do you keep repeating lies after shown the truth? Cause you're a habitual liar maybe?

Acceptance of a pardon requires an admission that you were guilty in the first place.

The guy posted on his Facebook page that he might have to kill some progs on his way to work, and then he put his gun in his car, drove through a roadblock into a crowd of protestors, and went out and killed someone.
Acceptance of a pardon requires an admission that you were guilty in the first place.

The guy posted on his Facebook page that he might have to kill some progs on his way to work, and then he put his gun in his car, drove through a roadblock into a crowd of protestors, and went out and killed someone.

Maybe your commie friends will stop attacking someone's car, masked and pointing AKs in their face
The Texas attorney general has slammed 'Soros backed' prosecutor Jose Garza after a jury convicted a Fort Hood soldier of murdering a BLM protester who aimed AK-47 at him.

Attorney General Ken Paxton lashed out at Travis County DA José Garza, saying he had 'weaponized the judicial system' and cowed to the 'racial agenda' of liberal mobs and extremists groups.

On Friday a jury in Garza's district convicted Sgt. Daniel Perry of murdering 28-year-old Garrett Foster in downtown Austin on the night of July 25, 2020. Perry could face life in prison for the conviction.

The Democrat Party's Brown Shirts were stopping cars and beating people in the summer of 2020.
Perry had good reason to fear for his life.
Austin is a left wing crackpot haven.
It's not hard to pack a jury will radical and racist extremist Democrats there.
All of the radical and racist Democrat Politicians who is being funded by the Psychopath Soros need to be voted out in their next election.

Garret with Rifle next to Perry's car.

The Texas attorney general has slammed 'Soros backed' prosecutor Jose Garza after a jury convicted a Fort Hood soldier of murdering a BLM protester who aimed AK-47 at him.

Attorney General Ken Paxton lashed out at Travis County DA José Garza, saying he had 'weaponized the judicial system' and cowed to the 'racial agenda' of liberal mobs and extremists groups.

On Friday a jury in Garza's district convicted Sgt. Daniel Perry of murdering 28-year-old Garrett Foster in downtown Austin on the night of July 25, 2020. Perry could face life in prison for the conviction.

The Democrat Party's Brown Shirts were stopping cars and beating people in the summer of 2020.
Perry had good reason to fear for his life.
Austin is a left wing crackpot haven.
It's not hard to pack a jury will radical and racist extremist Democrats there.
All of the radical and racist Democrat Politicians who is being funded by the Psychopath Soros need to be voted out in their next election.

Garret with Rifle next to Perry's car.
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He's bringing that rifle up to shoot looks like to me..maybe he shouldn't have been slow on the draw

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