Weiner is scum, but since he hasn't been in politics for a while, and will never be there again, what is your point?
The point was clear - he and Huma both embody everything about liberalism. He's a miserable dirt-bag and she won't leave him because of her quest for power and wealth (just like her idol Hitlery).

Well, no. As long as his unacceptable behavior was unknown, he was a well known member of the Democratic party, but he left in disgrace immediately when his behavior was known. There are standards required, and he doesn't meet those standards. He is no more representative of all Democrats than Nixon or Tom Delay are representative of all Republican presidents.
Richard Nixon will always be a representative of the Republican Party. It's just a fact. He was President of the United States as a Republican. You can't run from the past just because it's uncomfortable. It is what it is. Anthony Weiner is a life-long Democrat and progressive. Huma Abedin refused to leave him because of her quest for power and wealth (just like Hitlery refused to leave Bill Clinton, just like Jacqueline refused to leave John F. Kennedy). Progressives have a long and ugly history of this behavior. You can't run from it (any more than a Republican can run from Richard Nixon). Own it. Be a man and own it. And if you're truly that ashamed (and frankly - I think anyone on the left should be), then leave that disgusting party. You don't have to become a conservative. Real conservatives left the Republican Party and created the Libertarian Party, the Constitution Party, and the Tea Party. If you're one of those rare men of character on the left, then you guys should be forming a party that you don't have to be ashamed of. Create the Progressive Party or the something else which has left believes but actually insists on character and integrity. Don't just try to whitewash history.
Yeah everyone who's ever forgiven and stayed with a spouse is just trying to make a mad power grab

Cute false narrative. There is a big difference between forgetting ONE infidelity of a person without wealth and power and tolerating serial infidelity from people with tremendous wealth and power. Epic fail on that post chief. Would you like to try again? Then next time you grasp at straws - might I suggest something that at least has a tad bit of logic and reason in it.

By the way chief - another glaring flaw in your current false narrative - why is Huma leaving him now? Why isn't she "forgiving"? Oh yeah...because not only is Weiner's political career permanently over now, but he also just lost his job on television and will never get another gig like that again. No company is going to hire him moving forward. Funny coincidence how Huma just happens to be leaving him while her gal pal is the Democrat Party nominee for president (where she will undoubtedly be appointed Chief of Staff should Hitlery win) and at the exact moment that Weiner no longer has any future for power or earnings.
Well the Libertarian party never wins a damn thing, so it's a waste of time....Just like the GOP and the DNC....The way it is rigged, it will always be that way...........
Liberal "logic" at its finest here. I'd rather lose with character than sell my soul to win.

Not only that - but just because they didn't win yesterday doesn't mean they won't win tomorrow. There is no denying that as the left continues to become more unhinged (they elected a self-admitted marxist to the White House two years in a row and just had a man running openly as a socialist finish second for the party's nominee) more and more people are turning towards the libertarian ideology. It's bigger than it has ever been.
They will never win since the deck of cards is stacked against them, to include the popular vote and the EC...It'll never work...Until laws are changed and I don't see a constituency large or strong enough to do it....But you keep on supporting the loser class of voters.....maybe when you are dead and gone it may happen, but I doubt it very seriously...
And your stupid assumption that I will vote for Hillary is most laughable,, to a person that is a fake Christian that wants people to be put in a box so you can shit on them...
Weiner is scum, but since he hasn't been in politics for a while, and will never be there again, what is your point?
The point was clear - he and Huma both embody everything about liberalism. He's a miserable dirt-bag and she won't leave him because of her quest for power and wealth (just like her idol Hitlery).

Well, no. As long as his unacceptable behavior was unknown, he was a well known member of the Democratic party, but he left in disgrace immediately when his behavior was known. There are standards required, and he doesn't meet those standards. He is no more representative of all Democrats than Nixon or Tom Delay are representative of all Republican presidents.
Richard Nixon will always be a representative of the Republican Party. It's just a fact. He was President of the United States as a Republican. You can't run from the past just because it's uncomfortable. It is what it is. Anthony Weiner is a life-long Democrat and progressive. Huma Abedin refused to leave him because of her quest for power and wealth (just like Hitlery refused to leave Bill Clinton, just like Jacqueline refused to leave John F. Kennedy). Progressives have a long and ugly history of this behavior. You can't run from it (any more than a Republican can run from Richard Nixon). Own it. Be a man and own it. And if you're truly that ashamed (and frankly - I think anyone on the left should be), then leave that disgusting party. You don't have to become a conservative. Real conservatives left the Republican Party and created the Libertarian Party, the Constitution Party, and the Tea Party. If you're one of those rare men of character on the left, then you guys should be forming a party that you don't have to be ashamed of. Create the Progressive Party or the something else which has left believes but actually insists on character and integrity. Don't just try to whitewash history.
Yeah everyone who's ever forgiven and stayed with a spouse is just trying to make a mad power grab

Cute false narrative. There is a big difference between forgetting ONE infidelity of a person without wealth and power and tolerating serial infidelity from people with tremendous wealth and power. Epic fail on that post chief. Would you like to try again? Then next time you grasp at straws - might I suggest something that at least has a tad bit of logic and reason in it.

By the way chief - another glaring flaw in your current false narrative - why is Huma leaving him now? Why isn't she "forgiving"? Oh yeah...because not only is Weiner's political career permanently over now, but he also just lost his job on television and will never get another gig like that again. No company is going to hire him moving forward. Funny coincidence how Huma just happens to be leaving him while her gal pal is the Democrat Party nominee for president (where she will undoubtedly be appointed Chief of Staff should Hitlery win) and at the exact moment that Weiner no longer has any future for power or earnings.
Lol you nut. She gave him a second chance and he blew it in epic, unforgiveable fashion. This is not hard.
The point was clear - he and Huma both embody everything about liberalism. He's a miserable dirt-bag and she won't leave him because of her quest for power and wealth (just like her idol Hitlery).

Well, no. As long as his unacceptable behavior was unknown, he was a well known member of the Democratic party, but he left in disgrace immediately when his behavior was known. There are standards required, and he doesn't meet those standards. He is no more representative of all Democrats than Nixon or Tom Delay are representative of all Republican presidents.
Richard Nixon will always be a representative of the Republican Party. It's just a fact. He was President of the United States as a Republican. You can't run from the past just because it's uncomfortable. It is what it is. Anthony Weiner is a life-long Democrat and progressive. Huma Abedin refused to leave him because of her quest for power and wealth (just like Hitlery refused to leave Bill Clinton, just like Jacqueline refused to leave John F. Kennedy). Progressives have a long and ugly history of this behavior. You can't run from it (any more than a Republican can run from Richard Nixon). Own it. Be a man and own it. And if you're truly that ashamed (and frankly - I think anyone on the left should be), then leave that disgusting party. You don't have to become a conservative. Real conservatives left the Republican Party and created the Libertarian Party, the Constitution Party, and the Tea Party. If you're one of those rare men of character on the left, then you guys should be forming a party that you don't have to be ashamed of. Create the Progressive Party or the something else which has left believes but actually insists on character and integrity. Don't just try to whitewash history.
Yeah everyone who's ever forgiven and stayed with a spouse is just trying to make a mad power grab

Cute false narrative. There is a big difference between forgetting ONE infidelity of a person without wealth and power and tolerating serial infidelity from people with tremendous wealth and power. Epic fail on that post chief. Would you like to try again? Then next time you grasp at straws - might I suggest something that at least has a tad bit of logic and reason in it.

By the way chief - another glaring flaw in your current false narrative - why is Huma leaving him now? Why isn't she "forgiving"? Oh yeah...because not only is Weiner's political career permanently over now, but he also just lost his job on television and will never get another gig like that again. No company is going to hire him moving forward. Funny coincidence how Huma just happens to be leaving him while her gal pal is the Democrat Party nominee for president (where she will undoubtedly be appointed Chief of Staff should Hitlery win) and at the exact moment that Weiner no longer has any future for power or earnings.
Lol you nut. She gave him a second chance and he blew it in epic, unforgiveable fashion. This is not hard.
So now he thinks he's a marriage counselor....Ha!
The point was clear - he and Huma both embody everything about liberalism. He's a miserable dirt-bag and she won't leave him because of her quest for power and wealth (just like her idol Hitlery).

Well, no. As long as his unacceptable behavior was unknown, he was a well known member of the Democratic party, but he left in disgrace immediately when his behavior was known. There are standards required, and he doesn't meet those standards. He is no more representative of all Democrats than Nixon or Tom Delay are representative of all Republican presidents.
Richard Nixon will always be a representative of the Republican Party. It's just a fact. He was President of the United States as a Republican. You can't run from the past just because it's uncomfortable. It is what it is. Anthony Weiner is a life-long Democrat and progressive. Huma Abedin refused to leave him because of her quest for power and wealth (just like Hitlery refused to leave Bill Clinton, just like Jacqueline refused to leave John F. Kennedy). Progressives have a long and ugly history of this behavior. You can't run from it (any more than a Republican can run from Richard Nixon). Own it. Be a man and own it. And if you're truly that ashamed (and frankly - I think anyone on the left should be), then leave that disgusting party. You don't have to become a conservative. Real conservatives left the Republican Party and created the Libertarian Party, the Constitution Party, and the Tea Party. If you're one of those rare men of character on the left, then you guys should be forming a party that you don't have to be ashamed of. Create the Progressive Party or the something else which has left believes but actually insists on character and integrity. Don't just try to whitewash history.
Yeah everyone who's ever forgiven and stayed with a spouse is just trying to make a mad power grab

Cute false narrative. There is a big difference between forgetting ONE infidelity of a person without wealth and power and tolerating serial infidelity from people with tremendous wealth and power. Epic fail on that post chief. Would you like to try again? Then next time you grasp at straws - might I suggest something that at least has a tad bit of logic and reason in it.

By the way chief - another glaring flaw in your current false narrative - why is Huma leaving him now? Why isn't she "forgiving"? Oh yeah...because not only is Weiner's political career permanently over now, but he also just lost his job on television and will never get another gig like that again. No company is going to hire him moving forward. Funny coincidence how Huma just happens to be leaving him while her gal pal is the Democrat Party nominee for president (where she will undoubtedly be appointed Chief of Staff should Hitlery win) and at the exact moment that Weiner no longer has any future for power or earnings.
Lol you nut. She gave him a second chance and he blew it in epic, unforgiveable fashion. This is not hard.
Um....she had given him more than three chances already - before this one. And those were just the public one's. God knows how many more we don't even know ab out. This thread is perfect to describe you as well. Typical liberal. Uninformed about the subject matter at hand.
Anthony Weiner embodies liberalism in every capacity. He was an obnoxious and loud-mouthed politician who craved power and control over others. And in his personal life, he is like a dog in heat - humping anything that moves, incapable of decency, and unable to control his impulses.

Texts reveal Anthony Weiner knew his marriage was ‘busted’ | New York Post
If he were a republican you guys would have nominated him to become President!
Really? Name the last Republican president involved in sex scandals.

(Hint: you'll have to go back more than 40 years cupcake - and maybe even further than that).

No you don't. You only have to go back to George W. Bush.

Two Centuries of Presidential Sex Scandals

And you missed the point...ya'll nominated serial adulterer, Trump.
From your own link sweetie...

"They were successfully dismissed as crank complaints"

It's pretty sad that you have to resort to lying. Bush had no sex scandals. Zero. Neither did his father. Neither did Ronald Reagan. That leaves Gerald Ford who I simply didn't know enough about to comment on - but I've never heard of him being involved in a sex scandal. It's possible you'd have to go back before even Richard Nixon to find a Republican sex scandal in the White House.

They were successful in dismissing them, not in debunking them. Shifting the goal posts? This was your statement:
"Name the last Republican president involved in sex scandals."

Which I did. Bush WAS involved in a sex scandal.
Anthony Weiner embodies liberalism in every capacity. He was an obnoxious and loud-mouthed politician who craved power and control over others. And in his personal life, he is like a dog in heat - humping anything that moves, incapable of decency, and unable to control his impulses.

Texts reveal Anthony Weiner knew his marriage was ‘busted’ | New York Post
If he were a republican you guys would have nominated him to become President!
Really? Name the last Republican president involved in sex scandals.

(Hint: you'll have to go back more than 40 years cupcake - and maybe even further than that).

No you don't. You only have to go back to George W. Bush.

Two Centuries of Presidential Sex Scandals

And you missed the point...ya'll nominated serial adulterer, Trump.
From your own link sweetie...

"They were successfully dismissed as crank complaints"

It's pretty sad that you have to resort to lying. Bush had no sex scandals. Zero. Neither did his father. Neither did Ronald Reagan. That leaves Gerald Ford who I simply didn't know enough about to comment on - but I've never heard of him being involved in a sex scandal. It's possible you'd have to go back before even Richard Nixon to find a Republican sex scandal in the White House.

They were successful in dismissing them, not in debunking them. Shifting the goal posts? This was your statement:
"Name the last Republican president involved in sex scandals."

Which I did. Bush WAS involved in a sex scandal.

In other words, you have nothing.
Again....exactly! Donald Trump is a life-long liberal.

As liberal as he is, he's not a foaming at the mouth moonbat. If he ran as a democrook hitlery would probably have died of a stroke and Ted Cruz would be the GOP nominee.

Anthony Weiner embodies liberalism in every capacity. He was an obnoxious and loud-mouthed politician who craved power and control over others. And in his personal life, he is like a dog in heat - humping anything that moves, incapable of decency, and unable to control his impulses.

Texts reveal Anthony Weiner knew his marriage was ‘busted’ | New York Post
If he were a republican you guys would have nominated him to become President!
Really? Name the last Republican president involved in sex scandals.

(Hint: you'll have to go back more than 40 years cupcake - and maybe even further than that).

No you don't. You only have to go back to George W. Bush.

Two Centuries of Presidential Sex Scandals

And you missed the point...ya'll nominated serial adulterer, Trump.
First of all - Trump is not a conservative. How many times do you liberals need it explained to you that Trump is one of your own? This is a man who has donated massive sums of money to Harry Reid, Hitlery Clinton herself, and more. He's a life-long Democrat and very proud of it.

In addition, he is not president yet....is he? Or do you realize that Hitlery Clinton is bat-shit crazy, a pathological liar, and unfit mentally, emotionally, and physically to be president so you have already conceded to Trump? :dunno:
Anthony Weiner embodies liberalism in every capacity. He was an obnoxious and loud-mouthed politician who craved power and control over others. And in his personal life, he is like a dog in heat - humping anything that moves, incapable of decency, and unable to control his impulses.

Texts reveal Anthony Weiner knew his marriage was ‘busted’ | New York Post
If he were a republican you guys would have nominated him to become President!
Really? Name the last Republican president involved in sex scandals.

(Hint: you'll have to go back more than 40 years cupcake - and maybe even further than that).

No you don't. You only have to go back to George W. Bush.

Two Centuries of Presidential Sex Scandals

And you missed the point...ya'll nominated serial adulterer, Trump.
First of all - Trump is not a conservative. How many times do you liberals need it explained to you that Trump is one of your own? This is a man who has donated massive sums of money to Harry Reid, Hitlery Clinton herself, and more. He's a life-long Democrat and very proud of it.

In addition, he is not president yet....is he? Or do you realize that Hitlery Clinton is bat-shit crazy, a pathological liar, and unfit mentally, emotionally, and physically to be president so you have already conceded to Trump? :dunno:

So the GOP elected a Democrat to be the Republican nominee? That's funny.
Weiner is scum, but since he hasn't been in politics for a while, and will never be there again, what is your point?
When he was, his actions were defended. Same with Bill Clinton.

Sure Weiner was defended right up until his actions were no longer defendable. Too bad the right didn't do the same when they found members with a WIDE stance in public bathrooms.
Anthony Weiner embodies liberalism in every capacity. He was an obnoxious and loud-mouthed politician who craved power and control over others. And in his personal life, he is like a dog in heat - humping anything that moves, incapable of decency, and unable to control his impulses.

Texts reveal Anthony Weiner knew his marriage was ‘busted’ | New York Post
If he were a republican you guys would have nominated him to become President!
Really? Name the last Republican president involved in sex scandals.

(Hint: you'll have to go back more than 40 years cupcake - and maybe even further than that).

No you don't. You only have to go back to George W. Bush.

Two Centuries of Presidential Sex Scandals

And you missed the point...ya'll nominated serial adulterer, Trump.
First of all - Trump is not a conservative. How many times do you liberals need it explained to you that Trump is one of your own? This is a man who has donated massive sums of money to Harry Reid, Hitlery Clinton herself, and more. He's a life-long Democrat and very proud of it.

In addition, he is not president yet....is he? Or do you realize that Hitlery Clinton is bat-shit crazy, a pathological liar, and unfit mentally, emotionally, and physically to be president so you have already conceded to Trump? :dunno:

So the GOP elected a Democrat to be the Republican nominee? That's funny.
Yep. Part of that is because liberals (who lack all integrity) vote in Republican primaries and attempt to sabotage them. The funny part is that this one might come back to bite them in the ass in a monster way. The guy they thought would be the easiest to defeat is kicking everyone's ass and could end up being the president :lmao:
Weiner is scum, but since he hasn't been in politics for a while, and will never be there again, what is your point?
The point was clear - he and Huma both embody everything about liberalism. He's a miserable dirt-bag and she won't leave him because of her quest for power and wealth (just like her idol Hitlery).

Well, no. As long as his unacceptable behavior was unknown, he was a well known member of the Democratic party, but he left in disgrace immediately when his behavior was known. There are standards required, and he doesn't meet those standards. He is no more representative of all Democrats than Nixon or Tom Delay are representative of all Republican presidents.
Richard Nixon will always be a representative of the Republican Party. It's just a fact. He was President of the United States as a Republican. You can't run from the past just because it's uncomfortable. It is what it is. Anthony Weiner is a life-long Democrat and progressive. Huma Abedin refused to leave him because of her quest for power and wealth (just like Hitlery refused to leave Bill Clinton, just like Jacqueline refused to leave John F. Kennedy). Progressives have a long and ugly history of this behavior. You can't run from it (any more than a Republican can run from Richard Nixon). Own it. Be a man and own it. And if you're truly that ashamed (and frankly - I think anyone on the left should be), then leave that disgusting party. You don't have to become a conservative. Real conservatives left the Republican Party and created the Libertarian Party, the Constitution Party, and the Tea Party. If you're one of those rare men of character on the left, then you guys should be forming a party that you don't have to be ashamed of. Create the Progressive Party or the something else which has left-wing beliefs but actually insists on character and integrity. Don't just try to whitewash history.

I have every reason to be proud of the Democratic party. It's a shame you can't feel the same way about the GOP.
I have every reason to be proud of the Democratic party. It's a shame you can't feel the same way about the GOP.
That's because you're a liberal. You have no shame. The fact that your party produces serial adulterers like JFK, Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, etc. and you feel you have "every reason to be proud of them" speaks volumes. You lack character, integrity, etc. But we already knew that because if you had those things - you wouldn't be a liberal to begin with.
I have every reason to be proud of the Democratic party. It's a shame you can't feel the same way about the GOP.
That's because you're a liberal. You have no shame. The fact that your party produces serial adulterers like JFK, Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, etc. and you feel you have "every reason to be proud of them" speaks volumes. You lack character, integrity, etc. But we already knew that because if you had those things - you wouldn't be a liberal to begin with.
Hey you're the one who said that if someone is smart, and they commit adultery, then it's okay.
If he were a republican you guys would have nominated him to become President!
Really? Name the last Republican president involved in sex scandals.

(Hint: you'll have to go back more than 40 years cupcake - and maybe even further than that).

No you don't. You only have to go back to George W. Bush.

Two Centuries of Presidential Sex Scandals

And you missed the point...ya'll nominated serial adulterer, Trump.
First of all - Trump is not a conservative. How many times do you liberals need it explained to you that Trump is one of your own? This is a man who has donated massive sums of money to Harry Reid, Hitlery Clinton herself, and more. He's a life-long Democrat and very proud of it.

In addition, he is not president yet....is he? Or do you realize that Hitlery Clinton is bat-shit crazy, a pathological liar, and unfit mentally, emotionally, and physically to be president so you have already conceded to Trump? :dunno:

So the GOP elected a Democrat to be the Republican nominee? That's funny.
Yep. Part of that is because liberals (who lack all integrity) vote in Republican primaries and attempt to sabotage them. The funny part is that this one might come back to bite them in the ass in a monster way. The guy they thought would be the easiest to defeat is kicking everyone's ass and could end up being the president :lmao:
You can't do that in Mizzouri, you have to claim party affiliation to vote.........
If he were a republican you guys would have nominated him to become President!
Really? Name the last Republican president involved in sex scandals.

(Hint: you'll have to go back more than 40 years cupcake - and maybe even further than that).

No you don't. You only have to go back to George W. Bush.

Two Centuries of Presidential Sex Scandals

And you missed the point...ya'll nominated serial adulterer, Trump.
First of all - Trump is not a conservative. How many times do you liberals need it explained to you that Trump is one of your own? This is a man who has donated massive sums of money to Harry Reid, Hitlery Clinton herself, and more. He's a life-long Democrat and very proud of it.

In addition, he is not president yet....is he? Or do you realize that Hitlery Clinton is bat-shit crazy, a pathological liar, and unfit mentally, emotionally, and physically to be president so you have already conceded to Trump? :dunno:

So the GOP elected a Democrat to be the Republican nominee? That's funny.
Yep. Part of that is because liberals (who lack all integrity) vote in Republican primaries and attempt to sabotage them. The funny part is that this one might come back to bite them in the ass in a monster way. The guy they thought would be the easiest to defeat is kicking everyone's ass and could end up being the president :lmao:

We both know better than that.
I have every reason to be proud of the Democratic party. It's a shame you can't feel the same way about the GOP.
That's because you're a liberal. You have no shame. The fact that your party produces serial adulterers like JFK, Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, etc. and you feel you have "every reason to be proud of them" speaks volumes. You lack character, integrity, etc. But we already knew that because if you had those things - you wouldn't be a liberal to begin with.

Yep. You're still nuts.
If he were a republican you guys would have nominated him to become President!
Really? Name the last Republican president involved in sex scandals.

(Hint: you'll have to go back more than 40 years cupcake - and maybe even further than that).

No you don't. You only have to go back to George W. Bush.

Two Centuries of Presidential Sex Scandals

And you missed the point...ya'll nominated serial adulterer, Trump.
First of all - Trump is not a conservative. How many times do you liberals need it explained to you that Trump is one of your own? This is a man who has donated massive sums of money to Harry Reid, Hitlery Clinton herself, and more. He's a life-long Democrat and very proud of it.

In addition, he is not president yet....is he? Or do you realize that Hitlery Clinton is bat-shit crazy, a pathological liar, and unfit mentally, emotionally, and physically to be president so you have already conceded to Trump? :dunno:

So the GOP elected a Democrat to be the Republican nominee? That's funny.
Yep. Part of that is because liberals (who lack all integrity) vote in Republican primaries and attempt to sabotage them. The funny part is that this one might come back to bite them in the ass in a monster way. The guy they thought would be the easiest to defeat is kicking everyone's ass and could end up being the president :lmao:

Nope. The right demanded crazy, and they got crazy.
Weiner is scum, but since he hasn't been in politics for a while, and will never be there again, what is your point?
When he was, his actions were defended. Same with Bill Clinton.

Sure Weiner was defended right up until his actions were no longer defendable. Too bad the right didn't do the same when they found members with a WIDE stance in public bathrooms.

Sad thing is you defended the same types actions previously you just used to no longer defend him. Why is it suddenly indefensible now but defendable a few years ago?

Typical Liberal.

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