TX governor Greg Abbott's migrant busing program has brought "sanctuary" cities to their knees

Yeah, you don’t understand what a “sanctuary city” is. What that actually means is that when you’re undocumented, you can still call the police if you’re the victim of a crime without worrying about being deported by making that phone call.
If they are on United States soil without our express prior consent then they SHOULD be deported... quickly... firmly.

Anything that gets in the way of enforcing the borders and sovereignty and laws of the United States needs to be erased.

You make the case beautifully for those who want a very firm stand on Illegal Immigration and Illegal Aliens.
We’ll just use your tax money...so your dumb-ass is paying twice.


Of course you will. Leftists never pay for the death and destruction their policies cause.
They just move onto the next feelings generated policy.
And besides, Houston is a “sanctuary” city...why not send the undocumented folks to Houston. It would save some gas. It would be more economical. It would be humane.
No... the Northern Cities need to feel the pain that their Liberalism helps to inflict upon our Border States.

And shipping Illegal Aliens northwards in their thousands is the
only way that is ever going to happen, so...

In their face... up-close and personal...

Let the bussing and relocations continue...
Not exactly there "knees" but it got them whining a lot. The freaking left wing hypocrites apparently think it's fine for border states to exhaust their social services with non stop border crossings but the Mass. Gov. (of a laughable sanctuary state) panics when confronted with 30 illegals. The mainstream media seems disinterested.
If they are on United States soil without our express prior consent then they SHOULD be deported... quickly... firmly.
I agree. But they shouldn’t be easy targets for criminals because of their status. Just out of curiosity...how do you feel about the Dreamers?
Anything that gets in the way of enforcing the borders and sovereignty and laws of the United States needs to be erased.

You make the case beautifully for those who want a very firm stand on Illegal Immigration and Illegal Aliens.
I do make the case for a humane immigration policy by correcting misconceptions that people have about sanctuary cities.
Of course you will. Leftists never pay for the death and destruction their policies cause.
They just move onto the next feelings generated policy.
That must be frustrating. It would be if it were true. PS: Abbott is using the tax money of the Texicans to ship humans to other cities.
Right wing cruelty at its finest....

It underscores the truth...”The Cruelty is the Point”.

lol .. It underscores the bullshit of democrats who setup their cities as a sanctuary and advocated for "migrants" ... until their bluff was called.

Brilliant plan by the states that Biden does nothing to help prevent. Sharing the love!
No... the Northern Cities need to feel the pain that their Liberalism helps to inflict upon our Border States.

And shipping Illegal Aliens northwards in their thousands is the
only way that is ever going to happen, so...

In their face... up-close and personal...

Let the bussing and relocations continue...
Thanks for confirming that the cruelty is the point. Any reason they’re not being shipped to red state cities like Indianapolis, Nashville, etc??? Or is it just for the sake of politics and making sick fucks feel better about themselves by rationalizing their cruelty?
Thanks for confirming that the cruelty is the point.
No. CRUELTY is not the point. Making Northern Cities (a) share the burden and (b) feel border-state pain... THOSE are the point.

Besides... down south... or on-the-road... or Up North... these Illegal Aliens are faring better than they did on the road to get here.

It is cruel to make taxpayers pay for accommodations for Illegal Aliens and to suffer the increased rate of crime they bring.

Any reason they’re not being shipped to red state cities like Indianapolis, Nashville, etc???
Are those Red States declaring themselves to be Sanctuary Jurisdictions? If "yes", then, by all means, ship some to them too.
Or is it just for the sake of politics and making sick fucks feel better about themselves by rationalizing their cruelty?
It is just for the sake of forcing Northern Liberals to feel the same pain that their southern border colleagues do.

Once the idiot Liberals in the North have had enough they'll join the sane part of the country in refuting those policies.

When it comes to cruelty we owe ourselves everything.. we owe Illegal Aliens nothing... nothing whatsoever... phukk 'em.
Thanks for confirming that the cruelty is the point. Any reason they’re not being shipped to red state cities like Indianapolis, Nashville, etc??? Or is it just for the sake of politics and making sick fucks feel better about themselves by rationalizing their cruelty?

Because they’re not sanctuary cities dumb ass.
Thanks for confirming that the cruelty is the point. Any reason they’re not being shipped to red state cities like Indianapolis, Nashville, etc??? Or is it just for the sake of politics and making sick fucks feel better about themselves by rationalizing their cruelty?
The cruelty is the federal government standing down to enforce illegal immigration. Instead, they've removed Title 42 restrictions and loosely define what an asylum seeker is .. On top of that, democrats are funding the room and board for illegals in excess of millions each month ($20M just for NYC alone).
The cruelty is the federal government standing down to enforce illegal immigration. Instead, they've removed Title 42 restrictions and loosely define what an asylum seeker is .. On top of that, democrats are funding the room and board for illegals in excess of millions each month ($20M just for NYC alone).
And yet, anyone looking for work in the US has to fill in a federally mandated form called "Public Burden Statement".

Go figure.
And yet, anyone looking for work in the US has to fill in a federally mandated form called "Public Burden Statement".

Go figure.

I remember when anyone who wanted to immigrate to the USA had to have a sponsor who would pledge not to allow the new immigrant become a public burden.

Now, states like New York want to assume the support of these new people

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