TX governor Greg Abbott's migrant busing program has brought "sanctuary" cities to their knees

Right wing cruelty at its finest....

It underscores the truth...”The Cruelty is the Point”.

How is it even remotely “cruel?”

Your slovenly inability to think or be honest is on full display.
I do make the case for a humane immigration policy by correcting misconceptions that people have about sanctuary cities.

It's not about immigration.

Immigration is when people come here •LEGALLY• from other countries. This is an invasion, a war, being waged against the United States, with Biden openly engaging in outright treason, by refusing to defend the country against this invasion, and by actively and willfully giving aid, comfort, and support to the invaders.

This is an issue of national security, national defense.

We should be putting troops along our southern border, and shooting invaders as they try to cross.

And traitorous shit such as yourself, who verbally take the side of the invaders, against that of your country and of your fellow Americans, ought to be, at the very least, viewed with great suspicion.
Bill Engvall has yours
It's not about immigration.

Immigration is when people come here •LEGALLY• from other countries. This is an invasion, a war, being waged against the United States, with Biden openly engaging in outright treason, by refusing to defend the country against this invasion, and by actively and willfully giving aid, comfort, and support to the invaders.

This is an issue of national security, national defense.

We should be putting troops along our southern border, and shooting invaders as they try to cross.

And traitorous shit such as yourself, who verbally take the side of the invaders, against that of your country and of your fellow Americans, ought to be, at the very least, viewed with great suspicion.
Ahh mass murder.

Kondor3 want to cosign that?
Sending human beings thousands of miles away for no other reason than cruelty is cruel.
Keeping them at a point of entry is retarded. And we wouldn’t have to do that if the Feds (President Potato) would do his fucking job.

And, further, sending the illegals to sanctuary cities isn’t cruel. You moron.
Meanwhile back in reality the true psychopaths are shipping humans thousands of miles away for publicity stunts.
Well, psychopaths ARE more likely to be liberal, but I thought it was Republicans doing the right thing & sending these noble refugees where they’re most welcome.
And sick fucks like you think its a good idea.
Emma Lazarus would be very disappointed by your attitude. :(

But tell us - how many noble refugees are you sharing your home with?
Yeah, you don’t understand what a “sanctuary city” is. What that actually means is that when you’re undocumented, you can still call the police if you’re the victim of a crime without worrying about being deported by making that phone call.
So Republicans are doing the right thing by sending these noble folks where they’re most welcome AND safe.

It’s a win/win.

And besides, Houston is a “sanctuary” city...why not send the undocumented folks to Houston. It would save some gas. It would be more economical. It would be humane.
I think Houston is pretty full - why not share the wealth of these amazing newcomers with other states? :)
But that isn’t the point now is it? The cruelty is the point.
Speaking of cruelty, there’s that amazing newcomer who raped a little girl.

And then murdered her.

Stuffed her body under her bed for her parents to find.

Thanks Joe!

Oh - and the amazing newcomer who murdered a child in Ohio and injured a bunch of others.

That could have been a Texas child murdered, and New Mexico children injured - missed opportunities! :(

And yet another amazing newcomer who dragged a woman by her hair in Midtown NYC & then attacked a cop.

Among numerous other crimes.

That could have been a woman in Arizona, or a Los Angeles cop!

More missed opportunities. :( :(

But how many of these amazing newcomers are you putting up in your place?
Not exactly there "knees" but it got them whining a lot. The freaking left wing hypocrites apparently think it's fine for border states to exhaust their social services with non stop border crossings but the Mass. Gov. (of a laughable sanctuary state) panics when confronted with 30 illegals. The mainstream media seems disinterested.
Liberal hypocrites, not left wing.
Right wing cruelty at its finest....

It underscores the truth...”The Cruelty is the Point”.

Cruelty? Cruel would be declaring yourself a Sanctuary and then turning the Sanctuary seekers away.

That's YOU!
Thanks for confirming that the cruelty is the point.
^ Seeing things no one wrote.
Any reason they’re not being shipped to red state cities like Indianapolis, Nashville, etc???
Why would they be?
Or is it just for the sake of politics and making sick fucks feel better about themselves by rationalizing their cruelty?
What cruelty?

And how many amazing newcomers are you personally housing…?
Why stop there? Why not send prisoners to other states?
Prisoners are facing consequences for their actions .. unlike illegal aliens who are allowed to enter freely, boarded up in nice accomodations, fed, clothed and taken care of ...
I think Houston is pretty full - why not share the wealth of these amazing newcomers with other states? :)

Speaking of cruelty, there’s that amazing newcomer who raped a little girl.

And then murdered her.

Stuffed her body under her bed for her parents to find.

Thanks Joe!

Oh - and the amazing newcomer who murdered a child in Ohio and injured a bunch of others.

That could have been a Texas child murdered, and New Mexico children injured - missed opportunities! :(

And yet another amazing newcomer who dragged a woman by her hair in Midtown NYC & then attacked a cop.

Among numerous other crimes.

That could have been a woman in Arizona, or a Los Angeles cop!

More missed opportunities. :( :(

But how many of these amazing newcomers are you putting up in your place?
Suddenly you're worried about the plight of the folks you've reduced to pawns in some sick game?

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