Typical Neo-Democrat Attacks 15 Year Old Trump Supporter Outside High School

If the lunatic dems don't call off their dogs someone is going to get killed and that would be tragic....all because of liberal extremism going unchecked...
Sadly, we'll never see the end of the DemonRat's TDS. :cuckoo:

They are worse than the Corona Virus.
I have been p;lacing anyone afflicted with TDS...on ignore.

There is no reasoning possible with them..........they are way off in fantasy land. The only way to deal with them....put them on ignore.
Abusing children for showing support of a political candidate. These are crazy people who should not be allowed around children and who should be locked away from society. Absurd and disgusting POS is all these people are, and the ones who defend their disgusting abuse of children. :talktothehand:
Sadly, we'll never see the end of the DemonRat's TDS. :cuckoo:

They are worse than the Corona Virus.
Been infecting our nation since bombing campaign of 1920's.

I agree. It's time for them to walk into the sunset......and disappear from the map FOREVER!!!! :04:
The communist have been trying to overthrow the greatest Christian, free market, capitalist, nation on earth since before the Bolshevik even ruthlessl seized power in Russia. When I see these Antifa's all I see is so called "liberal Democrats." They are nothing more that subversives trying to overthrow our gouand our Constitution. That includes Bernie, Butthead, Pukeahontas, and now Comissar Klobachur.
New Hampshire man arrested after allegedly assaulting pro-Trump teen at polling site
I would like to catch this miserable bastard one-on-one. Great patriot of a young man assaulted by a a worthless Democratic/Socialist/Communist (one leads to the other and the other) maniac. Needs an ass whipping and then...well....
If you spew hate ya gotta expect it to come back on you sooner or later.
Truth...not hate. You pansy assed bastards are soooo use to the liberal media protecting you ... You cannot take criticism.
Look at this leftist loser.


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