Typical Neo-Democrat Attacks 15 Year Old Trump Supporter Outside High School

In his mind he was doing Civil Disobedience.

If you're confusing ATTACKING people with civil disobedience, you need to go back and read some Thoreaux or some MLK speeches.. And unlike you, the LAW actually is aware of the difference...

Trying to defend the indefensible is something your insurance company just won't cover when you have to have your knots untied at an Emergency room... :badgrin:
He should've slapped Trump Jr.
Nope, he should've saved that slap for YOU, Augie, for always being such a dumbass on these threads.
If being a dumbass earned you a slap, Trump would never be able to go anywhere.
Yeah....a dumbass who has:
Reduced over-regulation, spurred business development and in return, dramatically reduced unemployment, especially among women and minorities.. One just needs to look at the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, which the Administration doesn't control. Even your leftist Washington Post admits it's become phenomenal.
By getting stricter on the southern border, reduced the number of sex-traffickers, drug-cartel and gang members, murderers, thieves, rapists, possible terrorists and people fleeing arrest in their native countries, insisting that if people want in, they need to go through proper border check points to be "vetted" (screened to weed out those I've mentioned).
Reduced taxes thus improving the take home pay for your average worker, which the Bureau of Labor and Statistics also backs up.
Gotten the NATO nations to pay their fair share towards the NATO military forces.
Gotten rid of NAFTA and replaced it with the USMCA, which even Democratic politicians admitted is a better deal.
Improved trade relations with China (you know, the Communist nation you really worship), thus getting more of our products sold there.
Democrats and Republicans alike have continually said for years, that the US Embassy in Tel-Aviv, should be moved to Jerusalem. He finally moved it.
When several Islamic nations in turmoil couldn't provide verifiable information on those coming from those areas, he put a travel ban on them. Interestingly enough, they were the same countries that Obama said there should be a travel ban on. But, because it was Trump that did it, y'all hated it.
He has created opportunity zones in the inner-cities, for minorities to be helped.
So, if that's stupid, I'm happy with it.
What intelligent things are the leftist Socialist party (face it, it's no longer the Democratic party) saying they will do?
No borders.
Free flow of people.
A Green New Deal.
Medicare for all including everyone that comes here.
Free college/university tuition.
Pay off student loans.
Disarm the law-abiding citizens, for their own good.
Dismantle the US Constitution by getting rid of Free Speech, the Second Amendment and Due Process.
What will all of it cost? It's estimated to be about 322 Trillion dolllars. If you took every dime from every working soul, including all the rich, you still couldn't cover all that, and also, pay down the National Debt, which the left is ignoring.
But, their main idea we hear every day is....Hate Trump!....Hate Trump!....Hate Trump!....Hate Trump!
The stupidity is clearly in the left's court, not on the right.
Abusing children for showing support of a political candidate. These are crazy people who should not be allowed around children and who should be locked away from society. Absurd and disgusting POS is all these people are, and the ones who defend their disgusting abuse of children. :talktothehand:

This is the same crowd Chris who lose their shit when someone criticises Greta Thunberg the Brainwashed Moonbat, typical Leftist hypocrisy.
Look at this leftist loser.


WTF is this? Looks like a caveman, the Leftist Regressives are now so regressive some of them are returning to the Paleolithic Age.


If the lunatic dems don't call off their dogs someone is going to get killed and that would be tragic....all because of liberal extremism going unchecked...

I think, with the encouragement of actual child abuse, this has gone beyond political extremism and into the realm of insanity.

All Leftists should be rounded up and airdropped into the jungles of The Congo and be forced to drink their own urine and eat red ants.
No First Amendment in Bernie's Amerikkka

There a lot of ways to curtail the first amendment. But one of the most effective ways is for a President to call it all "Fake News" and his "Black Shirts" (meaning you) to repeat it over and over. In case you aren't aware, Fascist Enforcers wore Black Uniforms and were called Black Shirts (Mussolini).
Calling it Fake News is pro First Amendment, taking away someone's ability to express themselves is pure Fascism

When it's done by the President of the United States using all his power of his office to do it then it's censorship which is against the 1st Amendment.

If I, an average middle class citizen, can opine that a particular article, story or news outlet is fake news, how does Trump's being president an enabling factor when he opines the same thing?

How to I gently put this. Okay, it can't be gently put.

The Power of the Presidents Podium is priceless. Using it, he can make many others follow his lead. It's been that way from the first time FDR started his Fireside Chats, Kennedy used the TV and now Rump uses Foxnews and Tweets. This is an avenue that the Congress nor the US Federal Courts don't have.

When you are talking abut the "Average" Citizen. The Average Citizen is actually very ill informed to begin with. Rump knows this and uses it to his best advantage just like every other President has before him. Except, Rump isn't like every other President before him. He's a Carnie Huckster making you want to go into a certain big tent with the Fat Lady, Jackass and the Disappearing Midget married to the Fat Lady (use your own imagination on that act). Rump is using the Bully Pulpit like no other President before him has. And I hope no other does again. The particular story, or article has already been programmed in to the average citizen to come up with a predicted reaction using this method. And it's not your opinion first and then Trump agrees with you, it's the other way around. You honestly believe that the Fat Lady can make the Midget disappear like that without some form of trickery? If she can, please don't tell me how, I am headed for Breakfast after this.
You are wrong about Trump voters. they may have been one of the most informed electorate bodies in history. Or at least in the modern era. They were forced to. You did it. You keep talking about Trump's personality. We voted for his planks for our nation.
In his mind he was doing Civil Disobedience.

If you're confusing ATTACKING people with civil disobedience, you need to go back and read some Thoreaux or some MLK speeches.. And unlike you, the LAW actually is aware of the difference...

Trying to defend the indefensible is something your insurance company just won't cover when you have to have your knots untied at an Emergency room... :badgrin:

Every person has their own idea what civil disobedience is. The problem with you "The Party of the Rump" is that you believe only your group has all the right answers. Even the Conservative Judges are having trouble with that.
No First Amendment in Bernie's Amerikkka

There a lot of ways to curtail the first amendment. But one of the most effective ways is for a President to call it all "Fake News" and his "Black Shirts" (meaning you) to repeat it over and over. In case you aren't aware, Fascist Enforcers wore Black Uniforms and were called Black Shirts (Mussolini).
Calling it Fake News is pro First Amendment, taking away someone's ability to express themselves is pure Fascism

When it's done by the President of the United States using all his power of his office to do it then it's censorship which is against the 1st Amendment.

If I, an average middle class citizen, can opine that a particular article, story or news outlet is fake news, how does Trump's being president an enabling factor when he opines the same thing?

How to I gently put this. Okay, it can't be gently put.

The Power of the Presidents Podium is priceless. Using it, he can make many others follow his lead. It's been that way from the first time FDR started his Fireside Chats, Kennedy used the TV and now Rump uses Foxnews and Tweets. This is an avenue that the Congress nor the US Federal Courts don't have.

When you are talking abut the "Average" Citizen. The Average Citizen is actually very ill informed to begin with. Rump knows this and uses it to his best advantage just like every other President has before him. Except, Rump isn't like every other President before him. He's a Carnie Huckster making you want to go into a certain big tent with the Fat Lady, Jackass and the Disappearing Midget married to the Fat Lady (use your own imagination on that act). Rump is using the Bully Pulpit like no other President before him has. And I hope no other does again. The particular story, or article has already been programmed in to the average citizen to come up with a predicted reaction using this method. And it's not your opinion first and then Trump agrees with you, it's the other way around. You honestly believe that the Fat Lady can make the Midget disappear like that without some form of trickery? If she can, please don't tell me how, I am headed for Breakfast after this.

You're such a frothing Fascist. Trump SAID things, that's First Amendment!

He SAID things.
There a lot of ways to curtail the first amendment. But one of the most effective ways is for a President to call it all "Fake News" and his "Black Shirts" (meaning you) to repeat it over and over. In case you aren't aware, Fascist Enforcers wore Black Uniforms and were called Black Shirts (Mussolini).
Calling it Fake News is pro First Amendment, taking away someone's ability to express themselves is pure Fascism

When it's done by the President of the United States using all his power of his office to do it then it's censorship which is against the 1st Amendment.

If I, an average middle class citizen, can opine that a particular article, story or news outlet is fake news, how does Trump's being president an enabling factor when he opines the same thing?

How to I gently put this. Okay, it can't be gently put.

The Power of the Presidents Podium is priceless. Using it, he can make many others follow his lead. It's been that way from the first time FDR started his Fireside Chats, Kennedy used the TV and now Rump uses Foxnews and Tweets. This is an avenue that the Congress nor the US Federal Courts don't have.

When you are talking abut the "Average" Citizen. The Average Citizen is actually very ill informed to begin with. Rump knows this and uses it to his best advantage just like every other President has before him. Except, Rump isn't like every other President before him. He's a Carnie Huckster making you want to go into a certain big tent with the Fat Lady, Jackass and the Disappearing Midget married to the Fat Lady (use your own imagination on that act). Rump is using the Bully Pulpit like no other President before him has. And I hope no other does again. The particular story, or article has already been programmed in to the average citizen to come up with a predicted reaction using this method. And it's not your opinion first and then Trump agrees with you, it's the other way around. You honestly believe that the Fat Lady can make the Midget disappear like that without some form of trickery? If she can, please don't tell me how, I am headed for Breakfast after this.
You are wrong about Trump voters. they may have been one of the most informed electorate bodies in history. Or at least in the modern era. They were forced to. You did it. You keep talking about Trump's personality. We voted for his planks for our nation.

Once again, you confirm just how poorly and incorrectly "The Party of the Rump" really is. Keep it up. Your arrogance is noted.
There a lot of ways to curtail the first amendment. But one of the most effective ways is for a President to call it all "Fake News" and his "Black Shirts" (meaning you) to repeat it over and over. In case you aren't aware, Fascist Enforcers wore Black Uniforms and were called Black Shirts (Mussolini).
Calling it Fake News is pro First Amendment, taking away someone's ability to express themselves is pure Fascism

When it's done by the President of the United States using all his power of his office to do it then it's censorship which is against the 1st Amendment.

If I, an average middle class citizen, can opine that a particular article, story or news outlet is fake news, how does Trump's being president an enabling factor when he opines the same thing?

How to I gently put this. Okay, it can't be gently put.

The Power of the Presidents Podium is priceless. Using it, he can make many others follow his lead. It's been that way from the first time FDR started his Fireside Chats, Kennedy used the TV and now Rump uses Foxnews and Tweets. This is an avenue that the Congress nor the US Federal Courts don't have.

When you are talking abut the "Average" Citizen. The Average Citizen is actually very ill informed to begin with. Rump knows this and uses it to his best advantage just like every other President has before him. Except, Rump isn't like every other President before him. He's a Carnie Huckster making you want to go into a certain big tent with the Fat Lady, Jackass and the Disappearing Midget married to the Fat Lady (use your own imagination on that act). Rump is using the Bully Pulpit like no other President before him has. And I hope no other does again. The particular story, or article has already been programmed in to the average citizen to come up with a predicted reaction using this method. And it's not your opinion first and then Trump agrees with you, it's the other way around. You honestly believe that the Fat Lady can make the Midget disappear like that without some form of trickery? If she can, please don't tell me how, I am headed for Breakfast after this.

You're such a frothing Fascist. Trump SAID things, that's First Amendment!

He SAID things.

You still don't get it. Yes, he said things. And said things, and said things. But if you report everything he said it's called False News. And when a President says something from a Bully Pulpit that it's false news then he's using his position to harm the 1st amendment.
Calling it Fake News is pro First Amendment, taking away someone's ability to express themselves is pure Fascism

When it's done by the President of the United States using all his power of his office to do it then it's censorship which is against the 1st Amendment.

If I, an average middle class citizen, can opine that a particular article, story or news outlet is fake news, how does Trump's being president an enabling factor when he opines the same thing?

How to I gently put this. Okay, it can't be gently put.

The Power of the Presidents Podium is priceless. Using it, he can make many others follow his lead. It's been that way from the first time FDR started his Fireside Chats, Kennedy used the TV and now Rump uses Foxnews and Tweets. This is an avenue that the Congress nor the US Federal Courts don't have.

When you are talking abut the "Average" Citizen. The Average Citizen is actually very ill informed to begin with. Rump knows this and uses it to his best advantage just like every other President has before him. Except, Rump isn't like every other President before him. He's a Carnie Huckster making you want to go into a certain big tent with the Fat Lady, Jackass and the Disappearing Midget married to the Fat Lady (use your own imagination on that act). Rump is using the Bully Pulpit like no other President before him has. And I hope no other does again. The particular story, or article has already been programmed in to the average citizen to come up with a predicted reaction using this method. And it's not your opinion first and then Trump agrees with you, it's the other way around. You honestly believe that the Fat Lady can make the Midget disappear like that without some form of trickery? If she can, please don't tell me how, I am headed for Breakfast after this.

You're such a frothing Fascist. Trump SAID things, that's First Amendment!

He SAID things.

You still don't get it. Yes, he said things. And said things, and said things. But if you report everything he said it's called False News. And when a President says something from a Bully Pulpit that it's false news then he's using his position to harm the 1st amendment.

Here's the thing guy, CNN has been on a Jihad against Trump since he was elected. So much so that they just make up "news" and report their opinions as facts, hence Fake News.

Trump has called them to account as he is entitled to under the First Amendment.
When it's done by the President of the United States using all his power of his office to do it then it's censorship which is against the 1st Amendment.

If I, an average middle class citizen, can opine that a particular article, story or news outlet is fake news, how does Trump's being president an enabling factor when he opines the same thing?

How to I gently put this. Okay, it can't be gently put.

The Power of the Presidents Podium is priceless. Using it, he can make many others follow his lead. It's been that way from the first time FDR started his Fireside Chats, Kennedy used the TV and now Rump uses Foxnews and Tweets. This is an avenue that the Congress nor the US Federal Courts don't have.

When you are talking abut the "Average" Citizen. The Average Citizen is actually very ill informed to begin with. Rump knows this and uses it to his best advantage just like every other President has before him. Except, Rump isn't like every other President before him. He's a Carnie Huckster making you want to go into a certain big tent with the Fat Lady, Jackass and the Disappearing Midget married to the Fat Lady (use your own imagination on that act). Rump is using the Bully Pulpit like no other President before him has. And I hope no other does again. The particular story, or article has already been programmed in to the average citizen to come up with a predicted reaction using this method. And it's not your opinion first and then Trump agrees with you, it's the other way around. You honestly believe that the Fat Lady can make the Midget disappear like that without some form of trickery? If she can, please don't tell me how, I am headed for Breakfast after this.

You're such a frothing Fascist. Trump SAID things, that's First Amendment!

He SAID things.

You still don't get it. Yes, he said things. And said things, and said things. But if you report everything he said it's called False News. And when a President says something from a Bully Pulpit that it's false news then he's using his position to harm the 1st amendment.

Here's the thing guy, CNN has been on a Jihad against Trump since he was elected. So much so that they just make up "news" and report their opinions as facts, hence Fake News.

Trump has called them to account as he is entitled to under the First Amendment.

You have it wrong. CNN hasn't made up news without offering retractions when they are wrong. It's MSNbcnews and Foxnews that makes shit up and rarely retracts it. You really need to step away from Hannity, Rush, other hate mongers and stop buying the Rump Speeches. Just like those that are glued to MSNbcnews need to take a long walk or at least change the channel.

Foxnews was created for an audience that didn't have any real representation, the right wingers. It was so successful that it just got bigger and the truth wasn't really high on their list. Advertising and the ratings were the driving factor. A few years later, MSNBcnews did the same thing for the left wingers. And that was why both were created. Foxnews just does it better.

Foxnews rating were falling off fast until "The Party of the Rump" came along and they became the voice of the "Party of the Rump". It's sad to see when Foxnews comes up with a zany conspiracy and Rump picks it up with fact and uses his office to cram it down our throats. That still works with you "The Party of Rumpers" but it's worn very thin with others that thought he was truthful. His Truth is no longer in question. He can't tell the truth. Why tell the Truth when a Lie works even better.

You just don't like it when a network actually reports the news. Rather than clean up your "The Party of the Rump", you work in tandem to harm the entire network news system. And Rump is using his bully pulpit to carry that out. It harms the 1st Amendment. In effect, Mussolini did the same thing except by force in 1930 where only the state sponsored news outlets could be heard. Putin has done the same in Russia by a lot of methods. If Rump has his way, only OAN will be left as an international news agency heard in the US. two outlets he can't touch is BBC and PBS News and who brings that to us; PBS and PBS is directly in his crosshairs. He's tried to defund PBS and cut their funding down but good citizens have risen to the occasion and made sure it is funded. There is a lot more than just news involved with PBS. And now that parts of Foxnews is starting to call him on his many "Here Hold My Beer" moments, they have been added to the Fake News list. Now the Party of the Rump wants to purchase and run OAN which is more known for conspiracy than anything else. That's the bad news. The Good News is that OAN will run less conspiracy and more outright lies. So I guess that's an improvement.

A President has a unique power and that is the ability to sway the American Public in a certain direction more than any Hollywood Star ever will be able to. And, like FDR prior to the entry into WWII, he doesn't have to be right. Like I said, I once thought that FDRs fireside Chats were the pinnacle of this behavior. I was wrong. Rump is the pinnacle and will NEVER be matched again. He's turned Washington into a TV Real Housewives.

And what verification do I have that he's still being successful? You.
If I, an average middle class citizen, can opine that a particular article, story or news outlet is fake news, how does Trump's being president an enabling factor when he opines the same thing?

How to I gently put this. Okay, it can't be gently put.

The Power of the Presidents Podium is priceless. Using it, he can make many others follow his lead. It's been that way from the first time FDR started his Fireside Chats, Kennedy used the TV and now Rump uses Foxnews and Tweets. This is an avenue that the Congress nor the US Federal Courts don't have.

When you are talking abut the "Average" Citizen. The Average Citizen is actually very ill informed to begin with. Rump knows this and uses it to his best advantage just like every other President has before him. Except, Rump isn't like every other President before him. He's a Carnie Huckster making you want to go into a certain big tent with the Fat Lady, Jackass and the Disappearing Midget married to the Fat Lady (use your own imagination on that act). Rump is using the Bully Pulpit like no other President before him has. And I hope no other does again. The particular story, or article has already been programmed in to the average citizen to come up with a predicted reaction using this method. And it's not your opinion first and then Trump agrees with you, it's the other way around. You honestly believe that the Fat Lady can make the Midget disappear like that without some form of trickery? If she can, please don't tell me how, I am headed for Breakfast after this.

You're such a frothing Fascist. Trump SAID things, that's First Amendment!

He SAID things.

You still don't get it. Yes, he said things. And said things, and said things. But if you report everything he said it's called False News. And when a President says something from a Bully Pulpit that it's false news then he's using his position to harm the 1st amendment.

Here's the thing guy, CNN has been on a Jihad against Trump since he was elected. So much so that they just make up "news" and report their opinions as facts, hence Fake News.

Trump has called them to account as he is entitled to under the First Amendment.

You have it wrong. CNN hasn't made up news without offering retractions when they are wrong. It's MSNbcnews and Foxnews that makes shit up and rarely retracts it. You really need to step away from Hannity, Rush, other hate mongers and stop buying the Rump Speeches. Just like those that are glued to MSNbcnews need to take a long walk or at least change the channel.

Foxnews was created for an audience that didn't have any real representation, the right wingers. It was so successful that it just got bigger and the truth wasn't really high on their list. Advertising and the ratings were the driving factor. A few years later, MSNBcnews did the same thing for the left wingers. And that was why both were created. Foxnews just does it better.

Foxnews rating were falling off fast until "The Party of the Rump" came along and they became the voice of the "Party of the Rump". It's sad to see when Foxnews comes up with a zany conspiracy and Rump picks it up with fact and uses his office to cram it down our throats. That still works with you "The Party of Rumpers" but it's worn very thin with others that thought he was truthful. His Truth is no longer in question. He can't tell the truth. Why tell the Truth when a Lie works even better.

You just don't like it when a network actually reports the news. Rather than clean up your "The Party of the Rump", you work in tandem to harm the entire network news system. And Rump is using his bully pulpit to carry that out. It harms the 1st Amendment. In effect, Mussolini did the same thing except by force in 1930 where only the state sponsored news outlets could be heard. Putin has done the same in Russia by a lot of methods. If Rump has his way, only OAN will be left as an international news agency heard in the US. two outlets he can't touch is BBC and PBS News and who brings that to us; PBS and PBS is directly in his crosshairs. He's tried to defund PBS and cut their funding down but good citizens have risen to the occasion and made sure it is funded. There is a lot more than just news involved with PBS. And now that parts of Foxnews is starting to call him on his many "Here Hold My Beer" moments, they have been added to the Fake News list. Now the Party of the Rump wants to purchase and run OAN which is more known for conspiracy than anything else. That's the bad news. The Good News is that OAN will run less conspiracy and more outright lies. So I guess that's an improvement.

A President has a unique power and that is the ability to sway the American Public in a certain direction more than any Hollywood Star ever will be able to. And, like FDR prior to the entry into WWII, he doesn't have to be right. Like I said, I once thought that FDRs fireside Chats were the pinnacle of this behavior. I was wrong. Rump is the pinnacle and will NEVER be matched again. He's turned Washington into a TV Real Housewives.

And what verification do I have that he's still being successful? You.

Sticks and stones, etc, but Fascist democrats will take you off the air and eliminate your 1st and 2nd Amendment rights
Abusing children for showing support of a political candidate. These are crazy people who should not be allowed around children and who should be locked away from society. Absurd and disgusting POS is all these people are, and the ones who defend their disgusting abuse of children. :talktothehand:

Oh he is the very picture of a social justice warrior living in his mama's basement.

This guy is the poster child for the "new" Democratic Party.
If I, an average middle class citizen, can opine that a particular article, story or news outlet is fake news, how does Trump's being president an enabling factor when he opines the same thing?

How to I gently put this. Okay, it can't be gently put.

The Power of the Presidents Podium is priceless. Using it, he can make many others follow his lead. It's been that way from the first time FDR started his Fireside Chats, Kennedy used the TV and now Rump uses Foxnews and Tweets. This is an avenue that the Congress nor the US Federal Courts don't have.

When you are talking abut the "Average" Citizen. The Average Citizen is actually very ill informed to begin with. Rump knows this and uses it to his best advantage just like every other President has before him. Except, Rump isn't like every other President before him. He's a Carnie Huckster making you want to go into a certain big tent with the Fat Lady, Jackass and the Disappearing Midget married to the Fat Lady (use your own imagination on that act). Rump is using the Bully Pulpit like no other President before him has. And I hope no other does again. The particular story, or article has already been programmed in to the average citizen to come up with a predicted reaction using this method. And it's not your opinion first and then Trump agrees with you, it's the other way around. You honestly believe that the Fat Lady can make the Midget disappear like that without some form of trickery? If she can, please don't tell me how, I am headed for Breakfast after this.

You're such a frothing Fascist. Trump SAID things, that's First Amendment!

He SAID things.

You still don't get it. Yes, he said things. And said things, and said things. But if you report everything he said it's called False News. And when a President says something from a Bully Pulpit that it's false news then he's using his position to harm the 1st amendment.

Here's the thing guy, CNN has been on a Jihad against Trump since he was elected. So much so that they just make up "news" and report their opinions as facts, hence Fake News.

Trump has called them to account as he is entitled to under the First Amendment.

You have it wrong. CNN hasn't made up news without offering retractions when they are wrong. It's MSNbcnews and Foxnews that makes shit up and rarely retracts it. You really need to step away from Hannity, Rush, other hate mongers and stop buying the Rump Speeches. Just like those that are glued to MSNbcnews need to take a long walk or at least change the channel.

Foxnews was created for an audience that didn't have any real representation, the right wingers. It was so successful that it just got bigger and the truth wasn't really high on their list. Advertising and the ratings were the driving factor. A few years later, MSNBcnews did the same thing for the left wingers. And that was why both were created. Foxnews just does it better.

Foxnews rating were falling off fast until "The Party of the Rump" came along and they became the voice of the "Party of the Rump". It's sad to see when Foxnews comes up with a zany conspiracy and Rump picks it up with fact and uses his office to cram it down our throats. That still works with you "The Party of Rumpers" but it's worn very thin with others that thought he was truthful. His Truth is no longer in question. He can't tell the truth. Why tell the Truth when a Lie works even better.

You just don't like it when a network actually reports the news. Rather than clean up your "The Party of the Rump", you work in tandem to harm the entire network news system. And Rump is using his bully pulpit to carry that out. It harms the 1st Amendment. In effect, Mussolini did the same thing except by force in 1930 where only the state sponsored news outlets could be heard. Putin has done the same in Russia by a lot of methods. If Rump has his way, only OAN will be left as an international news agency heard in the US. two outlets he can't touch is BBC and PBS News and who brings that to us; PBS and PBS is directly in his crosshairs. He's tried to defund PBS and cut their funding down but good citizens have risen to the occasion and made sure it is funded. There is a lot more than just news involved with PBS. And now that parts of Foxnews is starting to call him on his many "Here Hold My Beer" moments, they have been added to the Fake News list. Now the Party of the Rump wants to purchase and run OAN which is more known for conspiracy than anything else. That's the bad news. The Good News is that OAN will run less conspiracy and more outright lies. So I guess that's an improvement.

A President has a unique power and that is the ability to sway the American Public in a certain direction more than any Hollywood Star ever will be able to. And, like FDR prior to the entry into WWII, he doesn't have to be right. Like I said, I once thought that FDRs fireside Chats were the pinnacle of this behavior. I was wrong. Rump is the pinnacle and will NEVER be matched again. He's turned Washington into a TV Real Housewives.

And what verification do I have that he's still being successful? You.
The propagandist at CNN would have to broadcast retractions 24/7 for 5 straight years to make up for all the bullshit they have spewed for their Democratic Party masters.
If I, an average middle class citizen, can opine that a particular article, story or news outlet is fake news, how does Trump's being president an enabling factor when he opines the same thing?

How to I gently put this. Okay, it can't be gently put.

The Power of the Presidents Podium is priceless. Using it, he can make many others follow his lead. It's been that way from the first time FDR started his Fireside Chats, Kennedy used the TV and now Rump uses Foxnews and Tweets. This is an avenue that the Congress nor the US Federal Courts don't have.

When you are talking abut the "Average" Citizen. The Average Citizen is actually very ill informed to begin with. Rump knows this and uses it to his best advantage just like every other President has before him. Except, Rump isn't like every other President before him. He's a Carnie Huckster making you want to go into a certain big tent with the Fat Lady, Jackass and the Disappearing Midget married to the Fat Lady (use your own imagination on that act). Rump is using the Bully Pulpit like no other President before him has. And I hope no other does again. The particular story, or article has already been programmed in to the average citizen to come up with a predicted reaction using this method. And it's not your opinion first and then Trump agrees with you, it's the other way around. You honestly believe that the Fat Lady can make the Midget disappear like that without some form of trickery? If she can, please don't tell me how, I am headed for Breakfast after this.

You're such a frothing Fascist. Trump SAID things, that's First Amendment!

He SAID things.

You still don't get it. Yes, he said things. And said things, and said things. But if you report everything he said it's called False News. And when a President says something from a Bully Pulpit that it's false news then he's using his position to harm the 1st amendment.

Here's the thing guy, CNN has been on a Jihad against Trump since he was elected. So much so that they just make up "news" and report their opinions as facts, hence Fake News.

Trump has called them to account as he is entitled to under the First Amendment.

You have it wrong. CNN hasn't made up news without offering retractions when they are wrong. It's MSNbcnews and Foxnews that makes shit up and rarely retracts it. You really need to step away from Hannity, Rush, other hate mongers and stop buying the Rump Speeches. Just like those that are glued to MSNbcnews need to take a long walk or at least change the channel.

Foxnews was created for an audience that didn't have any real representation, the right wingers. It was so successful that it just got bigger and the truth wasn't really high on their list. Advertising and the ratings were the driving factor. A few years later, MSNBcnews did the same thing for the left wingers. And that was why both were created. Foxnews just does it better.

Foxnews rating were falling off fast until "The Party of the Rump" came along and they became the voice of the "Party of the Rump". It's sad to see when Foxnews comes up with a zany conspiracy and Rump picks it up with fact and uses his office to cram it down our throats. That still works with you "The Party of Rumpers" but it's worn very thin with others that thought he was truthful. His Truth is no longer in question. He can't tell the truth. Why tell the Truth when a Lie works even better.

You just don't like it when a network actually reports the news. Rather than clean up your "The Party of the Rump", you work in tandem to harm the entire network news system. And Rump is using his bully pulpit to carry that out. It harms the 1st Amendment. In effect, Mussolini did the same thing except by force in 1930 where only the state sponsored news outlets could be heard. Putin has done the same in Russia by a lot of methods. If Rump has his way, only OAN will be left as an international news agency heard in the US. two outlets he can't touch is BBC and PBS News and who brings that to us; PBS and PBS is directly in his crosshairs. He's tried to defund PBS and cut their funding down but good citizens have risen to the occasion and made sure it is funded. There is a lot more than just news involved with PBS. And now that parts of Foxnews is starting to call him on his many "Here Hold My Beer" moments, they have been added to the Fake News list. Now the Party of the Rump wants to purchase and run OAN which is more known for conspiracy than anything else. That's the bad news. The Good News is that OAN will run less conspiracy and more outright lies. So I guess that's an improvement.

A President has a unique power and that is the ability to sway the American Public in a certain direction more than any Hollywood Star ever will be able to. And, like FDR prior to the entry into WWII, he doesn't have to be right. Like I said, I once thought that FDRs fireside Chats were the pinnacle of this behavior. I was wrong. Rump is the pinnacle and will NEVER be matched again. He's turned Washington into a TV Real Housewives.

And what verification do I have that he's still being successful? You.

A President talking is not a threat, a Born in Kenya President threatening reporters is a problem
How to I gently put this. Okay, it can't be gently put.

The Power of the Presidents Podium is priceless. Using it, he can make many others follow his lead. It's been that way from the first time FDR started his Fireside Chats, Kennedy used the TV and now Rump uses Foxnews and Tweets. This is an avenue that the Congress nor the US Federal Courts don't have.

When you are talking abut the "Average" Citizen. The Average Citizen is actually very ill informed to begin with. Rump knows this and uses it to his best advantage just like every other President has before him. Except, Rump isn't like every other President before him. He's a Carnie Huckster making you want to go into a certain big tent with the Fat Lady, Jackass and the Disappearing Midget married to the Fat Lady (use your own imagination on that act). Rump is using the Bully Pulpit like no other President before him has. And I hope no other does again. The particular story, or article has already been programmed in to the average citizen to come up with a predicted reaction using this method. And it's not your opinion first and then Trump agrees with you, it's the other way around. You honestly believe that the Fat Lady can make the Midget disappear like that without some form of trickery? If she can, please don't tell me how, I am headed for Breakfast after this.

You're such a frothing Fascist. Trump SAID things, that's First Amendment!

He SAID things.

You still don't get it. Yes, he said things. And said things, and said things. But if you report everything he said it's called False News. And when a President says something from a Bully Pulpit that it's false news then he's using his position to harm the 1st amendment.

Here's the thing guy, CNN has been on a Jihad against Trump since he was elected. So much so that they just make up "news" and report their opinions as facts, hence Fake News.

Trump has called them to account as he is entitled to under the First Amendment.

You have it wrong. CNN hasn't made up news without offering retractions when they are wrong. It's MSNbcnews and Foxnews that makes shit up and rarely retracts it. You really need to step away from Hannity, Rush, other hate mongers and stop buying the Rump Speeches. Just like those that are glued to MSNbcnews need to take a long walk or at least change the channel.

Foxnews was created for an audience that didn't have any real representation, the right wingers. It was so successful that it just got bigger and the truth wasn't really high on their list. Advertising and the ratings were the driving factor. A few years later, MSNBcnews did the same thing for the left wingers. And that was why both were created. Foxnews just does it better.

Foxnews rating were falling off fast until "The Party of the Rump" came along and they became the voice of the "Party of the Rump". It's sad to see when Foxnews comes up with a zany conspiracy and Rump picks it up with fact and uses his office to cram it down our throats. That still works with you "The Party of Rumpers" but it's worn very thin with others that thought he was truthful. His Truth is no longer in question. He can't tell the truth. Why tell the Truth when a Lie works even better.

You just don't like it when a network actually reports the news. Rather than clean up your "The Party of the Rump", you work in tandem to harm the entire network news system. And Rump is using his bully pulpit to carry that out. It harms the 1st Amendment. In effect, Mussolini did the same thing except by force in 1930 where only the state sponsored news outlets could be heard. Putin has done the same in Russia by a lot of methods. If Rump has his way, only OAN will be left as an international news agency heard in the US. two outlets he can't touch is BBC and PBS News and who brings that to us; PBS and PBS is directly in his crosshairs. He's tried to defund PBS and cut their funding down but good citizens have risen to the occasion and made sure it is funded. There is a lot more than just news involved with PBS. And now that parts of Foxnews is starting to call him on his many "Here Hold My Beer" moments, they have been added to the Fake News list. Now the Party of the Rump wants to purchase and run OAN which is more known for conspiracy than anything else. That's the bad news. The Good News is that OAN will run less conspiracy and more outright lies. So I guess that's an improvement.

A President has a unique power and that is the ability to sway the American Public in a certain direction more than any Hollywood Star ever will be able to. And, like FDR prior to the entry into WWII, he doesn't have to be right. Like I said, I once thought that FDRs fireside Chats were the pinnacle of this behavior. I was wrong. Rump is the pinnacle and will NEVER be matched again. He's turned Washington into a TV Real Housewives.

And what verification do I have that he's still being successful? You.

A President talking is not a threat, a Born in Kenya President threatening reporters is a problem
Spying on members of Congress too. Very KGB.
How to I gently put this. Okay, it can't be gently put.

The Power of the Presidents Podium is priceless. Using it, he can make many others follow his lead. It's been that way from the first time FDR started his Fireside Chats, Kennedy used the TV and now Rump uses Foxnews and Tweets. This is an avenue that the Congress nor the US Federal Courts don't have.

When you are talking abut the "Average" Citizen. The Average Citizen is actually very ill informed to begin with. Rump knows this and uses it to his best advantage just like every other President has before him. Except, Rump isn't like every other President before him. He's a Carnie Huckster making you want to go into a certain big tent with the Fat Lady, Jackass and the Disappearing Midget married to the Fat Lady (use your own imagination on that act). Rump is using the Bully Pulpit like no other President before him has. And I hope no other does again. The particular story, or article has already been programmed in to the average citizen to come up with a predicted reaction using this method. And it's not your opinion first and then Trump agrees with you, it's the other way around. You honestly believe that the Fat Lady can make the Midget disappear like that without some form of trickery? If she can, please don't tell me how, I am headed for Breakfast after this.

You're such a frothing Fascist. Trump SAID things, that's First Amendment!

He SAID things.

You still don't get it. Yes, he said things. And said things, and said things. But if you report everything he said it's called False News. And when a President says something from a Bully Pulpit that it's false news then he's using his position to harm the 1st amendment.

Here's the thing guy, CNN has been on a Jihad against Trump since he was elected. So much so that they just make up "news" and report their opinions as facts, hence Fake News.

Trump has called them to account as he is entitled to under the First Amendment.

You have it wrong. CNN hasn't made up news without offering retractions when they are wrong. It's MSNbcnews and Foxnews that makes shit up and rarely retracts it. You really need to step away from Hannity, Rush, other hate mongers and stop buying the Rump Speeches. Just like those that are glued to MSNbcnews need to take a long walk or at least change the channel.

Foxnews was created for an audience that didn't have any real representation, the right wingers. It was so successful that it just got bigger and the truth wasn't really high on their list. Advertising and the ratings were the driving factor. A few years later, MSNBcnews did the same thing for the left wingers. And that was why both were created. Foxnews just does it better.

Foxnews rating were falling off fast until "The Party of the Rump" came along and they became the voice of the "Party of the Rump". It's sad to see when Foxnews comes up with a zany conspiracy and Rump picks it up with fact and uses his office to cram it down our throats. That still works with you "The Party of Rumpers" but it's worn very thin with others that thought he was truthful. His Truth is no longer in question. He can't tell the truth. Why tell the Truth when a Lie works even better.

You just don't like it when a network actually reports the news. Rather than clean up your "The Party of the Rump", you work in tandem to harm the entire network news system. And Rump is using his bully pulpit to carry that out. It harms the 1st Amendment. In effect, Mussolini did the same thing except by force in 1930 where only the state sponsored news outlets could be heard. Putin has done the same in Russia by a lot of methods. If Rump has his way, only OAN will be left as an international news agency heard in the US. two outlets he can't touch is BBC and PBS News and who brings that to us; PBS and PBS is directly in his crosshairs. He's tried to defund PBS and cut their funding down but good citizens have risen to the occasion and made sure it is funded. There is a lot more than just news involved with PBS. And now that parts of Foxnews is starting to call him on his many "Here Hold My Beer" moments, they have been added to the Fake News list. Now the Party of the Rump wants to purchase and run OAN which is more known for conspiracy than anything else. That's the bad news. The Good News is that OAN will run less conspiracy and more outright lies. So I guess that's an improvement.

A President has a unique power and that is the ability to sway the American Public in a certain direction more than any Hollywood Star ever will be able to. And, like FDR prior to the entry into WWII, he doesn't have to be right. Like I said, I once thought that FDRs fireside Chats were the pinnacle of this behavior. I was wrong. Rump is the pinnacle and will NEVER be matched again. He's turned Washington into a TV Real Housewives.

And what verification do I have that he's still being successful? You.
The propagandist at CNN would have to broadcast retractions 24/7 for 5 straight years to make up for all the bullshit they have spewed for their Democratic Party masters.

Are you saying Rump didn't say or do those things? In order to gain a retraction, it must first be false. It's not false just because it makes your Orange Deity look like an idiot. Hell, he doesn't need any help in that department.

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