Tx Gov Greg Abbott to pardon wrongly convicted Daniel Perry…Jose Garza, Soros backed DA withheld exculpatory evidence

So Politico is now anti Semitic? This is their own report

You didn't read the Politico piece at all, did you??? You just read the headline.
Banana Republic in need of a Pinochet

That really hasn't worked out well for the people of Chile, now has it. Similar to the USA, Chile has the highest GDP and average income, and one of the lowest rates of poverty in South America. It's highly rated on the "Best Places to do Business Index. So why are Chileans so unhappy???

From the Fraser Institutes' annual report on the Personal Freedom Index: The Fraser is as right wing as it gets.

This is their Personal Freedom ranking for 2022:

"The countries that took the top 10 places, in order, were Switzerland, New Zealand, Estonia, Denmark, Ireland, Sweden, Iceland, Finland, Netherlands, and Luxembourg. Selected jurisdictions rank as follows: Canada (13), Taiwan (14), Japan (16), Germany (18), United Kingdom (20), United States (23), South Korea (30), Chile (32), France (42), Argentina (74), South Africa (77), Brazil (80), Ukraine (89), Mexico (98), India (112), Russia (119), Nigeria (124), Turkey (130), China (152), Saudi Arabia (159), Iran (162), Venezuela (163), and Syria (165). Out of 10 regions, those with the highest levels of freedom are Western Europe, North America (Canada and the United States), and Oceania. "

Canada used be ranked 6th, but the Fraser took exception to lockdowns and vaccine mandates. We're 83 in the world in deaths per million of population.
The affidavit is not where that evidence would be shown, dumbass. An affidavit is a STATEMENT. It is not a presentation of evidence.

Quit being a dumbass.
Then to be successful or even for anyone not privy to the information from the one guy, to have any effect, except on the partisan believer, it will have to come forth in one way or another to know whether it has bearing that could have changed the minds of the 12 jurors. We have a legal system, and adversarial system and both controls unwanted illegal acts, and protects society, criminal defendants, everybody, though that process does entail hearings, trials, prosecutions, judgements of impanelled juror drawn from society of our peers and examined for suitability and agreed by prosecution and defense lawyers representing both sides, representing the rights of the citizens to go about their lives, not protected from criminal activity, but with the knowledge people suspected of crimes will be brought forth and evaluated in trial. An important part is the appeals process, where a party to a trial, can get a second opinion based on damned near anything in a criminal trial, to have the verdict reviewed. I have no problem with the process and understand it, having been a juror multiple times and even a jury foreman. What I am against, is a knee-jerk reaction of a governor or president to short circuit the process, abjectly overruling juries, without further evidence, but simply inference based on activism of people not in the court as the trial was conducted. Abbott is a political dick. Let the appeals (if filed) proceed, showing what defense puts forth as undisclosed evidence that it may be judged as to bearing on the trial verdict, as our system was designed, not a political action based on populace uninformed opinion, due to political pressure.
So it’s based on a CLAIM… that no one can actually elucidate.

Has that clown said WHAT not provided?


He has evidence that would have cleared SGT Perry, he was dissuaded by the DA from brining it up at trial, the lead detective swore to that in the affidavit. That is court record and will be used as the basis of pardon and the DA being disbarred
I linked the affidavit where the lead detective says what was suppressed, you absolute retard

Did you? Did the Affidavit you linked

Maybe your commie friends will stop attacking someone's car, masked and pointing AKs in their face

I would say that a guy who threatened to kill protestors driving through a marked road block into a crowd might lead the protestors to believe that the armed guy in the car was trying to kill THEM, doncha think???? Charlottesvilles, anyone?????

Notice that the guy with the AR15 didn't immediately open fire. He could have done so and reasonably claimed self-defense..
Did you? Did the Affidavit you linked

I would say that a guy who threatened to kill protestors driving through a marked road block into a crowd might lead the protestors to believe that the armed guy in the car was trying to kill THEM, doncha think???? Charlottesvilles, anyone?????

Notice that the guy with the AR15 didn't immediately open fire. He could have done so and reasonably claimed self-defense..
How could the guy with the AR claim self defense idiot?.he walked up on the car masked. You idiots should stop playing in the road
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Told you so. Flat out ignoring the will of the people in 2016 they fabricated shit to take down the president the people elected. Incredible but that's what a bunch of lowlife scum the Dem party has become. No morals, no sense of right or wrong. Corrupt to the core, bought and paid for by China and many others. In Washington to get rich by selling out America, the poor and working class. These MF'ers need to be defeated.

The "people" didn't elect Donald Trump. The Electoral College elected Donald Trump.

Donald Trump was installed as President in spite of a history of bribery, corruption and fraud. He was iin the middle of a fraud trial when he was elected, and the Trump Hotel Toronto file for bankruptcy during the campaign.

What money???? Where??? You have copies of a law firm's trust account, listing cheques paid, out no indication as to where the funds came from, or why. So because this law firm does business with Chinese, companies, as well as friends of the Bidens, so this is your proof that the Bidens are getting money out of China.

The only US President we've actually seen evidence of his taking money out of China, is Donald Trump. He keeps accusing Joe Biden of doing what he did. Trump does that a lot. He also had a deal with the Russians and WikiLeaks - see Roger Stone trial, Manafort elocution. So of course he accuses the Democrats of doing these things.

Yeah, you say that every time I hand you your ass on a plate with, these ridiculous allegations.

Why do you keep believing the people who have been lying to you for the past 40 years?
Yet you're the one who keeps voting for the same people who have been in DC 50+ years
Behind enemy lines...not a surprise the case ended up in guilty.

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He has evidence that would have cleared SGT Perry, he was dissuaded by the DA from brining it up at trial, the lead detective swore to that in the affidavit. That is court record and will be used as the basis of pardon and the DA being disbarred
He CLAIMS he does. Do you know what he has?


Dumbass that's because the DA wouldn't allow it to be introduced. That's procedural misconduct and he will be disbarred for it
He could say what it is he has.

What is stopping him?

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