TX governor Greg Abbott's migrant busing program has brought "sanctuary" cities to their knees

BTW, in NYC there are plenty of office towers that are vacant, as well as vacant hotel rooms. Room for plenty more. And plenty of room for tents in Central Park.
And many Londoners lived in the subways during the crisis of 1940, no reason why Illegals can't stay there now

Just remember PP, when Biden took over and barricaded himself in with a fence around Washington with the national guard afraid he might be deposed, it was good enough for him to send his national guard to go sleep on the cold concrete floor of a parking garage in JANUARY.
I remember when people in flyover country (aka "red states") stood with Mayor Rudy Giuliani in the days and weeks after 9/11. Shit, now I bet many of these same people would probably cheer another terrorist attack like that.
Why do you think they want to let the terrorists in Gitmo out?
Right wing cruelty at its finest....

It underscores the truth...”The Cruelty is the Point”.

What's "cruel" about encouraging people to go to sanctuaries where they will be glorified, and where it is supposedly so much better than in Texas or Florida?
They don't understand what "sanctuary" means?

Fill 'em up! Every hotel, apartment building, school, government facility, and private home. ALL of them.


confucius too little too late.jpg
Throwing people on a bus and sending them a thousand miles away for a publicity stunt is cruel and sick. Hopefully the DOJ will look into this and take appropriate action.

Where should they be sent?

Oh wait... you want Texas to hear the brunt

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