TX governor Greg Abbott's migrant busing program has brought "sanctuary" cities to their knees

Then by all means deport them all... something that won't happen until the Republicans regain control.

And, frankly, the Republicans will NOT succeed in that ambition in 2024 if they foolishly run Trump again.
Are we not deporting people currently?
Again, deportation is a problem, because the left will try and stop it, and it will get tied up in courts for years, the left will claim you can’t deport people who have been living here for x number of years…
Having a right-dominated Supreme Court, willing to fast-track and rule against Illegals, may be of some use in all of this.
But it is an invasion, that’s what you call it when people from another country illegally cross the border.
Most people would call it migration. But that doesn't get mouse clicks or fire up the base. So you have to make your fellow rednecks think they are being invaded by beauticians, maids and landscapers. The average Texican is so stupid that it probably will work on them.
Having a right-dominated Supreme Court, willing to fast-track and rule against Illegals, may be of some use in all of this.
That Supreme Court is possibly the last check and balance on the globalist control of our nation that you support.
Most people would call it migration. But that doesn't get mouse clicks or fire up the base. So you have to make your fellow rednecks think they are being invaded by beauticians, maids and landscapers. The average Texican is so stupid that it probably will work on them.
There it is, the elitist tripe spewed by those in large Democrat run cities, who also are the wussies complaining about illegal immigrants, how many do you have currently in your home?
There it is, the elitist tripe spewed by those in large Democrat run cities, who also are the wussies complaining about illegal immigrants, how many do you have currently in your home?
Oh? it seems like the wussies are the ones I'm responding to.

We've had essentially the same porous border for the last 70 years or so. The result has been a largely beneficial relationship judging from the ascent of the US during that time.

Nah, I'd not get too worked-up over it and given the number of terrorists that have crossed our open southern border I fully expect it.
Yep and they will wait for a Republican President to be in office so they can blame him for dropping the ball
Oh? it seems like the wussies are the ones I'm responding to.

We've had essentially the same porous border for the last 70 years or so. The result has been a largely beneficial relationship judging from the ascent of the US during that time.
Under Biden's immigration policies, illegal border crossings have soared to all-time highs. with aliens at the southern border, the highest number ever recorded in a single year. That number does not include people who evaded border patrol officers.

TX governor Greg Abbott's migrant busing program has brought "sanctuary" cities to their knees​

What is best in life? "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women."
This is why I laugh when republicans talk about Christianity after applauding this most despicable of actions.

It's funny how Godless filth such as yourself, who deny God, who deny Christ, think you have any standing to tell those of us who believe in them what we must believe.

As a Christian, I reject and rebuke your arrogant presumption to speak for us.

Go fuck yourself.
Gee, when we had your blob in office, we had illegal immigration as well. Why was Trump keeping the border open?

Do you think Texas is really paying for all of the undocumented folks down there?

The prudent and correct thing to do would be to get more funding; not use human beings as pawns in some sick publicity stunt.

Gee, when we had your blob in office, we had illegal immigration as well. Why was Trump keeping the border open?

Ahh, so Biden is no better than trump…got it.

Truth is, trump at least tried, but you lefty’s fought him at every turn. Remain in Mexico? RACIST! kids in cages? (Which was actually an Obama thing) INHUMANE! Tried to build a wall? RACIST AND INHUMANE!

It didn’t matter what trump tried, the left was up his ass with a blow torch about it…

Do you think Texas is really paying for all of the undocumented folks down there?

I have no idea..but it’s more than just money. Why is it the responsibility of Texas to deal with the problem alone?

The prudent and correct thing to do would be to get more funding; not use human beings as pawns in some sick publicity stunt.

There wouldn’t have to be a publicity stunt if the left would help to stem the flow of illegals. Like it or not, the right is trying to reduce or stop the flow of illegals and the left is trying to keep the border wide open. The whole reason they are being bussed is the lefts fault. Don’t try to put this on the repubs.
Most people would call it migration. But that doesn't get mouse clicks or fire up the base. So you have to make your fellow rednecks think they are being invaded by beauticians, maids and landscapers. The average Texican is so stupid that it probably will work on them.

Migration would entail legal entry. When you cross another nations border illegally, that’s invasion
Ahh, so Biden is no better than trump…got it.
Trump was no better than Biden.
Truth is, trump at least tried, but you lefty’s fought him at every turn. Remain in Mexico? RACIST! kids in cages? (Which was actually an Obama thing) INHUMANE! Tried to build a wall? RACIST AND INHUMANE!

It didn’t matter what trump tried, the left was up his ass with a blow torch about it…
He had the House, the Senate and the Oval Office for 2 years. What stopped him?
I have no idea..but it’s more than just money. Why is it the responsibility of Texas to deal with the problem alone?
Do you really think that is the case or do you really have no idea what you’re talking about?
There wouldn’t have to be a publicity stunt if the left would help to stem the flow of illegals. Like it or not, the right is trying to reduce or stop the flow of illegals and the left is trying to keep the border wide open. The whole reason they are being bussed is the lefts fault. Don’t try to put this on the repubs.
There wouldn’t have been a publicity stunt if decent human beings acted like decent human beings.

The border is not “wide open”.

The reason for the busses is because it satiates a latent hated that every conservative nut job has and it’s worked. For some reason you’re as giddy as a school girl about what, 30,000 people being shipped to another locale. The funny thing is that some probably wanted to go and got a free ride courtesy of the Texans you swear are suffering a financial hardship. It is rather nuts but there you are...sayin that the financial burden is too great but in the next sentence celebrating the spending of more money. I guess when they come back to Texas in a few months, you’ll be happy to spend more money sending them back to LA?
Migration would entail legal entry. When you cross another nations border illegally, that’s invasion
Immigration would be legal entry.

Ahh, the “invasion” card. We’re being invaded by hair dressers and landscapers!!!! Man the barricades!
Trump was no better than Biden.

He had the House, the Senate and the Oval Office for 2 years. What stopped him?

Do you really think that is the case or do you really have no idea what you’re talking about?

There wouldn’t have been a publicity stunt if decent human beings acted like decent human beings.

The border is not “wide open”.

The reason for the busses is because it satiates a latent hated that every conservative nut job has and it’s worked. For some reason you’re as giddy as a school girl about what, 30,000 people being shipped to another locale. The funny thing is that some probably wanted to go and got a free ride courtesy of the Texans you swear are suffering a financial hardship. It is rather nuts but there you are...sayin that the financial burden is too great but in the next sentence celebrating the spending of more money. I guess when they come back to Texas in a few months, you’ll be happy to spend more money sending them back to LA?

Trump was no better than Biden.
Potato potAto (ya know, that phrase doesn’t work when written in text….)

He had the House, the Senate and the Oval Office for 2 years. What stopped him?

Filibuster and threat of government shut down.

Do you really think that is the case or do you really have no idea what you’re talking about?

I think that is the case, border states are having to deal with the problem, and apparently “sanctuary cities” don’t want to have anything to do with it.

There wouldn’t have been a publicity stunt if decent human beings acted like decent human beings

Border states have been inundated with illegal border crossings for many years, at the behest of democratic policies and invitation.

You can’t complain about people being “decent human beings” when YOU are creating the problem.

You’re right…the border is indeed, not wide open. If you happen to be Cuban…you will be turned away. By the way, where was your “decency” when Biden was telling Cubans to go home?

The reason for the busses is because it satiates a latent hated that every conservative nut job has and it’s worked.

You’re wrong about one thing. If the rights has any hatred, it’s not for the brown people of Mexico. That’s a boogeyman the left likes to pull out of the closet to scare people. While there are exceptions, most people have zero problem with LEGAL immigration, it’s the illegal kind they disagree with.

No, actually the “hate” isn’t toward the people crossing the border, the “hate” is more than likely directed at the democrats of THIS country who are facilitating these people being alllowed to illegally come into the country.

For some reason you’re as giddy as a school girl about what, 30,000 people being shipped to another locale.

No, I wouldnt say im “giddy” about anything. I am, however, kind of glad that these alleged “sanctuary cities” are getting a taste of the status they fought to achieve, and now are angry because they are getting it.

The funny thing is that some probably wanted to go and got a free ride courtesy of the Texans you swear are suffering a financial hardship

Ok, so why are you complaining about it? Apparently, some of them got a favor. By the way…if they have to wait in the US, what’s the difference if they wait in a border state…or if they wait in New York?

It is rather nuts but there you are...sayin that the financial burden is too great but in the next sentence celebrating the spending of more money

A bus load of people going to another state is going to be much cheaper than the continual cost of taking care of tens of thousands of people.

I guess when they come back to Texas in a few months, you’ll be happy to spend more money sending them back to LA?

Why would they come back to Texas? No, likely, if Biden wins in ‘24, he will just give them all a bus ticket to wherever they want to go.
Immigration would be legal entry.

Ahh, the “invasion” card. We’re being invaded by hair dressers and landscapers!!!! Man the barricades!
Invasion doesn’t mean it’s a military invasion. I mean…if you have an ant invasion in your home, you’re not expecting them to arrive with machine guns and little green hats, right? Well…unless they’re army ants! 😆

Anyone crossing a border illegally is an invasion.

Abbott's migrant busing program has brought "sanctuary" cities to their knees​

What a shame. Being on their knees is exactly where leftists most like to be, so they have that bag of dicks right in front of their faces.
The whole point behind opening the borders is to flip the southwest, turn it blue.

Abbot isn't having it, and good on him.
That's part of it to be sure, though not the whole point, as both parties encourage this.

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