Your tax dollars at work. Yet another Dumbocrat for sale....

In June 2010, Bayh was among a small group of Democrats who helped kill a tax increase on private equity gains, known as carried interest, that was opposed by Apollo Global Management. That fall he stayed overnight three times at one Apollo executive’s Central Park South residence in Manhattan, and met twice with the company’s chief executive, Leon Black.

Weeks after Bayh left the Senate, Apollo announced he had been hired as a senior adviser.

In May 2010, Bayh lunched with a Marathon Oil board member. Then in June, he and a minority of Democrats joined with Republicans to defeat an amendment by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., that would have eliminated billions in tax deductions and exemptions for oil and gas companies.

Evan Bayh spent his final year in the Senate trying to find a job in the private sector
It's probably sitting in the "Clinton Foundation" and/or the Clinton's offshore bank account. If only we had someone with integrity running the executive branch to launch a proper and transparent investigation. If nothing else, this clearly illustrates how woefully unqualified Hitlery is to be in charge of anything - much less to be President of the United States:

State Department Misplaced $6B Under Hillary Clinton

The State Department misplaced and lost some $6 billion due to the improper filing of contracts during the past six years, mainly during the tenure of former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, according to a newly released Inspector General report.

The $6 billion in unaccounted funds poses a "significant financial risk and demonstrates a lack of internal control over the Department's contract actions," according to the report.

State Department Misplaced $6B Under Hillary Clinton
An incredible read when you read the entire article...

STU: Because that’s one of the interesting things that’s come out of the Podesta emails coming out, is that Hillary behind closed doors seems to be much better than she is in public. In that, she is saying things that are pro-free trade. She is saying things that are pro-fracking. She’s saying these things. And my instinct is, she’s saying them because she thinks the audience at that private speech thinks that, so she’s playing to that. Is it just a —

GLENN: Which one is she? Is she the private one that is pro-business, pro-fracking if you pay, or is she the radical that wants to shut everything down because she believes in global warming?

DINESH: Well, she’s neither. She gains on both fronts. So, for example, let’s take a Hillary meeting with Goldman Sachs. Here’s what Hillary says to Goldman Sachs. She says, “Listen, out there, I’ve got to denounce you guys. Right? So I’m doing it because I have something to gain, which is political. I have to make you look bad because you’re the enemy that’s going to help rally people to my side. I’ve got to fool those people into thinking that I’m conspiring with them against you.” Right? And then she tells the Goldman Sachs, “But in reality, I’m conspiring with you against them. In other words, I’ve got all kinds of deals with you, if you’re willing to give me money to the Clinton Foundation and to my causes. I can do business with you.” So she’s benefiting at both ends, and that’s the common denominator. And she’s letting the Goldman Sachs people know, because they’re sophisticated enough, that I have to do this.

GLENN: So the only thing she cares about is money?

DINESH: And power. And power. And power is the way the Clintons get money.

Dinesh D’Souza: Progressives Shift the Blame, Present Themselves as the Remedy
So to recap: Hitlery Clinton viciously attacks the credibility of any woman who was the victim of a horrific sexual assault if it affects her drive for power and money, she laughs about the brutal rape of little girls, and she pays women less than men in her own organization. So much of the false narrative that she supports "equality for women"...

WikiLeaks emails: Clinton Foundation paid male employees more than females in 2011
You have to love progressive "logic". Rather than restoring trust by simply telling the truth and conducting one's self with the upmost integrity, progressive are suggesting we indoctrinate school children to simply believe whatever the mainstream media tells them. Can you say "North Korea"?!?

Yahoo News Columnist Wants Schools to Indoctrinate Kids to Trust Mainstream Media
My kids never watched or listened to mainstream media,, and their propaganda mind numbing hysteria.........My 14 year did a little during the campaign season but I set him right on the distortion of the truth and revealed facts of the logic...He, unlike you knows the true meaning of what a progressive is, and a liberal versus conservative....
No surprise here.

A major tenet of the leftwing agenda is to infect the educational institutions and brainwash next generations.
Today's Typical Progressive comes to us from Alabama! Seems the greasy-haired, un-groomed, double-chinned progressive thinks that loss of life and entire towns burning to the ground is something to be celebrated.

Thankfully, rational people in society (i.e. conservatives) and his employer didn't agree. Best of luck ever trying to land a job again Mr. Coleman Bonner. Every single recruiter who sees your resume pass their desk is going to Google you and see what a horrible individual you are.

Liberal loses job after ripping Gatlinburg victims
Today's Typical Progressive comes to us from the U.S. Senate! It's none other than "Native American" Elizabeth Warren - who spends her life telling almost as many lies as Hitlery Clinton and Harry Reid. She decided it would be a good idea to attack an innocent man. One who happened to be one of her donors. :lol:

Elizabeth Warren Condemns the Wrong Man
Typical liberal. A coke-head, STD-infested, AIDS spreading bi-sexual wants to pass judgement on another and wish death on them.

Charlie Sheen under fire for ‘disgusting’ and ‘disrespectful’ tweet about Trump
So you're trying to say everyone who doesn't like Trump is Charlie Sheen? That's just pathetic.
Dude - where did I say that? I don't even like Trump. I'm saying exactly what I said - that Charlie Sheen is the quintessential modern day progressive. Do you have a serious reading comprehension issue or something?
Anthony Weiner embodies liberalism in every capacity. He was an obnoxious and loud-mouthed politician who craved power and control over others. And in his personal life, he is like a dog in heat - humping anything that moves, incapable of decency, and unable to control his impulses.

Texts reveal Anthony Weiner knew his marriage was ‘busted’ | New York Post
I find OPs like this funny. How is this a typical liberal? If we look back at the federal political sex scandals in the last 16 years we see 17 Republicans were involved and 6 Democrats were involved.
List of federal political sex scandals in the United States - Wikipedia
Does the OP know the definition of the word hypocrite?

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