TX governor Greg Abbott's migrant busing program has brought "sanctuary" cities to their knees


I'm not into mass murder.

I'm into mass deportations.

I'm into locking down the border.

I'm into declaring a ten-year... maybe a twenty-year... moratorium on immigration.

We're full-up... time to light-up the "No Vacancy" sign.

We are a nation of 330,000,000 souls... that's one third of a BILLION people.

If we cannot find what we need amongst those 330,000,000 souls then we don't need it.
Happy to see someone drawing the line on homicide.
For those on the right who are being gleeful about these migrants being sent to New York and other areas, I’d recommend caution. This could end up backfiring. Remember, 2030 census is coming and we know what that means. Plus, these states will start doing shifty things with their budgets where they will try and get more federal tax money to help offset the cost of these illegals, which means you’ll end up paying for it in the end.

I wouldn’t put it past dems to try some stuff like that.
For those on the right who are being gleeful about these migrants being sent to New York and other areas, I’d recommend caution. This could end up backfiring. Remember, 2030 census is coming and we know what that means. Plus, these states will start doing shifty things with their budgets where they will try and get more federal tax money to help offset the cost of these illegals, which means you’ll end up paying for it in the end.

I wouldn’t put it past dems to try some stuff like that.

Before 2030, we will have a President and a Congress that will kick these invaders out of our country.
Oh no, not at all.

Libbies get mad when the migrants show up at their front door, because they're supposed to go to RED states, not blue states.

The whole point behind opening the borders is to flip the southwest, turn it blue.

Abbot isn't having it, and good on him.
For those on the right who are being gleeful about these migrants being sent to New York and other areas, I’d recommend caution. This could end up backfiring. Remember, 2030 census is coming and we know what that means. Plus, these states will start doing shifty things with their budgets where they will try and get more federal tax money to help offset the cost of these illegals, which means you’ll end up paying for it in the end.

I wouldn’t put it past dems to try some stuff like that.
If you look at Insantis's campaign; unhinged cruelty isn't playing well nationally.
Before 2030, we will have a President and a Congress that will kick these invaders out of our country.

You know as well as I do that when it comes to people that have been here for any length of time, rounding them up and deporting becomes a much bigger challenge. I’m just saying, while you may hear these blue states make a fuss about it, it may have a silver lining for them.
If you look at Insantis's campaign; unhinged cruelty isn't playing well nationally.

I agree that, in one hand, it does appear that these Mexicans are being used as props in a game…on the other hand, I agree with abbot for doing it. You lefties are all completely on board with these people flooding the border, as long as they don’t become your problem.

What are we supposed to do with these people? Asylum cases are backlogged for 3+ years. Texas is supposed to bear the brunt of the burden? They are supposed to absorb the cost of all of this while they wait?

And this notion that “well, we will release them to go live with family while they wait” is bs. Are you telling me that everyone that crosses the border have friends and family inside the US? That’s just highly unlikely, and sounds more like just a democrat excuse to keep people pouring across the border.

And abbot, trying to help stop the flow of illegal immigration, gets shut down by biden. So, you don’t want to stop the flow, then you will have to do your fair share and help take care of them.

Blue cities became sanctuary cities:

I guess they never thought they would actually have to BE a sanctuary city.
For those on the right who are being gleeful about these migrants being sent to New York and other areas, I’d recommend caution. This could end up backfiring. Remember, 2030 census is coming and we know what that means. Plus, these states will start doing shifty things with their budgets where they will try and get more federal tax money to help offset the cost of these illegals, which means you’ll end up paying for it in the end.

I wouldn’t put it past dems to try some stuff like that.
Sending Illegal Aliens to Northern Sanctuary Cities has the effect of spreading the load.

Why should the Border States bear the entire brunt of this Invasion unassisted by their sister States?

Making Northern Sanctuary Cities bleed additional cash is part of the strategy to get them to rescind their idiot policies.
Sending Illegal Aliens to Northern Sanctuary Cities has the effect of spreading the load.

Why should the Border States bear the entire brunt of this Invasion unassisted by their sister States?

Making Northern Sanctuary Cities bleed additional cash is part of the strategy to get them to rescind their idiot policies.
But they won’t, they’ll do what they are doing, demand federal aid, and if they don’t get it, they will “shift” their budgets so they can request more federal dollars next year. They can do shifty things to get the money one way or another.

I’m not disagreeing with you, I’m just saying, if these people are not deported, when the 2030 census comes around and these blue states pick up seats because of the new population increase, the repubs will complain and the dems will just point and say “you made it happen”…
I agree that, in one hand, it does appear that these Mexicans are being used as props in a game…on the other hand, I agree with abbot for doing it. You lefties are all completely on board with these people flooding the border, as long as they don’t become your problem.

What are we supposed to do with these people? Asylum cases are backlogged for 3+ years. Texas is supposed to bear the brunt of the burden? They are supposed to absorb the cost of all of this while they wait?

And this notion that “well, we will release them to go live with family while they wait” is bs. Are you telling me that everyone that crosses the border have friends and family inside the US? That’s just highly unlikely, and sounds more like just a democrat excuse to keep people pouring across the border.

And abbot, trying to help stop the flow of illegal immigration, gets shut down by biden. So, you don’t want to stop the flow, then you will have to do your fair share and help take care of them.

Blue cities became sanctuary cities:

I guess they never thought they would actually have to BE a sanctuary city.

It appears that way because it is that way. This is why I laugh when republicans talk about Christianity after applauding this most despicable of actions.

What the states should do is impound the vehicles that carry these folks after they are dropped off and jail the driver for suspicion of human smuggling. Let them sit in jail while they are figuring it out. Soon you'll start to run out of volunteers to drive these buses. So the cities are in part to blame. The only way to take on these redneck hicks is to up the ante on them.
Sending Illegal Aliens to Northern Sanctuary Cities has the effect of spreading the load.

Why should the Border States bear the entire brunt of this Invasion unassisted by their sister States?

Making Northern Sanctuary Cities bleed additional cash is part of the strategy to get them to rescind their idiot policies.
Since there is no "invasion"...it's a moot point.
It appears that way because it is that way. This is why I laugh when republicans talk about Christianity after applauding this most despicable of actions.

What the states should do is impound the vehicles that carry these folks after they are dropped off and jail the driver for suspicion of human smuggling. Let them sit in jail while they are figuring it out. Soon you'll start to run out of volunteers to drive these buses. So the cities are in part to blame. The only way to take on these redneck hicks is to up the ante on them.

It appears that way because it is that way. This is why I laugh when republicans talk about Christianity after applauding this most despicable of actions.

No…it’s because YOU on the left, are creating this environment, by keeping the borders open, and removing any attempt by states to try and stop the inflow of illegals.

What the states should do is impound the vehicles that carry these folks after they are dropped off and jail the driver for suspicion of human smuggling. Let them sit in jail while they are figuring it out. Soon you'll start to run out of volunteers to drive these buses. So the cities are in part to blame. The only way to take on these redneck hicks is to up the ante on them.

Again, it appears that your goal here is to keep them in Texas. Tell me…why is it the responsibility of Texas to deal with a problem the dems helped to create?
But they won’t, they’ll do what they are doing, demand federal aid, and if they don’t get it, they will “shift” their budgets so they can request more federal dollars next year. They can do shifty things to get the money one way or another.

I’m not disagreeing with you, I’m just saying, if these people are not deported, when the 2030 census comes around and these blue states pick up seats because of the new population increase, the repubs will complain and the dems will just point and say “you made it happen”…
Then by all means deport them all... something that won't happen until the Republicans regain control.

And, frankly, the Republicans will NOT succeed in that ambition in 2024 if they foolishly run Trump again.
Then by all means deport them all... something that won't happen until the Republicans regain control.

And, frankly, the Republicans will NOT succeed in that ambition in 2024 if they foolishly run Trump again.

Again, deportation is a problem, because the left will try and stop it, and it will get tied up in courts for years, the left will claim you can’t deport people who have been living here for x number of years…
Since there is no "invasion"...it's a moot point.
Bull$hit... the country at-large is done playing these word-games... an Invasion it is... and it needs to be repelled.

Repelling this invasion begins the very moment that the Republicans gain control of the White House.

That prospect is part of what is fueling the insane right-wing insistence on running Trump... it can be done without him.
No…it’s because YOU on the left, are creating this environment, by keeping the borders open, and removing any attempt by states to try and stop the inflow of illegals.
Gee, when we had your blob in office, we had illegal immigration as well. Why was Trump keeping the border open?
Again, it appears that your goal here is to keep them in Texas. Tell me…why is it the responsibility of Texas to deal with a problem the dems helped to create?
Do you think Texas is really paying for all of the undocumented folks down there?

The prudent and correct thing to do would be to get more funding; not use human beings as pawns in some sick publicity stunt.
Bull$hit... the country at-large is done playing these word-games... an Invasion it is... and it needs to be repelled.

Repelling this invasion begins the very moment that the Republicans gain control of the White House.

That prospect is part of what is fueling the insane right-wing insistence on running Trump... it can be done without him.
Yeah sure. You just said the right wing is "insane" and are recommending that as a path going forward.

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