TX governor Greg Abbott's migrant busing program has brought "sanctuary" cities to their knees

I remember when anyone who wanted to immigrate to the USA had to have a sponsor who would pledge not to allow the new immigrant become a public burden.

Now, states like New York want to assume the support of these new people
With other people’s money of course.
Sending human beings thousands of miles away for no other reason than cruelty is cruel.
I admire your passion.

What are you doing personally to stem this alleged “cruelty?"

Providing food and housing and employment?
Theres your sign.


Here's your sign.



Suddenly you're worried about the plight of the folks you've reduced to pawns in some sick game?
I was talking about the people these amazing newcomers are raping, murdering, injuring and attacking.

Do you care about the children being raped and murdered?

Do you think rape and murder are cruel?

But you didn’t answer my question.

How many of these amazing newcomers are you personally feeding/housing/employing?

You have such passion, I imagine you have families living in every corner of your home. :)
Thanks for confirming that the cruelty is the point. Any reason they’re not being shipped to red state cities like Indianapolis, Nashville, etc??? Or is it just for the sake of politics and making sick fucks feel better about themselves by rationalizing their cruelty?
Cruelty is not the point. Leftists create policies that flood Texas. Why shouldn't the leftists who create the policies do their share? They are being sent to places who voluntarily want to absorb the costs of those policies. While it is pleasing that they should experience the mess they create, it is not cruel to take them to
areas that requested them.
Cruelty is not the point.
Sure it is.
Leftists create policies that flood Texas.
False. People come across the border (and have came across the border) every year.
Why shouldn't the leftists who create the policies do their share? They are being sent to places who voluntarily want to absorb the costs of those policies.
Also false.
While it is pleasing that they should experience the mess they create, it is not cruel to take them to
areas that requested them.
And a third falsehood. You're on quite a roll.
Cruelty is not the point. Leftists create policies that flood Texas. Why shouldn't the leftists who create the policies do their share? They are being sent to places who voluntarily want to absorb the costs of those policies. While it is pleasing that they should experience the mess they create, it is not cruel to take them to
areas that requested them.
Liberals/Democrats, not leftists.
Sure it is.

False. People come across the border (and have came across the border) every year.

Also false.

And a third falsehood. You're on quite a roll.
It strikes me as cruel in the extreme if someone with such passion isn’t doing all they can to help these amazing newcomers.

What are you doing to aid them other than calling Republicans and independents cruel on a message board?

Please tell us, and we can try to emulate your-better-than-us-ness. :)

In the meantime, these amazing newcomers will continue murdering, raping, attacking, stealing and costing taxpayers billions, but luckily people like Abbott are sharing this wealth with the liberals who welcomed them here to wreak pain and destruction and cruelty.

Sure it is.

False. People come across the border (and have came across the border) every year.

Also false.

And a third falsehood. You're on quite a roll.
So sanctuary cities and states don't want illegal immigrants? How is it a lie to say they welcome illegal immigrants? While illegal immigration has always been a problem, it will be hard to spin the story away from the measures democrats took as soon as Biden took office to increase the flood of illegal immigrants. The primary one is getting rid of the remain in Mexico policy.
Why stop there? Why not send prisoners to other states?
Prisoners are facing consequences for their actions .. unlike illegal aliens who are allowed to enter freely, boarded up in nice accomodations [sic], fed, clothed and taken care of ...

Also, for the most part, prisoners are a state matter.

You commit a crime in one state, assuming it's not a federal crime, it is the state that is responsible for arresting you, trying you, sentencing you, and carrying out that sentence, including housing you in one of its own prisons, if that is the sentence. There is no reason at all why any state should take responsibility for another state's prisoners.

Invading foreign criminals are a federal matter.

It is the federal government that is responsible for defending our nation against foreign attack. The Biden Administration is criminally responsible for not only flatly refusing to carry out this responsibility, but for actively preventing it from being carried out. States and cities that declare themselves to be “sanctuaries” for criminal foreign invaders are also criminally responsible for aiding and abetting these invaders.

The correct solution would be to round up all of the traitorous criminals at all levels of government, who are responsible for committing treason against the United States by giving aid and comfort to hostile foreign invaders, put them on trial for treason, and on conviction, put them to death; every last one.

Unfortunately, the treasonous corruption runs so deep that there is no way that this is ever going to happen.

Shipping these invaders to states and cities that have treasonously declared themselves to be “sanctuaries” for such filth is a very distant second, as far as dealing with the issue. Basically rubbing these traitors' noses in the results of their treason.
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You'd think the marxist fucks are all talk.... good thing we know better, hmm?

marthas v 2.jpg
Ahh mass murder.

Kondor3 want to cosign that?

I'm not into mass murder.

I'm into mass deportations.

I'm into locking down the border.

I'm into declaring a ten-year... maybe a twenty-year... moratorium on immigration.

We're full-up... time to light-up the "No Vacancy" sign.

We are a nation of 330,000,000 souls... that's one third of a BILLION people.

If we cannot find what we need amongst those 330,000,000 souls then we don't need it.
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Right wing cruelty at its finest....

It underscores the truth...”The Cruelty is the Point”.

Cruelty? Bullshit....let the big tent big mouths pay for their big ideas. You got an empty room Mr. Benevolence?

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